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Show '"I f Jr' ) I ,Y v ' i Dally Utah; Utporkr. Notice Mr. O. J. Copp I X oar authorised traveling gent (or tbe out of KmU. Office WMun, Camomile m Wkklzer, t eliding, halt Uki Uty, m car authorised ItroU lur Salt Lata CuUnty. jtr. L P. laher, room 20 and 91 Merchant o&l) ouuauge Bonding, Dtn Ihindieo, U our bal-tAny lut'HNtna g ill mi the PwHc coat oa aeeoubtol Mr. UUMiltii with raber Ui HuvkUK will be tunned t tut office. Pt I. o-T- lie t rp ftr .uf' 1 ! - i 1 V . ' Vw-- 'I 1 - jf r I i t Hr BEADLE,- 7 90RIXXK. Hubjcctjto the choice of the Mans Convention of the Gentiles of Utah, to le held in this, Vity" July 4th, v f 1S70. k :!! S 3 W , . iioV FOU.TIIB DIG HORN! Sfiice our lnat Reference to the eub-jeof ex poring the gold fields of the. llig Horn country We have been looking over certain facta, geogrnph-ica- i and otherwise,, and are now satisfic'd that the proposed expedition rt n lo organized under the moat favorable auspices. There Is only one obataclo at present against the movement, namely the rich diggings on Hnuko Itlver a hundred miles from Corinne.J Where men can make from six to forty dollars a dny with pan and rocker It isdifil-cu- lt to, cl i vert them to richer mines; and4he sueeesNtul working of our will Interpose , the strongest barrier, for the present, against outfitting or the north. Tin t gold abounds in superabund-a- nt -quantities in and around the Big Horn both tn Wyoming and Mou tana there is absolute certainty. r Hot that the precious metal may be fouud In good prospect merely, but that every creek and gulch is brilliant with auriferous wealth. Ithas long been believed that the Indians hCmoTdedge of. certain gold dwi poults near the south, line taqfynud Uiat a distinguished missionary of the Cat hollo Church also ftharcs the secret, but Is ueder obll-- 1 gallon to the tribes, with whom he ift&IUMffnot tor divulge Its location to the whlto man, The HI Dorado Is in the heart of those happy hunting grounds" in the fertile yal leysoutof which tho tributaries of tlie Big Horn Biver wash down the pebbly.nuggeUof richer placers than ' have yet been touched by the min crs pick. To reach that gold region th people of Cheyen no have started their party by way of South Pass City, Camp Brown and the Wind Itlver Valley, a long routo end one of. great hardship and privation. ct t. 1 I i 2 t 1. , - 4 M r of-Mo- , if j ' i ' t, i V - i t M li I: L' n The country through which they have to travel after leaving Sweet Water, will present the continuous opposition' of hostile Indians, niuf though the expedition may cut its way up, the chances are dangerously against it. On the other, hand, had the courageous baud taken this city In its march at first, it would now lc delving In rich bars at the base of tli o fum oils mountains. Besides, going out from Corin nu there Is uo obstruction 4j the red man until the expedition, fresh from a short march, drops down' Into the looked for mlihndltrtct. J The party now outfitting here, though it may not start avnjr until the rnlddlo of July, can then enter the Big Horn valleys long before the others could, even without "Indlafi opposition arrive ther.' The supplies taken from hero need n6k be cumbersome, for tho way Jrolear for replenishing at anyjUme; aud with ibis city as the ofjoulflt for those only natural-hosis , great gold fields above us, there our success of Unreason to doubt the expedition. We are not lees than three hundred mllea nearer to the Big Horn ; River and mountains than Cheyenne Is, and with open road mostly tlie U. 8. Mail route It Is 'alwoltttely certain that all the travel .hit there hereafter must be from,CorlhneV let the mines bo qpen to all the people so that while cactT hardy fellow digs out bis share tho general welfare of the country will be .thereby; prompted. . V 1th nakVBlyer at our doors, aud the Horn rtlva few days march to . , , e 13 thaitorthCorinne ldesilned tobe 