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Show OOEINNE; UTAH; WEDN ESDAY. MAY, 8. 1871. : 'p ally fiiorfttttf Twa Uu.nn " gtepArtev- - 0 lo thing , c fItD4 tlW til. Ninths. lbrt 11 f tr Month (duppUcd , ( ai 1 the carrier). by ... DAILY OROY7DED. C&I- I- Crops In We veil Men Dio Southern California. . to ntANcR! 1 1031 E. .1 ed. Tlio America, for China and Japan, carthousand ried two hundred and thirty-seve- n in coin , dollars and bullion. Hie Medical Journal Association electwl , f.r the coming year President, Dr. E. F, c Customers , HOUrly , BUILDINGS. ' - , - ' I SCHOOL HOUSES, tr . .... i ' , I TJTA-I'I- . I I j J t', t a u, ?. J f the Latest Styles rTlHIS 18 A FIRST CLASS HOTEL, CENTIt ILLY located, comimptUona acd well arranged. The Architecture. . rooms an neaUy and eomlortably fumlabad. Thai ublea are always anppUed with the beat the market ' afforxla. ' ln , , 4 I 5 TO BEirrr 110 COUTOET. .I!r11 97lrr,i!.rV! Utyle on I hnd nd,onrcd np 0I? tny ; 1 id fnrnlaked gcciue;ital restaur Arfr, UWIOW PACIFIC I I . v ' RAILROAD r - v ( " f . .Board ' 1 t i 1 f by the t: , InrN ' ' ....AND.... REMEMBER n r I I I g you will save twenty-fiv- P C I I . , Tililcn I nusi.i:ss Jiousiis Jpcr e J da Kr - , Trliimpliaiit. tUlrrmaib w Ot.SliCijESf I J I J Trunks, ValiSCS, lllanltctfi, EtC.j ' J omaba, Nebraska. 3- T F.if ? 0S5BT0H, Haosgers Reno, January - ZsTanusncD nt IMS. .jilL AMWit-aals- ; Battery and Washington streets. l K i u pAitatt, -- - , r i ot. : j.I WILLOW WARE, AfiD WOOD , 4 FAliK. TUBS.' CHURNS, BRUSHES, . FEATHER t)U8TER8, TACKLE, TEN PINS ETC. ETC,, ANI' RALLS, AND GENERAL. WRINGER House pdjmishing Goods Direct tmporieke ef baskets tr om leading Oar, man sad French msAufacturera, t t ....auxsH Foa TM eatu or,.,. . , B. F. Percu.eloa Msich Companys kfatrbes. Twines, American Net aed Twins Companys . t Boston Flax Millll Swines, J. o. Conroy A Crirnya Flablug Tackle, it . Hollingsworth aad.bUneys paper Bane , Mhermaas Improved Clothes Wringers, O. K. Griswold ACwwpauya Feather DueUrs, . F. McLaughlin's Lruahc. . OUR atockla t)e Jargoat on the Paclflo Coast, and our fecilltiPS far manufacturing and Importing ouable ns to soR slowest market price. . CljilU FOR CATALOGUE. ? Local Agent for Corlnne. , Ballrtk apltf EXPRESS I 215, 217, t to klO-dCm- ot f WILL LK AVK Large, commodlouv. Us rraiilsc UtrWeaU 1 , Proprietor., clars H uao. . - Proprietor . , 4- - E. O. Maclah C.Aa Brostdwater, sarroll t ll Ataale. dk A ;jrr Ophlr City, Utah. a N1ELEIIA -lJ DEER LODGE al7-dt- HOBBS &L i CO., 'I j Oil anti after April lO, 1871, anti Montana' Street, Corinnd, Utah. continue during tho Season. I t r t r Retail Dealer And " la- - J m . t -- of ' . . .V, : j !1- B,, n la Tholosale and Retail dealers 4 ,i 030. HA3r. ymp-r- STORB SHADES, t ijelwiy WAGON DEPOT , L- -l ....of... : F j a i R XJ KT X rA' t . k full stoek cf the' celebrated r. Simmers Chicago Wagon, Always . - tv t f , Aci32S.