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Show TrMVtekly Heporltr., I t lT(ah V - JF ' & ' , TCEHUAY, THUHSDAT Vj !. to EVEBT rWBUHIIZD f. HaTCBDAY, AND TBi: PKltTtCS PIBLISIllXC COnPAIY. f , V' w. l Mtha Moolhi Six rijTfiRXlI tir UBKCAIFTlOir. KItMS OR NUHSCIHPTAOSL f - by INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE t - ' .'irt' - r- w .WEEKLY, THE MORION SCHISM, i . ? af Arts d. BY 1 w. r.- - 3.'to. m. 1 7- - w. W. 1 3 in. e m. 1 7. j Traualent advertisement to be paid for In ad UDCt. A square consist of tan line of type of this ' " No' standing advvrtlaemtuta inserted An the Weekly edltion exeept upon pial contract matter, ana Editorial Notices. set Inserted on local or editorial peg. 33 pent per line for first Inaertlon, and IB cent for every additional Urn. Hpeoiai Noticea ten cent per Use or tola type T' for every inaertlon. Yearly adverUaerk may change their advertise-- i menu at pleaaure, with the additional charge, at 23 cent per square, provided they; retain ohl ; V the original space occuplrd. i A s , PBOFB8XOHAL CARDS. f, 1 it M JOHNSON, J. TTO RN E T A Y T. j A W rj ' : . conixxK.UTAtL bill (ah Home. Oftlre In U. UOCKUT.HON, R. I' rr -- T I Attorney at Taw and R.dlciior1 m riian'-ery- , Sait fake tity, Uuh W, Vll.SUY i 1 -- angS 3m .. inu ; . .. T, UAIUUSON. It may be naked where can compulsion possibly be exerdsel in our system ? We reply, wbeuever any man lays down bis inspirations or conceptions ns tbe solo role of Hgbt or wrong, and requires bis brethren to admit .their divinity or, if they believe them jlncorrect bold tbeir peace thereon, on penalty of being brand ed as an apostate, and cut off from alt tbeir hopes of life beyomjl Ibe grave, and from all for which they have given a life's labor to establish on earth. This , is the most fearful kind of compulsion and dominion ever exercised jby mortal man com pared to which tbreate of prisons, or the galtows,are as notbog. Men that hold B penalty of tliU kind in tbeir hands one .which touches men's souls to the very quick and threaten to use it oo all who aiffer in Opinion provided lbey publicly express tbat difference and iutbe face freedom of of ail Ibis, stilt talk of must have very and speech," thought oui ious iden.of libert v.?iWiiat R the use of being' allowed to diffeDjf we mnst not obnoxlnus. Ear better not to h.j aatapi at ftlL ", H. lir.Ml'HTEAl), 4 l'r IU ,t i O'h.v 'i J. XS " s 4 ': ; - ' ir t . , aiAjMAM,-M.-l.V" OFPUli, n.' and itonhinn Strrris, fourth , j m:, VALKER v. UTAH. ; & Whuleaa'kl McNlITT, and Retail )RTJGaiST?ilh, 3 - . l ami Montana Streets, Corner of i et.,1, ' .M.iln; CO R IN e" tf CORINMC, UTAH. ftnCLlm Wholeeale and RrtaH ... Montnnfk Street, COR IN N K, - - - UTAH. 4 ? ' f I - ee7lm e f "business cards. f i:. GEIUUSII & MILES, 4! Dealere in' Hardware, Iron, Nalh, Stores, Hlioot Iron, " COPPER AMD TIM ocl-S- m ti PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. ECLIPSE 1 MILL . - BOESSEL, Q h s i i ri-v; ll OLACKOniTH t . ; , J i! . I Ter. TJtnlx ; uado on any point la,.f the .v I'xtMcd State. v,,-- . - Collect box . and MonLttia, Voaf f f 1... 