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Show sr- - Vo -- F -. i. ( f TT lljlU NEW Tkty , thrrattn to fill up the aqueduct the water 1 not made to flow off. In the eizs of Che People. Roe, the dc'nd rt we sentenced to imprUon- meat L iix tzctha end to 'pay a fine of ICO, f r I cccJ cf pwcutlon. iueVy n t3i,ttiay wherT the holy fhalrrr JT of the church would be his occu- a year. pitieh ou-tk- ts. C 1 to hay 'ow mt to-nij- an: f, Cciiane Branch. -- K Fj, ht. 9 .or GREAT WESTERN fire .iaiMMar 'jtMfipsssas ms$ goods', cloths, linens,-- imported , and do- cas-vestln- gs, ref.TKB. many trees planted Vero in town. tnnvberp-- t . ' duir, ' , -- j ero; Ccttfng n.arl,t here.I v - . Boots and shoes as woll as clothing and furnishing goods, constantly, arriving Otaplo uTan, CORIIHIE cni 4FaRoy .trnoLpALn.: ,t f J - r i t. i, Lu REMOTER. M'lt W It .',1 fui ,!,t j.' fc , w!l 'f )UtU'oi fX Fo 8 -l i.eqM OF CHICAGO. If. f. RUSOHOrr, President. hdb. t All the cabin stanchions of the steamer an ret up, and the upper work in rapid "fea. The finest suits of French . , beaver and broadcloth made to order at the California Tailoring establishment on Mon, progre. All kinds of An agency of tho Victor Scale Company tana st., opposite Xupfers. on in hand. Perfect fits tailors established he trimmings to Is of Moline, Illinois,' " . T . , ml-t- f this city. guaranteed. took Borealis A faint attempt at Aurora PsnsoxAL. Joseph Marion of Ophlr pfacm in tho northern sky last evening, but it Ul4 A fizzle. ' and Mr, Crocker of Sacramento, are City, The scarcity of easy rowing boats on tho at the Uintah House. river is a want felt by lovers of that pleasurMr. OBannon of Deor Lodge, Miss Sal-li- e able exercise. OBannon of Lexington, Ky., and Lieut. River freighter, Ira Tiagley, tho Salmon will out load and train his with U in town "Vyilson, U, S. A., Wero at tho Metropolitan 1 in a last evening. day. work & Co., begin Louis. Rcggcl, of this city, Is expected to Tibbul, Black in taking out their ores from tho ledges near arrlvo in tho latter part of the week. ' Willard City- from Salt Lako City Jacob arrived Engler Two daily and two weekly newspapers in lost is and is now at his old stand the evening CVritmc, all making money. What the New York Store. nltitudi of that? Dr. Sherman of tho Great AVcsterh InsujMm Xolson I now acting as guardian of the nigbf !emg tinployi'd by tho Montana rance Company has gone East, having act r. t r(l complished tho object of his visit i organ Tin TammAny chief passed westward on a office here. the expre-- s train on Monday evening cn izlng branch ht 5 nl II. GLiASCOTT, Manager. Post Hall,QuMmsmi, Idaho, March 39, 1671' PROPOSALS, IN DUPLICATE, WILL SEALED 7 berecelved st this office until 13 o'clock it. t-- Wednesday, Jane 7, 1871, for the delivery at this post of the following supplies, to wit: 100,000 pounds of Barley, 100,000 pounds of OsU, , 140 tons of Hay, and 40 tons of Straw, more or less, according to tbs wants of the Post. AU to be of the best quality. Delivery of the same to commence ae aeon after the completion of the contract, and in such quanUUes as may be required by the Post Quartermaster. AU to be delivered on or before November 3t, 1871. Beiarate proposals for each of the above articles wtU be required, the proposal to be accompanied by s copy of this s'lverUsement, and s statement signed by tuo responsible persons, agreeing that in esse a contract la awarded to the bidder they will bind tbemsoives as aureties for the faithful fulfilment of the same. A $5,000 bond uill be tequlred. Didders will state their prices In United ntatea currency. The risht to reject any or all ibe bids la reserved. Proposals will be marked on the envelop or covering: "Proposals for (here state. articles), and addressed to tho Post Quartermaster, Port Hall, Idaho. For further particulars inquire of the underatlgued. OEO. 8. WILSON, a28-6- t . 