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Show , m.rn Utah MAK-- ) 0S!ect -- " " eat have no authorized traveling ag ' t debt doe thta p apery pjU R.Salt Lake Division. Table yne It.L-Peembe- 169 rfl, ARRIVE AT CORINNfe' ' BOUND Ezprss. ...... va.il paaeenger At)ntia 0, S jr. ipf99lM rrrtgan... A 1 ' i .. .7 96 a. M. 0 11 ' BOUND WEST. i ) EASj - WA H fo a. m. ! 4 . 4 4 i pseeorxprem.'....:........tA.M. Pad Kpreaa.v.a...i...tOOr.K. S 0 A. M. Hat rreW v- -x ; NO. a i - run Thursday's only. Saturday only. JISL CAMPELL.D1V. Supt. A. K. TOWNE. Oenl Bupt. JOlUi CORNING, Aaat Oenl -- t , 4 " i ; i 8upt r. , aALT LAXB DIVISION. ' er . '. V counxx omex. t -- L. Pointer, operator, and ticket agent ! . J. 8. WaUon, uaggag agent. ' ' oilVIB AND SACUSBUBYS t U. 8. tbs Montana staRe line, carrying tnaiU and Well. Fargo & Oo. s express ; Montana, leote daily for Virginia City, 5 I'oinU at m.; .every f. intermediate and other day for Helena, Diamond City, . It It depots A , , a, , t Chewing Twbacco J. . . TV The fineat brands of . Tim Hender Black foot and Deer Lodge; Office near jQU( agent , to-d- ay Corinne Directory. B. B. We the last week or aoan old man, - some 60 year old, wMo unfortunately got canght in bad company at the ; Promontory, and waa Tan out" of there . reoenUy with the thierea, roughs and confidence men that the railroad boy ordered to gUM on short notioe. The old man hoe evidently seen betterjJaye. He eay he ha frleod and tropwty at the Cimmerou mines In New Mexico; if this be trne so much the worse for him; he should have staid there and pursued an honest livelihood. , We have no sympathy for such men either yonng or old; pittying the sorrows of such poor old men la what makes tb many of them poor. Let these, men once Understand that they have no sympathy from the honest, respectable masses and more of them will mend their ways and endeavor to beootne respectable themselves. Bat Is Christmas, the 18G9th anniversaof the birth ofoar martyred Savior, a ry day of rejoicing, charity and good will toward alt mankind, . therefore let us forget and forgive for this day, at least, land distribute charity with a bountiful and impartial hand, and- - Pity the sorrows of a poor old man.". ' SATURDAY JlOBKINO), DEO. 35. ... - - Souovm , of a Pooa Old hate noticed' on bur atrgeta ' 4j?xrT' tlcpcrter TrI-Vt!i-ly I at (fold-torg...- (tf UNION TELEGRAPH . As dancing with a girl A rosy, laughing, buxom girl ; I , A frank, good natnred, honest girl; A ' feeling, flirting, doting, smiling, smacking, jolly, , jaunty, t jovial, poser-po- i dear little duck of a - - ' M-ii- l j. , north, 4.30 k in. IU :1 ,t M Ry the subjoined notice red'OC be ftp'll that a Conaidk-rubt li'.'KK r.H i be.n made in Railroad iiits fa yea Utn' o ri-- Cot i tine, Ogden and the '.tly Pr t'ot.iVtry,' if p.irtis will uviiil them of the opportunity ottered to buy iicktu befufw entering the cam. Any of .ir r t- - 'having latsiue mix-i- ill involving di wrll Kail toad travel will mo the following ; f " ' NOTICE! r Hereafter the Ticket rate between will be cur. $2 00 aud'lrtmntory CFeek '. . . . 12T Blue ,and 00 Cnrimie and Jlnnucvilla. ...J. . , 1I 75 . . .. 'Caiuuu and Ogdeu. . . . cbNnrrTnaK nATEs-oon- p. 83 Of)Corinne to Promontory. 2 00 to . . Blue . Chrinne Creek I 1 50 Crinna pi llonneville. , 3 50 , Corinne to Ogden. order of the Company. lfy Co-'rin- ue .......... .......... ....... 