4 THK ONLY WAGON SHOP IN TOWN. Mr Repairing promptly attended to, PLATED WAHE, nois-t- f . - i ; CCorinnc Jtofft . . I hour from t A. M. to 4 r. u. i4 CorrespondsnUi ' P. B.WfldH Cheyenne.' First NetiooaU Utuaha. ' Western Saving institute, St Lout, , Henry Green beam k cc, Chicago. Hussey, Dahler k Co., belt Lake City. Hussey, Dahler k Co., Helena,' Montana. llusaey, Dahler k Co., Virginia MonlaOe. Office ' AJutil. The nnderalgned will receive stock for a winter Herd, ou and after tbla date, at tbe Paclfio Stab-le31 ntana Street. AU stork returned on tbe fltst of May, or sooner If ordered. , We assume the usual responsibilities of terderi, aud have the beat Ranch In the country. k IICATH, McUANE, Refer, by permisnton, to 8. U. Kewslx. O. U. Kuliott, Jb. McNasscb, E. P. Jounsow, D. HHOBT, C. B. GnEEg. ! a, no3-l- m 40 LD D13T BOlCHT. A.YU COM COIUNNE, UTAH. J & : j i; Second Street, between LnrireNt. Htoolc In Town Alliance Bank, Loudon. D. La Touche, Dublin. bank of California, Han Francisco. Ocean National Bank, New York City. VMm Draw exchaug on principal oitie . . world. r Time Checks bought f - . : of th , , J ! 4 : - V90U : , : ; EIIBRVB0HV1 AiTGSTIOS 1 f s-- AND y: .. I li;k and i ns Fl;KNf ii Evt- muss. The EniftHjiKs Kiigetoe and Ihe Sntlan ltave.li.ui a nice time together the latter in exliiho ng and tin foruief in Thk fi I. AN 1 -- COMMISSION MERCHANTS Montana Street, bel. Third A Fourth, uiluliliug the baudn'me ilresses, the ina nirtceut juvveli.v, and too s eet, pretty things in luroans. .pelbcoids, it ra we r s. CORIMVE, U. T. cradles 'A.iv, f wnich tlm commander of the taithfnl has acctiai ilaled around him. The desivijUiou of I ue sce:.e b Uwveu the two sovereigns reuii lids ou j of w hat luip- IVieud of Mvs Flola peus w lieu iUj I'osoui - to cornerinspect I he gauds McPlinisey Lau'ii that t,v iuteresi.ng yimng A LARGE brought N NSTANUY lady upon hr return fioin lVi is. The AND Sullau Hist displayed to UidiKuupieRS a rich collection of coats of mail, i he most remarkable of which, is that of Sultan M n rad 1 f . v the . conqueror of Bagdad k , The headpiece of this suit is of gtdd aud wilh covered almost Bilvet4, precious aloues; the diadem surrounding the tnr-bs- u We can and do offer better advantages ta is composed of three emeralds, while to cah buyers than any other -- a fir se Of Jn thl valley, -- sa , twenty-twthe clolar is formed large and magoifleeut diamonds. V Then he Special attention given to order by mall. di splay eil a baby lepbsnt4! hi massive Goods forwarded same day orders are received, gohl," slandiug on a peileslal of euormons We deliver &oods free of charge In the city nolS-t- f The fair visitor took greet de- and at the depot. pearls. light in inspecting a remarkable collection of costa rues, trimmed wilh rare Inrs, and literally (covered with precious stones; she went into exstacM of dtAigbt over divftus and cushions made of pure Wholesale and Retail tissue of gold, without any mixture of Bilk whatever, and embroidered with GENCRIL COMMISSION 'pearls weighing each 3000 .drachms; but when she was shown a choice assortment of children's cradles of solid gold, inlaid with precious stones. ' vases of immense, value jiu rock crystal, gold, and silver, en ' crusted with rubies emeralds aud dia' monds, aud an iuotimerable host of other like joys, language failed to express her emotion, aud she felt aa did the Queen of Bbeba when Solomon displayed to her his glory. It is to be leaped for D. N.' s peace ALBJ of mind that the .parallel extends no further. MOXTANA ' ' MERCHANT, OR - L3ZLL r CaptBla Bali and the XerthPole : BUTT2SR, "I and i lows : ( t FSS2; Saab De.t of - U Ines. Waik I vaiily. gentlemen. COUNTRY PRODUCE, . -a- x- 4 - . GEO. j? I. ,s ". d Ci';arv in great l.i. aud help y'onrHeivea, . o0-i- ZiZontana f WAXIi PATBH, . fy- : , , j. COUINNE, UTAH. -- , r- i AND i V OJ O XT , ; t' v ! ALF. H. CUMMINGS, ' THE STANDARD PIANO, In lai? the American Institute Fair of New York, after a bllndfoM against Htelnways, rlilckeriogs snd many other PU nos, awarded ii'it Gencrallfoinmlssion iVmhanf, ' " ' t . . the Patent Avion the Fi.