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Show r WOMAN'S WORLD Bi Smart! Why Not Plan ONE Old-Fashion- By Ertta Haley OF THE BIGGEST and projects during the holidays is the decoration that goes into the home. It's as much fun as anticipating Santas visit, as warm and gratifying as an unexpected compliment and as satisfying as giving! Christmas house decorations need not be either fancy or expensive. With imagination, every member of the family can join in the project and have a wonderful time. Dont miss this opportunity for getting the family together. Interested in making the home reflect the holiday spirit. If you make a ceremony of decorating, you will create a lovely tradition that lingers in the youngsters as well as oldsters' memories a long time. It encourages working together and this good spreads to other things done throughout many months. Dont confine the decoration to the tree alone. Spread it to making arrangements of the greeting cards which would otherwise gather dust on an unlovely pile cluttering the desk. Do something with those odd branches cut off the tree by using them as a basis for the table centerpiece. Add an imaginative touch to the wreath you hang on the door like one family which puts a bit of dry bread and suet for the birds on it. Dont keep the goodies hidden until someone comes to call. Cookies, Decorate with Cbrislmat emit , , , candies, apples and nuts can be placed in colorful paper cornucopias er red stockings and bung on the Christmas tree or fireplace. Though you purchase such things ac lollipops, candy canes and ornaments, you can frequently improve them with a little glitter, a green or crimson bow and an imaginative arrangement of your own. Then, everyone will want to know where in the world you were able to get it. Can you imagine your pride' when you tell them how you made ItT Hake yoar Christmas Tree Reflect year Personality Do you remember the time when ornaments were available for decorations! That was when all sorts of goodies went on the tree, and best of all, they could be eatenl You can keep small fry out of trouble if you set them to work chains or stringing decorative cranberries and popcorn for the tree. Older children can be put to work making popcorn balls. To the popped com is added a syrup made of simmering to cup molasses, to -- Christmas? ed Fancy shaped cookies in Gift Idea of stars, Santa Claus or a ing. , ! v P ' v s Designed as an elementary mnsleal instrument for teaching basio fingering techniques and coordination, this new instrument called a keymonlcs is a cross between clarinet, harmonica and button accordion, Made of styrene plastic, the new Instrument has It bnt-tokeys regulating the tone of Zt notes and can cover a wide range of musical selections. Streamlined plsstlo processes have Introduced It In a variety of bright colors; and since the reeds are of plsstlo construction, it can be washed in warm water. n cup com syrup and to tablespoon of vinegar cookfd until it forms a hard ball in cold water. Have them shape a small ball at first to which is attached a small loop of ribbon from which to hang the baQ. Additional popped com and syrup mixture Is molded around the ball. These hang gaily, from the tree. Candy canes can be tied with gay bows to hang from the tree. If the evergreens, emementt mI red berriet. branches are fragile, use the small canes so theyll stay on readily. Cornucopias filled with nuts and candles are another delight to make. Use 8 inch squares of bright colored or metallic paper and finish with cellophane tape. They may also be lined together on hall table to be tucked into small hands which deliver presents! THE READER'S COURTROOM By Will Bernard, LLB May a Man Be Jailed For Throwing Kisses at a Girl? ' A pretty girl worked as a maid in a suburban home. One day, while she was there alone, the grocer stopped In to deliver some packages. In a sudden whim of roman-ti- e fervor he puckered his lips and smacked them. The girl Just looked at him coldly. The grocer, undeterred, tried the same thing If you like the cards on a board to make a kind of large picture, use an artlsta board coyered with dark blue, green, red, gold or silver paper. The cards are tacked on this board when they arrive. You might also like to cut out large stars and pin these on the wall. Two stars on either side of the mirror on the mantel are effective. Pin or tack the cards on the stars. A glass topped coffee table will be Interesting if you lay a sheet of plastic, for table protection, against the wood. Arrange the ca,rds on the plastic, then cover with the glass. rough! extinguisher and makes trays easy to clean. again. Again he got no encouragement. Deflated,, he turned and walked out Later the girl decided to teach the man a lesson for his freshness. She