7o the Merchants of Montana Territory ." The Northwestern Transportation Company, iu addition to their steamboat line from Sioux City, have made arr,uig meuts with the Chicago A Northwestern aud Union Pucitic ltaila ays, and. their connection4, lor a fist freight lino from St Louis, Utii'Mgo, and all jnmiU East, to Montana, Territory, thereby giving shipper their choice of routes, ?,fUW ria or h Jirnton. ' " Through bill of lading will bo given either by the rail or river route from the East to Helena, Virginia city, Deer Lodge and other point in tho Territory. Tin Company will have ample warehouse nc cotnmodiitiOu at the point of transhipment on tho Union Paciflo Railway, to store all freight and expedite the loading of tenm. Our arrangements are such that (rain will be iu readiness to move all freight ns fast ns received aud deliver the same without delay. Having received a liberal share of the business of the Territory in the past, we trust that these. additional facilities will Insure to this company the continued support of - Kam DeBow, its friends. '' General Agent, Sioux Crrr, Dec. 1, 18G9. Co-rin- ne. t j ; L'o-rin- ne rf i OORlNUE.'TJ. T., Daomrstm M, ' j 180. . $u ft eAee .f $ k w OomtE. Rio choice II to COAL. to too. 1 - f Belchers A r . . BUOARS. 1Ub ! Belc. ers Golden to Sugar Iioae to 222$e STBUPS. ..200 CANDLES. ft.. Morrell A CeetUe to ..... r. ,S3H SOAP. $ ft Rumejrs ft... .25e 50r MATCHES. ........... .15c Telegraph R box. ao Doxneeuo ; DRIED FRUIT. i Hi 900 e Wc .99c Ib . ....., ft.,.. 4. ........ ft. 1 BUTTKft ftXagft. ft............,.......,......t5e 15 . California white and plnE do .2e i ....0e eoos dOften eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee BACON. SUtes to ft. ..Vi , JL 1 , J ava .AGO 33c . ; ; Half concealing amorous flashes Ju-- t the girl for a ohap like me . To court, and love sud marry, you J 4 see With rosy cheek and clustering curb, The sweetest and the best of girl." Grain, Mutter, ,18-t- f , hoff A Oo. ' Creighton A Munros. If T. Ollier has the largest stock' in the city at wholesale, only. j . j if t All t lie- latest i! styles and pattern of Winter Clothing aud Furnish Front Clothing lug Goods at Palace, corner of 4th and MontanAsts, Ad. Knhu A Bro., Proprietors. t (12-t- f Rte Flouh at ,,i ' 1 le tbe-Marb- s, Its so seldom Model Subscriber. v we , Manufaotared by 11 Onaranteed to keep correct time, and wear and not tarnish, with Extra Fine Caaee. at 20 each. NO MONET IS REQUIRED IN ADVANCE We aend by Express anywhere wtthln the United Staten, parable to agent on delivery, with the privilege to open and examine before paid for. and if not satisfactory returned, by paying the Express charges. Goods will be sent by mall aa Registered Fackage, prepaid, by aendlng cash in advance. ' Aa Agent tending for six Watches jj tk in' extra Watch free Making aevea 15 watche for 90, or aeren 20 Watchea for !20. ALSO ELEGANT OROIDFlGOLD CHAINS,' of la'est and moat costly styles, for Ladle ami Gentlemen, from 10 to 40 Inches long, at 2, 4, 8 each, sent with watches at lowest 5, and wholesale prices. State kind and size of watch Mqqired, ai d order only from . THE OROIDE WATCH CO., 145 Fulton Street, New Tork. oc!6 3m PATENT er Alexander want office. er f sees ft ee2 CANDICES. " " purcliaing MONTANA BLflCKSPITII SHOP L. REGGEL & CO., scr:a ' Mi-d4l- E'su.,. c, - i New lot of Paror Furniture di8tf A just received at Howe - r 4 J. T. Ollier has the best assort-ciment of d25-t- f 4 i!5 h Unshed ! Room' i- - SIS FK.IBIII Boots and Shoes, CROCKERY, STOKE. DAVIS COUINNE. UTAH. Sc 10 . lle ftrgr t Rnaohoff k Co. h Goldbergs. Christmas Candies, Olliers for voar Christmas wholesale only. Go to T. candies st DR Y 00 0DS & CLOTHm Boots and Shoes, ANDJ01HER . . 