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Show fiPfrftVly Utah' But the Bt. Louis Home Journal has reached its third volume, and Ue porltr beside carefully edited In IHURSDAyWdRN IN 0 DEC. 2. BT 1. H. BE IDLE. allltsde-pftTtmcut- s, has a brilhan array of ' & 'V. home writers, who contribute regularly to ilta columns. We under- THE LAKE AND ISLANDS. stand its publishers contemplate The country bordering Great Salt Lake paper, shortly, which will add greatly to its appearance. presents almost every possible variety of The subscription price Is but $2.50 soil, but little or no change In climate. First to the south lies Jordan Valiev, per annum for jingle subscriptions, is generally meant when the people which rates in and at much lower clubs, which pub It In the reach of all. speak of Salt Lake Volley, forty miles Address Sheffield & Stone, 409 and long by abraUwelve in breadth; all the 411 Locust street, St. Louis, Mo., for eastern half is Valuable for agriculture, a list of th eir club rates and a sample and most of the western for grazing. J ' TC3 UTUT nwt. f We have ramie such arrangements Iwith the Western Union Telegraph Company that we, can furnish the latest telegraphic news from all parts bf the world to the north and south bf us, and three hundred miles each . way - on' the' rail road, twenty-fou- r hour in advance of any other pa-jcrT- be Rfportkk will be pub- ? ly at the Stake tbi rinric iiiiBOiM. a don delight to berk end bit Ear Got Seth needs them eo." tilt's At least, so says some poetical i-- muled to CoiifrcM, -- 1 he cU, etr, Salt Lake Cm, U. T., Nov. 30, 18G9. When Brigham entered these valley, twenty-oneyea- ra ago, he, with some of the Twelve, ontereAnto hoods and cove; so of newspaperstake In regard to nants with each other to kill and destroy Put a beg- everything that offended in Zpn. That the Pacific Railroads. gar on a liorso and hell ride is, he would send ti hell across lots, to the devil Is an old adage, qultfe every persdo who might think different to him in his grasping, deshim, or op as applicable to these penny-a-line- rs as the previous quotation. Would potic ml ; and truly, he has carried out his hellish nurpeae. But fejv, compared i Itnot be as well for these lookers-ou- t for the pvOplesJnterest(?) all the with the whole, have dared to utter a word against him or his plans. Those . while to. commence at home, first? who hveJ dono so at the , risk of their For instance:, the Inland Empire iu the Charcb, and if eat off, makes a terrible raid on the Pacific standing Itben spotted as black wr-r' Railroads for tho sheep. lijgh rate of way they The sequajt to which was, "shut, your tariff It claims is charged at present. accursed or leave the country, One year ago It would have cost fifty Those whomouth, took the latter course would cents per pound, to 1 deliver goods be killed ud hid, or .dragged iuto some from the East Into White Pine, unfrequeutid gulch or ravine, and no overland, and would have taken tcu more has been heard of them. Such work ' .twenty times ts long to deliver as the abote can he proven. Scores of his tlxmi as now. The heonssarles or peopte know what I ara saying to be true, luxuries ; of life In that fabulous but dare' not say a word, at the risk of country at that time, at least many their live! There Is scarcely a man in of them,, were, lower than y. the Church but has taken outh nud coveIt costs,, to lay goods down in White' nanted to jbe a'vengedof their enemies, ,Iine, now? not to exceed ten cents and to teach their cbildreu to do the same; Icr pound, fromthe East ; yet these signllcai t y meaning anything and every, )ctty newspapers, for the sake of a thing that opposes Brigham, and the 'little cheap notoriety, keep up tt person who revealed this, with other "Hi piteous whine against their bene- things, should have his throat cut and factor not f takliig into considera- their guts let out. These things I have tion tho enormous exjHmse of ojh?