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Show Utah Tri-Wee- Bitter Iteprten kly Cbkzk Coal. Mr. U. a Hall, 80METHINO yesterday and made u acTHURSDAY morning; DEa 2. f with his plana and facilities for quainted our city with the celebrated w hv no authorized traveling agent supplying Bitten Cnee Coal, from the Hallvilla A to collect debt due this paper. Vandyke consolidated coal companies mlne. Mr. Hall la the general agent of the company. He has been stopping here a few dhys, making arrangmenta for bailding, etc., preparatory to doing au extensive business, as Corinne will be the head quarters in this valley for the Bitten Creek Coal, Mr. IIall will be prepared, In a few day 4, to supply any quantity of thia celebrated coal from one ton to a thousand, and at prices that competition is out of this question. He assured us that it will not be more than $12 per ton during the winter, and perhepe as low as 18 or $10. There is this about It, that the more "people Mr. Hall can supply here, the cheaper: we can get our coal. Mr. G. II. DeWitt is the local agent, with office at the Uintah House at present. C.P.U. It. Salt Lake DlvUion. 5cv Tine Talic C$rloa . No. ( : east. BOUND . . , Tralsi die at .. ai- foltevit - .... . ' - 05i.u. EipreM, .....,$7 40 Panger r. If. IUadUu txpnili. 10 40 A. K. ...... o. 1. X o. 3. i might... Xu. V .. ' ' No. 1. WMI BOUND A K' PangrExpress..... ...... Xu; 4. Pacific 3 3 Freight. ...... ..... . i . . Trains No. W S and 8 ran dally. No. 0. ; Vf.'P? I Mr. Express . . . . .0 00 K. u A p, at. JAS. CAM PELL, Dtv. Supt. A N.TOWNK, GsnlHupt. JOHN OUEN1NO, AaetGenl Supt. .. Corinne Directory. O. P. n. R.' SALT LAKE VISION. . ' Frank Bush, freight and ticket agent. J. 8. Watson, baggage agent L. Fainter, ' telegraph operator. . OILMEK ev- erything la higher, Including ' Treasure City and the Water Works, than any other town of aoch mammoth pretentions in the world," toDsorial fares seem to be strikingly low compared with other perta of the west, as the following clipping from theZalaml Empire goes to show : ! Shaving, 25 cents; shampooing, 25 50 cents. Great recents; duction of prices 8have, shampoo and have your hair-- neatly trimmed, all for one dollar, at Hndson A Coney's Barbershop, Dnnn afreet, near Main. It would be well for some of onr high toned gentry, of the profession toneorial to make n note of this as a future guide to success in business. With the advent of steam and electricity, old era prices are knocked ontor time, the car of progress is approaching barbarians." So stand from under with your old idea jof prices or down you go. hsir-enttin- g, j Marked Heport. Market Report. Wholesale rfarket. . -- Sixth ata. Clear Finishing Lumber, Siding and Mouldings, at Howe, Burgess ... -Edward Conwar, manager. r Geo. F. Brown, chief operator, W. n. Gloscott, cashier and receiver. . II. O. Pratt, L- - 8. Wild, Frank Kuight, Sara Kirnber and I. Kearney, operators. Geo.i Stuart, battery man ahd repairer. V w K coaiNN post orrice, Montana at, between Fifth and Sixth ; (ieorge L. Holt, Post Master. 