1 -- ' Fmaix ' ' ' antt. ' - 'f J t SeTIm.CORINNE, UTAH. ' - J t l Bfantniau Street 'J ft CORINNE, ..." . & Dimt GstMrikM Mil st i, j, 0 V V aaseri-mrn- . . ( 1 K m A tlj t 4 ,,....109 50 00 BRYAtfiV ,; i fvrtha Wife dtagaa 00 16( i 7 oo 9 00 t grsat ewsshrstw SEMiag . oP f .f tV '' , Pis trlct. e ft m t td OCDErJ, a u.'ft- tfe 1000 11 90 . - X. X. ! s ft7?ish, ' t so " ftO . . t i f t fev ISsUml TiegUMa Stag nMi.xtl 504(97 60 ,t .ti , r , UXs fed teafesrw BMJP . vi e k i , coRirjrjE, 800 r 9 50 00 t Kf i 4 VOwmel CXtF, feats Kt. da M4 Mens IKaatep. , 1) t t wife is , - t " I cHEYErjrJE,-- ; aa tK fetr, - yetat la WWlaa. - ' i , - , ii 1 r . 1 35 fl18o OUDI AlfthiCe e ee best el e e e e see Miitetii, e e e e ee! ..,...,,. .. f ' . - (jommou ft fl ft. Out O. O. HAMMaNV. , , f ft........ HAT. 'j-m- STAOEcjIlIfflESS 9 A 10s las 00 00 FUENITITBE $1960 ... -- -- ! '3 1 60 1 am receiving and setting up a large assae 900 men . I of furnitura, aa S 60 .,,.. MOO Coal fl can ef 6 gaL. ......' Linseed Lard fl gat, Neat foot ft gal . POTATOES. FUTTT. pTa ROCKERS, . Carolines ft China ft ft. ft attsitssislMl ft box SODA. Babbit per case 10 SALT. 5 on e ft eck, eete$esM6s99M fie e e 4 r i'SOAF. Morrell A Ramsey's per box..... 4 Js M ; ; Chemical ICraative. Castile.... . f -- - n I T ?t 90 19 69 X ft csa.. ' as ss se $ e e s a aa 34 33 PILLOWS, aad9fhaet v TINEOAB. 5 ' A rdr r woourni i. YEAST POWDERS. Merrills ft dost 0- - Red Lead ft ft.. , .) I ' - , . p 1 I ! iu ca f t ; ! , Leave CoriDBt daily lew Twin lit Okf, and on nher&Ale dayn for ualifet j Helena and Fort Bentoo. j, 4 , v I witk , SALE ROOMS: COLORADO STREP. T, l action 1 2 . ' ' psarly hack of lhe Ulntak Hsnaa, j. w. no23tf j 1 .t 90 Sbmsthmgfor tvmnfJIOUS, thatvBl &n . J3iacs in every heart. y $900 J J ,a 76 44 SUNDRIES.. A 20c $500 ' noRirmo prayer, after the ori- charming Pram and People unite Shot ft bag ginal by John PhllUpe. Greenfield Starch ft ft pronouncing it the moeft deeirable Picture for ............18c in Hems adornment aver Published. Wa Intend to make this department of our V fend stamp for illustrated Circular to paper a speciality, and shall revise tt from day . X. aa H. 7RAFTOH1 PubUahar. to day ft Important c.haagaa occsr Parties out 4 I i of tha city aendlng orders, saa rely upon Box 72, Chicago. e f 'v ft ffe ants 41MI tfT Aak ycurr Pfeturt Dealer tar ft Chromo-LKbofTu- pk -- t J . .r s. I f 1 ( 1 Good Stoek, New Ccaehe and Quleli TIzne, . USHER. HIKE HOME BEAUTIFUL 4 t. . ' Taitenger Trnlna boUi ' ways m tb U. P. IUnronA: 8 'X . ;r b yr f I JV.ii CORINNE, UTAH. ,...,..5507Oc 7 , . 4 TOBACCOES. ft ft .... ) : 126 A Abbot is. Natural Leaf, ft ft $1 1001 20 Fins cut per Ib 100 ?0tf580o Ordinary grades ft ft Navy AND I BEDSPREADS, ETC. 5901 00 ysen ft ft 100 Japaneaa ftTb...,.,....,,..,.?..,.. 1 003,1 76 Ooloug ft ft 2 0043 60 Gunpowder ft ft. Demis JJT 9 $2 00 1 50 TEAS. i A t - COMFORTS, 24 00 ft ft ' I SIRUP. gal. .. . gal....... SARDINES. , S b ICxtr O Sorgnm ft f Y7ELL8, F1QG0 fi CO DIN ING- T All EES. MOSS S5 Patent Lotf NW Orkl&fiS MStfSMM(MttS MIMISI 13 CrtlftllttS MStMtMIMttMtttl MttMMMtft a s33 Belcher Golden ft 8ngar House ft ga 1 - r r . to 27c sitillM lha 91 :A.xxiO . BREAKFAST and I. Be $9 .. .. SUOAR. POWltTfiaaaa Dfilchtr I A t i 8 00 4 r 00 a i 7 6e 7 60 A RAISONS. -- UI , ymoxntA '.tliT;!' in.)'oi7?r 4 4 1 0 stC -- BICE. J. - BEDSTEADS of all kinds, CHIBS. LOUNGES, AC. 4e BUREAUS. D6 DRESS, WASH, and lie STANDS. FLIGHT ir ,r aee 16 12 CUPBOARDS,. 