OCR Text |
Show HIIITi nr-- yi.ini 3athnf Q'fiW mmf - jnfp i v- ', - r-- ' ? f r-- C ) , V : 5 HUHTcpcrttr oFmFrrffx WIgCLLA17TOU8 f. ' 4 ki va ., jchk jj;i:w: t: i J,. IK ii - t atflriadllawTnd bride amoonia to tocoMnltiug nimoynySSi. moladlea. The medical t - rf . ... ,ve? .a.sw4 i.f I )ri ,U I Vr . ; ! . 2.1' . i.,5 " T1 Ii.1 SOi t ft .?J . Kri v w? v. , ffi i .11 tbVM f vjlt i S lut fiitiilii VbywCSAr 13 t vrl fc ;t 4 . .vj i r i'k (.t . ' ' 4 f t dltbrt)y tgKsspfitfSsa'- ou & . y jvraj ie4e't trTcfYdkiioif r "t r ,n-e- i ro r dlaorder, rfoaMl)aMa fooaa tha mouth art i lep, 00 i Poftoik toooo krt and fell a re f all thla ataga y grata, w to fn Juried! Jaie. - t i4 naiMKSTf-JEltifJf'- r il f i . V4y c ! . 4 nr r 1 a ! M m '"'A - S 4Vi. .. - 2 r .Tf' d f J rv '0 U i 120; K J ... f i e on m ', r ' ' i lil ilin 4- - tf . I tt: x ; i u ,m ' ;i . t nr wee , A n .T i tmj -- V A 'f i r' , 'I . i t ,(i -- Tt. t I.t, .!' ItT ( ly i ' . ,, r.jljt I I. Xto'r i . n 4.11 ks ' - 1 ! f ivifi'i 1 A ' cpitilO 5 i i i !! :.MM i i 1 H t 1 - f lf, I i t,.i V H. J 1 1! 1 ' l i I'!). I .'I "ll. Criek, y:: I - tt 1 '! i I T ti .im; :ut '1 . t I t I it - ,i I ri 'I ... HATE8 OF 8TA0B e 1 tw s 1 t i ,.a .lUTAJII OHniHOir y 1 1 bi d,f v i ... k ' tv ... t) Cfl-O- - 1Ub Lf-r-tt- l - J14- ij-- i ?i ? 11 M U ii:ci N.4 C cet) i') ,f7 ! Tl t f.fl ir 4 3tf i vj! i Bz ciLL inD ,Yn' $ &te, 'tv 1 - ) V i e ' t f ciH i , . riiinix . 1 fn , I fi V3J I V4l f.' y 1 It v 4,M .1 .s.. 0 4 G-- . , ' . ; h ftii, .4 J A'j ,T. i rt ce-- v r . v v-'t.- u- r . r toi ,1 ,j. - - 6 . i.'ia'i iff' ' J7 1 T ; J. n I . . IfifiOl From 4 rej-eate- d - k, ' , tn-- 1 . re-s- ay 1 l.-- n-e- r.i-e- J , 11 e 1 - 4 -- 4 - nt 1 1 ! 1 l-- 1 comj-etitlij- n r d crt , , n'l-nr-- 1 5 r ii -- - . 3 i' - s ; l 1 f -- e ni ua-,- by Mall and Telegraph .itJii.ii.ri noil r l)c-pa-r 1 , d . , m 11 . ,4 m Fot I W , OTnca DwiaTMiirr, TgshlngteD,'8ptto30,l$C0.ii' I v C. ! nA u j 9 ' .1,2. rtm. $80... ...9 days , f M "LMTand; ' iV.' 4 r , v Walla Walla, Portland! y-- f . - to..... .4 ) f v. 1, Leave Fillmore City, Monday. Wednesday, and Friday at 11 p ms Arrive at Provo City, Tuesday, Friday and Sunday by 1 1 p ui ; leave Salt lake City daily, except Sunday, ai 8 a m: Arrive at Provo City by 11 p m t Leave Provo City dally, sxccrV Sunday, atnam; . r. 100 joii.iiAibEY, ti t iMMSt'U - t Arrive at Salt Lake City by 11 p m., to iecoi Frcm Halt Lake City, by West Jordan, IJerri tt an, 90 miles and back, once a ' week. Leave salt Lake City Thursday at a m t Arrive at Hrrriman by 19 m; ' leave Herriman Thursday at 1 p m ; Arrive at Bolt Lohe Clty by Tp m. ; fifiOS From Brigham Clip by 'Wetisville. Paradise, . llrruro, MlUyUle, , Providence, Hyde1 Krk. Smlthfleld, and " , tI , and rrilay at 8am; Arrive a Fillmore City, Wednesday. Fri day and Sunday by, 8 a m ; AMD TIME. r I Salt Lake City, by Big Co Hon wood Union, Draper, LehiCltv, American Fork, ' Pleasant Drove, Provo City, Bprlagvllle, Hantaqnlm, Mon, SsN Creek, ' Pxyron, Chicken Creek, Round Valley, and Ho) den, to FiHpore " City, 150 miles and back, alx times a week to Provo City, three times a week the residue. " 'Leave Provo City Monday, Wednesday, ii FARE fcroaxvCT) Indian Crock tojbolac City. Baker CUy, 1 H jctalotitawiL -- : x r r V ' ! J tf 'U - di-ti- will bs received fit pi oatract OOfie of this De--: parimeDt tmtll 3 p. ta. of March 1, 1870, for conveying tbe moil of the United States from July torV of Utah, 1, 1870,' tq Jong M.1874,' tn on ths routes and by ths schedules of departures and arrivals heroin peoAed Decisions aanonneed by March. 14, 1870. . J too j'1 1 iM 4 f, f .'.i n irtPROBOSALS (1 ' i H Tv .. fl I, l Iifi , v, Inud 1 i t . I aiuwE Cun cPEXHm ')pt 'n'T ) - . if , . ...... .r . Ii ri 4i St) ',!i j, ;i 4 1 4 . T BI1TI N C :A 5 i , . xlt.Z and j BiSaiON.irERCHANT, , F h . 1 and comfortable FAMILY HOTEL In tbe Stats. Being centrally located. It offers every inducement for b halne men mid th public geaarklly, Ths tables 'Will, constantly be supplied, with every (Usury the market affords. The American Exchange Coach, with Bod Lights, will be at the wharves and depots, to ocuvsy passengers to the ' Hotel fre. d smzp 1 . 