'Mails arrive from the east and south 4,25 p. m.; fro ui the west, 0.10 a. m.; from the north, 8.50 a. m. Mails close for east and south, 8.30 a. m ; for the west, 3.30 p. m. ; for t by I " f north, 4.30 p. in. ; A Cos. f j BUTTER. r' snd rariety Large Assortment at Howe, Bargees of sizes of Sash-Door- s, A no25 tf Cos. California, white and pink. !fasbys ) ; pularity of those letters, i Mr. Nasby huow engaged on an origi- tul novel, which will be published in the Blade duriig the comiug year. These, ith other rare attractions iu course of preparation, ought to largely increase its j already enormous circulation. We will furnish the Weekly Ueporter nud ' the 11laie oue jear for $G. The ltrltTK., and the. Blade one year for $12. ; I Arrival! at thc Jletropobtan Hotel. I' Oscor Scdman, Helena; L Vorhees, Helms; John Jess, Virginia: J II Shecatn Virginia; H E Blacktiorn, Virgiuia; Silas Itabt m, Montana; Wiu It Bean, iiioti-- j John, Garst, Moulana; Win L. AI-- I tuna; , Montana ;Jobu Dodged Banuuck; W lliley, Pittnontory; John II Stump, Mal.ul City: B F' Crocker, Helena; D W Williams, Virginia;, Dr. Wm llamsey, Deer Deer'Inlge; J Walch, I,dge; H French, Wbasutch; J C Ievy,f Helena; E Price, Helena; A Mcl(eacr, lady and children. Monians; 14 AV.Hyde and lady, Helena; AGirriaon, Helena; W W Wyatt. Helena; AU 8 Adams, New Yark; J V Taylor, Helena; A Bradford, Heleua; J L Sargent, Htdena; SB Howes, Helena; Cole S mn , J GTbomaR, phillipsbtM-gMontana; drs, Elko; S Osborn. Promontory; James Fisher, Elko;- P Sawyer, Heleua; W J NiWnd, Helens; O. NVDowlin, G Keck, ON Kimberline, Helena; Dr. Miller, II Newell, B TlessaDt, 'Blackfoot, Montana; TWTcrcy. LJ WhiUng. Thos L ttle, Thos Byrue, J W Gillay, U. 8. A.; AB Mosey, A J Bperrey, J A Toacc, J B Tot el,' Moutana. i ! . - JI I t .4 ' Aus-4Tn- near Ogden, has had a depreciating ef-eou Coriuni, let th m look Rt the columns f the jltEroRTEB this morning; if they dout look like, business, junction or nb juuclion, we dout know wbat does. ct J ! ;0 One hundred yards finest French ingrain carpet, ten pair fine white latnb'a .wool bluuketa, end ten' elegant counterpanes for eale, cheap. Applyj at We regret to have io report our genial friend, Dr. Cass, a little under the weather,?' at present nothing eerioua, A full assortment of cased and canned however. He will be oat and all right Goods at Ransohoff A Co. again in a few days, we hope. Rye Bread at the Union Bakery. Vent BEAcrarL. The last lingering oct6-t- f rays of the setting sun on Uintaha rugged Sash of every Size t Howe, peaks at the close of day. no25-tBurgess Cos, The operation that broke the Mormon Ranoohoff A Co. done the largest days camelll back business of the season, yeeterday. It V . fip t t x. t jI f i - . j I " L i v- JEIV DOUG STORE, ; Blontana Street. door west Jrom Gaston's tomer. One f r n pie . . pB Uintah noose. opening party fit Winscheil's, on ,, York State" Dried Apples, at Ranso aesdsy night, is said to have been a hofiT er grand and no!8-t- f A Co. affoiri We should jovial so y bjr thy appearance of oar devil Goods de ivered In any part of the t morning. He says it was the dvil-fc- ri free of charge, by baying your city, place he ever got Into for lots of fun Groceries at CrelghUin & Munro. noll-t- f plenty to cat and drink. ' py .. Bokerl ' CaUornla pt COAL. ... ...... .. a' . . ...... ...a.ais.aa eee QuiCktilrer..... 7 ouuoe. e s..4-- seea FLOUR. California Balt Lake 10Q 7 OommooTiOolb Wheat 100 7 Tib lb.. Oata FOR 1870 :o: - 4 23 4 00 e as.. . I' 00 ' fir J Pullman's Palarc and Sleeping Car ?, accompany all train. : ' ! J ; j V l'i ou freight to Moutana, pilucs and other pointa, apply to Mi For through EVEUYB0DV1 ATTENTION Sweetwater r n. brown son. T: . Genor.il FrcltfhtJAgent, Omaha; Rend it and send It to your C. Friends! i HAMMOND, Gen'l Sup't, Omaha. . J. BUDD, Genl Ticket Agent, Omaha. 