OCR Text |
Show 4 fxwairfffr 'mwi'mmiM'tm.;; i 7, - S irw iWBWwow Mf1 7 4 , .war . ! t Om - 3 lr A , , 1. ,5 J iV W ,...... Vo:, j; IfltffO 30 a I f . - --- CORINNE, .Vf ru i lLLl21iI-l-L- ,'.vitl - it BUSINESS CARDS."' in P 4 8 -- !il .i!J..-.;n- i ; LiJ j, i ' vr K t. s r- f 00RINNE.1 cnF,i4E&tAai ttoutrf 4Mi;pdei, V..f 1 ;njH i f Y-o- .. ! iigiiEtsy m '! L-C- ' !.,,,. ' -- J- t t 'i . ,1 f S rtin pf : I t . 2, 4 p. JOHNSON, E. t.W If'- v - V. i . ,T1 I 4 K, S i.Jl-i'j- O-.-.-- i y I never was a mortal man, 1 kuow I did some things were far beyond de ,jv., tu T-- tf ..! r 1 l, rt f j . - ' cell 'Y - i- liY . -- - .1 Mj '7' 4 ' 1, 4' ", I 4 ' f T. '. ti a. w. t . 4 M. the J. & Krr1 i . f I 1 -- 1 f f e dvtr-kneni- - - J 5 Meat Market. , 4tl Li.. I , f ' j li A e 4 - 3 J-t'- . 5 5 w Watolio, S, Elgpiii I i ,.b 4 - - ,, rc --- A H'lV Montana Street, f 1 t I am redrtdog ahd setting up' a larg of furniture, ss I care not for myself my fame Is far to dim; Byudjtbp?dpil ytviJfa My Rioter shone before her as a star Shiues purely oer the young moons crescent rim; our reputation both to tar With the same fout brush ; twus a whothy whim fetid Corner of llh, and Montana Streets, COHINNK, UTAH. anlt-lni- ; A A Vfholee and JIJj jakdjifhPttDS imiJGGI.ST.S. Montana Street, COltlNNK, hMu r' u. UEURISli AvUILESf irv ihH fY:t&yrHa. .T. .! I know not, bat the deed oinadsy.1 f Thill' lewd'loqkdHotN,' liWry antic, r , Should blast them on 'both sides Of the Atlantic. . One would Iiveon Vreeer, Vat a bore becomes ererun mauy life years "lroll Ones a a utimsam t Hardware, Sr lron,Nailv ( 7 Stoves, waMnvwMisAi j .. Jltl , , - COHINNE,1 UTAIf.;: ,, ' 7-- 3 ina HWmMw (l- l.A ; , t ii ins ; ' i r t PropriHoeof the t EC 1,1 PSR8AW-n MILL J a e U conixsE, j fir e r , . P i t 5 'I S4. Lombw, Latb and Rhlngl, f or f uruiahed at the lower. PrtXST1 Oaah . oc7-3- lb . 7j C. JOHNSON J ;0"bt.ok. G DLACKOOITH lJ.L t. n SfmfrWieem JVonf and Jfonfona, " fflSffrdrafrft56iiia v 1 .!44 '. '' Orocoi lea ;c ad Blqaoro, .s Deal, . in . Ji , 4 t f L' i H I J d bl sriihWr. ii - t I . I F jf Ask your Picture Dealer for system it wiped out,, a damnablc sifl I flt ,wnrif It teems ihat'tnothere ana ,ahonla be U.y fm aud daughters f msny tbe same" man in Balt Ike City,, also ms ten reioice In i the same husband, and it is darkly Whaspwed that sons have - W' - i dl64t 1L fc 4 nlf 4- - Fret Street. . I fc61UfNNhf ui)Alt)l)b 4 S ? Post As e I - btrraS5S,s.' ,f ..1J f "8 w A v? i i ' l 4 3.V 1 j Jv. , f j vr i .J j - f-- .tifrAIL -- 4 .1 . A I I f r . t ( ,- - 1 1 , U .. A - i i ? "I. - .: i wrji; II All- - KK ts w.5 ? t HAIRDKKSSER,' l..j Utah, Corinne, - . RAFFEHTYS i ' i-- y sep81m j KlLOOSi sR W0RII50 .. a n . i. t CLkSfL - M Wa Mpntnnk mL I - sew 1m Rrtoyth at - ar new -- -. i Street, ; 1 I J - ,Ji . I- 4 V . 7 - f - f- , ' !",H . - . N . 4 V I vi J 4ll i A.-rn- ? Vay Of 1 y 1 Mrt a FI r 1 f Rf e n &trf ,'J -- 'jl'-L'-'f .. TJ ' .i I ! ' AtZ pul t 3i-4ii- i r.i.t tiLi.j c 1 t j J- .n 7I1? t ni. 