0., Jone H, 1870, has b ko on Indian The irrepressible again in solemn talks about the Grest Father and the Great Spiiit and the Great Panjandrum of the high aud might) n Namjanger and Nookerer ami other of Rocky Mountain eloquence. high-faloti- Both. the jury and this honora- Red Cload goes westward to day, am! evidently unsatinft'd. It mast be said in his favor that he has been conhUteut from the first He came to Waohiugton to bar. soldiers removed from his couotry 'and white settlers forbidden to go upon it, and upon tnat basis elene .would be treat foi ' peace. He lit certainly the moat trnight forward and sensible in his ulk of au) red man yet reported ; but is abturd to tuko him, as so many do here, as the type of a whole race. Ry Lis vi.it, thonAnd of people in the Eat have bad ait their id.as of the "noble Indian revived and are convinced that he could be civilized st oace if supplied with plows, boes, ste.m mills and biblt-s- RnUClond know better than that; he told the (Secretary in oue speech that bis people would some day have to go to farming, but could not 1 do it at once. As a marked instance, take the Cherokee, who carried on a tmvage THE MUKE K1VEU AND BIG war with the wbits for twenty years before and np to the titnoof the Revolution, IIOllH EXPEDITION. la that war, General Fruncis Marion wou his first laurels. Now, after a hundred of a number gentlemen Yesterday of trial, they are almost civilized; years of this city niet at tho office of that is, they never steal where there Is a Messrs. Howe fc Burgess aud affectprobability of being canght at it. ed a preliminary organization foV Of all the speeches I have beard on the exploring the Snake lUver and Big subject, Senators Stewart sod Morton seemed to me to propound tbo clearest Horn region. views on the question.', Some few west-Judge Toohy was chosen Chairmen are In favor of extermination; D. Iluyck, Secretary. mtl man and the Eastern pbilantropbwts are in favor Judge Spicer set forth the object of it, though they dont know it. Their of theenterpriso and the advantages policy would result ia certain exterminato be gained, In aspeecli replete with tion in less than a century. The only differeuce they are like the .Dutchman valuable information which can but who was is, too merciful to amputate bis result In great good to all this sec- -t dogs tail all at once, so be cut it off a on of country. A grand Ma quarter of an Inch at a time to be easy t n for this evening him ! The Western man would lop off the Meeting was called to take place in front of the head- whole thing at a blow really tffe more merciful of the two. But there is no nequarters on Montana street between cessity for either. Fourth and Fifth, after which the Bxadlz.- - meeting adjourned. Let there be a grand rally. Several able speakers will bo present, among them that prince of western enterprises Col. Luke Murrin. BoucUy, July ASSOCIATED pBESS DISPATCHES BY W. V. TEL. LIKE. LATEST NEWS Gath, Washington correspondent of the Chicago Tribune In a letter to his paper of tho 16th Inst., Billiard Match Indian Depre' M ' says: dations in Kansas icker-ma- ns ' clld Nomination Cabinet Changes Hot Weather in New York Cltj Immense Number of Suu- strokes Mad Dogs etc, President Grant evidently has the power to cast out devllsi and he uses It. But its terrible hard ou the remonstrants. WUATTIIE INSURANCE COMPANIES SAY. A or Extinguisher ReductionUsed Rates Where Chicago, Feb. etc. Carnival of Crime in Louis ville. ilroAd Statlun Burned, Special tetbe Daily Kepobtkii. Sidney, Neb., 20, -- The railroad depot at this station caught fire at 7 o'clock Saturday evening and burned down. The To the Chicago Hoard of Under writers: Gentlemen: Tho undersigned, fire was communicated from n locomotive your com nil tteo chosen to witness standing immediately in Iront of the and direct the teat trial of "Tho Babcock Fire Extinguisher," re- buildiug and was not discovered until too Loss, about