OCR Text |
Show w I -- tm ,HSnv 1 , isn... - ' Tlr '.. ,'. IHP 4 Slv " ft, T-TT7- :i ill h - t: ' U1 'J. :urr-C;;!;'.;-- p- -. !gter A tU " - ft . 'hlr - v" 1: : i ,( rmmer (Thm the SprlngM BapnWlean. btaftMidi and Uft roMna rsd vAi Y 1 1 Exp DaUy, rm 4. AX H 4.00 r y I wdrsT Find l Wf-ee- d tr! i MiieMaf brtotiri , Fo morning prates and '355 11.48 prsysr. 'f 1.''UANU7' 4 . l ftir, U PL1TTE 4A VA 3140, All RaH Route r m II ''!' ; - - & 4 i - hot-house- bird-fancie- rs STATIONARY PORTABLE AND j HOISTING' ENGINES AND I Make sdro conaecflda at Chicago with all the Tho question among Episladies about ; in this time Lent copal young ROADS. is, What shall wo wear at confirmation?; EASTERN AND SOUTHERN An exchango that professes to know what is In this country no pnrticu proper, says; Tickets and all Information In re- Ur stylo of dress is used on such an occasion,' OWThrongh! to Freight obtained of J)AVti O. Caltki, k Co., but in Catholic countries tho young ladies aenta.J Salt Lake City,, or of i Agents of . Union appear in white, with veils ana gloves. That Fact fto Road. WM.n.RTnONO, most becoming and appropriate costume Agent, Council Bluffs k Omaha. D. r. RT AN WOOD, U. L. DUNLAP, - , (inI Tkt. AR-. Oen'l Mupt., ' myl7-t- f Chicago. Chicago, tarlatan, without shawls, cloaks, or jewelry. ' ! i . ' -- C. 1 . 1 . , ROTARY PUMPS, " A t Probably as tho result of the religious' Ideas brought into Great Britain by tho Ba4 t OainderScn; a Hindoo temple is to be erected in London, the same to bo a u yi I "i A rr I, i 'if , s .. I P9&' A youth of six summers was taken to tasl by his aunt for somo supposed offence fjLrc f -- t .j. & Ijcad IPipes Wrouglit Iron, IPipes, . N. B. - ! C3 BL0WERS,: STffRTEVANT ROOT ROTARY It- ? 4 ' M ' Ore Crushers, Stamp Mills, BAW- - . PLANERS MILLS, AND MATCHERS, Cornell, Ward; Late Street, j 133 MACHINERY, SHAFT- WOOD-WORKIN- G . AND As ej-Se- cular.'' BELTING, ETC. ING, PULLEYS, J. BAUER 'f :0- v & -v 1 t W.MC A r r I " :'?; , s - 9 ?I STeMld efr I onuni rights- - advocite A Coss - CO - ; r finest; stock i p'M' "4 at.tid . OP KIR. f.r f : : , $ V IV cc llm in & Son and J t J -- ry ,ly Shonlngci. - .4 .j.. .i,. oRCAus, jvi elodeows, bwd issTRraETrs, smixes, wy?fek All . ijeteblt Warwootaa -- ' Co.s f WINES tJcKIMUALL, ' Proprlcjtow. omce at Well 19 if h Fub ''f-- CALIFORNIA , , . It., i GO , Being centrally located it offers to business men and families superior Inducements, loth ae to convenience, comfort and economy, where all tbo wants of Its guests are anticipated and cheerfully supplied. Tho American Kxrbsnge Coach, with Ked Lights, will bo at the whsrvea and depots to convey psseenirers to the Hotel, free. TIMOTHY SARGENT. I . ACtf rroprlok r. , . H" ASSAY OFFICE, Slain Srtbi't, SALT LAKE CITyJ . .... ... OnUDALTiJ HOTEL, TOST STREET, KEARNY, ABOVE . - UTAH. L SAN FRANCISCO. - ,rv. , V p fv- - TjTKW110HOUSE, new furnllnre and new hel X have opened an OTic at the above named rooms, gas and water in each; wid to do all kinds of aseay. halls, Well tighud and airy t