't l ii , , 4 DaaiereJn Raver naa sa . Beearitiaa. - ' , Pktladslpbik ; tjaluti u . , hJTf I . , . -- . ilaA.1 .1 n U s7 saw two'atoty .Wlck ,nn -- - -- : ft n tTi't'J 1 "u J ' 1 1.1 ..... mn!-m- and Fifth Streeta, Csrkuw, Utah. nad-t- , 1 i tire ,Jf ' 1" 1 H O .4 ii, 3 r IVffrM Shreds? mei . . ft . ; . . 1 'kta, Apr prBHBD',m;.7r - aaoTEisOTesKs ' ; at'iirA ia?4 I . ; YdUOY-Ai- ni v-viVA- b1 3 " YhoffwyyiiefthavtimpprMoIXha ' i r ') b' .. . V 'ii e 7 f e .j-.- -i " OBAFLB - mi.: h. f,, s 7 i la erected, - end la f hsiagSot--fitted ' 1 np faa ff rat. oisaa PotaL - li.ii ' 1 Zt- - f ibmec-Menke- ; i A . ...Sous buSlnt. recently 1 r'j- I 1 1 iritrs.rrmLtiU';':': p; d Urn 1, - 1 . 1 i. OliQfipJ,; Ohoaper ?t, 1 Jftfth Streets, it ; a itxeAhil , crt-- U tj , . 4 i f V -- n? M Union and Cantral paelfia B.,B. first Mertpags , Bond Bought and Bold. ' ' U. 8. Honda Bought, Bold and Bxebaagad. Gold Bough! and gold at Market rate. Cssgmt , . cashed. . , , 4 v . Stocks Banght and Bold on Commission aoljr. Aceounta raeatvad and interest allow on daitr balancae, ankjaet to Chaak at aighl - nst-l- f f ; J a Li '.c.-j.a- ahoffa; U TtaliMA aD SSCao AUa'Caetla aWk 4o Wintah Moemt.) ,inff!.n '4 ui IU UTAH tr ;!:7 Co. .4i dot 7 cemf Ttn INTBR28T! jtr " .'.5 3. . zT AH rax u,iCorner ZJHonlana And reisw II. W. P. IPEKCER, I T-frrr-r- j LOcrivcAyDEit ;siiop.a j f i - ' C iJCl-- T 1141.1 M! V'iiiii 'V. i , IMaff. ., i i. A. i .wqojttB,rjcrTAf:;i' 4 Itr aomuUaum ju UniI r) li7 ii STREfcT,' :3a!iiB5tJa7rAw ? t ;;, n- TMMOiikfH vf The finest imported Liquors, Golden and Fearl Crown Cigars, Tom A Jerry, Hot Punches,' ato.. T always ou hand. Call andaeau,- - .... . M MoSTANA COIUIIIIE, 4 d ArAk"M, , x aiiirfA ' . TO YHB t UTAH. jCQKINNE, oc7'3 14 t ft i- - ,4 t? .i.w-htiif- -- Jfoataas Street, JkCo., Cele- - j Agent for JlrtWrr, UemlaPwrter. hrnted Alee and 4 IN 7 ' . -- WINES, UQU fllS &THsMRK ' - 'I f eeeureJTby u f- -, z Oi- A 1 I - ' l , 1 : t 'f . - .... - 1 ;'. . K ,!'i !V -- 1 hi J. i Being all th Lands whioh the Union FaaUta Railroad Company now havo ar ahall hereafter acquiraWrfrom tha United gtatsa, sxeeot lh land or. shall be included In 'the Railroad which aud r airgraph Lina of said Oom pany, a imA' for the copstractlon nr operation thereof, ar fur , the tracks yards, depot grounda, bmUdtnf e, ar . erectioua thereof. , The Company rscatv their land Osaat Baade for their face and accrued tnteraet in payaaantaf aU land bold Jby them. , , - repaid totwwMkaB elaaeewirfih eanataat em ployment at home, the whole of the ms r for the spar moments. Business new, light and I HT.HUs profitable. Pnhasittf . Shw Mlly earn t u G,ll from ae to 5 pef sVennk, aad a proportional 't 1'3 "I ;l) i V. . 4 sum by devoting thsir wbote time ts tha busi- Ut 7. ! Boys and giri earmnevly Mfxauch a d ( nee. td i U all Who saw thfte aetira tray lend their men. That .1 HAVIN' Scl COHN and teat the business, w make this un addreas, 9 i ih paralleled offer: T sack as arc not well satisfied, ,.y V,X we will send $i to pay fbr thtooU of writing. 