5 - ; toerrri iohs F 1 - -- 9 , 4 1 Frutbc.,. .U)as.mtKT,jui from fladromitntfi sL WHatleck f 8! 1 ii i ...... y e, lEkchanigei.notji; . !i Jto tti ti ! . Proprietor, United' Slates Mails of Salmon Hirer. T I ii) f .tit, . t .ir .1' !R to ltnbBtai7 I.- i S t ,t e h e -- to 1 1 - -- . dremed-A'Beono- t. ;) - twice-a-wee- ; . 1 5 7 llavfng !bvQn recehr rsnovoted$ai)4llVlyIar ftl 4 nlshed, tank it the most quiet sconomhnl JsTI.I! J i f if.li , t hi;4i'ilr ..... ' fi trr .rjnr.io.n , , (Extending EMWdiiL'tn '1 '' Ne 1 3 ! . 1 ,f .filj.-Orders receive promptly filled. Il'.h 4( . 1. - re-- . UOTi SPRINGS,3 UTAIIi il'ridr-'- .ir; , .. General 3?roduco Cfl yrerT7 f.Tnr.ifja 1 1. , I I 1 N'T'.) a if-- 4 1 I- 1 ILLINOIS. . ! jinn no , aU, r , HillK- - . . Thi Is the sLoilrfct and ''tosVdirect route to the . T T 'MTl4H:i3.:!!'OH .; .4 : jno.:; n.'DltArtL, J j i't, T J. A. OI.EARY, n.34 ,'lt ! , . f r - f J'lQvffiom deiM-ndi- one-fourt- h- i- i ! Llqnert. Fraticiwe Ca g'-es- .niHEi .w .i u 1 - 1 , d fr s of Atwoods Improved passenger KleTab r to tbe baa been Introduced for oonveying ...J,-- - different floors, I. . i I I TAYLOIt A BENDEI., 8ole Agents, And Wholesale Dealers In Ac. On - y-- - T ,1' ' V"' i On of the large! and brat Hotel g the Went Rebuilt, remodled, apd refuruiebed I11 ih rife best avid moat liixarieu manner tn 1b68. Numerous suits of rooms with Jbaths, water, t (. , I , T ' S I and bowels, ' ! all wholesale and eT i - 4 )!' to 1 Trcmont House. .ii .Vr .M 4 4 . pj ; i 'I' ) ! I 1 i- m - Rleed - ; i k' tT I i -i' J j 1 V . Tonic Agrerabls CHICAGO fc -- b-c- Vines .and irsitrl(i)' 413 413 410. k 4S9, Olay aC, Han i tV K 1 twice-a-wee- ! NOIODY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT.' . , , J. 0. yauac.- Ptopriotor.: J ,1 .no liiftiilc i. f of 4,'' I 9 1 s on . . n-h- r 4 -- M ,4 A . ur rU S s tl-- It f v f i 4' .o ,1 ? - rn l t- l f '' of 4 . r tin to .) , The n' , KhhVJy r e . . .n v i x v n ,i , i 'if i 7 i f -- in . . ) f 1; -- 4 tt f f V' ? best Purifier of ths TRYI rieaeant Drink IT Avery Unrurpassad for acting surely but the secretions of the gently stomach klndtieys, TRV Forlivert1at retail liquor, drug aud grocery store IT! n ii u i mrwi .i ' i i t' 1 .. viASSDWdiltfiT iS tii .reemu A ' tor -- I. . r. X , 1 i PCIID ixElIT 15 B ULST, : to" 1 J4. 'ot VI T AWI 2 1 f f" opp. the Fates! Offlee. ieomllA tm -- - t- i . 12 j 4, ; noon todtoldnaJfpo asked um any other raOabl S it.j- - H .UP 00UN8m;ig,ykrI.iT tejenvVTtrneiteyw frtitj. j -it v r ' - sal :'!( tod '. ' ' ' AT ItELTON, tit it Ui execution: ot 1 V A 4 l t. Ml t A, r fT 4 K f 5 - to fO.IJII 4 uesresa.1 ktuiirR ,'UiU ait.oniri vw , fit OKKOON, t d ( i THE iproupt OF e g I I I I- t d , 'i la 't ro - w:oi.Po3acoa: iTJnoqualled Facilities v t 'f t . r i -- ,nn to ;T.7;t;K n .U . J JPQRI .1 .1 f i J fenuemen. from It te 40 Inchee tong, st 19, 14, at lowest Id, and IS each, sent with watch wholesale price, that kind and alio of watch roanlred, aid order only from THE OROIDE WATCH CO.. 141 Fallen Street. Row York. oolt ,llfl!T itiiiip OARSFULLTFarF AREV. UU Fatenta i i - c- 1 linn ,!!'! ' . !', TH1LI if f I tt to H 11 s " SWISS STOMACH. HITTERS to ) ' I4 y;n ai fi i. t i Itfi e. 5ekv:'znfrt!zttmr' sscsr1 for six Watche An 4' . . with Fine Caeea, at 9 20 each. NO KONKT IB REQUIRED IN ADVANCE We fend by Eipreee aQVwher within the United State,. payable te af toiOoa dellvevy, with the privilege to open and examine before paid for, end If not mtUfactory returned, by paying the Fxnree charge. Oooda will be oent by mail aa 1 . . 4 AC,. et ip 4 ( . . 1 : . -- . : DR,JABIE, srt iJl oJ.ji v.4 k .no j ti I jt ,U w .ionno I It .U i Jr Al fca 4 CZOZ3Si!'SZ&r' Eitra tamlh, f -- .s- i i Ca, CxEJ ok I Ik r' ft , j pI I f. -4 r X1. Miilelfuiav 4 B ? D i ItTl IT-i- f- t ut 3 I ' : ILowest Ej.. aslifv IPrices.'-.(UU On IflIo) ? A V t . .l if :t' . CELEBRATED fc'f ..1 , , f ' .91. ' ) u- . .'1 T . if Uaklogtdailj 'connection wiCli;' , 4i J; 14.. i 7i - . 1 coo-tagio- mt Mi! e A, i . - ATaTIE APO) simTrajitri ! t , i f is r -- .