went to the police and had him arrested on a charge of assault However, when the judge heard her story, he ordered the grocer released. After all. opined the Judge, the poor fellow bad merely auggested a kiss not taken one! A woman was. driving her little boy to school one morning when a truck suddenly emerged from an alley. To avoid a crash, the woman had to awing up over the curb where her car knocked down a pedestrian. The victim later sued her for damages, but the court gruntled violator decided this was ruled that she was not liable. unfair and took the matter to the Pointing out that the woman bad state supreme court The court done the best she could in an ruled that the practice was unemergency, the judge said:- - She constitutional and. illegal, because had the right to save herself and there was altogther too much tempher son from peril, and should dot tation for tha judge to find everybe punished for her actions. body guilty I When food sticks to enameled utensils, soak about 20 minutes, or until food is loosened, in a Cloth filters used in vacuum-typ- e baking soda and water solution coffee makers can be kept about 3 tablespoons soda lo quart sweet and fresh by rinsing them of water. To remove stubborn in soda water and storing in a stains rub with a cloth sprinkled solution about 1 with soda. fresh y soda-wat- er Vi In a season notable for decoration at the neckline, watch new scarfs, very different looking from those of the past. One of the new favorltea ia knitted Shetland wool, soft and frothy as sesfosm In texture, gorgeous ss to color. Another Is cravst-typ- e scarfs of flat for, leopard being a favorite for youthful wearers, often repeated In fnr toque or a big muff. Very new indeed Is a revival of the twenties, salt and coats with scarf collars, which may be tied in s soft bow or crossed underneath yonr pretty chin with ends worn loose In the back. e HERE HE IS . . . Herea a that speaks louder than any words could. Its that mao of the hour, the guy youve been waiting for Santa himpio-tor- self. Mistletoe Kiss Began as Myth Practice Symbolized The Message Lived and Thrived last-minu- te n obtained a promise from all living things that they would not harm Balder. But she forgot to extract such a promise from the mistletoe. Knowing this, Loki made an arrow from the mistletoe and gave it to Balder a blind brother, Hoder, my offerings to the children of the family, who are quite numerous enough to stagger any giver, but 1 always weaken, or see something that would (imply delight some one of the adult group, and then I am wrecked again, in pockft, strength, time and nerves. However, that the Joy of Christmas, open purses, open shops, open hearts, open fires and widespread tables. And whatever debt we pay for it in money, fatigue and confusion, we wouldnt do without it December and no Christmaa, no noisy children home for holidays, refusing to make out their lists and' to remember to write - cards for their elders, declining the suggestion of a delightful bracing walk and unwilling to miss any movie whatsoever! fatherhood, in all its many forms, but still based on Christ? The great Hebrew faith makes him one of its prophets, and celebrates the Babys birthday as we do. Our Irish, Spanish, English forebears brought faith with them; a stern faith Some of "them, but as the years have passed the glorious 173 years of our story, Gods name hai rarely been left out of conferences, and has never been omitted from our currency, our law, the oaths we take In marriage and in ail court procedure, our daily talk. Wa mothers of college students are aware that courses ere given in most colleges upon the Marxian theory and It is spread over our modern world. Sorrie of these courses may show up its obvious flaws; some may not. But when Oor Debt one considers the titanic and But I don't mean by the debt thundering message that has come you owe to Christmas" any of these down to us through two centuries, things. I mean the debt we all owe, bringing humble hearjs to its docall of ua who live under the most trines, making millions and tens free and most generous civiliza- of millions of lives happier, it tion the world has ever known seems strange that the debt we the debt we owe to the Carpenter, ewe to the Christmas Baby ia not who lived In an obscure village equally stressed. two thousand years ago, before printing" presses and telegraphs and newspapers existed, the Man ALL KKJ PC IS SPRINKLE OH TOP OF LUKEWARM WATER LET STAND 10 MlNUTESy THEN STIR WELL HOORAY buy 3 packages at a time. Keep it handy. Stays active always ready to use always dependable. 