port: Tho test of tho Extinguisher late to extinguish it. was severe. A pyramid of tar bar- $5,000. rels, witlrshavings an tu rated with coal oil, was permitted to burn in a WYOMING strong wind, until tho Ilamcs had reached an Intensity and voluino apparently beyond tho control oflessa score of such Extinguishers. In than three minutes' the pyramid stood a charred mass, and tne fire completely extinguished with only d him Lorn conscription, though ing him to be a Union man. ' Ilia nomination was referred by the Sen ite Executive Scwioo to the Judiciary Com f Mut Indian at Fort Laramie Waiting One Thousand Lsdges lor White Cloud, Special to the Daily ReporTes. Cheyenne, 20. Information received three-fourtof tho chargo of one from fort Laramie ys there are now nt Extinguisher. Hluillar results followed the burn- that post one hundred and thirty-threboxes. ing of a pile of dry-goolodges of Sioux and more daily arriving. One noticeable fact your com- It is expected that ono thousand ledges mittee deslro to give prominence to, aa ill be hero by the last of this week. Tho was the Ullficulty experienced in reare impatient to bear from Itcd kindling bothwothe tar barrels and Indiansand tbtak something" is wroug. deem an important Cloud, boxes. This Ex-1 the In feature valuable and They are anxious to trade, and. are very igulsber. and independent, and wifi not alIn view of tho foregoing facta and saucy white men to crosi the llatte to low experiments, . we heartily recom-of theirany camp. mend the general introduction hs e mittee. special s tys there is a well aettlcd belief in adminitraticn quarters, that there will be a partial reorganization of the Cabinet before the end of this sea sion of Congress; and that the Secretary of State, Secretary of the Navy and Secretary of the Iuterior were named os member whose resignations will. likely be presented. uvw, $175,-633.8- 83 to-da- y, 109,767.595. - HkAPqc.aTrn Omaha, omalia, 1ST . ht preference to any other roof. Very respectf ully, Your obt servant, Fruits, Nuts, Confectionery, eart-IU-n- niBE uWORKS Vyvcc. Y,uv,cy Michards, MIritncyIN WHOLESALE DEALERS ' Co. -- Omaha, my3-l- y Cha. Flevwt, Esq.; ' Drar Bin The OuL-alt- I I I 10. loTo. Elastic Joint irr up on my Oonovrt HU Can tage Bepostlory building last ara.ou, proved perfect thus far In every rpm t I a, gladly recommend it to parties desiring a ptrn. a ueut and durable root. 1 , A. J. SIMPSON Omen of i he Gcnl Ppft. i Cincirxatl Jan. 22, 1m19 j -- I have bad conaidera le experience for tic . last ten or eleven years ln the uee of the colt Roofing, end have found it to give got aatUfaction. It ie easily applied, and wtn tb-cere that metalltn roofs ebunid receive,' I am miU lied that li will be very durable. Truly yon re, Oc-- ; V - I. DURAWD, Uttle Miami lapt. Columbus k Xenia U. B. Ce. GenT - T' t 'We beve bed fat nee, on Bridges and Hutlw I House on this lined, for several years, tkrt-1 caita Ela-t-ic Joint Iron Roof. Our expert-- it baa been entirely aa Ufactorv, so wnebto tliat 1 do hot bealtata to recommend it aa aceua. I pi: ah lug all that has been claimed tot it In eo. : V i omy e d durability by tbe patentee. Your troiy, If. C. LORD, ' i ( Preet. Ind. k Cln. R. B. Co. j , yc CmcmRATL April 21. ItO. Tbe Elastic Joint Iron Boo&hgmanufactuM by yon has been for elx or eight years past tpuu nsed for the roofs of Bridge ou tig extetilvety Marietta A CinrluiiOtt Ratlred. It nki i cheap and durable rnof, is convenient y ap; Led. and baa proved generally aabfactory. - Vice PnuinRirr'a iFDtARAI-OLJa- , lf. U ii-t- Juuctku h. It. (A 1 rail, tk AND ANU p.irni.LVR SHOES. rtf-LE- , Y AAd BELI. OF 1IR.XW Jor.iiKu Offtill or ' brand kd : J. II BOWEN, Franklin County, J NUAUUIIIT. Bourtaai ' , lluD R HON, Franklin t.L L.K .sMI Nelson r , XDetwilcr, JONES - 3 C UltTA IN ch J. AXO PICTIRF. FRAUtS C0R'tlflX DEtfiltirtfiN WINDOW MlMMlW SHADES AM) HOl.l.tM ' BtR-KOO- niTUFd It A. Mniiufiicturcr NEB11ASKA. u:y3 ly , J. XCU1X Pint ltr.8 ol J, K 270 Farnham Street, N. E. COUXDU 11TII. AND DOUGLAS STHEEIS, ;OMAIIA, M. & DAVIS, Walnut and Silier shoif AND STORE SHADES, AND pe-;l- Xtb. DEALKTtS IN BEEF CATTLF, ON TUE HOAF, ateer. between four and alx years of age, to arerag 1000 pound, and none to bo received under sou pound), a may be called for t each of mo) d In the (all j1 .The trade of Utah, Idaho am) iloft ' ap licilud CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, Mats, Damasks, Reps, - . Omaha, DEALEIIH IN . , No 144 Farnham street. iny3-l- y Muth Cm:-ty- 11 -- i'cnrl Street. Boston. Massachusetts. aV j WIiIhUIck, Kentucky the for )lo. Agent foUjwlg L. 1PND, Bimrbon 8ptnilr, CIGtK. And - OO OF - innETT IMPORftR And Manufacturer of the MbSOim 1 Anil Nos. 07 and - UIM'.H, WHAXUIEH AMI 235 Metropolitan Block Far nam Street, NO. - VwCaaVwIieppUed!1 M. 31. NMITII, The Irade are invited to call at Dspastmint or tub Purrr, l HAiHinrra Urr.cic Cauer Commihi.au v or uoaurts , 14. Covxrotom, April Gut. alt'e El Aid to Joiut Iron on bridge u tM lor e numb) r of years ud I greet pi-- eeure in esytng tut . i b 4U Have need i - Fresli Beef BOOTS BEEF CATTLE. I . 90, 164. j mi3-l- y ! PropoHulw fox Orrirt. leu., Nov. Km-Oc- , Trimmings. i In reply to your question to my opinion ol tbe merit of "Uutcalfe EleeUc Joint Iroii Ing, I will elate tbet we have had the In uee on this toed elnce 1M0. We have tmn deck bridges and station houses covered wit , all of which a cm to be 4 otng well, aud lane tbe opinion, taking account eelety from Urease of at Juatment and durability, it ie the uo desirable Roofing tor Hi fitotlou liucwi aud cars before tbe p.ib to. Idge. Vcrj t: uly yours, J. M. RIDENOUIt, Ti.e i'rtMdoni Cm. A lad. lag Carriages and Jluggic for title. Second growth Carriage Stock and , JOHN WADDLE, 1 ng inm. ALEXANDER STRONG '& CO., s Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in this slmplo and powerful machine Cleveland, 20. Tboa. Day, while it -- poaala. into building of very kind, believPropoeal abonld be encloeed In oeoeled envelum diminish will toxicatet, Saturday night, slabbed and largely ing its ti tbe nnderalgned, end eudxreed losses by Are, and thus prove a great killed Richard Long, whom he uittook ope, addreaaed for Preen Deef aud Beef Cattle eproionli had he whom with mao a for previously Bidden ere invited to be present at tbe publio utility. - open-t- of the propoesle. It la further the deliberate opin- quarrelled. By order of Bn. MoJ. Oen. Ansar, Windsor, III. Eight business houses ion of your committee that Its generJ. W. BAHBIOKR, last 1 i ClXCTKRATt, April 9, 1M9. TO-DA- Y. a Ntn., April a you put IpM.flng llth the poet named prop during the of the contract. a may be. made for I'rojK-epoet eep a rately, or for two or more poet together, aa bidder may elect. lrpMiD will be received anbject to tho condition pnbllid.ed In theadvertiaeinent from thl oillce, dated May 10, 1870. a crpyof which ran h seen by application to tbe nnderigned, or to tbe Poet Comm la, ary at either of tbe poete nau.sl. Tbe right ie reeerved to reject any or all pro- - , BIIOAF BRoS. 847 Danila. t , Commercial Block, Agents of Dupont Towder I ' X - TOBACCOS, VTVX I l Co., Vvos,.vovv, Csvocevvc,; CIGARS robbery. Three fstl . r E t. -t A. .L SINIPsSON, CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, in Out-M- i No. 520 Thirteenth Street. Omaha, Nebraska. p. o. Lock Uox CO I l'up tr I $0 li: i Omaua, Nrr., April t J CnAs.FxjrrRT.Eoq.: . Dear BtRIt tis with pleasure that we certify merit of your totbe ruaet Elaatlc Joint Irto ltottnR" put ,m onr bub hr.,r (4.xX:r.') last year. We have had mut-lrnce wiUi tin a a ooflr g mamma), and fluexperu a yTir Iron Koollng far euperior to It ia every rr.i tn fact, think it tlie lewt material wehvy, . seen for roofing purpose. We toko pleasure in recommending it to mV ties deal ring a luat.