( Lock Roeplial. Cnatcm uouee Formerly of James Ktrvet, Ncerf Qxlcnnc, (eatablleh d. 1130) for tlve lest eight year locatwl In Chlcage, oad celebrated through cut lha ecnninr tn tha successful treatment of MUTATE DIKEABE8, can be con fldentlally ecnsnlted at hit offloa and parlors, 94 and 93 Randolph Street, corner of Dearborn Street, Chicago, 11L, or by letter, endowing fUrap for return answer. Foot Office Drawer 3863, t ,I t; .t ituw ninin) Chltago.llL Da. James treeto CArooic, Herwrifl, Syphilitic, JUoci and Skin Hreaaer, aitf all d Im order i of Ttnirtol Character, vhfch hc curec wib-oChe: no1 of mere ary,, iodide of poteesl, arsenic or any but with hi Kitmuuzia a positive cure for all humors and blood poi.oue. Organic Weakneu, such aa.Seaunol Weakness, Tt'oeturhal AHd Dfcrnef Emissions, brought on by abuse of the organs, early Indieortions, excee cr or entailed hoeeditarlle, eeuslng km of memory,- cmifueioo, j dopresalon, dimness r vision, and oftentimes insanUr. with a deplore hie train of other symptoms, bested and radt4 ally cured by aa lnfallibi' method,' oovlng time end expense. All diseases peculiar to tb sexual organs radically and permanently cured. Did diseases of tha moat horrible claee, where the blood baa become poisobrd, producing blotches on the face; small watery blisters, pains In tha head and bones, ulcerated throat and nose, eoree on the limbs and body, scrofula, together with an endless number of sufferings, effectually and pennant ntlr cured. , Dr- - James Is recommended by the press of tbs country, by professors of medical colleges, aud by the medical profeasion generally. Those aAiicted should apply to him, and be cured at h ones, a treatise on Bpenpatorrhea, Byphtlls, and other diseases of bis specialty, sent iu sealed enDa. Jamks, F. O. Drawer 34 03, velope; Address rly-dh- a Chicago, . :t I 1 fc , PART f I ' f litl f fttba nmnin Faymo ? invC. ' eliol BT t u 1 " . I .S'" ft I M k I WaibldstOB, D. C. t rt 1 t NOTicfi isrjf i lutzudlu&xunopaAni fatbnts U IUSTKCS ? i ,v j H .. it' r' . ! f , 4 ' f T f V -- - r to' f i J n,t i ' ttirviY n ) f 51i c 4 .41 K Tt - AT ;i !w h Alexander & Mason, -- I - - ' ! - V PATENT OFFICE. - Si I, e" ? 4 r J 5 - ms . x CJ - - - 'if j I i K 4 4 r t4S2S0U;TED . r i l. . f . E itili ! 5 '1 .MvWl f i f TAAfttl gate aa Agent aendtng extra Watch free Maktng eeren 113 Watches for 190. or seven 110 Watches for 1190. h ' i Mev?fc . 14 M . . jf J- riv Bent'a and ladlra elrre, at tin each. Bo!M Oroi. orR non fir jp, Full Jeweled Tvpr. Id Oold Hnntlng - 7 T ?-- 4 7. ? ff" 4 " r I ? 5 vf vl i i ; C Vi'S 7 e - . mrnrt Lever. fitiivno'J Jt I 1 I t- - jsn rv 2 ownn$FJi9 tMOTCITS STSS3T ?! h. fiFr EVERY DESCEIFTIOK fine- f i v ( UV t IDAHO TERRITORY ; 1 r. $ to -- . f 'iff' ii I . : ? i.to. .rf j . fi At bk, 4 1 r I I , . -- f i -- - ttilo .. - - ni .ti THAOUCH , V us.. 7 ' : r ufj.n AN $3kwC"t ltd ?C6Ccohpaht) ,PlOJv alt ar the Tbr bt make, Hnutleg Caere, ly chad( look and weev ltke fine gold, and ar i j xt ,t Manefaetored by r to. i. . j Oroido ! ! , jU . po-son- i 4 f Pfipiflii h s ( r ; j J.41 k3 cirrm best. nnr th ohlt rt f kL-- i 1 B. By - t ... M ir 'O L U ft , P. J . v '- . - ; w to ' us. f ' t tn B ' -- ; 1 t . .4 - I J f :i t' t ' Til Xo and from the C. UTAH . e 0 , , 34. i . c - J i I I - - . it . . r . i2ia hw sv e, Reamer 1 j , Oeer DR. OTODDAUI), - 0 . iwe , ' . . r l tV rtitorfr W ' w , f t , ' rr i , , i i Ci A w I ' oaovolion .JMcoy i tkpecWilM Thee ore no patent medicine r ether hum bogQS'bat iotofuUy prepared compound, from toNoeioelstwo hydho awtamdteUngnUhed and sdentlflc phyaiclana la thU cgmdnvead which ; have never heon advegUoed hefor. warranted to give etlafctla pw refunded) Strlcteet ecrey ebaerved. k ; S ! at i , I i . f i .t ?. ij X . UNE: OF COACHES DAILY i i i ...tit l Hi! i A J I .rsr J.J ' ' t ;? ; ? r i I. , I1 t t s H CfV 9 uwh Thar ar ladle who, from detieoto ooastlttt already no Boat, indigent circumstances, or an mcrou offspring, do not with to become mothers, To ouch 1 effeitd a safe and atuwremsdy conception. Bucc a warranted in every sglntt ; guaranteed a containing no ingredient to to toe toobtoot tomgnrmncnt. mrtotliirtM TontovoOThOf i it . VhMnipooUlm)ritod par-- , manentty cored. Caeee o long standing, bew- "1 igtoin. han .wni Dr.Voddaadtod ale Infallible monthly ptlla or Irregular period of 'tor reotortog - disordered bymoik-enreifrpob miafrnt1in- a, i in - I V I i d . X toSuSsnriwsJtc!? TO f rr r A o bo aecrt rcmedl-- a non trW eegctabt medlcfn, and hi peculiar r t ii . c di .'