4 ii ri'HlXWAbtsa tgt-il- l 14 Full particular, a valuable. earn pla, which will , to commtDcs work on, aad a copy of The imb) do Liter ory Companion - one at thar largest DRY GOODS ;& CLOTHING. Ftople's and' beat fatulry newspapers .publiahed all sent free by mail Reader if you want patnaaesut, profitable work, addrs IL CL ALLKN k OO ; V Augusta, Main. ;IMiKINIsl "i ' ' ACItCtf OP'I 2,000,000 OP LAIYD.1 f f flECri. I I'll .'UiiJ WIIE, j . 1 ii iii jiinTTTfrrrt . it Id , f . 1 20 t 7 - IT.J Ci IIU4 .. ' i t: s' I le. n it .14 illltni Tw Dollar ere.foup Bonds ef Qe 'Misuse net' J &1LQQQ), each, and ere b!f' ' Dout jforjctHie asSidf I; ri tt r i 1 ,11 I - ritKLES 5 , 5 ! ' aA 'dl i " T fSV" - r T t i i H. ' - -- O. $10.000,00 f , i 4 ;4 f a 4V' ' aiSrbet pries, 1 Riulroad 4l H Ra T l UBBt) ,'i Special attention given to order by math f" rn A large stock always oil hand, 4r Goods shipped sauie day orders ana received. ' . nold tf ; UTAH. ;i " ti cactii nron, r r JCA I' 1 s OF uiai, ' ffl J.f 1. 4 i r .hit f I H i rktlTI. ') I J 1 nh-tf.,.- 1,4-r-- L I l , ta, BRIK1 .u a y ; . i J CIS ,, ; . Ks alee deals 1 , e iff Y f , - , IU r v 4 trdo. rrnlf 'well pasked for Boantal r ' at , j ) f 4 f - 'f-- .j i m ZJTT77J8XL . . - i 1 1 r WF.-.T- t 5 4 J T ''.'1' ' f f i c - ; f I j mUDU GJuI, IIu . sit Jo i" 0 11- ti '!' -- oif! M '- Ojfwe Building. COUINaN ( 4 I A ii- tJOniNNB,' COIHNNI-- UTAIIU ? xdarried their own xac4heili,rthe,kofrid t' f t- - ,, I fk I t , J r crime being duly sanctioned by tbeChrcb. .JUtoil j w n 4ww.lprepard.to do iltMadt f f llaia , Beside mere homur polypwy-naethis prtoM. veiw. Jowt and the CIO AhSAfc D TOBACCU. I Cigar In greal of Wines, ,i Liqourt Best ! Aecordisg to their owirriiotosy rs wiutedJt to their Inteseet w gfv me a au variety. Walk right" in, and help yourselves, triAls tk ret, eerafr ef Meataas, Cerinnr! the salats of God must pass through tf gentlemen. ; . aufts-t- f and tribulations to prepare them for a ! 4 TT.T. j !lr (i- - ivf j 1 Man! and ' Street, BLACUSDlTII SHOP ! - w 3 M , 1 s n -I f (Ii i i , i Wr.f Wh is the enly sgent fer th Teeineare I Sserauiento. All slticlss ordered fresu him will be put up where groauL Abu bslu freak and fnrulalied at prodaesrs prices. t ! , f. ! f . , , ' i 'if '- . 4 s ' U. P. r SACltA.MENTO,. CAL; J i , ' -- , lvI1! , 3i ih. . , 'J J k i ' MONTA3VA! j' j !T 'j 8 MONTANA STREET, f CUTLERY-AN- vt--tf Box 73, Chicago. . .. w OUau A I .) IK 1 after the charming oriand Peopm unite ginal by John Phillips.mootPress dwirable Picture for in pronouncing it the . Home adornment ever Published. to , Send stamp for Illustrated Circular Publisher, E. H.TBAFTpN, 1 U ? T J ' I! li St sfi (! I rAFEIl, NOTIONS h . nr ll rki ' EGGO and tAs- f -- , YVT s STATIOmORWS WAIaX POCKET a Sometidngfor et 'fry HOME that tcUltrtn f ? "heart, in every f t , place 1 - Chromo-Lithograp- PlitER V rr? t No. 231'S J STREET k 5 j 1 -- . ; , " J JA I t wf I BAKERY, r - ' . BOOKS, 4 m, UTAH, f vi ! MAKE HOME' BEAUTIFUL r I. f CORINNE, j i . :J. W. LESHER.i S.4 . ; GEO. L. HOLT, L aedrly bock of the Uifatah h. "f ti I J fi t:-'- ONLY WaOGlI SHOP TN TOWN. ', 4 4 ia ihfi rtro cbniraEUTAiifV