-riathat combtn a all tu rs.cutUl rvnalred in a roof, via; neatue, anrabidly and urc water proof. .o' Um- J '! es Omaha, Krb . June It, 170. ) Prated pOH1 aI, in dnpliouto, will bo rc reived st.lil oitt. until 12 oYl.trk, M., ou Tuesday, ot July, tl.o J2tb for furulMiing NET BEI.F FttOJl TI E BI OtK to tb troop and (. Mirra supplied at the foiluwing pout, for oue year, conimeuutua on the tiuti'iry Itrat . ay of 170. or acch leaa time a the Cjunaiaeary General ol MubaUtence tnay direct, Fort 8edwick, C. T probable garriaou, 8 conuanie; tUaney Station, Nib., pprobxble gar rl ami, 1 coiuf any; near Atlantio City, Wy, Miambaugb, T.,) probable garrison, 2 couipaniea; hnake Indian ltoaervatlou, Gamp Ilrowu. I rotnpatiy. Wy. T.,) prot.able 'I her i notlkti'M poithivd aa to the number of at each ixwl. temp 1 rijoaabi tu.iat alao atate at what prlcai per pound, groaa, wl.l be furuUlied, tot expeditionary rurpoeea, uch number of T GEO. D. HUGOLTs Bvt. Brig. Ueu'l l i 8 10 So&'S? poles. to The nsoal Sunday murder was perp- - -ii t rated by Willirtn Hamilton, A firema , fatally shooting Patrick Fridc, a letter, carrier, in a quarrel about some trifling matter. Murat Hslsted, editor and principal Commercial, proprietor of the Cincinnati is in town, and will sail for Europe Tuesx day next A party of 150 Chinamen reached here from Bonton yesterday. It is reported o- they failed to get employment in that city. facilitira for manafaclariDg are nocIi that wc can compete with any manuOar Late Aspinwwll dites mate that a great factory East. Give it a call. f manyCnbans bad reached there, baviug BatUfactinn gn irantewd in price and quality. fled from Spanish cruelty. tny3-l- y Factory 19tb street, near U. V. R. K. Office 537, 13th atreet. The commercial' Importance of the Isthmus has diminished very much since : the completion of the Pscifie railroad, and the people now look forward to A canal as their only salvation. Loni ville, 20. A reward of $20,000 is Bank for the offered by tbe Merchant arrest of the perpetrators of yesterday's STREET, IJET. DOUGLAS AND DODliE, NEW , K , Omaha: j I Uke greet pleasure in that the Outealle ElasUc Joint Iron ltN,6n! my dwelling house by ou iat y,r iJL put on water-tigand a perfect roof ;u proved respect. Were I to build again 1 would -use jtZ, Wholesale mid Retail Dealer in to-d- ay affrays occurred .here yesIn one aud probably fatsPto-dnyterday two in mires yesterday the trouble gr w out of iosults offered to mothers of young men who avenged the wrong by killing 'JC, Mr Dear 8ra: CKR, 13. 31, t or t Purr, I)r V km., April jf, Charles Fiauht, 229 FABNHAM TEEET, Baltimore. A. B. Woodcock, Postmaster of Richmond, Va., was arrested here for the embezzlement ol Government bonds. ' , waa ' a New York, 20. Yesterday schorohing day. The thermometer at 3 p. m. indicated 110 In the shade, and lit tie breeze stirring The street cars were almost Hopped owing to the effects on men and borsea. An a arming number of occurred. Three mad dogs running through the streets were shot by the Hun-strok- i New We are Also Western Agents of the Lefflin & Ratid Powder Company of all ssortment of full a ou band grades of York And St. lMml,'and keep constantly Powder and Fuau. is safe. to-da- , and Glazier. Of ah Klntlo. Olio Coal Oil in Barrels and Safety Cana, Rosin, .Tar, Etc. m7-l- y . t, WvvvAoyvj- - Anti nil articles used by Painters . Sonoma coupty voted A subsidy ef $5,000 per mile to the Cloverdale and retroleom llailrodd. Musgrove, Governor of British Colummarried Kate Field, daughter bia, y of David Dudley Field, of New York. Uudiop Kipp otbeia ted. Governor lluight. Mayor Selby ml many other dUtiogiihh-e- d personages were present. Sau FrancUco, 111. A game of billinrds ws played laat nitfbt between Little and McCleery for the silver cue and championship of the coast, twelve hundred point up, push and crutch barred. Score : Little, 1,200 ; M CU ery, GOD. Late advice from Aiizona state that Indian have I ecu committing more depredations. The troo; have killed num ber of tbo savages. The weather is unfavorable though the news is eu- cropa are uninjured, Mining , couragiug. Washington, 20. Some doubt are here a to the confirmation ol AcKeroian for Attorney General. llogera Green i nominated for Assistant Chief Justice of Washington Territory. Receipts for the fiscal to date are ; coin in the Treasury tYYe, "V liYvvwW, acd .1 am prrperad to contract or fnrnUb jwiil.