dining-roolarge: Elace, and am now prepared : 'I ; , table exoelltni; location of hionss central: cars Sample of Ore received. kT' mall or express ahd from steamboat pasting the doer; coeco promptly assayed and returns, mads the following conveylog pesaengera and baggage from tcin-bo-of f day. Terms reasonable landiogs and trains to the hotel, free PiW ; J. B. 1TZADER. charge. V- Boat hotel for families and merchants TTOB ICRK OF KVFRY DSCBIFTIOM DONE visiting Ban Frarclsro. (3 per day. promptly and ckeaely i at the Btroavita .Price, nolO-l- y A. POtLAlD. rroprlrtov- ; ; OOo, ' i DEsnumoi. . T f etc.,' Manufacturers and fmportera of '5 .f''- tg ; TIU HENDERSON, AGENT. i. At Extending from Sacramento' Street to Ilalleck Street . SAN FRANCISCO. i C0RIX2TE heard of the Lord Ma," said prayer. the, upon coming home,, I dont want to say amen tH tihsr. drift ? TYFVFCrt3flii)0Tr BASltr SfETALfOI sak, vexehap at this of&o Why cant I say t Oity . Adjolatug Ihe Bank of CallfarnLiy i . Express; '.'v , TO 'X t j " i f SAN SOME STREET f Lalkie janlS-t- AMERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL COUNTRY, FROM i r. vrncox, n. h.cviteii mb. I ,i Salt n. 1HKICR, Agent far Nevada and - TnE J' t. ;ii: 1 R. E. LIQUORS, 73 Front Street, Z.. i l. vowtns. Vi 1 WITH THE . .j IN 1 . Sacramento, California. COACHES, i ; , PIANO FORTES. iCjUld AND f r DAILY )maiM . r WINES i 1 - t -r y "i Oholoo. - J v j. B 33 noli-Sr- n Fowzis a co., h. ? .. , .V;jBC TV ; Importers and wholesale dealera la CO-- , M , L cir- TIANO MANUFACTURERS, AND GENERAL AGENTS FOR - MERCHANTS, SAN FRANCISCO. Je9.dkw-- f f , HILLER, CLAY AND SANSOME STREETS, CIIIUCO. East Canyon HELENA, J t- - ' T. XI1LLI u. soutseast conNxa M tr & i. Country Produce, Comings, for an Uluatrated Price List and nd ' ' And doalcra lit r H ILLS, , ORIBT HILLS, SHINGLE Lonsn. AGENTS, Corinup, U. T. i o. For taking Ores from any depth Mine. f X. MOBOK. Is the Be ft for Psmily Tie. i 1". Over ono hundred thonaftvdof the. machines alinoa have been told, and exclusively to faint-llThis fact provoa th.4 8rcat voxll ot lh machine. vj i In Chicago ft large altars ef th patrons of th A Wilcox Utbba arc Ihose wlto have used other machine drat and) exchanged them for prpnlsrUleox tli k tiihba, thtirtby adding very greatly to their comfort ahd papplnes, i L ,i a5 ly .j STEAM BATTERIES, DIAMOND DRILLS, i f. MOBON siLi:a;T; SEWte iM,WHINE f OMMISSIOX FAMILY i u iiecretaiy. CREIGHTON & MUNRO, ' THE WILLGOK & GEES - ! ; joiin CWf ago. rW- - BLOWERS, ' b , ' Waihlnstou trect, 'e3-dkw- tf t which combines all th fore of other strnnif exploclvcs now In ose, and the liMn.- fore- - rf tl us mating tt the r.T lfjurriyn vastly superior to any ether ctmipouml now in , na. '.I'.