. 1 . f I I . . . - ' 4 ) . ij. Tji'h It'1 1., 1 7 .1 ) .1 A .4" j vr' - 4 1 Xnl ; rttsaOEBabSTSS to forfeit II. 00 and pay principle, and propo a ofmalnal nUfaolf h fall .toenroaoy . vywgJa wkr tdh tsadtaent' ana direction hat j.. - I i nt-.i- t t , CHICAGO, .ILLS; j i f t M VV ! ' j i reung men boro rripesd! Buy Itetovolaal Ao jjooiollod MotoitlMill oUUoaa, or unmpatu quaclt to dlatast oitloo, ood aft or having boon owladkd of thlr ood aaotoar, bat aboadoaad bp fallowed. . va t v J , - r I'l tth , j 4;. I f m4eu ,M 1 , . jli -l v ? 03 A Am Ui'.tj J j i'.i .f . 4 ? 1 ' to. l' J- , n? j 4. ' f 5 V Svt i . I C i OKINNTE,' WTasssass J0T7 djan". If not ahpckod, I I' i ! x f f fi , ! 1 K v !i J4 w aectaraal atulesOMf, UhOttode, dctl.lty, aad lha aecret aOhrf aMeadaot oymptoroa of .! i i 1 .if If I 5 i' t f , tie east itaitri ktllOylVT Wakulnat weakneaa, 7 i i) I .1 V )if t tr , 4 .'t i i 44 I . A7 WfMd wUl ruh a i ' 1FOURTH ;:Sr 1 -- ' : L j- 4fl t jit U taa4 dlftflr'JtfSfc Itf . hf 7 it it i. ' t - 4- J f i jf? iM i f ? f H J'n t the e&ietc&ce of which ar, UPSIIM rlorTt, t, i' i .i . ; H e f t, f it i.i M.w Tit 431 V O : , RANDQIeL'II bTRKRT,i ,, ,!,. J J fn A ,.41 ,klA iff 4 1 j.'t.t ,4 I t. n 4 1 j 4 - . ) i i I Hi t . j At l.lfc i v iju- -' I tr i . , T i . s Or. Jume ir t i I t I Fro Tuoaa know tost to tuSrrtr kuow It, ar.d yet, I i 1m CMf t onUiLlilh the eflticted Individ) to oonaalt to man whom h know 1 cog. Olaaot, both of the complaint and th memo ofd UtoUh oea hv allow th m tliey who oaa ylre to bvcotot mr wreck of bainanlty, aod j?' " U I 'tapeatnsx.wn.m,m. Mist, pUloto, to both 'I 'll , otroeto eon roeognlo among to ladle, by to him, end of certain lnMUUp token which ihO tllfoN or bften tdffily Ignorant, the whites. iweage of that whit spread scourge, the ' v ' i , j t f -- vert -- 1 k, rur.o ir. :i 1 j j 'j j " i -.. r. t r er A . , tl - 4i- a If "IS X t re.. ' H iT Huili vroiMiMrcL." J ;; r 0N,K. I ntiM '( v w ououbc wiio anair mono toleiiwJmoBS of o stifled tot not eared to vlto poison piw iet!iilD i- r- which mjpt JbeatUbly bo trensmltlcd-ti ! tb third ood foUrtbfcenanUlona. Vito Tw eonra toero oeem nui teu, r. 1 t tratato ; to too caoaof. jwuafatm tocr iwaii non tooy itUmpt to ad many yet bo ipotocr, cure thirlTwith vU twwtrwn. tod to ; " . 1 oefcn properly - 1 SwSer to dime. Tbs province of this circular ii to present to subject to iu trueUgbV STAGrE IT ; '- --.TV EUJ -4 1 f v'tifcii ( ! 3 I J t - 0-JC- 4 LmLv .'li&fZWXGt&i.er. ( i.i jr'v CHRONIC.1 DTSKASES. ' it i ,i h .. : .M li ) 't't ' l ..li lIlCJ41 t J i.'l i f .: rtii? I,,:;.... 11. kl ...t . ; c.for ji j ibsGKM ht-- V 1 TJREGXO 1 lizlcJl v Ujrzl J t , lK ,$f" , . J JDAIIO TriD OREGOn Franklha WedneedAy and lidunlay .1 1 1 H--yj WMrexcaix t! 1 AMvSatlbigham Clty'licxl'day by' 6 jim- Arrirc at Hot Bprtiatk by 12 m ; 1C0A4 From Ogden Cttf to HunteVUle. 'IS miles t- LoSra Oyfanttfr Wednesday and SAtnrw Atrrixsai prigham ClQr jr.I p m. - it'i c .viotflnjr atfi a mt' xo',ui I ii:w.- I'.fs t r, vi , t Arrive atMunUvlUe by JJ w;.,,.,.. IN STRUCTIOh 8 TO BIDDERS AND t,I)Hr ill; ahd Huntsville Wfdnesday SAtUrcUy . MASTERS. rntr: 1 iru& kd . f.t ,t tf lti) iff o'.pfit . Arrive at Ogden City by p m., t lfifidsTrom Ogden Clfy to HortU Ogden, 7 mil proper, u 1 ; !,:xutheck. I sloe a Week, u I ft ltd Thursday Leave Ogden City Monday ' ti IfJitj Sev?n mlnhWire XiaHfvd to Web lutrrtt.f. v "pi xn j diet ofil e, wbob not Mb- rwtee sjMvlflvd, for ss. OcV-3 1 T Arrlve hy p ait i atjgrlh Leave JJorh Ogden Monday add Thumday sorting thetaaOs' tat na rsUrtwd and M at 11 ava? boat routes titers la to be no more delay tban u j. ''11, ,v ir j 1 anfUcicnt for an sxclisbgfi of tbs mail po elua ... ; Anlfk.aiPgjPiiCJtjrfcy ,ri ; ,(Ja railroad and atoamboet line a, ,and otlr 1CC08 From Ogden City, by I.jnne nd BlaUre- - ro.2,ites a here tbs mode of conveyance t admit t f ' vllle,- to llafu milts' tmd 1 ,thq gpecial agents of Urn Boat Office iHjrv .1 a week. u twkp f alio menL .ui4 lost office blahka, mall lags, i,H t, Leave OgdcU City Tuesday and ftt aud FtJay without are.itor'be.eaTt7d keys, f. ; 10 . iTwd jm-- t7i aw ".! ,l; ; I charge. 