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Show -- ? Tuesday, December 13, 194 A Short Story indeed TThe Mardi Gras the gayest crowd in the history of the famous Mardi Gras,. thought Allen Carter as he movs. ed with the mass of His heart was pounding with excitement and expected at what this night held, for him. A glance down at his own costume proved to him he looked quite piesent-abland although he shouldnt think it, quite handsome. One quick brush at his King Charles hat, complete with plume, and he merry-maker- Ted Jones By Mrs: The night was glittering with modern neon signs, as well as the old type lighted torches, and the streets were filled with gay dancers winding their way to anywhere and no where. This was e, and Delivery Service Pick-U- p Twice Weekly PAGE FIVE The Dragerton Tribune, Dragerton, Utah Every Tues. and Fri. 7:30 oclock p. m in the County was off again. He hadnt gone believe me, I dont mean to be love. Don't you believe living is Commissioners Room at the Carfar -- when his eyes fell upon a freshr and. Im not jn accustom to just as difficult lor her as it js for bon County Court House, at their figure in front of him, and what picking up strange women on the you? You say routine, dont you regular meeting and for the purbelieve she had routine too? Maya figure ! ! ! She was like a dream street pose of increasing the Budget, covto for like would she be get away standing there in the dun light Dont Apologize, she said simthe expenses for Carbon ' ering still or awhile too, maybe better Utah, for the year 1949, County, adjusting her costume." He ven- ply, Im married too. she would like her husband to Six babies arrived at the Drag-erto- n for the following' departments to-- ' tured closer and stopped quickly You are, be stammered,' but show her a little Of the love that wit: to pick up the bright red rose that hospital this past week. A well I wont ask any questions started their neithGeneral Fond then. marriage, fell fnSm her hand to the ground. if was born to Mr. and Mrs. you dont want I should. Commissioners er of them would have to look boy s County I beg your pardon," he ex6. Frank on Burdis' A December "You can if you like. I quess further ! ! ! She suddenly started Treasurer County was born to Johnnie Dee but did you drop this wed better know now. She layed to claimed, boy Assesor County cry, and great sobs came in a rose?" down her glass she was sipping flood of tears. Allen didnt know Adams of Sunnyside on the 6 th. County Sheriff : babies Four arrived on December Building & Grounds Yes, thank you. I believe I from and looked directly at him. what to do. nec9. Mrs. . and increases The to A are warm Mr. Allen voice and Manuel felt strangely did. You are so kind." Her requested boy "Please dont cry, eh please, was like music to his ears and he he began to talk, automatically, a boy to Mr. and Mrs. essary due to expenses incurred Jarhmlilo, sense. make In fact make you which could not be anticipated. tipped his hat. She didnt leave fluently, quite unlike the mild, you more sense than far you realize. Salvadore Valdez of Dragerton, a The above expenditures will not immediately as he had feared but mannered man he was. She raised her head and looked at ( boy to Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hyatt increase the tax levy of the coun- stared at him for a moment then Once a year I have myself a him. Yes, I do make sense enough unexty but will Do forgive fling said apologetically, That time is Mardi Gras. for you to see me. She did so of Sunnyside and a girl to Dr. pended balances in said fund. and Mrs. O. B. Spencer of Sunny- me for staring, but you are dress- Then I can put on a costume, any All persons interested and pres, ed In King Charted costume, and costume I want, and make myself and Allen gasped. dale. ent at said meeting, will be given ! ! how? Julie but I am Queen Elizabeth. Coinci- into anything I want to be. I feel an opportunity to be heard in the NOTICE matter. I knew you were coming out dence isnt it? Wont you join important, and I can hide behind B. H. YOUNG, me, I believe it is quite custom- a mask. All the rest of the year, tonight, Allen, but I didnt plan NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN County Clerk St Auditor. ary to be unconventional at Marti I woik m an insurance office and this, really I didnt. We met quite that the County Commissioners of Gras time. Are you from the I do my best to take care of my by accident. Thats why I star- Carbon County, Utah, will meet (SEAL) city? My wife, Julie, is very ed at you. In spite of that King on Tuesday, December 20, 1949 at Published December 13, 1949. family. 1 am, and I and will Im not going to say Charles outfit, I recognized my sweet, indeed Yes, My costume is more! gladly join you, he said with no I'm one of those misunderstood husband. Where would you husbands either, because Im not. concealing Ill admit. The drop-- 1 hesitation, One other thing I want you to ping of the rose was the only inlike to go?' thing. Ill leave it up to you to choose know, and that is I have a won- tentional I dont know what to say. I the place, she said softly plac- - derful time at the Marti Gras, but not with girls. Never before have dont even know how to explain ing her arm in his. Allen thought I You dont have to say anything, gone out with anyone else but he must be dreaming to have such a woman ask to spend an Julie, not that it excuses me now. or explain anything. M told youi It probably "sounds so silly for me your wife would understands Im evening with him, but if this was to say this, but its only at this quite proud, because if you had to a dream, then he must hurry and time of year that I really live and do all over again you would fall take advantage of it before he Thats woke up The place he chose was feel like I am some of the charac- in love with me again. there he had always wanted to go, ters I dreamed about when I was something every woman cant be and could never quite get up the a boy, and my future seemed like sure of, and I believe this has Build op a six nerve to step into The music was a great adventure and full of won- done our marriage more good than derful lived wonder a We done have has harm. prospects, months reserve fund to provide it quite soft and the lights were low, They cash for emergencies or made his