HENRY. LEI - j; , WES, ' " t, colo f j A The split in the Mormon Church widens. The Kansas City Journal says that a considerable number of Mormons from Salt Lake have come to Jackson county and settled near Independence, Where they formerly resided. - They have - recovered some of their old property, including .... CAlIPOUmA VAGOII .Second A CO.,, ' MORNING PRAYER, Secealog flarmoau i , f T ' T w f. SALE T30CJMS : it A an - f m 1 .il make - " ' .i I i RECEIVED a fine stock of- fancy HAS JU8T variety re- family Groceries wi th qnlaits to a heavy retail btudnesa and the boys are always on hand to serve up goods to their customer with neatneas ai.d dispatch. . dd We have constantly on hand The finest of fresh Oyster, received daily by Eipress, and are prepared to receive aud other places. I i iff la . ':H . ' to., Prop., t ir m M t i , read mnsther name environ execrations Deep with me. meddle to Who dares utail t i . a ! riOTOGHAIW I t the The proprietors beg leave.nnuncement that they have oj...)ed their new Re- atauraut. and are prepared to serve a choice kleat in a true epicurean stria. JU , . n k To heap defilement on a woman s head. The Stowe had scarcely dare to prate, had I works are i Been living, but wber'er her . i - 4 ,. h . This insult to the living and the dead; !Twas a prafid taslt for womans hands to . .. , ; m . f , . a VffaertrfBmfesUa Iferclait I 1 OENdRl L - DINING TaVBEES. " ji ! , 4 ff 4 Wholesale and Retail I I nBED?PREAPjrC. . t a Vfv:;..4 0 i ?, a t .1 I t i V c. B. LOUENA : icitchen safes, I. JL i i. It h.m T I ITTETgfeET; .nr inuinuf'iiM" jis COMFORTS, - a I 1.: - ft .".JLI T n ;t .MOSS PILLOWS, , XU T And cla'ilaA rdisV feel To tuihkdidw ha wilHsutler when hes . gone. Nil nisi bonum," sMdfthe men of yore, De morfulsJmtnaw ones tomb npon Folks write foul wor;- iu fact, theres no denying Theres something sery dangerous in dy- w1 PATR0S1ZE I1011E INDUSTRY. f k f i i - ItftPBEW .AND TIN WARSr J laA'l M I -.M ! 4l.ynt , JJ f if y . Montana Street, a r , m ; . , , mcUntnl I; BUEAKT'AST and - -: n- ;'A . tl flu) 1 ; STANDS. LIGHT U CUUBOAHDS,': 5 j 1 .? tliid ', S. it v WASH, aud DRESS, sfi-- n w - WFMSv .t It J , - i on roraaJ i . .,A - - ETTAI1. Ti , ,.. t ,.iIIEDSTEADS of all kinds, cribs, lounges; AC- d fouud that I was famous ; speedily I knew myself the target for all scorn, Men. called me (infamous ; (the Lord 1'7'knows why),! . , Whht laurels this rude1 woman' imsy have BUSrtfESSCARD&z t -- q ? one memorable morn Tis said I awoko, T -- CANE, . . OFFICE, to blacken both our t ' COMMISSION, FIRST CTjASS HEW HOTEL ll to the puhllo. , The rooms are neatly and com- - I ,. fj !Ta fortably furnished. The tables aro always aup-- 1 1 "m irW D' V'l n Cw wV ' v JL -l plied (with the beet the market affordi I JL 4, w JL,. JL A Jaw Freeh Oysters always on hand and served up Iu a' v,L ' : I ' ; , any etye ou short notice.7 ' i ' ' " Thf Bur Is forked with the finest Wires, I i It nol-t- f i t and UUI Cigars. T Dquors. ' i i i bTd ,M1 .l'f , ,, . . ' , , r . , , ,r j l ! ' t ii SR bti.i . i WOOD. 8bo-wishe- d Proprietors I I assort-me- at CHAfUS, in greatiTAieties, aer ?WJLV t C it LEI WALD, , k i I fj H WholeaaJe and Re tall , WALSH J ; ' ) a i r '.Ui'ir, t.. . . .. . ; ;j:.v .ivYj." - 'f LflnDGiwnr oonos - 1 p - v t h!';,. ; 5 1 s , J S , s UTAI CORINNE, ' fV 4:h li ;tii - . 