3o Presidents rend it. In caua $ - lb ..... .......... ... Whiskey TP gal Brandy Oin, Holland . . . . ... Port wine, imported. Sherry MILL FEED. Bran and 8horta, mixed, pi ton.. Drugs, nsuallv kept In a M PreecnpU Drug Store. u 16 00 4 00 4 IKI 4 00 Montana Street, between 2d and 4 Ik. CORIMVE,: UTAH. t Boots, Bhooe and Q Alter made and repaired In the most approved style. Cu tom work a epe- no9-t- f clallty. . VICT0E C0BDELLA, Wholesale and Retail b qf the bfst brands TOBACCO, CIGARS and GLASSWARE. J' seXl-l- 13 .... ...... ... ....... ..i. 10.; .. 10 60 I. . ............. ... ......I.3 60 60 OYSTERS. 6. $8 7 76 ONIONS. , V lh MiitiMii4i 4c gtj. eee..eeeeaeaaasaoa POTATOES. V ft Cardin aa China puttt. 7 20c eeeeeeeea..eeeeFeeae.etee. a e lNo BICN. $ lb.tsiiiiaait Ibittit .... .,., ' V box. ... . .see 60 cane....,, fO 00 V ack 10 ' Morrnl h Ilumaeya.qAP.'. per box f... - ' Patent Loaf .,,, New Orleans.,., Crushed. Powdered. Belcher a A 63c " $9 00 4 13 OU 30c SUOAN. ,... ...... ,.....,...w. ... ii... , ...... 28c 20o 24c 24o .... p ft.. ...4........ ...... ......334c 22o Ot The ahd WEkkLt Repobte from a flmt-cla-a Family Newspaper. Having recently changed hand, been remodeled and enlarged, it now offers advantages 1 that no other paper in the Mountain does, or like y to. Among other matters of interest it will contain a Correct history of Brigham Young and the Mormons. giving selection from their rorrespondenoe, public speeches, and sermon delivered In ihe Great Tabernacle at Salt Lake; also an account of their doings In publio, and soenea from their private Uvea. It will con tain a history of tbeir follies and crimes of the past and present so far a light and time l r veal them. It wlU give the rise and progress of the Gen-tilIn Utah, and of Corinne the coming Chi C the Wre.t halt Lake Basin, goof It WIU also contain a fuU 'and correct history of th Gold, 811ver, Iron and Cnpp r Mines of Sevier River, Cottonwood and Egan Canons in southern and western Utah. ' It will mark the developement of the sUver regions of White Pin and the Cope District, the rich Gold mines ot Sweet Water, the Oil and Coal regions of. Bear River, and Bitter Creek, as Well as the vaat Coal and Iron fields along tho line of the Unldn Paclflo Railroad, not n- gleet ng tbs rapid sale and settlement of. the Railroad Company lands and the beautiful valleys along Its tins tho gteat natural pastures of the ConTri-WeeXL- ' .... box East side, between 4 th , Imperial p ft..,,i. Young Hyaon f, ft....... A. panes p ft. p ft Oolong Gunpowder ...'V1 2 50 100 75 2 00(j3 60 1 30(5 1 ft...... TOBACCO ES. k Abbotta, Natural Leaf, pt ft $1 101 30 p ft .... VINEGAR. gal HMMlIMlMIMMe I-- .... I. ..i i .633,70c S 4 I . 125 ,,$8 00 SUNDRIES. Red Lead V 2b.,.......4.,.i....4...i..4,.22c 1 Shot P bag. . , . . II .. $500 Greenfield Starch pi ft 4..,..,...25c W. Intend to make this department of onr a speciality, and ahslt rota It from day paper UTAH. CORINNE, " ,i ' to day aa Important changes occur. Parties out of the city sending orders, can rely Upon these ' Bert of :Winea, Liquors and Cigars in great figures aa being correct in the main. v Walk and variety. right in, help younrtvee, noS-i- f gentlemen. I CAM i u3 HIW.F.inUCIB, v ! . Montana Street. at Vintak .wr, : lm (ftresek ) Getideutot gwiatmmt. C. ft LOREH CO., Prop. ; " ; - The proprietor' beg leer make the nouncement that they bar opened their new ReMeal staurant, and are prepared to eerve a choice v e31-ltrue epicurean rtyle. T- HD f an- Proprietor. TAYLOR AREN DEL, Sol i : ......,,i. And Copy extrs to getter np of Club. TERMS INVARIABLY IN AJDVANCB. ' i j ' h ; Published ... v :r , .f j- .,1 BT THE Alexwnler, t . . UrtlES, TAIlj (fj and RrpalrlBgntatlydat Clssnlng notf ' : i I . ANR JOINER, Fourth Street CORinrrE, UTAH. . . - ' the Patent Office. D. tVasIiiiig(oiiy - C. it-i- ': '4 ' ' ' t9S-- Brewer, Bemls