-s- Premium. Write for aifidsvita. Pamphlet and Circular, and wUc iu wh.t Paper you saw th s advertisement. - - : i Front Street, .':y:'jcOHINNE, J. Vkl ; ' UTAH, OHmiUM. This F1R8T CLASS NEW HOTEL Is now open to the public. Tbe rbome are neatly and com loi t ibly furnished. Ihe tables are always sup-pltwith the tynt the Sisrket afiorde. i't t sU oysters alwaya 0u hand aud served up In r n v vtv e ou hort notice. The liar Is stocked with thr finest Wines, noi-t- f Liquors, sud Cigars. Vmprirlor. .Ism now yx'epmed to do all ila.ls oT wo k, at tbe very lowe- -i jaioe. Teuiii-ter- s aud freighters will tinil It to tbeir Interest lo give me a call ' before going e'sewhere. Don't t the place. aeSO tf ; i ur , G i'a in ma-L D. Jleyfron, Prop, COBLES MONTANA AND FIFTH STREETS. Alwaya on hand k iml, . . Department... ,...,f3.S0 I titorm dilate Department........ a 00 4.&0 firs.-cla- 3--2 - v4 . ORLEANS CHOP HOUSE. - , Wholesale and Retail f : door west from Gaston's comer. ' ' SAPILAN UASTKIt, Prop., M fr Montana Street, V;. ;v. '4,. II. W. P. 8PE3CD11, - Ath. lm , CAUPEMKIt .nd-t- f . I Merchant Taylor, Montana s COItlNNE. UTAH. saeatly Clewitlng, and Repairing r4 - - I i O aoO-t- f f , - - " JOINER, ' COItlNNE, UTAH. seTlm . .Ml It. HOFFMAN Street AND Fourth Street, repaired In a spe. (Branch at Uintah House.) W. B. BRADD, wcwk -j f f (StJOCESHOB . . ' '4 . - ' Wholesale and Hetall ' Dealer In WIXES, LIQUORS & CIliARS , . A'4- ": ' ' 4 JUTS LI71CS, ' ; TO A. OHEKKEWALD.) OCfl-l- f ; , j , HITS, ttiVeb, ' . T PICKLES AYD SIICES. Y 1 f v v .. - -- t e i Dont forget tlc. PIncc. c21-t- f 1. i 11 - PATENT . OFFICE. - !resli '! CAYDIEB, Proprietor. H AVISO , I : 4 ? I Alexander & Jk 1 BOLiciTon AMERICAN " " Mason, or Ir EUROPEAN PATENTS AND. 4J 'fi COUNSELORS AT PATENT LAV, ' O v steis (18 S yur 469 SEVAN At experience a solicitor of PaOntsJ IB STREET, bpp. tho Patent O.floe, ' OJ Watliingtoiif D. TO THE WORKING CLASS. W ar now prepared to famish all classes with const ant employment at home, the whole of the time or for the spare moments. Business sew, lit lit and profitable.; Person of either sex arils ea 1 from 50c. to tSper eren ng, and a propon :onel sum by devoting thrir who tlm to be business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much aa men., That all who eee th notice may aendtbelr address, and teat th business, ure make this unparalleled offer: To uch aa are not well sal! riled, we will send 1 1 to pay for th trouble of writing. Full particular!, a valuable sample, which will do to commence work on, and a copy of Th Veopie's Literary Companion one of the largest and beet family newwpiptrs published oil sent free b mail. - Reader If you want permanent, AXEN fc OO., profitable work, addrexa L no94ia , Augo-UsMel- ua. S. L. TIBBALS, . COCO ' 1 COIl IN NE, UTAH. ciality. ! ' cmiF.N, 0KA1GES, !' i - seJ AND XUxts. Shoes and Galiers made and ; Montnmi Wtrcot. HlMGORE, SHOE MAKER, BOOT the most approved- etyle. Custom , f : v f ST. LOUIS BARBER SHOP. -- 3f aiul Y The Only (ienillc Hotel in (he M. JlcanUln trade AID DR'ED FttllTS, CAY Salt Lake City, Utah. n. Tor He also deal In : X wdl constantly keep oo hand every variety of Drugs, usually kept in a ft ret class Drug 8ote. Mr Preecrlptloj cs- efnlly cointoundet?. nod tf e Montana Street, t between Fruirvtll packed O HOTEL AHD ; RESTAURANT, t rJElV DRUG STORE, Oae ONIC . T. J. EDGlMiTO.NS ; 4 D E LM By the can, or served up in any style, can ah wa; a. be found at the Delraunica. Oyster sup-pe- ra gotten up in the beet style and short notice. ' School Desks and Seats, In us ouiy two years. Inquire of 4 T. tV. HARKINS or HUSSEY, DAU LKIt At CO., sc m Salt Lake City. h BULL1 VAN. HOLLAND i The pro,rleor guarauteea luhsfactlon to I patrons, promises to keep a well prepared tubs and make it bis aim to please. Meals acivi d prutt ptly at all boura. ga " srjiMm For Sale, see circulars at particular st f ; Montana Street.. Depar.ment.:.....,.,.......... ttr For further RKroaTKA office. es Whole the only agent for the Producer I Sacramento. AU articles ordered from him will be put up where grown, tbua beip fresh and furnlahed at producers prices. RKCENTLY CIIANGltD 7 IIAND8, thlaehgaut Hotel, baa ualcr tbe direction of the prctcut proprietor been completely renovated and Rewly furnished, and ie now ilie most aud com fortable FAMILY quiet , economical HOTEL In the city. - Tbe house is situated ju the centre of the city, and In the best and most convenient location for business men. The table am constantly supplied with every i luxury the market afford. The rooms are large, well ventilated, and furnished with every convenience necessary for the comfort of,; lodgers.. In fact tbe Delhi Wico offers tbe bkot acvoM wodatiow to tbe tbaveliwo IfrUG of any House Jn the tty, v 4 A d'Aleals at all Lours, Day and NIghL"ti Higher , I Cllja FrimaVjr The nndersined having purchased the above E1VKKY property, are prepared to do a and 8ALE bnsinoes. i The best of rtaddlO and Carriage at ck con stantly on hand and for hire at reasonable rales. Also a Good W nter IUnch. Office and Stables,' eoutb-eacorner Moni .ua and Fifth Hi its, Corlnne. Utah. : , . Opens on Monday, September flth, at 9 o'clocV, M iUln street, betwe.n 3d aud Sd Houth sts. New rooina aud : tniiture throughout. Full corps of b'sehers, under the immediate charge of UC Uev. Daniel H. Tuttle, D. D. Terms: Fer month of 4 weeka the choiscst Meats, Gsmo of Duller, Eggs, ole. Third Year. a. EACIFICSTABLES. noO-t- octl6-3- , SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. MeatJ. Market. . Sc li o 0 a .f-- w COVJBXA & CO., ST. MARK'S z?, CITY all ready arpo'tilcd them. MAIN STREET, 1 .. 8 - loi-ge- r - in eveiy City and Town where- we have not al' Warerooms aud Oifioe, No. S54i Broadway, Manufactory, 187 A 189 Bowery, New York. v- aaiu J STH EET ACRAMErero UAL. No. ; AGENTS WANTED JUST UOIfiNNE, - UTAH, LUtEU IU, Proprietor. SULfU BLACKSMITH SHOP 4; Street, Between Third aud Fourth Streets, - iEVS ap!19-l- y I.iqiu.r-an- iut MONTAIVA t HOLT, Ji i Repairing carefully doue, and satisfaction i V J - t Y Also ' t . j Fruits Ga lifornia -- 1 aj-Hou- J. W. GUTHRIE, rail Iron Frame i'" ' fi concentrates in fboxt of tbe Tuning Pins, that heretofore damaging Iron (which in other Pianos hurtfuily , eurrounwa the Tuning Xlna ) and Jnto the front elge of the Flank end resists the .wenty