-- , , Omaha, or tbroughont tbe North-Weswith i, Outcalte Xlaatte Joint Bucfing, In Urge tt email quantities. This materiel ha become tjie etandard roofit, tbroughont tbe United States, and In every i. stance hoe given tbe beet satisfaction, aiul c.t with such ready- endoraemente as the few her, appeuded. C FLXUBY, Ottce 110, cor. I2th end ranih. J . Commiaaioner Delano baa ordered that the Tice Meter, adopted, as a snmplv meter, shall hereafter be psed exclusively m distilleries in place of the untomatic meter now in use. Each diatillery shall bo obliged to have but one meter in when (iiMcoutioued, nmt be removed and replaced by Tice Meter wvithin ninety days, at the expense of the distiller. San Frauciaco, 20. The Henry Cbsun-c- y Important to Buildert Contractor. CO., DEALERS IN WHOLESALE The Tim ds GENERAL. WOLCOTT AMD R 18, Jkoo. OMAHA TEAD'E: but cluhu that General TocutbivwL ai a watm personal friend, tbu protect know- the offender. NEBRASKA. They auk Action ok Chicago Board ok Underwriters. etc. Bank Robbery. INHORSKMEXT OK THE PitACTICAI. ! ? Justice Wilson, of Utah, bs?ing-beeremoved from his bench, upon the Pretldeut the other day with Hr. luwley, of Illinois, his representative,. Mid asked 4o know the reasons otbis removal. The president told biu it Was done at the request of Governor Shaffer, wbo charged that Wilson had naturalized people Hung outside ot the Territory, and had refused to administer the teat oath to Mormons. He declined to look st Mr. Wilson's memorials and remonstrances, and said be knenrat much about the matter as he cared to. W. W. DAVI8, N. MOHB. OMAHA.NEB.! P. O. BOX S. V 7 194. c. ABHOTT A t'- - j Booksellers Stations -- al use should be encouraged by some properly restricted plan of reducing rates or insurance where the Exand subtinguishers are introduced, control of watchmen emject to the ployed on the premises. 8. M. MOORE, ROBERT GREER, J. GOODWIN, Jr7, Nr The Underwriter , Committee. below '''" , TELEGRAPHIC. ' L - - il .' b. I . thla elty Is todayC m. GKORGEO.CLARKE. .. - e P. P. HEY WOOD. JAME8 L. ROSS. JUDICIAL. .USURPATION. Tli fdbwlcg dirpjdch U taken I certify dhat the above 1 a true committee, ftcst'.CMfjealfc JlcraU of the lCtbrs copy of tne report of the of UnBoard the to, made Chicago y "I and adoptedby them t7 xW4 Tok. derwriter. Feb. 18, I860. v ALFRED WRIGHT, f scat Heaaset Utah, Ja ,, Secretary. r thela Ue oatdsrerof Two of 'the Babcock Fire Ex. wss faand JV of aiurdea hi itiit.Iut deers Unguiahcra are now on .exhibition ' iMUmod by Hoh. Go Peae, Ja6 at the Reporter Office. 11. tubi vhot ou v 1, - mi signed, fhekrxlid 6anklng headquarter and witnessed the exhibition above referred to, and Indorse fullyHhe re--I fPfdy depotof the moutaina. What ort of the Committee. fUnKnnclWMtsrenfy yeirs ago ARTHUR C. DUCAT. 4 .iiia WzsHXMorox, D. ble (?) Peacock will probably be prevented from committing the murder contemplated In their acHtY K wLON, tr pe. tion. It is high timo that some of these village justices should be made tl'UEhDAY MOUSING. JUNE 21. to understand that the administraOFFICIAL PAPFK tion of the law has been, intrusted f the City, County, Tcr-- a to men deemed competent to discharge the functions of Judges in rltarr, mmU the, United our courts. State. Peacock and hU Jury have not DOMINATION, ptZTll?, . any more right to convict the man A i i Stewart than may bo assumed by a band of regulators or a vigilance committee, and we hopo tho proper " authorities of the government will 5 see that tlio accused lias a trial in a iVoDctegaU to Cong res, United States Court the only tri- bunal having jurisdiction In the ' ' premises. OK a M s CORRESPONDENCE. may le interesting to the pubto lic know that there Is no Judge by the name of Hon. Geo. Peacock " In this Territory who has Jurisdiction to sentence any man to be shot or otherwls executed for any crime whatever It . were burned here night. 