3d Lieut. 13th Inf.. Act A. Q. M. i r XV. Orrrcx Post J mails and express of passengers, h.uy ' " imU-tliUmoruing. Lovers take advantago of these splendid moon-ligevenings to tell each other their tpinioiH of tho future. Tin hand o in new homo now building, nt tin corner of Fourth und Arizona streets, 1 h for Andrew Caggie. , ()uite a number of our citizens have lately insured their property in the Corinno Branch of tho Croat Western. 3Iar-hHarnish arrested a man last night xx Lilt: found in the act of stealing a chest of tool from tho shipyard. (i'n. llefiornan visited tho mines of this county wr yesterday, and is favorably impressed with their value, Mr. Hull has purchased all tho brick in the yard at Bonneville, and is ready to build ymlr houses with them now. A citizen oiler to wager "a hundred dollar that ho can cross Great Salt Lako in a tub, towed by another pair of geese. f From Journal wo learn that laborer are nLwork laying out and fixing tho lounty road west of Brigham City. Counselor, Jacob J. Grcenewald, of this ball c.ty, will act as Umpire of tho baso ' on next. at game "Willard, Saturnay Joseph Marlon says ho will open a busing lmu-- e hero in Juno, and that ho intends to bring his family from Denver. , ub It would Ikj a wholesome thing if thoo vlto-- e it, is, could bo induced to dear the gutters on each side of Montana .. A log cabin filled with the best collars yet invented, and made cxprossly for Ad. Kuhn & Brother, is 4ho latest novelty in fashion. They are beauties, and no man a2S-- tf should bo without a cabin fUU. CHARCOAL WANTED. There is reason in all things, especially 4n tho fact that freighters, furmers, country merchants and minor continually crowd tnemselvea into G. Goldbergs store fur good groceries, flour, liquors, cigars, toSEALED PROPOSALS are lnyH bacco, and outfitting generally. Goldberg of delivery is tho man to mako a fine bargain with. tna a20-t- f 5,000 Bushels of Charcoal, jpfT Tho next Peidentinl election will nut take placo until November 1872! which will glvo ample liino for men of all parties to get their clothing,, boot, shoes, hats and furnishing goods nt tho store of Ad. Kuhn n2S-t- f & Brother, in this city. . to-da- ys tsiAT T&Cim , , 24-7- FAxrjTxsxa. , i.il tx.1, I? . t 7 i 1 1 r ' iM . 'J t 1 i.tl i sheet, .I comprising a resume ot the contents of the Daily and a vast amount ot misoellse neons reading matter carefully selected for Us columns for readers la the East end tbs West, where It Is reoeived with universal favor as the true end only exponent of the infamous proceedings of the Mormon hierarchy. Tor years this Journal bee bottled for .the right Gcats FnrnUtilnff Good, HATG AHD CAPO Hat mountain of wrong built up by Brigham Young and his sacerdotal associates, andl it wUl oootlaue on the same obtuse until the lest prop has been knocked from under the rotten structure of Church ruling State. We desire to present the claims of the Wxxklt Bxrosrxnj prominently before (he reeding public, and hope to secure for It ae wide a circulation ae its merit thlr tcU fast receive f MpOnsdthe D00T8 AHD GROCEZtXCS 0II0E0, djy !D D BV$bQ LIQUORS, TOHACCO, CIGARS, r deserve. a 5' r CROCKERYi LIQUORS and CIGARS, i fv PAINTS, OILS, GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, f THE WEEKLY EEPOETEE IIKAVY HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, Is especially adapted foreliculatlon to the East. The