3 times as many women prefer FLEISCHMAIJIft YEAST and told him how to use it. The occasion waa a demonstration that all things so loved Balder that nothing could barm him. Hoder did not know the mistletoe would prove lethal weapon. The arrow killed Balder. Frigga was desolate, but won a promise from Odin, chief of all the gods, that If every living thing would weep for Balder, he would be restored to life. Frigga had everyone weep for Balder but Loki. Disguised as an old witch, he declined to weep. As a result, Odin permitted Baldsix months of life and six months er No Boots, 5 Sleepers of death, which explained the summer and winter seasons to the old Allowed in One Bed Norsemen. Frigga was given care WIS.-- In the co- of tha mistletoe so it would never MILWAUKEE, lonial days, hotel service was again bring sorrow. s. The spelled with a small bruised, dusty stagecoach passenger, or the stiff, weary horseSafe back rider who entered Ye Olde Inne may have been satisfied, but AT CHRISTMAS TIME demands of guests for service have changed. Hotel rule of the early Christmas this year should be a American period seem quaintly hu- safe Christmas safe for everyone morous today. from the tiniest tot to the oldest No more than five to sleep In grandparent. Too much emphasis one bed," read a notice posted in cannot be put on safety in decoraestablishments which someday tions, especially in the use of might advertise, George Washing- electric lights. ton slept here! No boots to be Too often a set of defective lights worn in bed, warned other signs. la the cause of a tragedy or near Then, Just to prove to awe smit- tragedy during the holiday season. ten readers that the lodging house for miniature electric Sockets had a reputation to maintain, it tree lights must be deep so the sternly warned: Organ grinders to metal at the base of the plug la no completely covered and tinsel and sleep in the wash house razor grinders or tinkers taken in trimmings canot touch it. . . . no beer allcwed in the kitchen.-PriceIf buying new lights this year, b were In 'keeping with the sure to get those with deep sockets the- serv- so none of the metal will be exdignity and excellence-oice. Four pence a night per bed," posed. It might even be a good InSix pence vestment to replace all shallow-sockannounced the sign; with gupper,", , . .. strings tof lights with deep The evolution of our hotel title socket ones. It would be well for every' family Guest House," from that of Inn, and earlier forms, is a fairly re- that expects to use lights this year to check them closely and maka cent development. necessary replacements in time. The date for the opening of the Regular Illuminating bulb, 15 first real American hotel is 1794. watts or higher, must not be used when the unassuming City Hotel on Christmas trees. They can get hung but its shingle in New York hot enough in a few minutes to set to much learn It had about city. the tree on fir. service. Old Inns Had Chocolate Criss-Cto- ss fate on3mufes tniKhp6ecaus& SWOTTis Emufarized Humorous Rule Keep ", . . we wouldn't do without it , . , who never wrote a line, never had an Influential friend, associated only with humble fishermen and finally died the ignominious death a traitor. The man whose extraordinary message practical men and worldly of men believed to be utter nonsense and some of them believe it to this day. Forgive your enemies; if you have two coats give one tq the costless; the meek shall possess the land; whoso loseth his life shall gain it. and above ail, love fulfills the law. - - Well, somehow the message lived, and grew strong, and whenever men obeyed it only sometimes his very jtollowers didnt the miracle came true, and the Jaw of love waa fulfilled. And up across the western shores and along the rivers of Europe the people came to be called Christians, their lands to be called Christendom, their law Christianity. What followed? Why, Imperfectly as that law was followed, mistaken as certain great rulers were still as to the efficacy of force, everyEven up to the time of the Civil thing that gave us our younger war, hotel accommodations were Christmas in Mexico world of today followed.'still quite primitive. Plumbing and What Followed sanitar fixtures were crude and Unless he is very much Ameri' charities followed, hospices simple. The old familiar china bowl canized,- the-- . Mexican child knows Great with its and towel single pitcher, scattered between the Sicilies and of the Christmas tree. nothing Scotland, where the travelers feet and bar of coarse yellow soap Mexican parents search the marwere washed, and his body' re- summed up each rooms washing kets for little trinkets, toys and sweets for the Pinata a Jar made freshed and clothed in the name of facilities. Guest rooms were unheated; the of coarse, red earthenware and Christ The first centers of 'learning followed the first laws made only baths were in the basement, shaped usually like a clown or for the good of all men, the