7 r at Amvc , by p plain City raj vTl. Oa railroad and steamboet line ths rmii, .l 1 xeve Plain XH. Tuesday "add Friday at ageatf otthsJuw-wtieeo- g. olad ths British .1 ' ! when offered, and ths aKeutsa,. (! HSuf.t I S , tanod moil, 3 at m. Arrive , Ogaen City by p company log them, arw lo be rsmveyed altiun lCCOY From WeUsville to Mendob, fi miles and buu I, cnarge; and for 'the pM orof the Caiiod commodious car, part 6f a r, r,ro. Hi . a scut g baok.oocs aw4Mkj ) j1 ,mh Wellrville Monday at 0 a m: )crly dghted, warmed aua fdiJ mshed, ami,uti Iave otklrtidou 1 , f Arrtre and due aetumv l" w to tnefidtjveulsi t separsU-Ued mi by of the to ails. Is so be provided by the contractor 1 .Leave Mcndon Monday, at 1 p ms ,d ,1 f I under metttrectiupwFihw De)ai Uuent. . , . Arrive at WeUsville by 4 p m- , RaliroeA anLsteaaboaJ com pan ea are gufr- - 1 lfiCOfi From Franklin to Soda' Spring, fiS mUes r cd to taka tbe m 11 from, and deilt-e- it into, the 1 m. l lT1 f and hack, once A office st ths beginning and rend of th.nr f Bidders to propose, schedule of :departurest poet rouun and to and from all ofilces not more tUa i.!?? i and arrival i1'1 ,.v or lauding, . i eightyberods fiom a atotion Bbo ootnpanies forivoi;. City, to A merlin Fork. submitted the j,v v may by )GM front Alpineback, . week. a once mile and 341 formance of all other .aide tcrvlce --tlutfi, 1 r 1 . f offices over eight) rods ft m a station or landing Rlptaa City Thursday 4t mp ni; U1 ;1 f, Arrive at AmcrlcaaForkby 3p There will be way bJlla. pr Jared by 3:30 at Thursday Leave American F6rk maste a, or other aaenia of the DepartiueuL t I . I f'u il it J fu 1 accompany the 'mails conveyed on railroad CJ fia'ismtU . H Arrive at Alpine Qiy by p m, steomera, epect tying the number and dushtutkin of the aeverel begs, Oa other principal routn 1CC10 From Salt Creek, by Spanish Ford Cadyon, ML likewise, receipts will be required and way bihi Founuln O refin, Fairview, Moroni. mid forward.d t tbe latter to be examtued by the 0 t 3 It IHeMal, hpringtown. Kpbraim, 87mytaAOfirhatk, era pbermaeterfe,?! to Insure regularity in th d. , o; MnU,M . of mahs. ,. . , twioe a week. livery 4L.NO pay wlU be mode for trips not perform-eLeeve Salt Creek Monday an d'fc'ed&clay f ; and for fiach pf such orumNrion. pot eatnatoed, three time the pay Mf th? AirirearOunnlaon next dayafi pro; at will be deducted Fpr arrivals so iar Im IiIb) it Leave Ov unison Weduredsy and Friday trip i: time aa to .break conuwniou altk ii ii.u a m; Uj0 Arrive st Belt, 9rsek next days pm. . mails, told net sufficiently rxntsrd, for th trip is ct lo lfifill Frmti Mltmstt!lehdW,hftoch, of the compensation For repeated ilrUuquenrli uhji of vho VhJ i I Beaver, paragonaU; Pamrvaa, end Sumspecified, enlarged p iiaHlca.propotttonn) miles and. xback, herein mit to Cedar City,K 123 to th- - nature thtmif, anil the tinportaiu-- ef IV 7 v i Ui twice a week. ' , , mall.' ma)r be made, Fillmore. City Holiday end Thor-daj , . 1 Lears 5. Fqr leaving behind or throwing off th mail at fi a m j any port. on of them, for the admiHKion of 1, , s j $ , Arrive Cedar Cfty Wednesday find tur- - of or for bring' fcotieern d in setting tip i,r sengers, 8 day by pro:, running an express conveying intsllig vee tn. vi . Leave Cedar CJty Thursday and Monday at vance of the malL S quatfer'l pay tnsy.bi-aiiI"! 6 am; ' Arrive at Fillmore City Saturday andv Wed-- , ducted. ' fi. Flneee111belrapoid,unle8tlied4liiimi.