-Iiiie.fJS53T- - I Hu- , I - W1 ipec47 trunpHUlka V Sj - 0FFICE3 IN c j I ' ! fc. - 'I" TZ j iv OctPO I It ! X)in.O j id' 5 -- f V UTAH: .. a27-3- m - rXT. ijohn Hupfcr, f - , v i . price. Ib.y . , I Plated Wart , J to her bulrrk a,a)n,t KKnnry glvo BLACRSilllTl RIJOP Jar recurrence of French aggression, case of J ' ,f ,ggrrgnttd la Every fttipecl which h.re boon m fmqurDt In time. p..t, J . ... . Bar Furullares JM.t Ono instance, compantiveiy recent, was cit- . t fTSfJZ , 1 M sizes, all Covers 9 cd. On tho 6th of August, 1866, Franco I agon (wrn sids or tack.) I went to Berlin an ultimatuni . ffsgon Bowl, TbUnM Skelnf, AND GENERAL demanding tho Opposite the Diamond n Freight Depot. .... cession of Maycnce. ESTABLISHMENT LARGEST and Carriage Jortunatoly tho Gcr- Wagon Wagone Woods, man armies hold possession of sufficient ter-4 r J. ...I., IN..... I in ritory Franco to secure the payment of J .... . ....BLACK8JllTBIsa....i HOUSE TURN IS 111- NO MOOS I u ale atthe IcweM caM rtc t1 I Of all t c indemnity in accordance with the t. t. deecrjPtton,,fo HsrntM DsklDf and, Wagon . Basing, . decTVtf Vi,JLp2rnL A cou.untiy on band ' uU B0 au j F.UNTISO, and General Repair r Shop, whero L...., 4 f t 1 J NDE L I E R W FROr.l C01UI1UE TO i HEUtlA. , U It B , . (t on hand and for ssJo at reasonable TP. TP. 4.. . Conneetlonst other day., Jj every I I LAMPS, t. ' I f i.t.t t i I f i 1 " v. 2 , j Eastern i Corlnne Expresjt Teams Leave ill.K.i .. ICUTLERY,' MIRROilS, i having if 4 j ' A ' ; it:; , , GLAC3WAEE, i 4 fi T oniy. Expres. tin. UCllfi biitG Slurk Goods Coro of CHINA,' ' J . k i j Kept constantly on hand. , ; t QUEEriSVARE, 270 Farnham Street, OIIAHA.NBB. - i plos' CakeSt I TWs j Tliroujlii AND Props. E.' O. IIACLAY & CO.; f W i'r - EIGHT DAYS FEOAI COEINNE TO HELENA. , Walnut and Silrer show Cases, J r" , Slunuilioturers . i I 5 AK " piciracs & nmaoR?. nm-aco- Ti f J Kkolciale At Montana sW Corixm, - aiatjsiuai., f"!' order aud on wotk wlU be deno In flrt-ntUce. Horse shoeing promptly attended to. U iort c. I I rTulky, Abcst PAT. O'XBIL. Foreman. , .822?sss . improved faros maohlnery. ..wAaooa 3 -- are manufacturing at the above works a aupe-ttwe article of Salt lor Ubls and dr 'try uee, which offer et low flgnree. We tnvtte all dealer In salt to or W . jlj aniiSl 4 . tvanetbo, Wymnlng. I s . J. TOO If V, Ktarih Dip g,j43mo' Counsellor Attoineyk at Law 7ZOZ3D QAXfE . .Y701XI1D, r ; " Bontana ttreet, SHOE MAKEE, AND BOOT I. T. J ; , On.ida Couniri ccamc, 0 lit ITiH. Montana S treat, i Corlnne, an-l- m LIME, IlUGIi IURKENDALL, I Meals at all hours. Good accommodations for travelers. A two atmry house, with good beds and f comfortable, wll llghtcd room. window suades hid hollaxds, V - ' M L. Simon., - - Proprietor. ' HENRY LEI WES, DENNIS i I J 1 t FtiEHCll RESTAURAHT, M. LANGSDOIIF, " St., TOOHX If'.! 1 - ' ' Ko charge to tnllUng, Sampling, or Amy Assays guaranteed Id correspond with U. 8. Mint,, Ore sacks returned; io shippers free of Railroad Battery cr Crusher, chargee. Ores sambled by f I i ' of ahippere. option ; ' I -- PPIKa . ' llllllliliilliililil SSSSSSSS.SSSSSSSSSSSS KIJDYj M. MEYER, Mcnlana' Slrcti, Corlnne, lUali. 'icttbes t pictibe rami, ' ' ' DECOBATIOJIS, WUDOWCOSMCES 1 UOn3X, . . UTAH. 1 crPT Tbe only flr.t The Ballroad Clothing DoaiCy i GllAlffD B.T.' ' 1 . mad.Yo atrouU on the wound . Utah. fr - PrOJirt & LittWrcnCO 0pH,R i?u5F2 tj,, x I ; I Ocnersl Town Site Agent, U. P. R. R. Fun?nsiiiifa goods. GROCER IKS, LIQUORS, oi lv rooms and w finished through out; aod to collar wot fa par tWUI ha aold lew for eaah. htootoo of 'Siiisisifiiisrr AND bclngsold cheap, and groat Inducements arc offered London, May 2. Several agents of tho ETC. Pari lomrmme arrived In