great since there was no piped water dancer or other amusing figure or kitchen. Room --service objeetv'r .cities, the planted orcharda and above-th- e. On Christmas Day the Pinata ia herds of fat cattle, the greens calls in Lincoln's day were accomwhere girls and boys danced, the plished through pulling a cord at- suspended from the celling. libraries and the paintings of tached to a bell at the desk. ... s f Could a Judge Keep Part Of the Fine For Himself? - The police judge of a small town was paid very meager salary, However, he was allowed to fatten his Income by keeping e share of whatever fines he levied against petty lawbreakers. Finally a dis water. Expulsion of Evil - ... A little baking soda emptied in- teaspoon soda to glass of to ashtrays acts as a quick fire Rinse filter before using,. & ' The origin of the yuletide custom KATHLEEN NORRIS of kissing under the mistletoe is shrouded with some uncertainty, but Jt is believed that the original practice was symbolical of assurance that never again would the YOUB DEBT to Christmas if worrying you already; great masters, the cathedrals and mistletoe be used as an instrument that la, if you grow as crazy as I the first schools. of evil, as It was in Scandinavian do when the last few days come Look all through the orient in mythology. ai'bund, and you hastily buy believed that The Norsemen Persia, India, China, Africa these pergifts for things did not begin two thousand Balder, the god who personified sons at three times the price you years ago and they do not exist the sun, was disliked by Loki, god would dream of spending in Notoday. What gave them to ua? of mischief. According to the legvember. What started our own American end, Loki planned to destroy Baldmother, My stem intention is to confine heritage of honest faith in Gods er, but Frigga, Balder - Is a Bus Driver to Blame For Jolting the Passengers Too Hard? A woman was standing at the rear door of a bus, waiting for her atop. As the bus neared the corner, the driver swung toward the curb, opened the door, and slammed on the brakes. The jerk was so sudden that the woman lost her grip on the railing and went flying out the door. Bruised and ahaken up, she later sued the bus company for damages. The company argued that a bus driver cant avoid giving the riders a certain amount of jolts and lurches." But the court nevertheless granted the womans claim. The Judge said that jerking hard enough to toss a passenger right out tha door was just a little too v snow man into which a loop has been pressed before they are baked will decorate e good part of the Christmas tree. You wont have much In the way of decor to remove from the tree when the time comes for taking it down! Let Everyone Enjoy Tour Christmas Cards For those who are fortunate to have a mantel, theres no better place for Christmas cards. Here they can be displayed to an advantage, decorative as well as interest- Vl!v j the form Thrown Kisses Dangerous Missiles , Tuesday, December 13, 1949 THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH PAGE SIX - CHOCOLATE CAKE roelpo cut out creaming, CRISS-CROQuick-meth- od separate egg -- beating! N In 1 large mixing bowl combine: oeswestenod S chocolate, cut very flee h cap betting water iqurn When melted and cool, add these sifted together: . cope sifted cake floor 1 I to cups sugar k teaspoon salt teaspoon doubfs-act- lo baking powder (1 teaspoon to teaspoon soda " Add: to cup Snowdrift ffwiutsochod, singls-actio- ' ' qukk-bltndin- g) to Cup buttermilk et Mix Beat enough to dampen flour. 3 minutes. If byhand, Count beating time only. With electric mixer use low speed; crape bowl often; scrape beaters after 3 minutes. Add: Z sags I teaspoon vanilla Beat 1 minute Turn Into 3 greased 8 layer pans, lined with plain paper. Bake In moderate oven (350 F.) about 30 minute. Frost wit- hicinsi Cream 3 tbsp. Snowdrift, 3 tbtp. butter. Add to Up. salt and 3 cup gifted confectioner tugar alternately with to cup milk. Add 1 Up. vanilla. Spread on cake. Grate 1 square chocolate; sprinkle on top In rows about to Inch wide and 3 Inches apart. (Holding a kitchen knife along rows helps to keep them straight.). Turn cake; make rows at right angle s to give effect, CRiss-cao- t criss-cros- an emutsorized shortening gives you such luscious cakes without creaming or g Only egg-beatin- See how easy It is to make cakes that are light, luscious, moist and rich-w- ith Snowdrifts mixing method. No creaming! No separate You mix your whole cake in the same bowl, in 3 minutes-becau- se Snowdrift is emulsorized for thorough blending! Make Snowdrifta Criss-CroChocolate Cake today! And try Snowdrift for flaky pies, tender biscuits and crispy fries! - ( J egg-beatin-g! ss Try rfO ulfOitlFTfiha'' Port ngetabl thortsninj mod by Ha Vtsso 09 Ptbp! & |