di Ca., Aft ftr brated Ale and Pnrter, hol-t- f ll y puwHf 'Wii Patents Paper CAREFULLY PREPARED, and : ' eenred WITHOUT DELAY. Examlnationr in the Patent Office free of charge, and no Individual fee aaked In any case, miles a Patent is allowed. Charges ss rcsscxrsbto mi any other reliable Send for Circular of Terms, imrtrnctlons and . , references. no tf iDerican Exc Lange Cele- . Ifo(el 8A1SG9E STREET, 8fi0 (Extending from Bacramente at to HaQck t.) laving been recent y renovated and newly fur- -' ulabed. makes It the most quiet, economical II and comfortable FAMILY HOTEL in the State. , Being centrally ; located. It offers every inducement for business men and the public generally. The tables will constantly be supplied with every .uxury the market afford. - The . American Exchange Coech. with Bed Lights, win be at the wharve and depot, tc ocuvey pessen-e- rt to the Frantbt aaTlm'- - WINES, LIQUORS - rt V ,i- 1 Wholesale and Retail Dealer In f or. nouciTona r r AT PATENT LAV. yesrsjrxpsrieacs as solicitor of Patent,) . S. L. TIBBALS, ,) Street, t i 460 SEVENTH STREET, opp. - f -- COHINN Es (16 . X - j i 6c . Mason, ..COUNSELOR HITS, CARPENTER Herchant Taylor, Montana J - j" W. B. E RAD D, L. HOFFEIABT, iw'R"- : AMEKICAN A EU1UDTEAN PATENTS Dont lforffd tie Place. e21-t- Corinne, utaii. , t; , .i V. PRINTERS PUBLISHING CO. ! . : v,"I h at.. Bail Frandarr Os i ; ( 1 i PICKLES A.D SIICE8. ; v;i ' nm, '!', 700 Agnt OFFICE. PATENT, ' : v i cocoa ' And Wboleaale Dealers in i ORAiuiES, ' ' v. 1$ 12.00 6.00 CLUB RATES- - Fite Copies to one address. $30.00 Ten Copie, to one address 36 00 Fifteen Copies, toon address. 43.00 30.00 Twenty Copies, to on sddrees.i i nil ITS, j, j,, ... annum....,.., Ki J 409, 410, 418 A 416 Clay also deals In DftlED liver I For sale at all wholesale and retail liquor, drug and grocery store, i ' and Hines Groccrleiy Llquori; i, H -- O. Fiuscm, ' f) , S. per annum....... six m ou ths WEEKLY, per ' h; - ST. LOUIS OlRDEIt SHOP, tell packti for Rtttnlgln trade Fruit The beat Purifier of the Blood I A Pleasant Tonie I A very Agresebl Drink I Unsurpassed for acting surely bnt gently on the eecTetions of the kludneys, bowels, stomach and NOBODY SHOULD BE WITHOUT ITF J. f'"v CAAD1ES, t $9 00 TEA8T POWDERS. j TRY ITI TRY ITI AMD TERSINl ' WOOD. Preston k Merrill. V dos. , - . furnished at producers price. io:- - 160200 Fine cut per lb.... 130 Ordinary grades pt ft.......ti.4i....i70M)c N avy i 4 Who la the only agent for the Producer I 8crsmento. All article ordered from him will be put np where grown, thua beta freah and L19ES, $27 45 $2 !. - .. i. advantages. .' ............. 6nd 5th Streets. ," , -- STREET, J ST - KKT: i ACRAMENTOUAL. No. 231 - TEAS. cord....... j MOSTAifA Geueral Commbsloa MerchanU 1 - r ; BITTERS J. SWISS STOMACH Y I SARDINES. IP i this on will be conducted ,,.....,...,,ii, 1 1 Tis IIiifelamrM ALF. H. CUMMINQS, tinent. It win contain its share of general newt from all parts of th world and will be Just aneb a SYRUP. Belchers Golden V gal............. of every borne $2 00 paper a should be on the table 1 75 both east and west. ........... Sugar House p ga) As sn advertising medium it offers superior . .. 1 60 Borguu p gal. . ...... t.Extra C E, to:- es .' SODA. -- i " ' RAISONS, eee..eee20 TJ rTO .f68 60 00 Vl.lda steamed V can.........,.,., McMurry A Co,, beet can. 1 Read It! lu 1000 M V PRO1 Aiid Everybody Should 10 00 OIU Coal V van of 8 gal. . . w.. Llnaeed V gal. . . . Lard p gal Neat foot p gal.... m RAFFERTIES REG SALOON, AND nu MUSTAllD. 65c ............. NAILS. hi. ....i. ........ ....... ........