6 60 KITCHEN SAFES, ' ft ft A ft F f OARBYIKG.TXXX OFFICE, .......169 ONIONS. to .t . CANE, 2 60 ' 'otstebs;. f , r j ; , .. ; Field's steamed feas s;...i.... ..... McMurry A Co.s best ft can ief s p A ; WOOD, 59 225 f gal........................ .j ?. a ' .. CII AIllS, In great varieties, 7 76 OIU - r- " . HD U3nA Liand n ,tc 60s KAIL. ft ft a , a I v rr - Durham........ , j ffe MUSTARD. fta.... V it I x - i J 6w ft v e A - 40 00 case. --- 5 9i - ft V a ,ft . Lit to o.onxxjrro; ii MILL FEED. Bran and, Shorts, mixed, fl ton MATcnxs. " ' " 00 ....... I((48 Oil J? fj 2000 10 ...... t- f- W 80s 26 Gin, Holland Port wine, imported ,. f Wuw W ; . wf 4 60? 00 f h LIQUORS. Whixkey f jsl.,.,... Brandy Ms t I e In rent 4a 6s - $ 90 ,,.le ,. 6c palrf.'...J.,...; LARD. 100 S 2356 ee Flooring to foot.,,, (lommon " ..4 Doors, earb. MBISfSH ej ft Sash fl English .r P k 28s LUMBER. f t MBit 4 suwnn ...6;oe .,.'.$708 i 4 HAMS. Telegraph, deai TUket J. BUEE, 6 4 15 4 OS OLABS. Sherry.... Gcal Sept, Omahft Ageuf. Omah., 4 2 76 1 fl box..... fl ton H. BROWXSOlf, Agent, . - 2 59 Prime Cauvaesed to 7 o T Aet Geul lipt .6SQ65e lb Barley Vv trdftt Asnsral aW.MHADH, 1 GRAIN. ft..; Wheat to 100 is .,..,3 . lb 10 : - m .....20(25 ......25c .,,. . California to 100 lbs Halt Lake t , FLOUR.. , V- . Tor through rates on freight te Hentane. Sweetwater Mines and ether poiata, apply tn v . .fi-- ! 3ft SO X tndns. Beoompeay I SfT- - S50 7ft0 X , x .12(314 Ground Cherries fl lb V 80o t...... DRIED FRUCT. T. Peaches, Salt Lake ft ft Pcacies, pealed........ BOOS. ... ft dos ., le 1. . . , , 41 50 . . .... 25 Quicksilver, Quintus ounce. .................. ' 30 ftfto ,,e, 9m PuIImsu1 lnlnee and llssplsg ' all ftftC MteU 00 MiMette atoms 4X0 t Potlum. Xodid itessts i Gum Tpfti(KcftDth Ukt GUm Opium. Mtet,Mttii Ipil'M Powder J 2 X mr Titan CLASS HOTELS AN iufttHE HOUSES at eaa vent eat points on the Urns. . . : a , , t , t .?! , 55c 26 22c , 4fW -- tk. Thna Four Ikyy! ividt Whit Glue, belt.. GlUg CODJ I1IOU eeteeeeeeeeeeeee Preston nr W. B. BRADD, CARPENTER t m 14c ,14c tsti ,e eeitsMeitisiSM pbOf Ouzn Mtiitiite,HueeM,tMisM Crram 1 firtfif, pur i DEALS A det-t-f IVsaartce 1 IlOfZX ffifllHKlttei t 1 ft eord. . COHIV .i S t Xeep eonslsntly on hand food for tbe jobbiug trade. f Orders will receivs prompt sad with Chicago as4 Ncrftwsatsra. Chi sago. Rack l ' . Island tad Pnetfio and Hi. Joseph a careful attention. ..,. ., 42o OonncU Bluffs Ballroada, sad Mi 27e Goods sbippel eaat and treat oo tbs aonrt River Lins of Tssksts ; i 24e line of tb JUilroad the same day orders , e sad freen aU priaeA. . received- are rr , amttS mstara . . sad pal V v aolftf ). 2c . i . f era Clttwa i , CADI per gal STREET, i III Lets .50e lb................ ...... , GLA&SYARE, ETC. -- MONTANA Thtpagh to a, 18$24 00 244036 00 ft lb - h- r. DRY ROODS AND CLOTHING, irgesa groceries, liquors,, provisions, ll gars and tobaccos, hats, caps, boots, 'shoe, u and clothing, in tho mountains, af whole. f sale, only. 1 Burges,. m,rke! Cftn he -found at Howe Pure Golden Syrup at the I.X. L. " , n23-t- f Bakery. Ad Kuhns Marble fronts0 eornr Of.kh and MonUna str2f Milwaukee Botttedl llager for your Winter d2 tf 18tf Beer at " ' Clothiug. . ; is . ; . ? 