-ratl- gote through and know what lam talk, a line of railroad two thou-- t ing about, so will every man in th4 Church . sand miles through such a country know wbatj I say to be true. ' ns the. Pad Freights nud ' This looks like' telling tales out of ' fares despises traitor everywhere areelieap enough over tlie iHi- - school. as a rule, but there is exceptions to every a cl flc Railroads for the present, or until experience, tests the safety of I tale. and tliis question is that exception, the Investment. Extremes In poll- - I Weu matters begin to assume. the pro-tiand religion are bad enough, but lM,rtlru f a Popish Inquisit oh, wheu a when carried Into commerce they wia or . hjiudreds of weu women and ' Income iiuWncoH nud intolerable. cbililren are taken and burned to the an opinion Let us hear no more of this crying tuke, aimpljr for espretiairig Matters hern are just down the .freight and passen- 1gainst Ibtj Pop. state of affairs, add 1 same be to rifting ger tariff tho outrage of the com- think it U time to apeak. We will speak, panies, etc., until they are quite, aud apeak ao an to be benrd, too. Hun sure there la some reason for.lt, or dreds are like iu Ibis respect, but that the Incomeof tho companies iro yet afraid myaelf to apeak out ; but tbo day will Justify It. is close at bind when the secrets of some L. me p's deeds will be preached on the FlCTlOJ. TBirm flRAJCEft THAI - 1 ' s bonne-top' Toe day is gone for one.min ; y Never was the above quotation o tbink tor a whole people to curry more forcibly illufttntcd than In the their purses, to council men to build fine 'matter of establishing the'Junctlon mouses, knowing at the same time 'these at or near OgdeiLy Although the men had not means enough to finish the Junction Is ostensibly located at Og-de- p building, but Brigham would loan them there Is something peculiar money and take a lenso on their property, thus keep on until tbeoe victims are aboyt It something back of this ne- and(involved that Brigham takes their ho gotiation that but a few are with, for no sooner was It property tor the debt. Men see this not aay a word generally understood that Ogden mauy of tuem but dare was to lie the futUjrc Junction, than about it, knowing tho covenants they have some of the knowing ones came made to sustuiu Brigham ia, ail things - found, or sent meq round, to see temporal and spiritual. I heard Inst night,' while sitting in the what they could buy certain propthat O. Q Cannon threatened to erty for in this 'city,, or that lying theatre, Mr. llall comes here and kick aud thriudi Mr, Camomile, the Utah , near by. ou business to the establishes headquarters of the Bit- Magazine agent, when Ikscrtl Eties office,' for saying something ter Creek Coal Company ; Mr. Tay- in a meeting, about the fighting Apostle. lor comes here, and establishes head-quarte- rs Mr. Camomile told the bully he had better of theriental Powder Co.; not on him, or any man in the hand a Jay Mr. Munro writes that this Is to be Mngizine office, for if violence was comn , headquarters of the great trauspor-ttatiomenced, the thing would not stop short of companies that us to control Brigham YoiiDg and those of his otan. business on tho Upper Missouri. . Brigham has sent round a few of the Monied men from all parts of the holy Misters to every house, asking the names of the heads of families, writing country acquainted with tho nioun-- . the names themselves ; and if not asked tain country, are endeavoring to get the question, they would not tell what it n foothold here and centre business was for. They go arund when the men away at work, and get the names ; . here. How is It about tfrU Junction are men come home, their wives when ran per inform the business? Is not them that some sisters have been there and taken their names. Upon inthan ffctlon? quiry, it Is found that Brigham is deter-miue- d HIVE to have a long list of names to preLET TUBS IT?, , " ' . to sent i .1 j Congress, praying for admission j A Westcrix paper says there is nn as a State. Watchful. aspi-rnn- t, and In our Judgment the alove lines were never more forcibly illustrated than In the course a score or . ! ( o to-da- ng flo-passe- s. es ! in: !' 