tons" strain. Patent Diagonal Sustaining Bar part of the Iron Frame, next to, and parallel with the Steel strings UNDER THE OVKR8TRU NO bass, Tho Abion Plano Is the crxafeht, momt nun a elk, least complicated, requires less tuning and does not get out of order, it la - j ' AT guaranteed. COHINNE, UTAH. T if ' - .: Pgient t j Now York Prlo.cis. Mr : t ' NKVKB-SFUT- i i 8TKKI5T, ith and hth Streets. Fast side, between ; j The indefaUgable Ar tin voyager, Capt. Hall, was received with all the hOnOrs by the Boaid of. Trade of his native city, Ciociunati, last week. In his speech, after' detailing bow ihe had demonstrated that the last member of, Sir Johd Franklins expedition rkd, perished, he an nounced his plans for the futare as fol- ri 'v' ' for Send?yourOriler J . 'Wfiitolioei, . RAFFERTYS KKG SAL00. i' t t . iM J PATE ITS. Patent Reversed Wooden Agraffe Bndge throughout, betaiks the sweeloess of the old wxd Bridge, and obtains the solidity of the Metal Agraffe, without Its objections. Patent Compound Wreet P ank which holds tFe Tuning Pins, Is six layer o Mapl, cbaxx running- differently, this flaws Howard and Waltham Watches - - I l ' The finest Witches now manufactured. (of the heel 'brands) TOBACCO, CIGARS and GLASSWARE. '.t OHM'S FOUR BinPLlFTLOfi i lUlin HINES, LIQUOItS, j! 1 " r a -j ill Papers QABEFULLT PBKPABXD, and Patent . secured WlfHOUTDELAY. , Examlnatlonr-lthe Patent ' Office free' of charge, and no Individual fee fa any ease.unless a Patent' la allowed. aa Charge aa reoaouahls aay other 'reliable ' uW Agency, . Send for ChrcuUr of rflerence. . 1 f1 - . . Term, Instruction tnd 1 .4 -- r &09 tf AnericanExebacjfIIctcl, ; innumu3r;iuffiM!M, (Extending from Bacramnte t, to HaUeck si.) :'. and newly I laving been reoent y ; ' ll- , fv most quiet, eoonoankal II nlahed. makee titherqrMed and oomfortabt PAMXLT JXOTAL ta the Mate. Being oeataally located, i Cera every Iwtoow ' C. B. LORES A CO., Props. ment for bualnee men and the pubUe inn The tahlee will poMtentlg.be anpiited wSh every .uxury the market afford. The The proprietor beg make the Exohoage Ooooh, with Bed Lights, wtil be a tha cement that they have ojued tbeir new Reto the WW ! r staurant, and are prepared to ae nre a choice Heel Hotel free. r a true e21-lla , m. ; TIMOTHY SARGENT, Proprietor. epicurean style Is fddfntal. glfutaurant. aa-no- un dot, Agent for Brewer, Bemle A Co, Celo bra ted Ale. and Porter. nol-tf m ') - ' M - C - ! WATCHES, CLOCKS, Ac GMIOCE RIES. ' WHOLESALE iand V- J Whole ale and Retail j . . V ., n 4 t m ' , SILVEIt ' '' , - t ft WAGOri XIAJVXOIVX, VICTOR C0RDELLA, & CCa., ihmjsolioff ilselTis one divine, eternal, n.ieh i 4.i I1. lli oo essence of "love, peisnasiuii. itn- ibm-ss- , p tl unc an 1 cur i y, .Hint eie(nsl iioitdid tl and c .iupulsion,'' of 'utiiiy it re' ns in the saiu litied wni'h is of 'if attractions nlonc; rilty, ontroli'ng bv and as t :U ,iT W ('l yet .prevail and in- flneiice nnuihrad the uiiseoheepV'ons l a way. ol maita! ly have ji LEIWES, .. -- v. . . ; J COIUNNE OALironnrA , Gold4 Jewelry, OSCEOLA SALOON, that this great doubt is expelled; . XUCKuLL'S , OLD STAXD, , prepared to do lurther work, in jhe Arctio regions, for geographical discovery, MONTANA STREET, From the eightieth deand that atop Alwaya on hand Lumber, Lath and Rhloglee, a ninetieth degree, is simply Lnmter rough or dreeaed furnlahed at the lower. gree to lb GOO - - UTAH