-i A circular containing a rmt. pxsrT.mio;rf this Pnsder can be obtained mi application Jo our Office, or of any of our Agmits. W. W. KtMRAIsL, 33Fi3I3S, t flv sbd snua or issrftCJSxT, i i i j j K.vcn ADDRES3 tu- - HERCULES .POWDER, warranted for hsts orviKif cucvt-m- , 1 - j SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR TIIE REDUCTION OF TIIE - mti ijtztitivU Good Stock, New Coaches o u i aud Quick, .Time. el PIANO D InrtnnbP,i Every i . S By the MECHANIOS 1N9T1TTTTR aril SATK AQUICUL1 L'll'L SUtTKTY fr the pertorlty ef our product ever all others. Wo also call attention to our 0 Ever brouglil tiha West. rt P 0 R T A B LE J ' THREE GOLD MED AT VS Corine iUUy for Virginia CMy, The coarhva lth Rslsst sod Fort bntn. Montana. ConnectPaciCo bumbrsi trains, both ways, of IM Coalral w 01OOO, i FIRST-GLAD- S yra. A 4 .... 4 Of SUPKRIOn QUALITY, FRESII FROM THE WILLS. ItU-- i iiff constsntljr rrcched and trnnepc rted Into the lnicrlor. Is llivrrrd to ti e rMisutnr wlthlr a lew days of Uitt Utuoof its nanufictnre, and is In very way suptricx 10 any other Powder in Market. Wo have bcn awardod sacoesalvrly Also, lb largfistpaortmeut of SMELTING FTOMCES, k powssii J I XJVjSkJBC' CifabuXESPiTjSL 1 f i 3ST :ii3 - I AND RLASTIi.G . Prices, from $lp;0 io Hoso, Improved Iartablo I toe X FRskNOINCO, MA-P- f , ff '(.. AND targo w a 31 314 California Street, 31 f r .f ! i ' . i iHSPrmto which he persistently denied. Now, Johnnie," said she, I know youre not telling me the truth; I can see it in your eye.! Pulling down (he lower luT or tho ora which had well-nig- h betrayed his voracity We1l8 You- - can Johnnie- - exultantly replied. tell anything about it, aunt; that eye always f was a little streaked." for several months has been approaching the'bodyrof the plaqet, has at last fallen 'upon and wtofrfe drAfsdi over its' iurface. The theory was, however, that the ring should break up Into satellites. If the assertion be nBHs nebular theo Is in this case evidently needed. 'iJvRftYixO I t: awarded for Pest Opxns. OfA STATK FAIU, 18W, j j . MONTANA, . i 4 THE CALIFORNIA JU9T RF.CEIVEn twAlJrer Mvdal for Parlor unJ bast Chorch.t)r,!ku at the MINNE SYIACHINERTT , .., j . LINE and!0RT:BENT0N, Ii NEBRASKA OMAHA, K Premiums have 45 j . WATER WORKS .. AND TO 6t - I l J s;i f i : AND OTHER FIRST CLASS VIRGINIA CITY, t? ry . Sta USE. ABE SOW ' j JtodKbifcii temple of Hurkesh wur Mahadew. This is H CfcSin LrcthfSksbb mlufervun, iung Hindoos are going to London to study science absolutely necessary that they should rh ' W ) ( ErJGiES, PUIV3P1EMG ' V Salisburys I 1ST ' . 35,000 linvc BCdn Sold and SPORTING, MINING, - CO K , Crest rullaess sndf eSpletenejt of Manufacturers, and have Constantly Tone. Ciprtaiotri tlasllcltjr ' on hand , of Twpr. HOISTING MiCIIINES, j STEAM. PUMPS,I ,., i 1 ? I , ; ' " ' ' n(CHURCHES I?ARLOIXs 81 , I du,lyPfef j ilopa, ' u as, j. I ' ' yADE. ABE SCPHRIC-- . FROt ' AND DOUGLAS STREETS, LODCjs , . AND EXPRESS ' dmxtHo ,' ENGINES, j f i Gilmer ll'fjl v . the Green Mountain Boys during the troubld with New York prior to the Revolution, has been burnt down. Hero met In the ol time Ethan Allen, Seth Warner, Remember! STAGE Baker, Jonas Fay, and other worth ios, in tho Council of Safety, and here also were the -headquarters of General Stark and his Green; Mountaineers during the Revolution. In itf burning one