1.1 ted , , 1 H t: truant f Item going the rounds of the press, to the effect that Congress will be this winter for an extra petitioned 1 to aid the Pacific Mall ; Steamship Company to put one or two .more, steamers .on I the China Una Of course this exceedingly sagsgclous sentinel, ever on the lookout for the public interest, . con see nothing In tills petition but a big job for the P., M. S.' B. Co. All f- . right t We say, let 'em have it, the more the merrier; if they don't get It somebody else will, and we dont know of aoytpftrty that needs it more than the Pacific Mall, since the Paclftc Rail is finished. i I: uix ctum CSCtSJS. v i The;,expieriment of r establish ing aud maintaining a lltenuy weekly in the West has beta, demonstrated to bt a feet, and we h wtlly oongrat ulate lhereadlns public on its fret' indeed abold ldsa? when iht whole land was plctirlais, illustrated weeklies and hebdomadaTs of .xdl to start an en k Infix AV terprise ofyllke nature In tlie et. dls-crtcsinsilt- s d- - It nedwith I ; ntn . A Pio-ceedi- I'tgbtlfli ipeaile Bow fttple eosac up Jtfetfftf to ftca -- Ceitlnff Ysmea . . . and weekly for lished ' a while yet till we get our new typo copy. and press,' then we shall resume the lCorrepo&dace te the Reporter.) dally. Terms of subscription and SILT LIRE CITY LEfTtR. advertising can be found on the first Bund sad CoTnsnt--De- U to II tri-week- Honor to Whom Honor is Due. HOME PAPERS. ng northward a strip of salt marsh and low pastors land, near the Lake, is bounded on the east by a strip of fertile land from one to five miles wide, back of which are considerable pastures even some distance up the mountain side. ' The same is true of Bear River Valley and the east eru slope of the Promontory, the form er consisting of a fertile tract from ten to fifteen miles in width;, but crossing Promontory to the west the change is sudden, aud we find at the northwest corner of the Lake a valley of alkali flats and salt beds of indescribsblo barrenness. The entire western shore is a perfect desert; a salt and arid waste of clay ftnd sand, of the consistency of mortar in wet weather aud a btd of stifling Austin dry; not even the sage brush and greosewood And )if-ithe poisonous soil, .and near the Lake thouaruid of aces Ue glistening in the sun, bare white with suHfand alkali. Running water Is found in but one place, and "Fven Iho scant springs are separnt d by journeys of fifty miles. It is coiufoitablo to reflect that a further ifce of fivo feet iu the Lako suiface would bring it upon this desert, with an area cf seventy miles square to cover, and requiring at least ten times as muh water far1 a rise1 of one foot ns it did ten years ago, Along the shore the atmosphere is bluish ntnl bay, and Captain Utansbury observes that "it is a labor to use telescopes for geodetic purposes and astronomical observations are very Imperlect. In the body of tin Lake are several inlands and pfYijecting rocks, designated in the order of their size as follows : 1. Antelope, also called Church or Mormon Island, having been 'appropriated by tho Corporation or Church of Litter-da- y Saiuts, for their stock a sort of consecrated cattle-corrLr the Lotd and At the nearest point it is about twenty miles northwest of Salt Lake City; for mauy yearsthe channel between it and the eastern shore was fordable, and is still occasionally; it contains a number of green valleys, and some springs of pure water. Iu the shape of an irregular diamond, with u sharp western projection from tbe northern point, it is sixteen miles long with nn extreme width bf sew enteeu miles; it contains many ridges nud detached peaks, tho highest 3000 feet above the Lake, nncl consequently l, above NcarUhe northeastern ceast is a rook called Egg Island, aud on tbo most eastern cliff "they say" there is a cave, with remarkable blue grottes, of which "mongbus storiw. " bavo been told. 2. Stansbnry is the second largest in the Lake, lying southwest of Ante lope, near the western shore, with 'which it is connected at rare iubrvaU of low water by a sand spit. It is about half the size of Antelope Islam!,-an- d consists of n miles iu tselvo single ridge, length and rising 3,000 feet above the Like' It is of some use for grazing purposes, and Is frequented by ducks, geose, plover, gulls and pelicans. 