dlsoovety and develop ment of our Oliver, gold, lead, coal, copper and Iron mines; the opening of 1 f . GLASSWARE, HORSE SIIOCS, t f Ui navigation on Bear Diver and Orest Salt Lake; the nw fields of trade and enterprise springing up dally on every elds; Mormon problem, all the combine toj afford novel, entertaining and instructive reading matter to ibe people in the Eastern States. WALL PAMPER TLE SHOES, l f WINDOW SHADES, ' i, HORS E-SH- OE !. I CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, , 5 tv ovildeMI NAILS, it .Send to Your Friends. Etd. Etc ; MATTING, And a Pall and complete v. Petaona who desire to send some token of remembrance to distant friends, or who desire to inform them of events la the mountains, should send ihem the Weekly Dxpobtxb. The cost is a mere trifle, compared with the necessity of stock of General Merchan i;the largest stack, Kl Tbit l ef wtdeh has been carefully selected, and purchased after the late dedlfie In price ef all the leading articles, which enables me te offer superior All '!r i ceired by 5 any honfle West of the flUnevri I River. ;wti l Inducements to the pubUo In f rioes end quality. Give me a call and be convinced. CAGGIE, , .4:11 . more information about affairs in (hie region than could be given by constant1 end unceasing letter' writing. ui J I u Merckandlse ever dise: frequent correspondence, sod furnishes Ji.f r.fi ; a hs, RUS8ELL i'i j.(.. . , '? J 'K . f f.- - es oil-clot- column twenty-fou- r .TABVBB Salt Lako, May 2. Tlio demand for the Arizona sod Second 8t., In tbit Cl if newly consolidated Eureka Alining Company is such that tho Directors havo voted to itrcaso tho capital stock to 81,000,000, Contracts to be executed according to the bond and and it is said, upon this basis, that the pres- conditions of agreement ent product will yield 30 per cent, per annum. Cah Paid on Delivery of (be Coals Contracts for grading 'Several miles of the Utah Southern Railroad havo been let, to itreut. Bids to be addressed' "Proposals for Charcoal, f bo completed this month. care of the Bank of Ccrlnne. Til proposed new hotel to bo built in this A quantity of copper oro from the Tintic o city by a party of capitalists will, wo nro now informed, bo commenced during this district arrived yesterday. Didders mutt state the amount Jof eoalathey can month. I , 1 each day. deliver crowd tho New York Store from A brother of John II. Gcrrhb, of this city, ha mio of tho richest leads in East morning till night, purchasing those, now tuflon, the ores of which sell on tho dump and fashionable hats Just received. All tho a. $. CAOOXX. J. S, a. Itt'MKCLL. for $i7o ior ton. . dress of latest shawls, goods, styles parasols, The Xow York Store received on yesterlawns, poplins, swis-s- borages and linins!lk, a day largo hipinontof fine dry goxl, cluding a couple of wirey damsels to stand ens just opening. Magnificent carpetings, window-curtain- s tn tin and shades daily a20-t- f Charcoal burners are piling up timber in arriving. 53 the canons in anticipation of the coming Painters, decorators, plain and ornamental paper ' tratlie in connection with all tho smelting Canes in every style of make and hangers, and imitator of woods and marbles. nnl reduction works of Corinne a- - For reference tee the chnrcbes and all for tho hot season. of principal dwellings and business bouses S. Zraner, Into of San Francisco, is open- mounting. Light clothing fe8-t- f suits Corinne. linen Entire dusters. coats and Linen uut a itock fine assortment of gening and cr.il merchniuliso at tho old stand of Auerof all sizes; boots and shoes, hats, caps and bach llro?. on lower Montana street, ARMY