Caah Prices. , miles, that we hav been COItlNNE, oc74ra journey of j -- 1 am how 300 make for to yesr., trying acclimated, aud, r in my life with th natives, clothing myself and eating and drinking as they do, can bid' defiance to f Comer Montana arid fifth Streets, Special attention given te orders by malt. A large stuck always on hand. King Cold. I bav been colileryin Cin I ie Arclio as Good- - shipped aatne'day older s are received. I in ciunali than regions, CORINNE, UTAH. i tiolC tf can eat raw meat aud drink oil ns long as anybody, and tker4 are plvnty of these iu thst countiy. 4 It is idle to attempt to PEIRS01 !k gPICEtt, TroprlfUrt. take there with you provisions to last you ' i .'i ' "I ' for such an excursion. - The man who , 4..:. j D4IT.W IX must liv wilh the frf-- Tbie Hern ie a : new I we atory bHct atempts anchtrip fltied iv eect-db t"il bengr ru!iV BvlcL people.' and' a they'hve.' I can 'show nol-t- f cp lora you notes that I have, written, with naked BOOKS, STATIOiXEKY, hand, with a temperature keveaty depie below zero. I desire .to atart oat again on HENRY for I propose before I j another exjieditionl, die to plant- that foot (stamning his left IOIKKf lTTLKRr AND 4 Dealer in foot) Ott tho uo.ih pole.' Applause. Orocci ics goal of my ambition. Eug-lan- d .NOTIONS Liquors, That'saudthe Fiance OF A Lk KINDS.' ,'i are talking about such f: 1 , Wholcrale and ReUil. , au exHjdition, but l know that I can conPost bjjlce CIGARS lA'ND TOBVCCO. duct a party in the expedition from the and ith atreet, corner of BotiUna, Corinoe. eightieth degree hi ninetieth Jdegree, i s . I I n OOA-- tf ; do. to nugl5-tfI:doeire is what ?i that . . .. . i lam i l '! h t ; work-manli- UINTAH HOUSE f : . & CO., XJtn.li. ' l 4 ! Fine , . f Now UTAH. COIITXXE, " ' be umlOrstood that, by the JEWELERS & GUNSMITHS) XOIiTlI SIDE MONTANA STUKET, word Eiie.thood,,we refer only to jts bn-m- Corner Montana and Gtli Sts. to the divine Montana Street, Corlnnt, repreentaUves,fiidnot and pci feet system ilgelD I J i J, (between 4th and 6thl Keep; constantly on hand fine watches and When Jesus, the Great Head of the and ammunition of all guns, pistols ewelrjr, Privst hood, was upon tii earth, he said ilnds. Also, fine cigars, tobacco, and all smobill little about his Priesthood or bis kers articles. Repairing done In the beet manner, and all work warranted. COHINNE,v - UTAH. authority, but spent his .life in preaching sep7-t- f orula Call Store, principle. The wri er has often thought liow diteicut this is to his personal exAH, H. DXLEY. 8. O. SEWELL. out of every Buyers will do well to examl a niy stock befor pel ience ; for .ninety-nin- e huudied sermons lie has heard,; have been purchaslug el'tewbere. New styles silver sets, solid gold chains, rings, about aulhonty aud doing as you pins, sleeve buttons, etc. me"told.V As far as we can learn, Jesus si rnjlyre versed all this. All Priesthood, aiO.NTANA STREET, , as icitainitig to bis disper'sulinn. wus UTAH. centered iu hinj. and vet tlie word lViest-hoo- d CORINNE, MOSS AGATE JEWELRY! was neve in his month. All harsh, Kef p constantly on hand a good assortment' for the jobbing trade. ; anthoiitativd diclat The finest imported Liquor. GoUieu and Teh. 1 Or,ltrs by mail will receive"' prompt and Crown eign to tiia.r nalur 4 Cigars, Tom it Jerry, Hot Funcbea, etc., spirit of the Pi iesthnod reigned - n spirit careful attention. east 4 ou hand. In great variety. I Lave the alwaya on and the Goods shipped west, ' tu.it will yet prevH t Call and see us. line ot the Uailroad the same day orders lieai s I Uo Same Piie and Day. Open Klght noO-t- f or the celebrated ure received. S01.E nol3tf differetit spirit tlmr thnt in any of us it snses trom j 5 S AW W. C. JOHNSON Mannfacl nrer and dealer In ' Mfatclimakers, itMEttf HINTS, CoMMISSIOS I ' CORINNE, UTAH. Proprietor of the ? 