3. Carringtou Island, so named from the, Mormon engineer Albert Currington, who Assisted Captain Stannbury in his Harvey, is nn irregular circle with a single central peak; it contains no springs, but abounds in a great vanity of plants nud flowers. It lies a little northwest of Btaos-bttr- y, and west of the north point of Antelope Islaud, near the western shore. 4. Fremont Island lies between Antelope, and Promontory Point, nearer the last, and jtr-i- t below the point where Bear River Bay opens into the central point of the Like. It is shaped somewhat like n half moon ubonnds in plants, ' particu larly the wild onion, hot is destitute of w'ood aud water. Col. Fremont named it Disappointment Island, having Wen led to Wlieve, Wfore visiting it that it abounded in "trees und shrubbery, teeming with game of everj description;" Stansbury gave its present name, and it is sometimes locally known as ,;Castle Idaud," suggested probably by the turreted formation of its principal peak. . 5. Dolphin Island lies far np towards Bro.-Brigham.- al 7-- " 00 Kca-leve- ud 1 the northwestern r rocy Rather Lease way of Doing Easiness. knolL Judge Barnard, of the Supreme Court of New York (in chambers), made an important decision in relation to the Marriage law, a short time since. The cose was that of BUsel vs. Bissel. It was admitted by .the defendant that he had placed a ring Upon plaintiffs finger, agreeing at the time to live with her as his mis. tress in fact, though he was to recognize her as his wife. It was claimed by the plaintiff that when he gave her the ring it was with the declaration, "This is yoar wedding ring. We ere msrried jast as much as Charles is to his wife (referring I will to his brother and live with you and take care of yon all the wife. It wes asdays of my life as my no that both marriage ceresented to by was any clergyman by performed mony or other person than themselves. The Judge held that, the marriage was valid andbloding in law, as mash as if there had been Che usual ceremony, and that the public profession of both parties that they were men and wife must be accepted as conclusive of that fact Judge Barnard's decision may be all very well and proper ao long as each party to the contract "stick to their bargain. Bat .suppose they fall out, whos responsible fbr the damage ? , As we said before, It may be atVright, but H strikes os as be. log rstherp loose wey of doing tasinets. . 0. Hat Island, southeast of Giiquhod, is probably part of the same reef The deepest sounding in the Lake, forty feet, is found between Stanabnry and Autelnpo Islands. The latter is nlo rich in minerals, marble of the fint-s- t quality and roofing slate, readily obtained in krge quantities. Boats could rnn directly alongside of the , quarries and jload with the A considerable greatest convenience. will interest yet be built up on boating the Lake in which these inlands will play and important part. On the shores of the Lake are cultivated farms, populous towns, mines of all valuable metals; on the islands are valuable tracts for, pasturage, and at the foot cf. tbe surroundiofi mountains are medicinal springs, hot and cold, sulphur. iron and soda. The summer air of the Lake is light, SAline and health inspiring; the scenery unsurpassed, and abounding In views o f memorable beauty- - The romance of this More Mur-fou- nt has survived the investigations of science, and from a region of misconception and fable the vicinity of the Great Salt Lake has become