(i' ' neday by P be and 'uslUfsclorily explatiuit t; cy SO to miles certificates 16012 From Fillmore City Deseret, ol poetmastera or Ibe ulUdauta ,.f ' . and back, ones a week. other credible jiereone, for failing or arrhc i Leave Fillmore City Monday at 8 a m; eomract time; for neglecting to take tin- inti ' Arrive at Deseret by 4 p tn ; Loin, or deliver it into, a post ofil or; for ui, Leave Deseret Tuesday at 8 a m; . it to be wtt, itdurcd, destroyed, rohtnt, or , Arrive st Fillmore CKy by 4 p m. leaf; aud for refusing, after demand, ton,ij 16613 From. Cedar City, by Kannaravtlle, Belletbe mail aa frequently oa )h eontroetor run, t,r . vue, ToquerviUe.Uarrtsburghaud Wash- - is concerned la running, a coach, car, or t au.. on a route,. . lngton, to SL George, 63 miles and back, boat " The Poaliiiaater 0, nertl maj ar nul iIio b f twice a week. falbtrea to tun agree ah) m Leave Cellar City Monday and Thursday at tract for flam: contract; fur violatit-- t) e poat oifice law. nnl,. Arrive at Santa Clara Wedni aday and Satur- obeying the intrucUona of the Depart mi nt.fr refuHiue to discharge a carrier when ri ju n d l.j day by 5 p m ; Leave Bant Clara Monday and Thursday the Department to do ao; for running an ra;in. as afereaald; or for transporting jcroiiR or pa, t atflarn; Arrive at Cedar City Wednesday aud Saturages rouveyi- g mailable matter out of the nu;l 8. Hie loit master Gtntrl in ay order a ia day by fl p m. 1661 From Cedar City, by Pinto, Pine Valley, creaaa of aetaico on a mute by allowing tin iucreas4 on the contract pay. lie inn and Barney, to St George, 80 miles and a pro rola change schednlcs of dr'partnrc and arriv ii back, once a week. all coats, and particularly to make them confers Leave Cedar City Monday at 8 a m ; to connections with railroad, without imr Arrive at 8t. George Wednesday by fl p m ; of pav, provided the running time be not ahrMif Leave SL George Thursday at 8 a m ; ed. 'liie 1 (ititniater Genetal may sleo dnxm. Arrive at Cedar City by 6 p m; Unuo or curtail t e service, in whole or tu (art. k Invited. service for Bids In order to place on tbe route superior m ni, r, ICfllS From Toquervllle, by Virgin City, Dunthe public iut4reta, in hi Jud-'ucans Retreat, Grafton, and Rockville, to whenever hall rcijulre such dicontinuance or mrist'innt 25 once a and miles Springdale, fo- - at y other cause; he allow ing aa full in., ri t Week. to contractor one mouths utra iay ontU nity 8 at a m; Leave ToqueraiUe Friday amount of service oipentd with, ami ajtoffi N Arrive at bpringdale bvfipruj compensation for the amount of wivitt rui.u! ' Leave Springdale Saturday at 8 a m ; ami c.iiitlnueiL Arrive at Toquervllle by 5 p in. 9. Payments wiil be maV by ro'lc fr 16618 From Nepbl, (local.) by Severe Valfiy (lo-or drafts on, txiaimaatt tv, or cfl-- i ri. , ::r ti Vi m Sv n i r cal) aud Fort Gunnison, local ) to Ht expiration of cat h quart. George 425 miles anil back, ones a week. February, May and August I .cave Nephl Monday at 7 a ni 10. 1 he dimanct a are given a corrtJ' g' Arrive at bt, Gaorge Friday hy 7 p m ; best information; but tn lit pui Ht. d livave St. George Monday at 7 a in; allowed should they be greater than . Arrive htNepbl Friday by 7 p ro. if the jHilnt to be snpp nd areromril) m 4 n.t, ai to Gkiord, (local,) 25 inilrs Holders tn jf mfarm fn tnxrh't vrt Vo From of tin tiui'.tl aleotn refer-mami leoa. oncoa w ek. totliewnglt oudif on of iroad, hi.lt, strtoiu. A . - i. Leave Ligsu filoudsy at 7 a m ; t toll briilget, erri a, or oix,irni-:i- i n f Arrive at Oxford by 5 p ni by which exp ne nuv be lnurinl Leave Oxford Wsdneaday at 7 a m; on 11 I. cr, uin!i r for additional jni)', Ai rivo at by 5 pm, aiiimr in fcUkH(.r non, gd 1C618 Froni nuAfjvlltg'td liiUiAngfAn, Tunica tr Lnfon k 10 thferrtfe grew of m tvfi ; nr i and .back, once s wecki ir niidgted Lave lluuiMviile Mdulsy at 6 a tn; inei VHMlig (litt.ini obririKlioi'atrodj rXtiitoe. Arrive at lh'imingtou by li : ei tli, tirr-ndurir g the trii'fract Leave UcnuiUKtoR Moufiay at 1 p ru. 