$11 00 50 ......... 100 Bemla WINES, f.IQUOKS, Clcrgrymcn rend It. f 40 00 English Durham 4. Ip (4 8. Fruits Ca lifornia Consrrcssincn rend it. $2f 5 00 p case. ... ....................fll J. ..... BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Send s'our Orders for J MATCHES. Ttlegraph, Chemical EraaUve.. Castile. tf BU : 8eniitois rend it. 23 3 )0c LIQUORS. .. "1- . :X : PRONIONTORY, j Siibscrilc for it ! .3jC e , f ax-rue-d PROSPECTUS .20c ............ ... I GRAIN. e Bar ley - 'I: Btsge leave ou arrival of Union Paolflo for Salt Lake City aud Southern Utah. CORINNE, - 75- ...... ....$2 UINTAH, : Being all the Land Which the Uui.m Pacific Rail road Company now have or shall hereafter acquire from the United State, except the land which are or ahall be included In tue Railroad and Telegraph Line of aaid Company, or used Stages for Helena, Vlrgtnia City, and all pointa ... i in Montana. for the construction or operation thereof, or for the track, yard, depot grounds, building, or erection thereof. The Compauy receive their Land Grant Bonds for their face and Interest in paj meat of all land sold by them. DE HAVLN k BRO., with Central Pacific Railroad for Wlilts Pin in Government Securities, Sliver Mines, Sacramento, Han Francisco, . Dealer and principal ritie In California, Philadelphia. ', Neva la and Idaho. R.' andf R. First Mortgage Central Pacific Union Bond Bought and Sold. U. ri. Bond nought Sold and Exchanged. Gold Bought and Sold at Market rate. Coupon V". cashed. Stock Bought and Sold on CoramiaMon only. FIRST CLAS HOTELS AND K INiA Account received ahd Intercut allowed on dally HOUSES' at convenient pointa on the hue. V ' balances, subject to Chock at sight. : no2-t- f . $3 00 lb a greet Sweetwati r Mtut.g District. . :o: 0O($30C i. i . I , .. . . . .................. .. ...... a. with Stages for .th 14,000,000 ACRES OF LAND. I ... EOOS. f Ifportfr, The Only ii BRYAN, .first ...... al2(Silic 20(jj(i25c ........ w They are Coxtpon Ronds of One Thousund Dollars ($1,000) each, and an secured by a Mort- ' about on gage . & WEEKLY. Y with 8 tag for Dentrf, Central City Santa Fr, and pointa In Colorado aud New Mexlce. 00 IN UTAH . ....... Peaches, Balt Lake 7 Sb......i..M Ground Cherriea 7 lb ..a. Peach ea, pealed. $2(2 CHEYENNE, and pay 7 percent. 20 Yean INTEREST! Run ,$! 00 $1(1 25 MHKaiOBMHHBHkHHrV 00o 2 DRIED rBUIT. eeeeeeeeeee 60 ...$46 00 e ge gentile Newspaper 80c J5o 70c Mini 11 23 80 . J4 00 4 00 0 00 1 20 , ... 7 03c 1 25 22c 00c 1 30 Oum....... - ) $10,000,000, .33 100ft...... W9 ,$1 30 aee.eeaaeeeeaae.eaeeae ISO Arrow Boot J am. Balaam Copaiba Bicarb Boda Eng. Borax refined Camphor Cream Tartar, pure. , White Glue, beat. .i. . . .... m Glue, common , Gum Arabic beat Gum Tragacanth Flake ... Gum Opium Xpiuao Powder Iodide Potaasium. Quinine TRI-WEEKL- . ..$12 00 DRUGS. - ?lUali $8 80 1a 00 7 00 8 00 00 0 00 $T ton. ... Aloea Boo. $ lb AlUm 7 lb es eee.ee ' 1, 00 ,.4 , ,.,.. V piece with Chicago and Northwestern, Chicago, Rock Island and Paclflo and St. Joeeph and ' Coimcil Bluff Railroad, and Missouri River Line of Packet to and from all prlocl--- pal eastern and south- - j v em Cltlea. THET AMOINT IN ALL TO ...... ...... ....... ,60c eei aeeeeeeei PAILS. piece 00 ... TP dOX 78 : I ; TUBS. r IS 00 11 00 11 00 .., ...... ..fie ' .BROOMS.-Each- 1000 ..... 