thin city ycstcr- . CIGARS, TOBACCO, d vy. Titcy have been commissioned by that body to tutor into contracts here for tho purFoarlb Street, Ner Nontans, pose of revictualing Paris, but they proposo to pny f,r tho good in thirty days. Dealers dedino to contract with them.,. CorlllXlO, Knoror Napoleon declared yesterday that ho would not return to Trance, nor I - 1 Avcn listen to any proposition for his return. I PJ Thior ha determined on a coup detat, i . L After entering rarl lio will mako himself I MotltJlIUl ' s I ' and Marshal MacMahon Joint Regent BlCad FrCSh with tiio Empress. ' I ' j ltcrlin, 2. In tho German Parliament to - j Ry0 Bread, r day ftho bill incorporating Alsaco and Lor I Graham Bread,' IVOIl house iKiitiiumtUitiii ; cr Weeks Day ' MATOS E8. li8ILKT8. TMlNEt. CORDAGE, CLOTHES STATlONERYv PAPER BAOS, TnE TOWNS ALOXa TBE LINE OF ALL . - FOREIGN NEWS. . 1 ; 4 - liiSSfffsIiff itti ii ' D. IIUNTOON, - . occurred. --a ' BROOMS. ay DW ELLIN o-- coni DEPARTMENT T , M. Meyer U VV, tlsS.tt8.Kmsll.UUil. luporlws. Jobbers, and i - I f a v t i EOUltlbl.1 ....coainu.,.. I j 1,1ST1,:Cmb j v r' villi vcrthiH W,T" nun r1;.." ComMia,ioa Merchant, I 'i !- 838 333324 83"EC&8EB - ISAAC Proprietor Montanas- Street, Corlnnc, I I ANY I'""p COUP ' . ' - U.S.snDlfBU. :aoary if rufTw,vrlrf . m otiw i uii ? "j i nmmmmmm ! t, I I r.ana drawn and apeoificatlona Lalned. UP IN A BALLOON 1 yr OOOD i j ell pell tore, tinprecedented. It bee distanced and estabUetaed Itortf upon a foundation eetof edMDact. .lte expenses her been lee then. those of any other new company In proportion to 1U lninniA..V(l Yerk Obrtxr. Lira iNarjuxca Conrir. One of the Iron a set. safest, nod aoaceaaful, and beat maaaged la corporation of this character In Jtcw York the "Equitable Life Aeenranoo Society of tbo United But Independent. Ur. Prime, editor of the Hew York Obtemr, rhBianitableLlfe Aaaurance Boclety tate been founded with a United 8utea ?i,w to tneet the want he of all parte of oer wide country. Its fonndera and directors ao chiefly religions and benarolent man, and I la not far distant when Uwlllbe traattheday come ao widely known that aU our ministers, secretaries, and men on salaries generally, Vlll avail them selves of 1U rich advantages' . . mr3-2W. H. QL18COTT, Local Agent. ! i 1 ( 1 i tfcsIsssIfslStiSsSsssl; fSaaWffA Otreot, ' .,m CORINNE, I , ; k , Montana I Dr. Alfred Sttdlo, of Philadelphia, In Uio I chair, lie I now delivering his Address. I The delegates from abroad wero welcomed by Dr. Stout of Sin Francisco. . .j John Kcnntnly, a convict in tho County by hanging Jail, committed sutcido , f Inin'olf. RALE k thl. T.. f. riNBING h apOO-S- m Prrr - Dawion, Now York Vico President,, Dr. It. fliUions, Jr.," San Francisco Sucrctary, I Dr. F. n. Davis, Chicago. ni.-rrif- , in iho market yctcrdny. Kot- - J v ithstamling the drought, tho fruit crop this j wll be Immpn.o. Th. vlnUe I. tiiuftbd at ten million gallons. threo San My ,2.