'i livlifit fti r thi-- i adciT'i' no u i ). Arrive at lluntkvilic by 7 p ro. .4 the c ntra. t lcriiT, aret" at- - l during 1 From Logan to Weriou (local J S3 a pay( f kUo die' sue b nt in out exti T and bai k. once a week. ll. lid er are rnut ond tp uil ir r j ata to tittle to reach the Di'psrtro 1 tv tre Ia avu Logan Monday 7 a m; t A rr.ve at Weston by 5 p m ; . and hour named, ,(3 p ro., M in h 1, J7e f h Will rverlvi d after that Mnn-- rt l ut l Ixiave Wif a Tuesday at ,7 a mj Arrlv a at Logan by 5 p m. j Id w.th bid of r anopiihir am t.t in receivi-Neither can hid Vie 11 u 1C620 From Lelil pity, by Cedar Valley, to Fair- - ed which aretime. lt without the gusra ice ' ' fivld, 13 railcg and back, oncoa week. Uw and a fleate of tha sutliclcncj vpio t j , Leave Lebi City Tneedsy at 7 a m j guarantee, .1 Arrive atFatrfidd by 12 m; t 12. Bidders ihouU first prop e f r am.i Leave Fairfield Tuesday at 1 p ra; l rt hi im td, Uic to adm strictly according M then, if they desire, sejmraMy for dthHiicr , ,i 11? "if. ..) vice; ami if the regular bill by the lo o t of r i 16621, From Leaver, by Adtroaville, Mlofrivllle, (Alter pro)fcuKt and Panaca, to illco, 11)5 tuiloS and back, for ijui adyeriWd eeryive, , roay tfieoiibldcicd. ittUtselir,, f 13. TI ere should be but one rouf. 1 f r ii , t, avt Monday af 5 a m ; i t'onmdiilativl or eombltiatiim proposal, Artite at life Wednesday u 6 pm; one sura for two or more r tut- , ( prHN-tn, Leave Illco.Thqraday at 6 a m ; arc fcrl(djcn by Jaw, ahd cannot bees- usu' rrJ i) f Arrive at Beaver ratnrday by fi p i ; ,? 1 20 miles, ; 14. The route, the acrxlov the jearij po, t' i Proposals to end at Miuersville, i name atnl rt aideuee of tho'bfdder, cthatN t". t invited. usual post offic-- ddre' ) And (he rrine tf f ?662l Frora indfin cWek, (Utah,) by Boise City, member of so firm,, where Martinsville; Xmmltavilt should lie Middleton, tjy stated. 1 lA Bil ers Weiacr Ranch, (Idaho,) Express Ranch, atedfte ' a tat Wretrsqm L 4 Auburn, lwker city, North Powder, Un practicable, tho printed proioewls famiriird hvt fc ion. La Grande, Orodell, Cayuce, Mitch- - the taunt, to. write out in full tho eha ella btation, Walla Walla, Wallula, and their bid, and to retain eopli' of them. Altered bids slionKl not 1w aulmUtnl: ti J Umatilla, to The Dalles, (Oregon,) 765 . miles and, backto six times a week. ' $ should bids onco submitted Igs wjthJru Bidders to pi opoee schedule.' Withdrawal of a bidder or guarantor will v" . ;.Prtioals to end at Boise City, (Idaho.) lowed unless tbe withdrawal ia dud and riC'O-e280 m ilea, invited. , berore the last day for receiving rrgpnsa.-Kacr 1 bid must be guarautci'd by Iwo ml'' 16623 FromYagt Valley, (local,)' td Panaca, 2( shiiri w aible persona. The bid and gcUr-nttxailiw and back, once a erib.l) 1, u " sign 4, plainly with the feU name of h Ur Ixave Eagle Valley Thursday at 1? m j ' 'aon. h ' I 7 Arrlvfiat Panaca by p nl; The Department reserves fhe right f, Leave panaca Friday at 8 a m it Arrive at Eagle Valley by 3 p ro any bid which may be deemed extravagant, h i also to disregaril tlie tilde of fai ing r.uitr1662 From pinto to Panaca, fiSnllcs and backl end bidders. ( Ac of July lifi, aerilon Jl ) X ? . i i ) oucaawes. ML The- - bid should be seeled, au)wr4.rtd fl t' , Leave Pinto Mondas at an;, . i. I "Mail Proposals, Territory of Arrive at Panaca next day by 6 p m J d Assistant Postmaster Genii. Leave Pauses Wednesday at 6 a m ; act sent by mail, nri Id Cont aud Office," . f v Arrive at Pinto next day by 6 p m will not inclose fr an to and agent; postmasters 1 16695 From Provo Cily, by Midway, Heber, posala (or letters of any ktn J) tn their (juartcr ; , Xaroao, Pooe, Rock port, Wanh1p, and re tun' a. iv'i if 17. The con t reels aro to bo executed Coalville, tp Echo City, 83 miles and ' turned to theDspertmeot' by or before the back, once a week. day of July, 1870; but the aervioe mnt he beg'j , Leave Provo City Monday at a tor next afur Arrive at Echo City Wednesday by 19 m; , on that day, or on tbe mail day or , not. executed be enutraots whether tbe 1 Leave Echo City Wednesday at p to ; Transfer of contracts, or of interest in c d . j Arrive at Provo City Friday by 6 p m., b forbidden by law, and conreil,I k , Proposals for service Invited. tracts, are , tie allowed. Bidder will therefore t cannot 1662 6 From Tooele to