1 ;i 4 54 00 1 s . ' ( 1 JPAOIPEO COZ1GT .a $8 75 Alum ft Arrow Root J am. ...... Balaam Copalva Bicarb Soda ng.., STOCK AGL10TH , V DRUGS. MEYER, Dont . hJ .;V.3 Li .ii psf ft' . i, " GOAL. 1 f r ou 7087 Vintage..... ton Aloea Roe. t fillers . I t--. Mb 00 qMMMttMiyfltlMtMM v Bttter;Creek Oy-der- s ill ,1 ' 7 00 8 00 Peaches ft case...,,..,.,, Pine Apple ' ' Tomatoes case Strawberrieo Cheaper Cheap ' 1; 4v - CAN FRUIT. J '- GtkTSts.' M 1100 Claret Catawba Wine, Missouri Schiodatn Bchnapps er M. t $ V2S84 00 common. er , 4254 S44F7S Ull 1 . i ttiet eueeeeeeee Bourbon Whiskey Brandy Cocktail. Old Tern Gin, fine er f v ,H illt. nall.Qcelto fnliferola r 4 - . ... rtN CHEESE. SUrperbox OUR DOUBLE EXTRA REFINED Solid Oro. Me Oold Hunting Caaee, Full Jeweled Levera. are equal to S200 Odd. Watches; Regulated and . - -- , , by-ma- il .............. ...... .... the beet make. Hunting Caaea, fine. look and wear like fine gold, and are r j haid; equal tn appearance to the beat gold watche 150. Full Jeweed Levera, Cranberries nanally coet'ng at $15 each. and aixea, Ladies' Qents York State - PROVED 1 Gold Watches, Oroide ' . .O u u Tbay are Kggft, Onions, llolhiud Her- Goldberg. OINCINKIlf $20, TIIR OROIDR WATCH COMPANY,t Bauei kraut, uiul genuine rings at BCY THE ONLY - Meiuiunts -, GET THE BEST. $15. ' , - a- ' ' I t v 'J. rtJ i , ,4. .i now immiisssn mm iwiuitftt dal paoseager I trains, foraiar la cosmectlon vrtsa ; th CsmunU Pacific BaUroad sa ...lie 21200 22e34 00 ft do ( s, s t ' t . ft ' Is Cdririno1. Utali 7 r! H n ? ' Corner Moutana aud v :V BEAKS. lb Rio choice Ordinary States i ef f, dm CoMJIlSSIQJI , COFFEE. f ' p r PLATTE .'VALLE? BCUTE t i- - to . I -- If & & j ; 1 4 V ..Singles IT FLOUR. CREAM TARTAR. Pile up your wealth a mountain high, $4 60 ft ft Sail Lake, beat, to 100 ft You sneering, scoffing churl; 6 00 CaUomU V 100 Ib CRACKERS. BROOMS.Ill laagh as I go dashing by Soda ft 0 With my dear, 'delightful girl Each, beet. lb Butter ,..,..................fl TUBS. The brightest, dearest, sweetest girl ; Water ft lb.... tt piece The trimmest, gayest, neatest girl ; :. $22 50 CASED OOODS. PAILS.' The fuumest, dnsbest, frankest, fairest, Plantation Bitters ft case 1125 R rar- piece... ' Red J acket r h, roundest, ripest, roagbishest, " est, spunkiest, spiciest, squirm lest, Angostura Boker squarest, best of girls, with droop-lasheCoc f , f. Vf c .are fine sewed shoes, . N I - J; lit4 n THE QBEAT k BAOON. $ ft. 8tates - f! e- I K j ? cak rnurr. California, white and pink...... CAD eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 500 PfICbfl BOOT A SHOES. Pin Apple eeee4eeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeee 7ft Men ft ftft do. Brogans .. esee.woeeeeeesee TOtnilO. t eeeeeeeee case. Boy hoot StrWtlfTl.e eetiieew etoosoeeeweseeeae . OO Men's heevr kip ft case... Oft CrtabicHfif Miner. , naiftd. m ftft Corn eseeeeeeee - eeseseoeeoeooeeeeeeoaeeesses 50 French kip, heavy dcuple sole.. 4...... Blackberries French calf, tap sole BEANS. ' j Men's, Buffalo rur lined, boots Domeatie R Ladies' calf, heavy doaple sola, ft dos, meet with what might be called a real model subscriber in this country, that we cannot refrain from mentioning a little episode, that occurred in our office yesterday. The door opened, a tall strange Jan r.H Campbell, f gentleman1' entered, and stepped elostiely Sopt. Salt Lake pivieion. was forward to where the book-keepFun Kalb. On' of the celebrated seated and anked, virho receives the sub-- 1 Sc Mason, you at ' $36 a good Importfor the Reporter? four simplifying edIf Anoa Piauo, Manner here Mcription tu T. go Brandy, iHjrcase, SOLICITOUS SF Bok-keepknown to the Ollier. 