-- ctcn ""and fmr hundred delegates aro in nttand-- J anew nt tho American Medical Association,! SMS I ii.s2i.ui. - f! pr.'M.Hii.y.aWtfinltltull.l ! , nlrli The Bar la stocked with the finest wines, Liquors, , tand Cigars. TllC Clotllltla CCllll)lliati011 Is J whichlhc measure was based for tho annex U of lho pmrl.ee t. Oonn.nr kvi I1.. .ill . WovaVlft I FAST FREIGHT , Ledlngwell, an old real cstato agent cf tills city, died last night. Tho hospital nt San Andrea was burned tbit monting. Two live lost. In L Angeles county, near Tahachapa, w'vcn men were killed by poisoned Jerked bet f, which had been hung on a lino for them to thke.' Only ono lived to tell how It lm. 5 i j after .Cn eel c Th.EcJniUbl. IwuM M.ry dolrUefortn of only In eta, policy and rolrea premlnma own cUlma,nor neither acocpUog notoe ior It. I ' I XwTdntana . . 1 , i -- T- - mfVu ' ,Sl4f J - . I. LOOKING .... . .. Of New Uoodi'Uallr Received and New Intluceiiicnta Continually Offered. to-da- y. J. F. . ,, I Over two hundred San FrancUco, fhd1 Eastern States aro hero j.hyiicinna from in nlttiplance at tho American Medical As- , Nation Convention which w Tha California State Medical Boclety and ltwal organization make cxtonslvo arrango-mcnt- a for iholr entertainment. , New a banker of York, AS, Foster, itgMrixty, who haa boon ill for some time, did MfMunly this morning of hemmorhago of tho lung. III.) remains will bo embalm- I J Ad1 all other Edlflces Nor Assortment so Complete. I 2. ' . I f . DWELLINGS, in PUBLIC - . NEWS. to-d- I . , , ES CHURCH , ; , ,r, f. , Never Was our Stock so Large NAPOLEON DECLINES TO RETURN . - ,I i s , victor cobdella; sins, I Illustrated Designs I .i- I: sew cm&aou. uessr in me HI; nrc-pro- er ' j - , Hotel. First-clas- s The Oftlj Nefer Were our Prices so Loir. : of Poison In , I - ' I offered to those Desiring to j Purchase. fornla. ;utah. J I1 IMMENSE. .BARGAINS. NOW Immense . Fruit ' tti ttcroflRlily Having rmnll; bk Ibli licw kiiittotl tnd renovated It, Ipurposeto kwpllMi -r j Auburri Mills j T 120 Broadway, New York. f r : ; . r .ii . M, IVJEYERS, : f- Society of the United States, ; ; : - J ,'YiV Clothing Emporlnn) RIGHTS. DISPATCHES. Railroad -- - LAST s f! 1 - r CORINNE,. h Colorado.... Street, . ir EQUITABLE LIFE ASiSUBAITGE i I ! bTo., i8Q.-,- " MISCELLANEOUS. T. THE . r -- HOUSE; UINTAH r LOW PRICE SYSTEM Jj W OUILDER, r 0 ' ....OF THE.... k v i J ;; 8UCCE08corinne rMt. UtlPnECEDEilTED , ft fiilO ARCHITECT Still FatUnr 31 .?cwrr0iY. . .. Tho, Price of ADAM AULBACI1 & CO rfitJTf oe . i A f HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. H.IYlOFJHEir.l, rfw xctrnu) (0'DA,, at r STAND FROM UNDER. ' v i 1 r . f u i felt r0R SUE CHEAP Gc R O O E !R I IE S r . it.G. a H LajAirosaBi ll:amiftor !, f ej Flourand Bacon, Llqnon, t CO Main A 7 lenrl Sta, O.' O. fI REGULAR MKETlNlJ3 6T TRZ. Oorlnna Odd rUoweV Association are held In rtitkl. ahd muricaltnetrumanteelweyecmhana. - . 1 Ml J, if'!.'' ;ii lj'lJ; (,)' t j V if.'. ; Wholesale and Retail L hi 1' I - ; ? vi-- i ; U- -i j i GGt I S T0 t J cj - 1 - - 3? ( f ? a . , . -- .1 ! , I . -- . j I I1 . . 'ifij'iK Vtl, f n 1 i 'iip, I :, i 1 . Ml! . j f r 0R00 r Smltlis American I j jJj t.u ; J me. Dir ,:i in best The O. Montana. Street,; Organs.. ' : Fr ' n Suit ij reel from the Factory 'UTAU able ;for Chiurch or jpffrlor cORiNNE,r - Onef ot. - 3 11 I an .. " UJUIl L C,U,T I I . nser'Applvat i ? uat Com with dUpetch and warranted. Itopeil . t ,i ' ' J I Oriental rsnrder Co. gala Agents for tho . " ' mvfO.lv , - f, . of fine aatlye j - IOWA COUNCIL BLUFFS,..... I , I ATJHIS OFHC Painters wkl Cod thk Exeellcnf far.tigm. A- - .ri ' HOOFING CStaplo Ct 27ancy -- f !. H! ; , " I : 1 . inI . 1 |