1 1 FURNITURE! j ' cw T oi'k Prireo. iu, i i m .if 1 I 1 ' 3 -- ! -1 ui i tH "if "4 nf assiaA War fr asJa, at: bait . . ; 11 rvwc-rw- , t. . P R O DlOiE. m . J 111 3tlJ ' ? ,rju i ii r -- i -- nn RAILROAD . i - 4 f r, Land Grant Bonds. - 1 - terlu. I J 4 r A 41 i , n iihrJ 4 J -- J J l.'t'iH i PAUFIC UNION Fruits Ca liforiiia' 1 , t iUi 'lift 17 Mill ( v jf . 1W JMwsry, Raw noll ; - - - ' Uanafaetory, Ul k . y - I 4 I 4 , s ) r -- t i natal-rwad- .oovnuEi'i do., vrersrohmaand OHi Ka.Mt BaagtW. - ; : . , : 4 : ,nj 4 4 ,; m t , eppotatad them. 1 I ,5 -- ! , i 1 1.4 'f ' 1 j 4 - i 1 'f i Jo-- tn 4i and Tow ' l whr w era Aavt ' Ji'L l - 1 In every Uftp ..-- 1 I , 1 - . -j n t K i In 1WT tha Asserfean Inatltuta1 ThAt a! w a "DUndJold trial agaUst gtqtnw Wa, ChlckerfDgs and many other Pianos, awarded the Patent Jlriosi tha Pint FrautSa. lYrit for affidavits.' and Otvasdag, and state In1 what Paperratsphlc yon saw , tfe i Ih imh 4 v t York, after the ap3t-k- , I THESTA ND ARD 'PIANO. ,, ' la anddopsnotgaAoutafarder.v4: , t arxj-- 4 urn a... f t-- tke steel strings UNDKB TH1 OYBUTMUId BARS. Z.i ol ft l iU " o'- The Aaioa Plane Is the ennkraan, Asmbvs ASLB, coMrucantP. requires taatng l . t Ii part of the Iron Frama, Dsat tat and parallel ' . v . ( wwim resets Uwirtf,lfi': slratn. fectually - Alliance Bank, London.', ,,, i.:3 V P. La Touche, Dubtin. , Bank of Califeutia, Hen Fransiaee. n, Ocean National Batik, New York City, J Draw etchasge ea prlaelpal aide I world. Tim Cksak beaght, :r , . ' W.lilnin 'ii'vJmi ofV, TwilnlFtpiLi hevetofor AaniagtechmU (which In Ur Plan hurtfnily surrounos Ah . Talg ptos , and butts Into the front edge of the Pteak r ef- 1 4,4 . Y, vtmwim , r 1 ' y ? MUr Patent CamiWWftWrset F ank whleh bald' th Tuning Pins, Is six Uyss Maple, otara, raaaAng digsiwnUr, wnai.wLaaa . , . , r 8. Wlltea Chsyaeae. First Natteovi, umaba, Western Havings in.Utate, 8L Lent. , Usury (Ireenbesas k l a., Chicago. Husaey, Dahler Ot4 e La Cilya Uusssy, Daliler k C., Ustsoa, Montana. Uusssy, pabltr k Co., Tlrgista Msatasa' i , -- r'KrnJt tH im f otais i TI t Agra i nwrama tha awash thronghout, at the sis Oi wood Brtdga, and hoTldlty f toe M ital, Agraffe, wlUmnt He i ; I r,. in' - ... t et . F . 4 il a r. Ai, Fonti tI31K.trTlfii PiTCITfir ?, . I i f jLft 44 ti BiBBClV ; rtliUri n' " J1, i 4 SfflSi raouTon, , J A7 14 Lw tM A , ? -- JUI I A rt I f i I . i lo fending; .h i h - a. A so Cursed For Virtue always was slow, i ; i f f u i I iui : COIIINNE, UTAH. in,, I flew to Venice,1 just" as tny soul was l i i r ' 'EVERYBODY! i ATTiiiTIO . mending, Alw.y. on band a Tarietyof the beatMoam, t f r DKNNIS TOOIIY, fresh lint tor, ngar cured liauia. Bacon, etc. And I am rightly punished ; Mrs, Stowe, 4 , Retail custom. - UTAH. AND SJT Particular attention paid to