1 arnta; one of the. finest I do. ! ( trade. Apply at this office. Gentleman Whats the subscription AMERICAN Jfc EUROPEAN PATENTS Pearl Crown Cigars, at Ransoboff A Co ' f .i ! t AND one year by mail 7 price to Room Rent ntjtbe Book-keep$12.00. AVantedInfonnation of the where- Uintah Lodging House. . COUNSELORS AT PATENT LAT, 1 ? abouts of J, E. Malian A Dr , of AtUnUe Geutleman $12.00 in coin? CiiEioirroN A Munbo have nwluoed the (15 yean experience as solicitors of'Patents, i Book-keepNo sir, In eurrsney. Cily, Sweetwater dtatrict, is wnnted at reUil 440 SEVENTH STREET, opp. tha Patent Olfloe. price of California Flour to $5 per ' ibis office.' Gentleman What premium to yob alLet us have bread. dlStf hundred. ' Washington, D. t!, -- X s ' Elliott has just received a large invoice low on gold? " Book-keep18 per cent For Sole. A fine piece of French of Christmas good; toys, beads and muin sical instruments great variety. J r. r Gentleman Itigrsiti Carpet, about fifteen yards, apply (planking down $12.00 OAREFULLT ' PREPARED, and Patent Paper t this office! , Go to T. Olliers for Whisky, worth of coin) My name is F. C. Lea, and secured WITHOUT DELAY. 1 want the Reporter sent one year where Exsminationr in the Patent Office free of at $1.75 per gallon wat ranted proof. and no individual fee asked in any ease, charge, Christmas and New Year. Promonthe I may direct, at present at unless a Patent la allowed. Missouri Catawba Wine, Wines best stock of the has. f Goldberg Chargees reasonable as any O' her "reliable Raisins and Candy, at Goldbergs 18-t- f tory.4 snJ Liquor for the holidays. Agency. Book-keepe- r AU right, Mr. Lea. Sena for Circular Of Terms, inairnetions and Choice Mackerel at the L X.L Bakery. not tf references. If you want durable Furniture, go to Mr. L. The name was duly booked' as n23-t- f 1. W. Leaher, as he la a workman and I on his heel, and with a parting pot op Lis work in a substantial manner, waut cheap Furniture go to J. turned If you de2-twish lor oar success took his leaveu, This f de2-tjust shove tb Report bb office. W. Leaher, on Colorado street ! we call a model Newspaper patron is whst Ad. Kulm Marble Front Bucxwxxxat Flour at Creighton A Muo-ros- . and one that Clotbtt g Palace, corner of 4th and Mon-tun- s may be pateroed after pith d!8tf streets, is the place to get the latest all round. remits satisfactory ktyha Hat,Cps and Furnishing Good. . d2-t- f r Santa Claus. -- In the wee ama" hours Go to Elliott's for your Christmas 'presa ents. we .The largest assortment ; in townv beard of Christmas, this morning, Cbmer Montana and foraih Streets, Fresh at I. X. L. Bakeryi M, t on hand, and more coming: constantly sanctam tn u23-t- f inner . racket terrible , onrt t: . j H A full assort me ntof eased and canned Utah among the old fnrnlture; chairs, bedCorinne, Extbaobdinabt Notice Goods at Ransohoff k Co. Gat at were and bureaus mirrors, being steads, HAS JUST OPENED IIS to the Pcbuc, The Reforteb speedily removed and others of modern Go to T. Olliers for , Groceries. office will be packages onopen daring the hoUdays design and beautiful finish being put in fine groceries, in the original ' - ! for the reception of ly, subscriptions, adver- their place. Many were the visions that Ransohoff A Co.: deliver Goods in the