7 ft best ........a.... ..1100 common....... ......... ... io 00 0 Bitter Creek W 100 So. made at Direct Connection P. Railroad Co. IT. 15c flour. v V - 33 00 .e..eeeesaaaaaeaeea... Babbit per I will constantly keep on hand every variety of firet-cla- ' . I lAo SALT. - f 1 at wasn't a very good day for business either, Go to Ad. Knhn'a Marble Front Store, t 'corner of 4th and Montana streets, for your The javeniles were making good nee of h;. :winter clothing. our natural skating rink yesterday. .We I understand Garrish A Miles have ordered 1 J. W. Lesber hoathe largest osaortrufcnt au extra thousand pair of skates, so that und beat quality of Furniture ever opened all to glide over the chance a hava ' may ' lu Utah Territory, n ;de2-tto surface hearts content. their congealed Get ontyonr robes, sleigh a and ekates; The Marble Front Clothing Palace, corpay cheeks and solid comfort are the ner of 4th and Montana streets, has the brder of the day now. largest and beet selected stock of gents, Wan in China. Ring Chang shoots a furnishing goods and clothing in the d2-t- f rot her celesti il in the leg. for beiug too mountains. miliar with Rings better half,. No dam to J. done, except some terrible hollering. - If yon want cheap Furniture go de2-tW. on Colorado street.' Loaher, 1 this happened last evening, jast-a-s we rre journeying to onr sanctum . from a ; Thomas Walker, formerly of the Lonimptuous repast at the Metropolitan, don AVirs, has taken the editorial chair of he constable got one of the parties, and the Gazette . The only duty connected with the position is to take $10,000 salary. Ve doctor the other. That would boit us pretty well for a i fr Just received at' J; M. Langsdorf A Cos while.':- . t n20-t- f Jarge lot of furniture. . a Furmiturc InA endleas Variety ... in no25-t- f Cos. Fresh Oyster Stew served Night and at Ho wo, Burgess , -- 4j n23-tf ay at tbo I. X. L. Bakery. Business ".rf Balt Lake, beet, ; IOC ! ! 16 EOOS.J BACON. : p ft ,. We--th- pn . 16$ plantation Bitten V caae. ........... ...........it.$1110 00 00 Bed Jacket Angoetora , ; ..... OOOIS. ' V doaen State tMM4 I UP THE .00c ' 0 00 60 00 00 $23jcf-3- f ' . ' Co. are agents $ $9 00 !..a..e...ea..eee.aa.e.ateaa.e . a CASED ft la roll Avoidtng'the danger of tho 66 ; BUTTER.- ! And the GLASS. leu - i : $ ft 28c CRACKERS. Wfit$r $, W-- Ill Less Tlmn Four Days LAND GRANT DONGS 000 7$ . POTATOES.: ; The Central City (Cob ) Register Bays P bOX V wee. ..4......$4 (( 8 00 our enterprtsiafoang friend, O. J. HolHAMS. .e. ................... 30c lister, was in Chicago the other day." It Prime Canraased 9 lbHAT. 00 might have said, also, he was on his way $ ton ..eases.. .ease. LUMBER. to Washington, in the interests of Corinne. ... 10c Flooring TP foot. e Gentile poition of Utah will Common 0c .... .... 5n(3i 0. b pretty strongly represented in Wash- Doors, eacb Sash 7 pair. .v....e... $3(V7 00 LARD. ington this winter, when Dr. Cass, Gen. Williamson, Gen. Connor, Mr. Beadle and O. J. Hollister get there. As Dr. Cass goes as the authorized representaJ. M. Langs' orf A Co. ure in daily re- - tive of the Gentiles in Utah at bis oim Ceipt of furniture aud house furniHbiug expense, we would suggest that bur friends u.O-t- f goods. in Washington outside of Congress, assist IXY. Things were mighty the Doctor as much as possible in getting before Congress with as tnnch lively rouud the depot yesterday. M. S. bis claims the As exigencies of the occasion Hall was unloading Lis train of Bitter weight Creek Coal juBtJ arrived. Mr, Ollier had require and that Congress lend an attenfour ear loads of goods unloaded jast from tive can ; Kahn was receiving his A Co., Bank M. Go to winter clothing. Stranss Building, j.for yonrLangsdorf n20-t- f furniture. was banting away another large consignment of boots knd shoes, and with the Crashed Sugar at Ransohoff A Co, the steam