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Show PAGE EIGHT The Draper ton Tribune, Dragerton, New Gift Merchandise For a Mans Christmas K J -- ?. 'W FLIGHT JACKETS s. .' ' sy f ,f ??s-5r UTAH DELICIOUS APPLES Quilted Lining dC PEARS ,b ORANGES , 21.50 and 24.50 m tr wd Genuine Horsehfde Fur Collar yylv 'Sw Tuesday, December 13 1949 Utah !il T CELERY lb SWEET SPUDS lb v3r W.f Ife lOt GRAPES lb Cranberries ib. ... CABBAGE lb ONIONS IbUow cn 45tPREM Sf' CRANBERRY SAUCE VrcsT- '&J&8 'tc MOR PORK, MOR BEEF TANG LUNCH MEAT . Heavy Plaid PLAINSMEN SHIRT JACKETS Genuine Quarter Horsehlde, JACKETS Wool Unlined Rayon Lining, Zipper Closing: Light Tan, . . . . CAMPBELLS TOMATO SOUP OXYDAL, Largo Size VEL, Large Size . .... .... 10c 2 cans 25c 3 cans 32c ( 27c . 4 cans 48c . CAMAY SOAP, Bath Size 2 for 21c UPTONS NOODLE SOUP 3 for 31c RAYON SOCKS From 39.S0 io 59.50 6c 39c 26cTIDE, Large Size . SEGO, PET MILK . JELLO in fancy patterns. COTTON SOCKS in striped patterns 39c Pair" 1 . .27cRIHS0, Large Size . 27c . From 39c to 98c 23c 4c 5t 39tSARD!NES SL CAMPBELLS VEGETABLE SOUP .2Sa3sai 100 !5 12c 8c 10c 14c 2 tablespoons Sou 1 Vi Mvponu nil Inr Brain 4 luapwupwnf bol ilmiaiai Roll pork chops in mixture of flour, 1y Coup, salt and the pepper. Brown on both aides in shortening. Sprinkle any remaining flour over chops. Drain .... .... 3 pkgs. for 23c 2 cans 25c . PARD DOG FOOD CLOROX half gal 25c Premium Salted Crax, 2 lbs. 45c - 5 ,',i , tt. from skillet; keep hot. Stir milk, corn and Vs Hasp. salt into liquid in skillet. Boil slowly aad stir 1 mice, oc anal seace thickens. Serve hoc with chops ad apples. Makes 4 servings. Xf these is not enough llipsij, add J , S Tm wm V, WAX PAPER 1 y:t Ndt SEGO MILK .N-Nje- . 4 Cans 48c FLOUR Enjoy tfio gur- - silt MM II tw 1 If; Jsss-- wy &IIERSIIEYS J a 2 oz. can 125 ft. roll 19c . I Can 39c MZXg $3.09 . , is of new lights I Wkddjk Nothing adds so much to the beauty of your home as smart new lighting 4? Its fixtures. mam v , I I iSBCTTER 13c so easy with MOB SLEEP S!.V..V,0:iSDEEP 7 usco and BEAUTY-RES- LIGHTS. These are hand, some, easy to in T fixtures stall, sod priced right. Approved by Underwriters Lab- wvn i C SPMfJ!IMITnm-M!- l oratories. )I:J.,',U:I W.W Come in see the MOB LIGHT line today. DRUGS Mfciem44s VISIT OUR 1 TE 'MpS h ii f tijil i . i i j FURNITURE DEPARTMENT W--$ WITH PUKCHASI 50 SIZE JERGENS LOTION So0 potliflig for Moti()f'SociL Omvwiw T5r Oiti ?of far 35? att rEKltEjni & T) PIUS TAX nee A Giffiloi a GetitLnimv PORK CHOPS V WOODBURY W98DBUXY SHAVE CREAM WOOSSURV SHAMPOO WOCCSySV AFTER SHAVE TALC jWOCDSUEY AFTER SHAVE LOTION 2.65 ,mb4 1 rte 59c TONGUE 1 35c |