tisement, Ao, Make your friends in the flitted through our previous placid mind, city and at the depot free of charge,, V,. . States s present of the Refoetee for one f agonising recollections of the Sheriff the ANN STAPLE 1 V 'n JANOZt ' ti! year. at town in Teas Finest the.LX'L tax gatherer, morbid creditors, redheaded ' n33-l- f ' DRY GOODS, all Bakery: iloLiDAt Goon All the latest holiday landladys and .ebony washerwomen, in hand goods, including toys, notions, fruits, received due credit for having a CLOTHING, NOTICE! we till our of slumber, esndie and Christmas and j New Years the distnrbing BOOTS & SHOES, r nI r notified not to reading matter iu great variety, at O. H. got fully awake aud took a realizing sense are ALL PERSONS nego. hereby HATS & CAPS, - ; ' of, deposit, numbered ' .. of our situation. There before oor wan- tiate a certain certificate Elliott. one six hnndred sod Mx (SMa and reprrwenUng dollars (123 00) and In fact everything that can be called for la dering gaze stood Santa Claus, surrounded thousand two hundred and thirty his Una, all of which he tffereto the public Houae of WUeon A In the A. wholesale aud f, Banking deposited ' at tb most reasonable rate. by his Christian friends, Lesher Langs-'dorMorton, st Corinne, Utah; a all of said sum of toldbergs, who were also surrounded by furni: I23t 00, represented by said certificate, No. 60S, of the undersigned, and garnish forset to call and exfor "flna cigars, ture indescribable, j Old General Santa la the property actions f 7 Third Judicial Dis tbs M vhoWle, la' certain ced in before N only. amine, elsefThere. court of Utah Territory, r Claus was in command of the movement, trlct wlfiif CHA8. WRIGHT, del-3- t j ,, 7,lc Rtble Front ClolIiltiK Lesher commanding furniture" division rner 0f 4tb mud UontHiM, street; Chief of Staff DISSOLUTION NOTIOE! hrgtt and best selected stock of of Corinne, with Langsdorf, The gentlemen only tarried a few minutes JS35S? nd,c,d;btif8 to heretofore editing explain the admirable qualities of the andTHE aa the firm of Hows, Bi'kOM A Oo , known Lesher fariiiture, when the tocsin 'Sound- la this day dissolved by mutual consent, by the Rulemd Tbavel. In of .Dublin, Indiana, went on Iheir errand withdrawal of J. Q. Buaon i Iths inclement state of the consequence ol ed, and away they of bia entire Interest in the firm. . Front Street. weather wc.uU pf charity Jhrough out Corinne. Lesher All debts and collections of the firm, will be aud doubt mors inrlment foam by the new firm of owa A Benares. a regular embodiment of old Santa settled of COKIN N I', UTAH, December 12, IM9. Corinne, Voting snow.boand, r BAML HOWE. ; l'acffia railr0ul Clao all by himself. ! - i 4 . i ', R. J. UM11URX, Preprtetnr. : L T. BURGESS, istelbas .tejnteriilly dimmahed ou . . .. the J. Q. BURGESS, (the Oo.) right Go to Goldbergs for Golden ' of work, at . t am nowlowest pmas though nothing had Opened; Thread prepared b do all kinda and and C Tobacco freight-er- a Teamsters the Very prices. herring 18-- tf I Of danger of !9 P a call me te to interest their fiud will it give Crown Cigars gettingnow- - Golden before going e'seu here. deaLebs , e29-t- f 'Continental" than her!l0n' OUT Don't farget the place. i. at Creighton A Munroa.,: 18tf , . , Oat - --- - Green V Dried to Preaton BUTTER. -- ! ad-jaoe- nt SODA. 15e Prunes 9 Ib. Blfickbtrrlci ,'U. Utah Reporter? The business of the week ending has been all and even more than could be expected at