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Show Tuesday, May 4, 1948 American Smokers Puff One Billion mm f.T Cigarettes Daily V I HI MPHREY BOGART rolumbias Knoclt on Any D' r, in an important role as a s cn y mg killer. Be gart has the st r rc .e of the lawyer who defends ' , 1 Arizona, ing laws (rs, a Cu' be d " (O w C U ft Mexico j and c ,t town Parkers motherhood was a pair g ,l f.oii her husb-ncf jew o J cl ps coirbm.ngd amends, teralds and rub.es; each clip is jn the form of a turtle dove, ng her latest screen drama, The Voice of the Turtle d - 4 , Ccne Kelly will do two of his song and dance numbers from Pal Jcey, the stage musical that made h ;.i famous, in Words and Music, picture based on the lives of Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart, who wrote Pal Joey. A special network is being established in Ph.Iadelphia by Mutual for of the Republican its coverage and Democratic conventions in June and commentators and July. Forty-fivnewscasters will broadcast from convention lial! during these weeks, and the entire city will be linked to Mutuals special master control unit for complete coverage. e In his first screen role, Harry Parks got second billing to a camel. I didnt It was m a Bibl.cal short. mind getting only $3 a day, said he, between scenes for "The Galuntil I found the camel lant Blade, got $30. - The use of cigars and smoking tobacco (for pipe and cigarettes i has had a big drop in the past 3C years The biggest slump has been in tobacco chewing Consumption recently was less than d that of 1918 Cigar smoking in this country reached a peak of 8 billion cigars in 1920, the silk shirt year It dropped to 4 5 billion m depression 1033, picked up some in the years immediately before and during the war Government research experts say there has been a significant decline in cigar consumption since February. 1947 They explain that recent increases in the cost of liv ing may have affected the demand Price Increases Consumers recently were paying 6 cents apiece for cigars which be fore the war sold at two for 5 cents, an increase of 140 per cent. Changes m smokers income or in the price of cigarettes seem to have had only moderate effect on the demand Between 1929 and 1943. a period which included many depression years, average changes in volume of cigarettes consumed were less than half as large as the average changes in income levels. Other government surveys have indicated that in hard times many people cut clothing and even food purchases before reducing their customary purchases of cigarettes and gasoline The consumption of snuff has been subtnntially unchanged for about 30 years Thirty-fou- r million pounds were produced in 1916, forty-onmillion pounds m 1929 and thirty-simillion pounds in 1933 The production peak was 43,800.000 pounds In 1945 CHICAGO Hangovers cost the nation one billion dollars annually correspond- - $40,-00- left-hand- v ' I S , J? , . 4 . IF WE DON'T WIN ITS A SHAME . . .Employing atiff-.r.e- d, overhand pitch, Preaident Harry S. Truaan, a southpaw, toaaad the first ball at the opening gane between the New York Yankees and the Waahington Nate at Griffith atadiun in Washington, thereby officially opening the 1948 najor league hasebell It a the first hurling the Preaident had done ainca he pitched hie hat into the political ring by stating ho actively seeking Democratic renonunstiou. season. fT 1 7 CTf. v v five-year-o- Aid-Unit- $ Installation Made Easy Complete sets of automatic garage door hardware are now readily available at hardware counters and lumber dealers everywhere. These sets contain all the necessary screws, bolts, springs, and other parts needed to make your door automatic, upward acting door. To simplfy attaching each part, step by step assembly illustrations are pro vided which show exact location of each part, screw and bolt All step by step instructions are written in language you can readily understand and follow. The pattern contains complete directions for building an 8 ft by 7 ft. door. It also provide Information for building larger size doors, if needed. Realizing the importance of stylo and having a door match th exterior sheathing ot your horns, th pattern contain direction for building 12 other style of door. There ar doors without lights, with 2, 4 or 8 lights. Other are solid panel door that blend In with modern style houses. - Garage Send 50q Jor Swing-U- p Door Pattern No. 86 to Easl-Bil- d Pattern Company, Dept. WH Fleas-antviUN. Y. , ld ed e, apart Patrick Henry's Old Home To Becomo National Shrino For a long time th home .where Patrick Henry lived and Is burled wa forgotten. Now It has become an American shrine. The Henry home Red Hilt, In Charlotte county, Virginia which wa burned in 1919, is to be restored es it was in Patrick Henry time, and furnished with the furniture and decoration that Patrick Henry had. This great patriot won his first f'me by demanding for colonial Virginians the rights of Englishmen. He won his greatert fame by demanding for all Americans complete freedom forever from England. Although a slave-holdePatrick Successor to Joe Louis? vv ', A OF THANKS TO SCROLL ITALY... after vital