the Switzerland of America. s:ster-in-law- ). -- . We are glad to see our co temporaries speak so favorablo of the move the RAlLitOAD mea 'made at the Promontory recently. In speaking of that heretofore Infamous place, our exchange says : of iniquity the This sink-hol- e Sodom Of the coast has at last been rid of the lepers so long festering and eating out the life of tlie place. The vampires; who would like to rank as gamblers, but who are shunned by that class with loathing and disgust, have, been driven from the town. They liavo plied their profession of robbing for a season, despite the effbrts of the citizens to prevent it. until, a few; days ago', the railroad men notified them to leave, toad were prepared to carry Into execution their peremptory order bv force If necessary. At one time ft looked as if, a bloody fight would ensue, but the horde of vagrants saw that If any demonstraplainly tion was made upon tlielr part, their doom would be sealed in blood by the determined hand of an outraged public. The town is said to be completely cleansed, and tho last one of the gang, of outlaws have left the yesterday, and to withdraw entirely. J ' The Treasury Department two millions in purchased only Donds called foe In advertisement. The currency balance In Treasury. Is at a lower point than for some time. Washington, 1 The public debt statement shows tho debt to date to $10,000,000 ofTered IHIn)W9 IBjimiPgpS ' 1 to-d- ay RETAIL GENERAL WHOLESALE AND ( i U8mm$8snsm Mlerelhcmh i including rency, $12,000,000. - Total, sinking fundIsand coin Interest bomhM $1,940,494750. The purchased debt lees the amount In Treasury Is $2,453,697,036.23, a decrease during tho month of over. $7,500,000; since March 1st, $73,000, 000, FLOUR, CRAIN Affib PRODUCE; Cjr , , LCMBERLIHE, LiTII A SIIINGLES, ! FOREIGN. ' ' ' GuiIt Is reported that Em- Sisn. DOORS AND 'BLINDS. zot has had audience with the peror every morning. i. t London, 1. Various Paris letters, of all Kinds. published in the morning papers, Mouldings and Dressed Building Material' agree that the Emperors speech at the opening of the Corns Legislatin', ;V fell flat upon the public mind; the more the speech Is considered the FUR11ITURE AND CABII1ET VARE III GREAT VARIETY. less Jt Is liked; , , place. St. Petersburg, 1. A deputation A waited on Prince Gortzcokotf yesO Very Unkind the Denver Xcwa terday. relative to establishing cotton fields at Bokhara and elsewhere calling Cheyenne Purgatory, In the Asiatic possessions, The n Paris, , i J- support. Toronto, ASSOCIATED rCEHS DIHIATCHKS DEPORTED EXFKEKHLY PoB Til It BKPOItTKB. Teai Withheld v ' 1, compromise" with1 Gov Company. v Emperors Speech Dull U P R R. Earnings. Dank Robbery ! ETC., dwrttertiwntis. IFS MAMMO -- V er The exploring party, under Wheeler and Lockwood, sent out ly Gen. Ord, to discover a route through the White Pine country to the Colorado! river, has returned, having found a good route, alKHtndlng in timber and water, with Indications of rich mineral A full reixirt of the expediLieu-tenan- de-)MHi- ts at his Washington, 4. Tho President has npjMiinted Thos. II. Talbott Ass t Atty General, in plate of , , Dickey, It has been ascertained to-d- Coriune, U. T Nov. 21, - i - , j no43m X ! CII A1US, In great 'vnrict left, s Flop. , ADV'fS mmn STAGE & EXPRESS ' .OFFICE. ? Kl-NCV- KiidiEP. & am receiving and setting up a large assortaa WOOD, ; CANE, C. MISCELLANF FTJEN1TURE i J. t NEW ADVEHTISKMENT-S- . j J. M. WALLACE the CO. no25-l- The proprietor has spared no pains nor expense in making tin's- the most comforUtblc place to pohh uwuy an hour or t wo at tlie great National CHlUCt i Golden Crown Clgurn, and tlio best of Ale, Wines and Liquor, J always on hand. .1,7..,,, !OT.ND, FRED J. TaYLOR. ItOCKEUS, ETC. N0JPICE!; THE CO PARTNERSHIP berotoforo exUUng between Ute unde raigned under the firm name of McNamkr 4k Co., ia this day dlxaolved by mutual couacnt. All Indebtednt as due the concern must be paid to P. 1'dwau Conkob. Coriune, U. T., Novembet 