SUPPLIES. elegant furnishing goods JUst received by a28-tCltineso water-meloto f grow groat size, Ad. Kuhn & Brother. and it i believed that this climato is adapted S A, to their cultivation. They aro said to bo at Geo. L. Holts, nt Office Aitista&t Quartermaster, lr. Just received, mre delicious than tho common melon. Four Pill, I. T., April S, 1871 tho rostoffico, 5,000 rolls of wall paper, A Chicagoan expressed himself with Pealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received at m2-l- w this office until 13 May 33th, J871, for the deliv amusement yesterday at our complete sys-toof l.&OS.oCO pounds of shelled corn, 300,000 ery of water works, which he said were, in of oats; delivery to commence June 10th, your moneys round of the 1871, and continue at the rate of Jfjr If you want to& get proportion, ahead or those in tho Suckers month. and contracted for boots of amount whole per Co. for grain to Strauss worth go J. Metropolis. per one hundred (100 Didders will state their A new produco and vegctablo stand was shoes, hats and caps, gents furnishing goods, pounds. Fropoeal willprice be received for any portion of the grain of the grain. Payment for a27-t- f on tho south side of Montana etc. opened contracted to be delivered, will be withheld until the street above Third, New potatoes, peas, contract la satisfactorily filled. The usual condiat this office, will be and other vegetddde from California are and T palm tions, which can be ascertained pS. Hats. Straw, panama bidders and contractors, and blank upon Imposed displayed nt this stand. leaf hats in great variety, at tho wholesalo forma of propoaxl will be furnished on application, Mr. Fink, formerly of tho north side, has order of the commanding officer ot Fort Sill, and retail 'clothing houo of Ad. Kuhn & L liy Te opened a saloon on Montana street, two a2S-t- f A. P. ROCKWELL, doors eat of Ransohotf A Co. store, whero Brother. tho inner man can bo invigorated with ail Asab Qr, If aster, 17. S. Army. a26-tho stimulants known to tho tate. in the on works exhibition tho Among Adolph llompl sailed down tho river studio of Horatio Stone, in New York, aro this afternoon on a hunting expedition, llo a marblo bust and model of tho statuo of J. W. McNUTT & CO., -went supplied with ammunition and provi-.sio- Harvey, the discoverer of tho circulation of Wholesale and Detail for four days, and will mako havoc blood, which the modical profession have the tho statuo of feathered tribes by tho lake. ordered for .Central Park; a mnu.ng S bust of Beatrice ideal Corinne, an of Tho Dante; of plan stealing the rich and tho vntncsof Boxelder county, which was lately designs for tho Natio'nal Telegraph Corner 'Fourth a fl.otana III., which Mr. Stone is at work Monument, inaugurated by tho Church of Latter Day -UTAH. CORINNE. -faints, has caved in, tho masses refusing to upon. .Exchange. lo parties to such transparent fraud. "We havo soon many a bust of Corinne au24-Js- a A young man, on matrimony bent, called in tho last two years, but they were more us y in search of a license permitthan ideal. W. GRAHAM, Me ting him to assuroo tho conjugal toecorv. spiritual and wont awny delighted at UTAH learningthat Although not what might bo termed a EXAMINER OP PBM1IONB FOR tn iT?rn,m,nUry credential aro unknown beauty, tho wife of King Amadeus of Spain ....orrics.... is represented to have an amiable and a Tho Gem is undergoing form. Csrner of Fourth od HonUao Street, pairs. fThsbari.chVn7or theXnTS: graceful bearing and commanding s. a large SMELTING WORKS, FROM SALT LAKE CITY. tiw a COEIMC, THE WEEKLY EEPOETEE 1 Proposals for Forage ay load Reliable ; f Mu , rTrrisXOE3i! r V Having been orfs&lzed la oar dty, we srs now ready tor business, and earnestly solicit public patronage, guaranteeing that all fire riaba will be car rled at a fair rate. f-- route tu California. Tin stag for Montana went out with a if And M 06,000,000 C0MPAII7 mya-t- l I j. Branch of till Sound and cassimero, evO 4X J Board. Marseilles suits complete the most elegant summer wear, and tho first ever brought to Corinne, now opened by Ad. a28-t- f Kuhn & Brother. C2P i' jn St i iuf;ri.i'jtf t V fill f. roper la the Territory KIT. STEW, Director. E. P. JOSJSOf, itterney. Wanted- - Two good blacksmiths at W. H. 6USC0TT, Dantgcr. ED. COSMIT and SIX. L. TSSiLS-idr!-- ory the Overland Shops, by Pat. ONeil. 2t ! show-window- n The Only CcatBo from tho cast, at tho emporium of Ad Kuhn a28-t- f & Brother. 1 hu-iti- 'f ? the admonition everywhere Faint 1 street. ; Montana on visible . ;a rivning and farming at Copenhagen well this spring. fire jilting 'and impressions on a hand press six thou I Whow! . . hours four in twenty his army of skaters prof. Caley will havo this House evening. ; in the Opera John A. Creighton and Mrs. Creighton, residence of E. Conway. icguum at.tho Hint alum Joke is good, hut wo don't t are about being dunned with it too often.. hiiit o our publication of John Hells assay a number of prospectors havo gone to the to-d- n i i 1 Of - . THE. ) - s RASdnoFfOOLUlIN. ' - . - reggeifo column. Seeing Stock of,1871 T Wrttoljj Reporter- - to-da- y, day, V , TO-DA- Y T iF . ns v. m one-fourt- to-d- h Bond Superior Inducements to it Everywhere. r Everyone who is anxious to assist In spreading correct information concerning the resources, products and prospects of the country, the political, 'social and industrial condition ef this sod neighboring Territories, should subscribe for the Wxxklt Bktoktxb J and send it abroad. per-aona- rj; i i flic trade. Freighters out AI16sd;SoId J fitting: attended to at greatly ;ff i DRUG-GI- reduced Meet, ' J. mk' lh 1l0M0cr rart A K RATS, AD. KCHJT & BROTHS. B R O nt lnto Monday evening, from property owncri on Montana street, to bay that canal removed on the north tide of the thor- I ATS. II N jrSw T BOOT, f U town is tho building on tho south looking up. and street, between Third and Fourthf vant during the winter months, are ThUwill prove7,lC appearance of Uiat partof town. iAf?awV,rr?tition ae7-t- D h'Vmt 11 E. R- HOE. V 21-- lf i Wilcox & Gibbs letter family Sewing: Machines with nl the Improved attachments, ranging: in price flrom $85fac-to 251), direct from the Never used. Apply at tory. OGce this ' "i - If! l . - - tj , j We'aire detere&laed to tell flit : k$ i 83 Specimen copies can be teen at the offico of publication, ready TO THE LADIES. . for mailing. MRS. REGGEL would she 1 -- t . j ' f' - ,r t . " - 1 i i iu r 7,f Jii-i- : T f t TTF in receipt of a large 'ill : ? : stock of V ; t : respectfully announce Uffit ? ' no other establish price Which r ,. ,i i, ' meat compete with. i , !, CORINNE, UTAH. - , Fi !j T- ( to-da- t . ft: - . 6t ns i WITH FREIGHT ADDED. one-tent- h ay XT :h Ckieags Friees, ff - :' : -- ; . l, At ' t t i ;! The: Jobbing trade,, of tho -- TERMS OF WEEKY REPORTER. o e e e e e One Ye Aow 3. 81a Month DONtlETG AHD IIATO, Nortti and Northwest,1 Eastern 7 the latest styles end of beautiful and novel designs, to which she can attention of the ladles of Of Corinne and vicinity. ' and plstbern Ctab fciTitsdto ; a j V Exaiif t ADAH AULBAGH & 00 i Publisborpi , fi 1 J - Si ,j:jr Call at the Ladles Casrr.r, adTflCff V IU 1 p - .. 1 ; piJ m Sn.-'- i oar i Stock, and the ' .j ,j ! . 1 . CJT 2 i, v 3 TTS CCfT. ?. 1. I efxrxtf t .r |