this season of the year. Orders from the towns far exceeded any week for the last two mocthaThe trade with Ogden has bean unusually margins jr-ante Swieeibbd thw wboleaale rooelpt dating the week by many thousand dollars. Merchant who thought they bad laid In stock to last all winter, are very agreeably surprised to find therq giving out before the boll days. S But few changes htve taken. plaoe. N. 8. Ransohoff A Co. quote aa follows t , ...............,...12e Babbit CXirTGOtH -- UNIOlT PACIFIC i 4 JipOiS . jCOB(GIixQN -- S' BUt to b to-da- y, .....SJqe ..UOO I if the Office ra j 'n$f (j(itJ' TEAS. Imperial ft ft in roUi i r x " .i 1 MISCELLANEOUS ADYT& Eetail Family Zlarket. . . j fT9--vj POTATOES. r rsi ' Birt; 1 - vj-- R ft . I 1 near v t -- Market Market Report. Report r y, W, Lesher has the largest assortment ! sed Co-rin- ne C J iaL, night,1 Chriatoaas the happiest group ever assembled in to glide through the maxes of the enchanting waltz. Several couples from OgdSn were in attendance, and at an early hoar a goodly nambr had collocted. At 10 oclock everything was under full head-wawith 300 pounds steam on and safety-valv- e down ; at 12 the pressure was immense more fuel bad been added spams were flying in every direction bat tho machine was staunch, and as the whistle blew for daylight the passengers were all safely landed. We were there. Pause a moment. Jet ns think ; yes, we were there. Of coarse. Did you not not notioe a tall, portly! looking gentleman. With dark flowing ringlet?, eyes black as night, bearing a jforeign air and presenting a decidedly Cheeterfleldian appearance 7 well, that want ns no, not by any manner of means, for oar short, straight, red hair prevents ns palming ourself off for Prince or Noble.u But notwithstanding, we like all the rest enjoyed ourself, and lelt a good deal like the poet who mounted bis Pegasus" and 'glided away into the realms of bliss after the following style ; ' ' Of all the joys vouchsafed iq man In life's tempestnoos whirl, ' There's naught approaches heaven so . ls-t- f ; nd best quality of Furniture ever opened in Utah Territory. ide2tf. , ' ?V W Montana and Repeating Office, corner the largest faotwe GotoT Olller4, Sixth at. in for v-- t town, dlltf your clothiug. , ,, , Edward Conway, manager. chief Fresh Oynter fitews served operator, Geo. F. Browu. sud cashier and receiver, Day at the LX.L Bakery. ' Night r W- II.' Glacotf, n23-t- f Frank 8. Wild, Knight; L !I.a Pratt, Flooi lag find Furn-AChicago Saul Kimbernnd P. Kearney operator. lumber iabing man and just received at' linwe . Geo. Stuart, buttery repairer. !' dl8tf ' BurgesaV corinne rotrr omcE, M'ntnn at, between Fifth and Sixth ; Tub Nobtbwestern TRanrpobtation George L. Holt, Post Master. Mule arrive from the east and aonlh Compant. The Helena papers have rep. m. ; from the west, 9.10a.m.; ceived the following circular from Capt. ,2i " I from the north, 8.50 a. tn. Sara. DeBow, with a request to publiabit. cloe for eut and south, 8.30 a. The it&licg'aro our own i x m;rr,lhe weal, 3.30 p, ui.; for the VD TIM Tat HoF.Llevening.Friday 24ih Abe -- j . -- , - , t JTIU IIECriuCCH. ACHiT, : ' ,f: xi ' i t OGSmUtt wr 1 : Eol8-if- r Qotkiixi 'Pict'b Tr.I The Herd eu - .... 'k V q J Mer ttontaan feed cafe first ef Vri the usael tuepoMfMse at the beet Ranch in. the oountr J. A' : Csjtea HEATS. Eefar, by psrmtmion, to r ' E.G. 8nwsxA, O. B. Ibuoft So i." ftHTnel E. P. Ol ft. . . . sibSm lee, AXSftt frnmsRfem J - |