24, 1800. , P. EDW. CONNOR, " JAMES McNARAEU, STEPHEN REYNOLD?. Ry P. Edw. Connor, hia Attorney In fat. , no23-l- at ay Ihfi'J. WM. ii o. . ts. tion wilt "toon be published. New York. Dec. 1. Richardson Is considered beyond hope, and will robablydie before sunset; his wife, rother and other relatives are, now bed-sid- e. atue;and alt claims agln the same wblbe or eeiitotl to Wm. Tolamd a Co. for j ayment i 't' to'clloct the ment of furnituie, it Co , who is alone autliorla-- d 11 THE LARGEST AND FINEST FITTED ,UP ROOM IN TEE MOUNTAINS. I i pre-empU- on i Moil (nun S tree ty .Oo ii Mtto, Ban Francisco, 30. The friends of Rev. Doctor W. A. Bcntt met lust in 1842. de2-t- f evening and resolved to organize a new church of Bt. Johns, at Ban NOTICE Francisco, Cal. A large amount was immediately subscribed, and a TO JOSEPH L. PROCTOR, SAMUEL R1DOUT all other interested : You are hereby noticommittee appointed to perfect the and fied t)at 1 will appear at the U. 8. Land Office, A organization. Lake City, Utah, before the Rexiater and A meeting was hold last night fqr 8lt Receiver thereof, on the 80th day of December, to prove roy right to enter under the the purposeof reorganizing the Dem- A. D. 1KCD, of tne act, of September ocratic party of tills city, which was provisions 4, 1811, tho aouth-ca- t quarter of section 14, townlargely attended by the leading ship 7 north, range 3 west, at which time and i members of the party. pUce you can appear and content, if you see Thu charge of manslaughter, projwr. ItUFUS W HENRY. , m27 3t against Bernard Kune; switch-tendatSlinsons Station, at the time of the Western Pacific Railroad disDISSOLUTION NOTICE ! aster, hits been dismissedai;d Kane discharged. heretofore r slating THE Tho teas received by steamer from between Wsi. ToLAMn and Fart) J. Taylob, la town or Cnrlnue, UUh Territory, was thin by the Japan, and engaged to go East beNo ember 24, A. I), ltfi'j, diolved by mutual dy, railroad, arc withehl; probably couacut, by the withdrawal of tbe edd Taylor, of cause the ears have not regular cus- hi entire interest in tho houo, lease of !o and the buaine e doing (herein and on. All debt tom house lloeks. du the 1st) firm will bo paid to W. Tolaxd TH e Sort of olUcr for,'.00: prepaid br wall, iao aoiall Fruit, riant, JJuid. all the new &c,, prepaid by mall. 4lb KDy Hone Potato, repaid, lor 11.90. Conovers Colo..! AMpuraxu, S per 190; 128 per 1000, prvpatd. Mew hardy iraffrantevcrbloomlnR Japan Honey, auckle, 60 cent, each, prepaid. True Cape Cod lowland culture, 91.18 Cranberry, for upland orlrec ion. Priced Cataper 100, repaid, with logue to any address, ffraU; also trade list. Seed on commission. 1J. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nurseries and? Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Mans. Established ETC. V illiwi 25 Public Debt fv m, COKNF.R MONTANA AND . SIXTH STKKKTS, Frcth. Garden, Flsser, Fruit, Detb, Tree, hhrub and Evergreen Seeds, u! h direction for culture, prepaid by mall. Ibe mol complete and JuhIi Ions Muit ment la tbe country Agen s Wanted Decline iu Gold Sales-"Roo- JKUJVM , Unv M ; "Wai'e-Hons- o 4 itl Expedliio'.i Returned 1(, and 4, v.i A special from 8t. 1. ernor McDougaf; 2, an Independent Republic; 3, annexation to tho U. 8.; 4, a Colony under Great Briton; 5, to return to tlie Hudson Bay New Church Organized ; t4 Paul savsr Late advices report a ,I : ' f Prlncepromised the Bcliemo his Telegraph. BEDSTEADS of all kind, CUIUS. iJuiJNGKS, AC. nun isaus, --TOr- 1 i WASH, and LIGHT STAADS OOZLZ2UBJJB, ' CUPBOARDS, K ITCH UN SAFKS, VirtOIBIIA ' CITY, ' Ii It G A K FAST and DUKSS, - t , . . i W .v (. L. BAKERY, I. tho Treasury, that the withdrawal of tlie sale or gold at New York yesterday, does not Inyolve a change of policy, hut on account of the low pf ices offered. Cheyenne, 1. Tlie Common Council yesterday passed the Female Suffrage Bill; almost unanimously, Omaha, 1. A special says tho reUnion Pacino It. It. port of theshows tho