and hissing engines whistling jehns swearing the scene was anything Ilowei Bur Everything fib Coa but monotonous. . than the clieaper no25-t- f . . cheapest. If you want durable. Furniture, go to J. W. Lesher, las he is a workman and T. J. EDttINGTONS uta up his work in a substantial manner, de2-t- f nst above the Retobteb office. Wholesale and Retail For. Sale, this office. h " H urge as & i ?; ji - lIoiiC) for the llockyl Mountain Coal Compauy in Coriune; also, tor tho celebrated Smith uo23 tf mine of Coalville. I- ; . g If aujbody gootls; yterdny. the tbiuks the fixing of junction at or ; - I CHEESE. I fur-nisbiu- -- 1 .STo .... .37c . Through to 8an Francisco i . 33o BEAN, rl lb California whit and pink to California r : "f: "IV. .. ; : jO.OIPIO COAST beetmarket price, ..,900 ,250 , TF . foral, at are offering W the I" IMlMMMIirilltlliMH BUckberrle Divmtie j? .33H e GrmnberrieSe OOm Rail Roil. ' , eee9eoeeeee , - 1 KBUXT. with 200 , Stnwborrtw. V; tb.aaeoea.e. i..,... v 9b 7 omtoe.. 75(t)87 64 00 18C34 00 34)30 00 ptf bOI ttiaaeaaMM' CREAM TARTAR. It taaaaaaaaaaa4aaaiaaaaaaaaMti lb TP Pwchfi TF cun Pin Apple. T . 00 7384 DO 6tUT 8odS V- - CAN 64711 00 Bourbon Wh!$k$y CocA tail. Brandy OooktalL ... Old Tom Gin, fine : d-n- I Ii(Stf 4HM00 ; .een,ae.o,paea geenn, - lb Blnckbertries FrUnOS 00 00 CANDLES. i li box. DRIED FBUIT 9b 7 :.;j running dally passenger forming in connection train, the Central Pacific Railroad All FOWDEBS. TEAA .48c i .. Tat-WEEX- 4 . covered Omaha; who the first settlers sere ; who first claimed the town site ; uo25 A tf Co's. Burgess who first surveyed it; drove the first stake; the Finest ' Teas in towfi at the I. X. L. carried the chain; took a peep through j u23 tf sextant; who the first .doctor, lawyer, Bakery. grocer and hotel keeper was; vhb mailed .Messrs. Godbe A Harrison, of the Utah the first letter from an Omaha post office, ihujazint, are out with a manifesto for e to. , etc., down to the present bay; are the redemption of Monuonism. Some allj happily recorded and commented on startling revelations will follow. in a peculiarly Omaha styled That OmAha j is to be a great city,' there remains not a Choice Mackerel at the L X. L. Bakery. T shadow of doubt, and it would.be well for n23-t- f her jealous rivals to looka out for their durable and neat of Pa ii net Door laurels. styles, at How ?, Burgess A Cos. Pearl Crown Cigars, at RansoholT A Co, ' New, Oregon Cider at Adams A Rich-- : T , ' 20-tf itouds. Lodging Rooms to Rent- - at the pS Uintah House. .Hteubouse w ants to establish in Ogden again. The people dont want Lim to. Pare Qolden Syrup at the I. X. L. n23 tf J. kb Langxjlorf A Co. receivrd another Bakery.2,000 lbs. California apples for pB large invoice of Furuiture and house als cheap for ciish at Elliott's. Blade, and always appear first in its Nothing iu the line of humorous literature bus ever attained the po- 3 , ? -- By oood ton HioaA friend of oars jast up from the junction 'st or near Ogden" says frog ponds are held at a hundred dollars a foot down therel Theyre liable to bold 'em too. Pbnttt . ejdututia. 4 . '' ''V-- 'OOITEJE. 4ie. SODA. 5 1 60r a Prwtooklifrri Bow completed and 25c MATCHES. I f- Cunwni I ...... .,,83 It m , , rPLlTTEJ V1LLET, ROUTE 30 box......,,....,..............18r 13( Bubbitfic .................. le ft liatlMiaa 4tllt4M4MIMMll BUtea pi - ..... $3 M ft P THE GREAT ' Land Grant Bonds. ,.U016e $liaasas Ramsey, ft. Telegraph p Dome. tic do A 8HOE8. BOOTS i Lath) Lime, and Valfey Lumber, to suit purchasers, at Howe, .V; Nasby are written expressly for the 1 j .. fv' ..S3H SUOAB8. CANWJML RAILROAD :: j SOAP, Morrell k Castile V 38o BEANS.. - equal. ,Therich affd racy letters cf Petroleum L -- - j mAIILmCDAID) PACIFIC UNION fcv, i. UNION PACIFIC . . $fi(3 60 SYRUPS. II " Star V ft .... ' BACON.'