of the old landmarks has been , removed, t 7 American' jOrgans POWDER WORKS, V nn.ij, ' f ; 1 CHIOACO; FOR A J 1 : XT E. CORNER , fc The Old Catamount Tavern, of RcnnlngJ o :and 7m 4h 1 jai tl : l!j! : t 1 :r nt, - - table-spoonf- ul : I J ! (' va : A I am very successful raising f i melon!, I thought I would rend my plan. at made Direct eommunlcatlon The i pot of ground that you expect to plant shoulu bo prepared woll early In tho spring, deep? Tho j5n of April lay, ytf Xy.pdlng d way, ar.d ft! i 1 your hilla eight foot apart each 4 hole in each feet two holes out square; dig With Chicago and Northwestern. Chicago, Eock put half a peck of rotted cotton seed, half a island and Facldo and Rt. Joseph and Counand a cil Illuffa ltatlroftda, and Missouri pock of hogpcn manure, Kiver Line of Packets to and of igU, mixwcU With a hoc, .adding soil , front all principal east-- f until yM feftt thS htW full up ter threw inches eru and southern . loose on from tho surface, then draw Cities. light dirt until you get it level. Do not elevate it or by io doing you causo them to dia out mr class hotels and eating when summer comes. Draw your hoo DOUSESfirst at convenient points on tbo hue. around to form a Airrqw J.&l jtyit4ifij f G dqcn iced in each hill; soon as up thin out to four, Pullman's Palace, Sleeping and Drawingand at a second hoeing thin out to two. Continuo to hoo them every four or five room Cars Accompany nil Trains, dAys, and just boforo tho vines start to run, ? 1 J. Ido with a plow Ph WAX then anoth- For through rates on freight to Montana, yyer. I merflt' Croslldwing; In about tcu Sweetwater Mines and other points, apply to days give another plowing and hoeing. it. nnowNsos. tinuo to koep the ground loose just as long Oanaral rroight Agont, Omaha. ..'T,? tho so withont ' as you can ao vines, injuring T. K. SICKLES. for in no case should they bo moved. Drive Oeni Rupt, Otualia. 0. W. MEADE, Asat Oeni Snnl. Uki&lofcs'fttfcl tUovkuwtiWs X, to keep Fit AN CIS COLTON, the about. tho wind from blowing them By Ticket Agent, Omaha, Oeni vtvo I have gathered over a thousand . I f v1 je , A . 1 '"l melot plan aero of ground, somo from Ian oounds. Cor, UultU weighing over .wsr- - l Viiicagva rruniinvstciu LLi i i i -- t' JlU Im I101l TThat tho tulipomanla, starting . ' i; land, once was throughoutoecomo aectious or the mania Shortest IJne between Omaha and Chicago. Europe, has now aln canarv birds. They can In thi country - their cages, but at one time the only sing eould hanllyliloftfl lavo in s, tulin xo us tho birds come mainly from tho Hartz Tlic: Old Established Line. Mountains that is, their progenitors como and dealers thcnco, but our brood them at home and about the Hartz .Fast v Trains, and ; Sure. Connections, . i j. fohstains a largo part of the living of tho ' ftbm breeding them for tho comes tamntl Tha celebrated market. During this season not less' than 45j000 hayo boon imported by New York PULLMAN PALACE, DINING, AND X&ut8, IHfkPwhichthoy are sent to alt parts SLEEPINO CARS BETWEEN of tho