earning for Company n October to exceed one million thousand dolliirs; net revenue five hundred and forty thousand. a fine stock of fancy HAS JUST RECEIVED variety re. family Groceries with every and tbe boys buainee; quiaite to aonheavy rttail band to eerve up Rood to their are always customers with neatness aud dispatch. we have eonstantly on hand the finest of fresh Oysters, received daily by Express, and are prepared to receive orders to ship to Montana ' and other place. - DINING TABLES. XXEZSZTA and ; ' MOSS PILLOWS. BEDSPREADS, ETt e28-8- m Kansoltoff & I I ,rOHT BEIMTON. ' COMFORTS, '.I: t CAEEYINO TIIF. (So., fifty-seve- MiDNIGHTJHSPATCHEL WHOLESALE SALEROOMS: . AND COLORADO STREET Ban Francisco, 1. A few nights since a broker office, on Montgom- ' ' AND . n. . nearly back of th Uintah Xlouae, COEINNE. UTAH. robbed of $5,700 in WELLS, FARGO & COS ery street, was could gold, all the robbers carry. It no23-tJ. W. LISHER. has been ascertained that the theft COrimS8IOIU.1ERCIIAtlTS was committed by parties from Chicago, brought here for that purpose, Montana Street, bet. Third A Fourth, one of Whom was arrested on his ' General Produce . way to the cars with his share of the i U. T w plunder. The police have since sucCOHINNE, ' AXD ceeded in recovering the whole amount. GOMinSSIOK IIEiCHAKT, Governor Flanders, of Washington Terri tory, has vetoed over one HOT SPRINGS, UTAH. hundred acts of fhe legislature, in- Orders received by Mail and Telegraph ' cluding the whole new code of laws. A LARGE CONSTANTLY ON promptly filled. nell-t- f , Flour quiet and unchanged. STOCJ tenders 82). Legal Leave Corinne daily for Virginia" City. New. York. 1. Tlio Secretary of and ou alternate days for lleteiia y the Instructed the Treasury ' Helena and Fort Benton. ' reto not here Treasurer Assistant ' -- j ceive the, bids oflTeml yesterday, aud Connect with . i t to withdraw entirely from tho TreasI Passenger Trains both Comer Montana and Fburih Streets, We can and do offer better advantagea , ury, and buy bonds. Only two miloa the U. P. Railroad. ' ways -M-i- to c h buyer than any other 4ft lions of tho bonds advertised for tt ; jKjr House in, this valley, 4ft have been piRclmsed. The balance Corinne, Utah in the Treasury is lower than for a Special attention given to order by mail. 1. , Oool forwarded same day orders are received. Good. Stock, New Conches a longtime. HAS JUST OPENED HIS the of charae free Good We in deliver city dud Quick Time. The Richmond Board of Trade and at the depot. nol8-t- f of noon The report met at TIU HEHOmon, AGENT, the Executive Council shows that COniSSE.' nol8-t- f . GRO. the vote of tho board consists of 37 , constituent bodies, and 16,000 busi' FANCY AND STAPLE DZALXB XN ness men. .Among the prominent DRY GOODS, questions to come up are weights PACIFIC JICUSB, . and measures, conveyances, real BOOKS, STATIONERY, NEWS 'T'- estate regulations, joint companies, CLOTniriG, uaix sTiu:f:T,j X7ALL PAPDR, ; legal rates for the use of moneyiand .c coots & snoEs, ' the relations between debtorsrand RATS & CAPS, POrKET mTLEUY AND creditors. Fred. Fraley, of SALT LAKE CITY, - UTAH. was elected President for ' ;' fact everythin that can b called for In NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS andhiain lino, the ensuing year. Gen.HiramWal-bridg- o all of which ha offers to the publio P. RfilCH, Proprietor. ( at the most reasonable rates. , delivered a lengthy address. ' Tost, Qfice Building,: New York, L The Sec of the Good board and lodging, and a ibBt kB Dont forcet to call and ex- comfortable ' Ashome for travelers. instructed the before Treasuiy UTAH. Board I amine, purctiaftinr CORINNE, week Board 10 and f per Lodging sistant Treasurer not to receive the so25tf elsewhere . f J. A. 0,LRORIT, - 4 " - . ' ' v - A- Cheap! Cheaper! if to-da- f - -- t M. MEYER, i v 15 ? , , i to-da- Amort! stock y. L, HOLT, - , , . i ; Phlli-delphi- a, , , i - : s , . to-d- ay noi-t- f J , angX-S- ,r N it ' i v I X f ' 1. IN '( |