4 P. II. XVH.BOK, Caahler. ;; 1 Prop. BT, . I ., ' v f -- FLOUR, W ARE, MontannStrect, ji 1 Lo HILLEBREC . e,, wrLsorraxipii.TOi, if . PflRPE j ' ' ae7-t- m o 33XJG . if - Keep eonaUntly on hand fwh Itye and all other klnda of Bread. Also an aaeortment of other articles pertaining to our line. Cuatomera oc7-3promptly atteuded to., fi e" . . Alwaya on band- a "variety 4f the beat Meats, fresh butter, eugar cured Hama. Xfacoo, etc. Mr Fartlcolaratteotloa paid to Retali custom. Montana Street, OORINNEi UTAH. f f . HURLBUT BROS., v - , - -- iieU'jT-l-m 3d Soulli end f -- hrtl,k wiat ri k aworney at law 'and state Aitoniey for Utah. dry,Hw,utail ir la Kt:UtUe'a i:at s. I 1 FOURTH STREET, 4 OP . f' ! '' UNION BAKERY, . Wholesale and Retail ls QIJ i CORINNE, UTAH., oo7-3- m . AND ;t V -- l BCBocrnt. BARKING HOUSE jfWRET,- If. LlillBES, Proprietor. a. t .i , Montama Street, rilJF k h 'VO. n , i - W. D. MORTON,, w 1 CX.- ADVTS. , S. WILSON, FDBXY ! ( - i , , ARYAN MISCELLANEOUS Sunnite E AT;i (5W Less' DRY GOODS & CLOTHING. ' Boots aud Shoes. ds, fRGIGIITON . i ' " DAVIS & COHN. i eauu n es ; niieooeoplions 'of , ;I soucroH jx cif a. ct:jirr sMr i.. kk ary, r ;.!. kpjy tt PRIESTHOOD. ' "J-l- Le lo-ilii- y, T I. A K A Ttmi J. StTPPBR, , ; , TTIHISKV .1 r I -- IN INVARIABLY !': UI0CELLANEOUS ADS. MISCELLANEOUS AD . . . SIN. FiUNtlSl'li hTUHG , Corimio, apM-3n- a A .,- tlier - , i WELLS NIMCER, , n IN UTAH!! . BUSINESS CARDS. t ... , ao TOOHY I; .. of It muit ittorney nnd, Counsellor ml Law, , MONTANA STllET, COM XX XT. i J1 at'SJL Paul from Fort s the JElnaiish and Garry aiys whites are taking little or no part in the demonstration, it is being made chiefly by French half breeds. The; insurgents havetakeu poscseipn of the IIadou Bay 8torHiumes,'and nrh dealing out them-aelydkilv rations from the company' aapplies. ; jDr! Brown, the editor of the Fort Garry Xorwester, was arrested for refusingTo print a proclamation for the; Insurgents, and the printers, at the mouth of the musket, were forced to issue the revolutionary document, which wne posted in various parts of the rebellions dis-- : learns trict. ' A lied Iliver trading-hous- e that there is a strong organization of a Scottish settlement, including many half-breewaiting for a favorable oportunity to declare in favor of Gov. McDoagalk d half-breed- fhave United Htatea Commtaaioner, ' Attorney at Law, ' and Deputy United Stale Attorney for Utah. CQMXXR. UTAH TEH. . , ..... ap30.tr- - j DENIMS s TUB AUTHOR OF LIGHT, R10HTr '7 AND LIBEBTY. BILL. 1 w, it-- , , 1 TUB LIMITS aw. '3 .'ik : 3 m. A r?s 'iAv j DlWNINu 7? 'V 3d. jam,: ."V, D1Y id. 3 4fe Nsws-receive- . Tenooptea,OMeddres, $33. m4 vTkO-frw- y of Advertising. Ratts " " f Vf .... ! 20 cupfc tXOM M4w.44f 4 ....... M iheGrrier,).M ,: Six Month koo RO Ot Three Mouth ... ,v Biegle Copleo.., .. , t3j m,i Clcb Rjitb. Five coplre, to on addrrea, 330: 4.00 tr Wfki fioppUtHi Yttls4 Oo 1 et- - . ; 'll; -V 't r - Vi - U |