country, Tho bird itself is, as its namo implies, a native of tho Canary Is- OMAHA AND CHICAGO. liEdns Wlmro dtf tlihr eastntinUy from the - t. t cage brood, whence it was imported to EuTwo dally trains In coaneotion with trains on rope in tho fourteenth century. From tho original stock moro than fifty varieties jhnvo been raisod. ' UNION PACIFIC IIAILIIOAIJ A cdiHA, , 'jroi&i , JB. JEPetwiler .n r,v 9s, O M A.PC : L idffgtaj bamaolxo, Jbrough to Ban Franclsoo tX i, . & S' :)iu r; -- i - v i Avoiding Ihs dangers of Iks water- " i 9rrie.y, - UOUTE ? i NnsaiixA. - IT. uh. t I y At t. u f1 Our facilities foi niaitufac taring are such that we can oompaln vrltb any manu-factor- y - . East. Give u? h cjtll. Satiafaction suaraoteefii id price and quality. my3-l13th street. Factory 10th street,! ne U. I- - R. R. Office 537, (o Califoruia and the r rv.i autrin v CANDLES, 8upt. jwaaasgffiJSisrr.: i ffTlmii Foitr jh.s rirLcss Leaving rainbow tints of beauty, our feet, as tbs world goes by. f ' COAPfl Is now running dally passenger trains, forming In connection with the Central Fadtto ( - STtr- i. 3 V r; ManufcoCurers of i. , . T - ri txsi z VALLEY - V J es r- h 'J Cl I5 PACIFIC COAST WATER-MEL- , - .-', - cflkHml oil cloths , Not, sb, tbo concert closes Too soon, by far, each day. And we look, and watt, and listen. die away As the bird-not- PLAN FOR RAISING ' i- -' J-MTlS!- Y ibtrpua r tr . , -- VwV? .S ' w J.-5- LMted. iniisaasjKSSru?;!.'!!)1) On perfumed breath tbs morning r 0 ' t rr' i i T.E AD E. - 41 ,8ftcrftmento. ui -- 1 . T. n. GOODMAN, Oeni Fassr and Ticket Agent, in Unit ftnd inn, Me kUthw to i7 Wblls th line of Dsy, from tbo Eastern sky, Threw hi room of sight imy, Rode op the empyrean height. In regal robes and royal state, Paeotoc onr maple tree. Where the bine bird and the rob ion Sand their morning melody. falsa note. No date, no None hired: to cry encore; The dally programme warbled throegb, All this and nothing more. songs of joy. Comprising Spring-tim- e At Ihe early break of day, Nrenatho binerblrds and the robins, la a genolns matinee. if U I With only those who hear The song of the birds In Spring time, With eager listening ear) The sky for an aodltorlata. The budding trees for bon err. i I f 8.4 1.00 AM 4.05 1.35 nr 8.45 am 5.15 rM - n " r- - -i - ' i l- A- - , , v;-- , L. f.Uao A. N. TOWNE. QenT - as Ml. " 1 , V, An i03X ! msfl IlLU A. v" Bsno 1.18 AH 8.10 WInnemucca 13.00 V Battle Mount. 4.40 ru Elko 0.10 Ogden . ' 3BgggaEra- A.; ' 1 ' V v I At 1 9 4.30 ! r in plM The itaim pswnptly , -- ' ftlL tfeMwWaiMiilbiMkrfdir, ! ti IT ui 5 n n ss r. So perfectly, J San Ion.'. AO Stockton. Saeramsnto. 11.18 AC 9.10 .lfarysvUlo 9.0Q - rTHAOE. nU Jf a a.4o 7.80 ILIOPM A10 A10 t.n pm I.UI8 (ftllkmUM I . m'J Train Sunday xesptsd gfeementny winds asorsd gently ' A'4 -- ft ! "4rt CHIRP. SPRING-TIM-E iasSX2SS&tA. Iht mMm 88 inm :' , , rftotar. 2X8 j; rj H m 1 . . , at f xir--.a jk Ij v S a WtaalilnWnn Si - . apl t - ' : jr f r 1. s i 1 v . fh i jt,' i i u t If i i I , ,1 3 i - , i 1 '1 1 K i t J r |