. p ft States Rio choice. Ordinary f Ap Sugar Hoom pt ....... 40(X5c V Zvg Ih Ih Be let er'a Golden i 5:10s uncon-trolabl- -- M lb Histoby or Omaha. Messrs. Rath A m Det wilier, the great honse furnishing-good- s daret. and wholesale carpet dealers of Catawba Wine, Missouri Vintage Schiedam Schnapps Omaha, sends us a neat! little sixty-fir- e CAN FBUIT. in page history of that wonderful city, Peaches P case . is much to amuse as well as Pine Apple Ransohoflf A Co. deliver Goods in the which there Tomatoea e instruct those interested in that caae Strawberriea city aud ht thi depot free of charge. Cranberriea disstar of empire. Who first Blackberrlea Paper, Of the mammoth Weekly sheet - now published, the Toledo Blade, the iVlroleutu V. Nasby, ranks of liov. irgau iiiuoug the best. Its eight abroad pages . are filled with the choicest reading mat-- . ter, ami iu typigriphical appearance aud general character it baa u. surior and , p T Fresh Oyaters at L X. L. Bakery. n23-t- Belcher a oomx Jaw ft ft St Rio choloe MISCELLANEOUS ADYTS. M fig, 1869. TEAS. ft.. Imperial V APPLES. Java P Ih e , .few "r IIow is This careful observation ' it is estimated that nine hundred and ninety-ninuewspapers ahd periodicals a thousand oppoue Mormonism, outjof and yCKthere never wav a sect on the face of the earth that claimed so ranch virtue and power, i i 1 The Toledo Weekly SUde no25-t- f I - - - Utah Reporter; mieeel-laneot- Oreen Dried U.T. Novxxaxa MISCELLANEOUS ADS. Retail Family Ilarte t . i 1 j. .A eft OJJtee OORINNK. t the beginning of the week the market was a little feverish ores the thousand and one reports In- - regard to changing the Junotion. Many, that were making up heavy orders for theeeet, hesitated in tending them off till the junodoo matter srae settled. k pretty heavy but i, demaad sprang up during the week which bad a tendency to dispel all fears of having to carry goods over. Buts few yvry large invoices arrived during the week, and they found ready ale. No Important charges took place. -- d2-- tf . caps and furnishing goods. Montana atage lino, carrying the U. 8. mails and Well, Fargo A Coa express ; A fine lot of furniture last being open Icates daily for Virginia City, Montana, and intermediate tointa at 5 p. at. . every out at Wilson) A Morton's bank building n20-t- f other day for Helena, Diamond Cily, by J. M. Langsdorf A Co. Blackfoot find Deer Lodge ; Tim HenderOverland Monthly for December at O. son, agent. (Office near It. Ji, depot; H. Elliott's. WWTXR UNION TEUEOBAPH Repeating Office, corner Montana and ?. tJ Kovxxum M. I8e0. OORIRlf Z, C. , BAUUSBUBYV AND 1 Mens Broguia p Boy hoots P cae. Mena heavy klpp case.............. winAll and of latest the , paterns styles Miners, nailed. .............. ... ... , . ter clothing and tnrnishiog goods at the French kip. heavy doupleaole.. calf, tap aole.......U..-.- . Ad. Kuhne Marlile Front Clothing PalMarble Front Clothing Palace, corner of French Buffalo Fur lined, boots ........ Men's, ace, corner of 4th and Montana streets, is 4th and Montana streets, Ad. Knbn A Ladies calf, heavy douple sole, pi dos. d2-tf the place to get the latest styles hats. Bra, proprietors. fine sewed shoes, P doa do CORINNE OFFICE. . Ottt in ABOUT BaNNNSN that thorough bred western business man, the gTeat White Pine country where called on as a, Hotel free. Jan38-l- y TIMOTHY S A KG F.NT, Proprietor i " |