Grsntavllle, 11 miles and notice that they will be exowAed to 'JL . back, one a week. . service accepted to them through tbe wliojv Leave Tooele Thursday at 1 p m ; . of tbe contract, x Arrive at Orantavtlleby 4 p m ; 18. PoeiraaMcra at offices on or near ii,u Leave Grontavtlle Thursday at 4.30 pm; but more flan eighty rods teom a f At rive at Tooele by 7 pm. , after the 1st of March aeTt rer t immediately 16027 From Franklin; by Flab Haven, HL Chari- -. their exact distance from th nearest tUu. General to direct s cf i . ee, Bloomington. Porta and Liberty, to enable llie Postmaster the 1st of July from fit) once a and miles messenger supply back, Bennington, r 10. Section eighteen of an act of Con r . ' i week. ' con that nrovidea 1845, . March 6 a m at Leave Franklin Monday ; 3, proved tha trtDiporUUon of tna mail ahail pa Arrive at Bennington next day by fl p m ; to case tbe lowest bidder, tendering every Leave Xbnnington Wedneskay at 6 am; v Arrive at Franklin next day by fl p m. out other reference to the mode of such n Proposals to extent service to Montpelier, than may be necessary to provideancc Invited6 . mile. j and security of due tha celerity, certainty Centre-to16628 From Salt Lake City, by Stoker. law bids that prothis Under OT transponatitvn." and Farmington, to Ulntab, with mails th to transport celerity, cepose with .. miles and back, six tiroes e week, been decided to t and having security," rtainty, side supply to Kaysviile twico a' week the only legal btda, are construed aa proviilicii or more, in due connection. tot tha entire mall, however large, and w bstever Leave Balt Lake CRy daily, except Sunday, may be the mod of conveyance necessary to - ' at 7 celerity, certainty, and uecuUy," ami .. Arrive sin: at Uintah by 4.30 p to v the preference over all othere, -and no oth7 am; Leave Uintah dail.exo-p- t Bunday.ai er ar conridered. J. m. 4 30 p Arrive at Halt Lake City by 90. A modification of a bid in any of Us essenStock-to166OT From Belt Lake City, by Tooele, to t terms Is tantunount to a new bid, and tial a week. twice and 40 mile back, so as with be Interfere to received, regal and Leave Halt Lake CUy Tuesday Friday competition. Making a pew bid, with guaiut , at flam; and certificate, U tbe only way to modify a . Arrive at Stockton by 7 pm; ? Leave Stockton Wednesday and Saturday 21. Postmaetcre are tp b careful not to ecru J at 6 a m ; the aofflcie&cy of guanuakra, r auretica, wltF Arrive at Salt Lake City by 7 p m. out knowing that they ore person ot snffi 16630 From Corinne, by Bear River, and Portage o this instrucu' (Utah), Malade City, Fort Hall. Eagle responsibility; iaa disregard a violation of their oth of cy Rock, Snake River Ferry, Sturgis, aid by postmasters subjecting them to immediate removal Junction! Rauch, (local, Idaho Ter.',) to flee, AU bidders, gurrsntors, and sureties are dishre 320 miles Virginia City, (Mont Ter.,) ly notified that on a failure to .enter into or r ' and back, three time a week. Leave Corluno Monday, Wednesday, and form the contracts for the service pr4p.vw4 In th aooepted bide, U3si legal lUbili ie will .Friday at 8 a m i . enforced against them. y Arrlye at Virginia City third day by 8 p m ; ; persons 29, Present contractor Leave Virginia Cly Monday, Wednesday, the Department must equally . with other, u and Friday at 8 a m ; , , cure gturafitoM and oertificotee ot their Arrive itOarimt third day by 8 pto) above pix Winter schedule five days. . , ) ; - 1 ;J cy substantially ia the forma must c The certificate of aufilcitncy to to service extend Helena, Proposal ct r a iourt or of a postmaster, judge by (Mon, Ter.,) 195 miles further, invited. ? No be will admitted. other lfifiSt From Brigham Cltj", by Willard City) to Hot Springs, 16 milfis and back, 6 time JXO. A. J. CRIh11, a week. i v . ,p(wtmatcr G:r s. t x 1 CinSCCLLANEOUS 'AlJVTB: a f fl )'2o51 ) i mii;ph pjinir ADS. : f Lo, Rlchnlond, to Franklin, 33 uQss and back, twice a week. Leeve Brigbezn City Tuesday and Friday ' : I stump.' Awfvh t Frtnldld, next dfj'a, ty a V(i'r Ipwj . 1 - 1 e, ' U h-- n, can-vto- " 4 - . 1 1. |