UtmiNNEi Sensation and obscenity so blending; X Mf-ttiorney and Coaucller at Law . . A : I ; ti r i ;, ,jiAUr3A scatter'd lies with dirty prodigality, UOSTAtiA STUET. COMXNE U. T. lias j,l-i 4 I , , . T . t t I 4 ; , f4 ,. i. Aud made me blacker even than reality. J . i I , ; ; : .. .. ip)04ia MERCHANTS COMMISSION to wilt do welt .1 4 J axamtua atock bafor Buyers my ' Fatallu ineestnsque judex" she eUewhere. " ptircha.imr r New style eiteer ata. aU4 gld ehaiua, Miw, As Horace says 1 1 ought to change her WELLS SPICKU, alMv U t , , i i buttoaa, j. plus, ' t. ,a, gender), Montana Sired, bet. Thini k Fourth, .U I . ' A, .4 i A T.T O R N K Y' AT I. A W , Et mulier peregrina" that to me ill i ' j;, !i ; 1 ' I ' ' ' ?' ' ' A comfort is. My fame need no de' jtiu ! l . f j r iif cWf.V.VK UTAH. D. ijiii.i.l . : J. ; , i lteyfron. Prop. , fender. ; J COIUNNK, U. T. AGATE JEWELRY! MOSS ugi-8see House. in think In Ulnteh America. I , Een theyll f 0e Send fop r I I M . ; . ydiiriOrderi . i iiss. t ' OGDEN, UTAH. The falsehoods uttered by this base i f JJ i t kl ' : ' f ; b d il . 1 i pretender, . ' ' .!t f . ,i fZ i lifts - ii ii it e ,,i ' p U. OUKUTSON, at Law , ' ( ti! i At way a on hand the choiaest Meat', Game of . c. ; j j u Whos heaped upon me such a hn8 j ,uj7 4 Attorney 4 all kltd, Butter, Eggs, etc. . I t 1 greet variety . Ikavetke- - t K li 1 .! nt and dignity, I 3 ' In feminine u A if With iollcitor f Chancery, malignity. fatuous, foolish, ?r a Halt Lake City, UUli Term t tf v ; 4 1CEXCT ULE fth stltbraud Sweet to the blushing bride a husbands A LARGE STOCK CONSTANTLY ON ,1 V 1, 'J U. H'.i ,v.') ISAACSON, J . kiss, n HAND. HKNllY W. ATTOHXZr f o t . f lyi . ' AT LA VT I i Sweet to the old man dreams of youth-- ' & j. . 4. ASUf , ful f . I ti- - f . - MJ f vigor," I. , t r SOLICITOR IX CIIAXCKRT. j r ' mIi o'fj.t. ''I i.i ') f 4. M1 new of loves to Swoet the virgm thoughts .5 I If . . ,( SA IT LA EE CITT, t UTA U. i , u If.m'MU' I,1 ,J(, o! n f 7. .bliss, tiH WIN ES, ? LI QUO RS? I j j j .l e t ap34 tf 1. ,1'he kart t WaUksS ew sssaafaeta ted. Alee Sweet is the hope of freedom to the . . ' e j a, i ,f;j; i bn.'; v wv'A-at nigger, brands)(of the best f ' '.k u. hemrstkaH, ' t, fi . -- M. xj K, But sweeter far iu spile of publio hiss We can offer better do gJIAS and I advantage KT AS !ls0, . t TOBACCO CIGARS and GLASSWARE. ?r SI f, i AW" t ca--li buyers than any other To H. B. 8. t the cheque a handsome sc22-l.a In WAT thla Mouimj valley, i i 1 In figure. v" - , United HtAlea AlUirny for Utah. T f i j , . will the worth , ,M ,i, i i' j , game pay to orders by mai. Fpcclat attention given ' Herpublishff t i f t ii 43 ' 5.4 L T A KK 171 T 1 1 UTA It. ' si -' utiulle, . i same day orders are received. forwarded li Good, .. METROPOLITAN IIDTi'L. i.ui t Ofllee Cet end f Little a How, 3d South at., For sheets befould with literary scandal. We deliver Goods free of charge in the city , N . m ' btf t half JiLodweatioLMahw j Vi ,r.sf .4 1, 4 uolS tf ? and at the opot. f 'i t , t. 1 v V i f )' t t i K I i t e 4h i j !. , , r 4..i My