8L Louis, Canby arrived here yesterday en route to the Pacific Coast to take command of the department of the Columbia, vice Gen. Cooke, relieved. Dispatches from Fort Hayes. Kansas, and oiber points report the, Indians very numerous between Camp Hupply and Dear Creek, all on the war path. Several Government and other train and herds were attacked, but so far the Indians were driven off.' One train was oorralled at Gypsum Creek, fighting Indittft.' One train from Camp Supply was attaeked four times. It is no longer safe for trains or herds to travel without a strong escort Chicago, 20. The Democratic County Central Committee at a meeting yesterday, adopted, nearly unanimously, the reports of the sub committee against the propriety of makiog any party nominations for Jodges of the Circuit and Supreme Courts, to be elected next month undcrt the new Je21-dd- 20.-rO- en. constitution. Washington. rpecUk say there is con- siderable opposition am ng extreme Renblloans to the nomination of Ackerman, ft seems be served 18 months, during the rebellion, on the staff of General Robert Toombs and bad to bare his disabilitiea removed by Congress. Hi friend admit t RvU Brig. Oen., Chief C. 0, 300 California Mare for Sale! The undersigned have, at Boar Itlver carefully selected star, bought expreudy for the Eastern market, but are prevent t from driving them on eccouut of Indian trouble, end will be sold at aa.ontehtugly tow or oschaaged tor cattle. Tble ia en op-- I lareiv offered to slock growers. Baas IUvks Bbioob, 18 mtlea s. rth of Oorinne, on Montana stage road. G1BAON k BEID, 800 Jeai-dS- AND Blank Book Hanufactnrer HOSIEM-Y- (GILO VIES S, Gents PurnisMng Goods and Notions, . . knlf-bne- d . t j , 225 Farnliam Street, : ALSO, DKAXJdt , Shm Particular attention paid to order bJ Bkcoadebs Omrr, V as, Jane IT, 1870. Notice le hereby given that the daplicetee of the Special tJoenae Lie! ere now in the henda of tho City Treasurer for collection. Under the ordiuenoee a epeciol qrerterly U Coax cense Is oaoeeaed upon each end every claee of bualneee carried on within the city. All persona eo aeeeeeed ere hereby notified to obtain their lioenaee withont delay, else they ehaU be proceeded against aa provided by Uw. . Attention la called to tbe following extract of an ordinance: Her, 9, Tbe license shall be obtained by pay. ng Into the City Treasury the sum of mooey required and obtain tag a receipt therefor; end npoa presentation of each reetipt to tbe be shall Issue the Itcmae required. ' W, T. FIELD, Recorder. P. J. Mc.VAMAUA, mrannASD wanmiu xsauc WII1E0, LIQUOnO. tn 3Vo. CjOAnC, lOl) Farnam jee rS. C. ABBOTT A CO., AU Ortlcrs Mt, 0. W. Comotoce 0 COHOTOCK, BY THS CASE OR X0ZKlf. OnAHA, NEB. No. 227 Douglai Street, ' . MainLAKE 8rtfd) CIT JelJ-dt- f - SALT I have opened an Ottce ,t?gi3ll place, aud am xww prepared Bayers wl Shippers of limit Fltr mntSk , and return Grom pity essayed Terms reasonable. I MtlV 4 jeStf fi pf' V Having purchased the Billiard t in raid r"'11! gt ww trill ducted by biro in this city,' ZJ dr T old at tbe btianew bcr .1 building, . public. patronage of tbe the ko AU debts due mW' tCo' , oe: end ell bU oontreri u be I. I will at opening Ogden Ggdcn. U. T., May 38, n 11 OMAHA.NEB. lromptlg Attended to. I, rnrnhnm omaiaE Notice! xri IltB iut ,) F. O. 12 o, Or. Eats, Capa and Straw Goods, . , CALIFORNIA A88AY 0FF$ 51nofartcrrr cf Fan & Robes, (Between IfltB LOCK BOX 123, Hall, HALL Teb&ccu. CkiwniSN MEERSCHAUM AND OTI1ER EIPE8, Be-cord-er, JolSdfit W. D. ; i jen-dt- r .OoMoRLMA, IS Taper and Wlndoic cf all kinds, WaU L Special Litjcniei, , (s ap2A-t- f f t " |