companion much more I turned out to be. You cant ima- together for years and never got you with needed we as how an bored as well to other insurance know each agent You will be sur lovely than the lighted torches gine Vi. K for some special purpose. outside had done. They talked of gets, doing the same things, the have tonight. They grasped hands find out how easy it b to same way, day in and day out, and walked off into the graying prised when you unimportant things, but avoided never home. d the security. dawn towards any change. Monotony is peace-of-minthe subiect of themselves, at it y'i give yourself this theme I of world it Vs the but quess, let us was agreed they were to have fun and bank today our Come into NOTICE and ak no questions for this one cm also lead to considerable misc?. advantages chief too, even to mild men like NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' explain to you the many night. me, or I should say especially to that the County Commissioners of You are beautiful, he said mild men like me who our six months reserve keep things Carbon County, State of Utah, will king a little silly for saying 1I00 locked up inside of them. tvt Still meet on Tuesday, December 20, savings plan. looking a little silly foi saying it water runs deep they say. A ma- 1949, at 7:30 oclock p. m., in the I can tell even with your mask Room at chine all year around and one County Commissioners the Carbon County Courthouse fdr on You have quite the T to a turn into try myself the purpose of adopting a budget hair Ive ever seen Its night gay lothano, that's a laugh. He covering the expenses for Carbon mv She like wifes. something a little in his chair, and County, Utah for the year 1950. doesnt wear it down her back like slumps his costume loses its majestic Copy of said budget will be on you do though. I should have look. hard at the office of the County told you at the beginning that I Clerk and Auditor of Carbon Sit please, disgrasing up youre was married, IM no good at secCounty for Public Inspection, as. youre required by-- law. All persons Inrets, and If was unfair. I suppose that beautiful costume Rent Safety Deposit Boxes you want to leave now that you wearing. It is majestic, and de- terested and present at said meetan will serves underbe shoulders oportumty ing square given know, and you can't help thinking to be heard in the matter. Im not a terrible masher. Please neath it. You shouldn't want to B. H. YOUNG, do that would you? They both County Clerk and Auditor in laugh and he takes her hand in and for Carbon County, State Member Federal Reserve System and his, and they sit in silence for a of Utah. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation moment. Allen then raises Dated December 2, 1949. long his glass and says, Goodness, but (SEAL) PRICE, UTAH were getting morbid on such a First -- Publication; Dec. 6, 1949. . gala night Ive probably ruined Last Publication! Dec, 13, 1949. 1 Please leave laundry or calls at any of our following agencies: DRAGERTON BARBER SHOP SUNNYS1DE HOTEL FOSTERS CONFECTIONERY at Columbia SAVE TODAY j PRICE STEAM LAUNDRY & for CLEANING CO. TOMORROW! A 0 .. fresh up families -- - 0 ii'jijiuLBUBirii.rr- m 'u . Ml most-beautifu- l for 7-- UP BOTTLING COMPANY, PRICE, UTAH Carbon Emory Bank ut Peotieys -- your night On the contrary, Ive ruined she muttered. Other yours, times you have forgotten yourself and had a good time, but tonight I have made you remember all of it, and your evening is spoiled. What of foU, I 'nZceeif. is he asked, your story as sadly funny as mine, Ill bet not Any man that didnt love a woman like you must be out of his mind, hnd you have a sane husband I presume. I have a Yes, she smiled, sane husband, and very nice he is too, but we wont talk of him. Lets have fun, dance and have fun. Tomorrow will be time enough to regret. They did dance and they did have fun. They felt gay and the crowds around them only their happiness. If only the night could go on forever. If only he could feel and act like this always, thought Allen. He felt sure of himself and he wouldnt mind going back to what he had y now, or would he? The crowds were thinning, and faint signs of dawn were visable. At first they ignored them, but soon it was impossible, and they both looked up. This has been too much fun to let go so easily. Its getting dawn, and it will be over soon. I dont even your name, and I havent even seen you without your mask. I knbw you are beautiful even so, and I know it sounds silly when we have known each other for less than twenty-fohours, but I cant let you go without knowing. I know I promised but feel like a cad, and if Julie knew what a man she' married. PM sorry rpentiOPed.het panje, Thats hitting a little below the CHOOSE ONE OF THESE'NEW 7ime' Distinguished members of the Longines-Wittnaufamily of fine Watches, made with the skill of 82 years of fine watchmaking. er Price include Federal tax. ur J belt.' to vjc?wuf ts EYG-CATcm- r:s T Z3J. Shed: understand, i know 'she .. . would .. How could you know. Oh yes, you women think you know how all of you feel. She probably from PENNEYS WORLD OF THRIFTY GIFTS would at that. Shes awfully sweet, and I did love her so much until the monotony set in. All the romance went out the window and only routine and daily living took its place." She looked at him for a moment and they layed her hand gently on his. Surprising ... the colors, patterns and quality Penneys ties. These will spend packs into thrifty Towncraft around a mans neck of time lots little time on the rack, outfits. Theyre careadding smart good looks to his lined to resist fully tailored, from choice new fabrics, ke smoothly-taplenty of wear. wrinkles. Theyll knot . . give two for Just 1.96! . Ee smart, be thrifty Ref. V. S. - Dont you know that life and problems? How well AT PMMY2S JilMcw ( MAKE TOUR PURCHASE ON OUR CONFIDENTIAL DEFERRED PAYMENT PLAN is made up of the every day P.t Off. ) you weather them means love as much as how well you make love in the moonlight, more perhaps. That kind lasts, this kind doesnt unless you do it with the person with whom you can live the oth- -. er kind of life with too. It takes both, believe me. Maybe t sound queer and a little cruel, but you have lost sight of the one kind of Pay in 1950 WORLEYS EXCLUSIVE JEWELERS PRICE THEATRE BLDG. PRICE |