sisterf, thy sweet, soul has passed Ci. O aad satisfaetlen g Jtepatriug earefaliy 1 ' .1 ' Y TO' W. ci UAH A ni, M. V f ? away p39-l- y AtF. H.' CUMMINSt,, . . uarsvteed. ' . Where all this foul aspcrsiotrhnrts tbeo I f ; , h 'I ii.l; if ( ' r if 1 r t?r ; !' i f ,y'- r.. ' r it not; DtweenjThird aud Fourth. S tree tj, , i.. ' Corner Fourth atnt Montana Streets, A t St Bure in the pure realms of eternal day, d- ? Gtr-raRi- UTAH TEIi. COIUXSE, - r ? apMh- vv , . - 0 U 771 SIDE UOSTA t Vt' fj fsrrNisiiSaM P. r-- b .1101 USaHBUiMinssinsHpawm -r.. I ;t 1 . ! f rev-e- i ' ' , IhtO iULLiJiLST BOCCHT. A!I 4 ' 1 ! f U 4 Oflca hears from HI ; I Vf, i f.'i b' ni'oli '' h: nn ' FOURTH STItEET, . i i ?J. i i!4 II. laUBBES, Proprietor wholesale r ' t i.J , l. Ilf , MEAT MARKET, j V .fi.'. .v i .i .m, -i- Jw Vs 'MISCELLANEOUS; ADVTS, I ' i . mad V aty polaibi ialtvd States. 1s 4 . ! Bat-F- , .v - ' 4 r? is4ttsftttMlMsk eoptek, to ufte address. 030: -, I A ' SHSBWr. . D I 1 s 4 Ce;irc(l ; fu .Ai ) (f Ac 'CLOCKS, VATCIIB8y ' if i if i'j ii, i t (Corinne : tmusoIujff;"& (Sic., Beecher i - and ' Pepnty United 8Ute Attorney for Utah. ' y yimporte United 8Utea Commie loner, Attorney at Law, manlike manner, aud all work warranted. ' California Store. .. cp A? . 5 H ,, V ? idk once a moral teacher; r might havebutneeded damn this sanctitflouious T W ai'i'k t . Hi I I , V 7 BROFaiQHAUS f t - 'hn I n ' " ,i ;t ? .yrAftAioS'tyss'v I O & s i.t . COIHNNK. Utuli 5 OGDKN, ! I I tin o 5 ta i ' , duty. and those I cant console her In the flesh, I o vnt j other cities out West in Louis, which the erroRevisit 'glimpses of the moon to make neous that prevails couples are Poor jMf; jEit owe pnhappy; and I shaut j marriedopinion that may merely enjoy the they Leave good men in these Shades for X K of, exquisite' rapture separation.' womans sake. 7Hbune. So Stowe may rest in pence. I only want To thaw fhjpaUtbis trouble she should t J GUF . ' - , uxuv.'n.!...iaja 00 Months........... So7ll V'PrwS 4 j- v i Yar,v .l . K R On Six S. XOBTOW, acaourrv. W. ,: PMI. WILUOR, f.i . f DA.Y) i r a dk k ; jt; . hrk TBIWI OYJCBlfittlPTioi . 1 i .or , SIC t i lfa UJ- - S i - , - ',- .V BANKIHQ. HOUSE., - ird , -- $ J f .uv; ;. ns prcusa , c?WT rounapJLtrti I.j U J J it ' 'i- - , , i J Fb 1 No.- 24. ; O'- - i f .J' I - i FUUBltD.fYY er ,' HS IS I , ? .1 r j' . h,M s 1 j'4 lit "o'v ' j ij j J Fine Gold Jewelry line for ftret tfteettroif, NoUeei ten cent per Una of tbU type fl y3erl7 SwriSrli I change their adterUw- -' J,,, uieMure, withf the aMUtonal chart of only 25 cpot iquiri provtdidd ttitjr. . tbe prigiuel pec occupltd. a A hi J .4 , Vi wmsoig i . -V ' S. WILSOX, jU . i Jl t. U 3 ,! u " ' ' MISCELLANEOUS . v ADU t.I : ( BOESSEL, ! : ' 1 WH3?E - U- - .ji,maKi 3 I ' - A" U ' - CTAh;TEEilLY31EP0UTO . ,J ,1 ' t,,U r tuir i' yhv o ,t POSKT . I h, ' f I jLJ,t f UMl'GW'AkERY,r;.'.XJi.;.TIiFBa,, - '- r.- - ; rv 1 tj J 1 I u V , ADai MISCELLANEOUS I l4 4s ,,j. iJU the Lord has de- -. by ill signed to try them, aud which will evenFrom tfc Gljugow WmUj 1C&11 J in whole human 'i I tually result good to the 4it? . articles race. Among the thousanJ-nnd-on- e 15 become Wointm do not however, , nd pamphlets on the Byron RcamUl, in S 3d. Im t Pji ivmiQW -f to reconciled husbands k the U easily lllLLTOECHT, It Illir taking rrspi. ef ill and we seen hate prose terse, Id.: nothing ap a . r wives, A first wife must learn to Jt . Mil y.t Wit'' ' I W. J for wit and pungency, a clever other proaching,' cost out Montana from her U 1W. Street, pU4qveW.f4jo M nw l21v h M yofeMri iiwl iaanedUfrom the Londw heart, add ts ,t J I 14 sbewilThave' th come to it, tf w entitled Lonl Byron'a 0re8H.tt m. Df her husband takes other wives. Congress W 110 69 42 32 UTAH. I 1 M ml 13 H should break tip the nests of these nasty Utr4 1 n't V, ,t tf u iJ- - -I i The tuie people without further procrastination. ob J Ii1 ff fPpga, ieontaifa portraits of Lord Byron' fmAw llrta. Alon utiirtththt oft ; Old 'axt LqyjnO Covplk. The otbtrkii'of and Urs,Btoyt-,- j The following extract'!, arttole pertsialnf it our liuts Customeni , 4tier Darbies ana Mrs. and the Mr. aAteede.) At. ercwtVUd 'to,1 will gite our readers John Anderson-my-Jo-Johu-Joans, tc73ia !i?0 s, have be- promptly this Byronesqtw IMnpuhou toe flavor of ' ' m io so i come rare in this - i of that divorces, I t) Olil iii 7 1Jiui Be an . ; 'H)' age . 6o production: 'I ii ii ii H we mention with pleasure, that at Smitli-field- ,. ; i Who.HlHSfriaiow.rActBaWrtb.nk 102 t H . t ii LvJaaaitdui'lJsxnsijigf'd ijIv-sj- u '' Hi: nt if.ni u.J. ioJo u God, Ji j. years, is living with his wife Salorna, aged ft b mi liar 4a my arT; . , : ltl Was net$r ou : I ,Vt 10 J'VJfilL Jl 101, This pair of nuptial century-plant- s W !w.dd M was land I nety trpd, tier' try cprin flourished have sida side for 78 years, ; by i lVafclimakers, : U) V4lfn f4 4 Altuqngh I tratelled often' far and near, and have nine children , oldest ihe Bying.COB.1.U of ten Itoea Tliiirt0h, p,ot ' Jii i that shes a woman. that isodd; being 72 yi&h'6f kgd.1 There' is somea . khu H Ttityiiy i a j it tn the. 7aTo women, as a rule, mv verse tardear, thing uncommonly J U : M,' tundln Jvianemejtojt and pleast , ,i touching i ?( Perohauce shes some (ocUrn, i neglected ant in this patriarchal story; and we it JEWELERS & OUNSMITHS, I i would . should that it be suggest printed lnertl on oc UTAH. do his . hi y.i il TY 5 ? ; i -l ir .v as w& thove trials which ROM oi Advertising. !u ') Jan tA .h : , f i 4 iSOO. "DEGffliilBERi 25,! SATURDAY, T.j w, V..i:..:.t,': 'll .. niyUnUJ! JW31 IT. - .'w. 4i . jl u Hr ha t 1. 1 U - eu,. L ' (1 i , 4 7' ,1 Y iIL ITg T VTJ II I: : VAftIABLYjmHf rzjr$&p , if f 1 To S 1 th Csrrier.) WmIc, (supplied by 8ingl " IK ,v f . -- I W .1 .. TrCTCT ' '! ( : t-- ni ,Sj) toe rkiimv pibushwc I of subscription, tkkms ' f c 4f i t Vi3 nTWh1 li jiA T a! a-- oi iV4 iJJf I ifav. cobfiky. tf mwyw- - TTf-y- rr .'H 777 fc w - w A 3 fun MOLL4BD. I jj CLQivr3 , .iCiCji f triads? !t atoavr igml lm 4 a,T f1 t54 i c,afurcirw4 ;.n ut finnlkfrrtBlty3tkfi'MB'aMr r4 rr "" .i i fb Dont forpt to call aodtis w purchqjtns fJUt is |