Italian election, residents of South Philadelphia a Italian colony to and thanks offer to celebrate the defeat of the gathered Communists, Part 200-fo- ot Italian the Day of the celebration entailed the of a scroll, thanking the Pope for his part in signing swaying the people to vote for democracy. X i ni x 1 1 v '? Sit xv I f fx ' In ths boxing gam about five out of 3,000 or possibly 10,000 make good. They have been looking around for a good young heavyweight to take the place of Joe Louis for six years. Six years and no answer. Not an echo. But Walter Friedman tells ma that there la a good young Irish heavyweight named Ray Stevens working out of San Francisco who may bs the one. Hes six feet two, weighs 20S Friedman says. I knew pounds, of one offer of $20,000 and another of $30,000 which have been refused for his contract They wont even listen to $50,000, lies a good boxer and a good puncher. He can knock you down with a short punch. Hes AULD LANG SYNE. . .Cherubic aa only 23 years old. ever, Winston Churchill shakes Give him s break, and you might hands with Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt as ah leaves his hone in be the first to boost the next heavyLondon after having lunch with weight champion of the world. him and hia wife. Stevens Is hereby given favorable mention. And ho doesnt have to be too good. X ' ' Henry considered an economic curse as well as a social evil. He was a lawyer by profession, and also a very successful politician. By 1775 war was imminent On March 23 Patrick Henry offered a resolution to organize the Virginia militia and put th colony in a state of defens. In supporting It he made his most famous speech, which closes with the declamation: Give me liberty or give me death I slave-holdin- o Duffers Lead the Parade x Hangovers in United States Cost One Billion Annually CONTEMPLATIVE If you want a really sturdy, handsome, automatic garage door. buHd it yourself from the pattern offered below. The pattern not only simplifies building the door but also tells how to attach the necessary garage door hardware in order to make it completely automatic and upward acting. All materials needed for building the door are now readily obtainable at lumber yards everywhere. The garage door hardware that make this door' t fully automatic acting door is also now available at hardware counters and lumber yards. ent wants to know which is the bigger gamble baseball rookies or race horses. There isnt much difference. Many are called but few ever hit .300 or win big stakes possibly one out of a hundred. Race horses, the good ones, usually cost more money, ranging from 0 to $70,000 In the higher brackets. Yet Wakefield of the Tigers came In for a $52,000 bonus and CANDIDATE... Harold E. Staaaea Simmons of the Phillies ah no here vith Sen. was Curt (left),R. McCarthy somewhere In the $60,000 class. (Pep., Wia.), It also is Joseph reported that If the young paid a surprise visit to Washad waited a while hington in quest of most recent developments in the defense pro-gra- n. longer the Red Sox would have gone to $100,000 or more. Simmons Is the closest to Ferl-cli- s, the $06,000 colt who won one race. If Simmons wins only one game, Ben Chapman will absorb at least one keg of cyanide. Wakefield and Bob Simmons, Brown are three of the higher investments. Wakefield has been no part of a bargain at bis price tag, while neither Simmons nor Brown so far has drawn a chance. But rookies on their way to major-leagu- e fame are scarce. Last year the Cardinals had only one from a big crop Jim Hearn, pitcher. The Giants caught a find in Jansen the Dodgers in Robinson, to mention two of the best. Few outsiders realize the size of a farm crop. The Dodgers had something like 500 budding phenoms at Vero Beach the Giants over 400" st Sanford, Fla., and tha Cardinals over 400 at Albany, Ca. From the 1,200 young ball play, CH ILfiREN . . . Wea r in g nntive era gathered at these three locaAustrian costuae, tions, the Dodgers, Giants and Emmy Matteaich prepares to lead Cardinals would be highly pleased tha Austrian delegation in gi30 future hig leaguers. to gantic children's parade that Somehave vital statisticians have made opened tha National American Ovtraeat Nations It one out of 200. Appeal for Children drive in So the percentage ot young rookies Now York. and promising yearlings who make good la about the same few and tar e Each habitual alcoholic costs his employer $550 every year Odds and Ends . . . Willard Therefore; Industrial leaders will of The Guiding Light confer to find out ways and means achieved a golfers dream by makof doing something about him. now wonders ing a bole in one The conference, first of its kind . what Is left for him to conquer . . in the nation, is sponsored by the are actors Greenstreet says Sydney Chicago committee on alcoholism more temperamental and more InDr. Anton J. Carlson, university of clined to scene stealing than acmedical Chicago la researcher, has as be should know,he tresses; chairman. been an actor for nearly 58 years Dr. Carlson, who produced the teen-nge- r, Una Merkel As economic cost figures on alcoholism, took elocution lessons In Cincinnati from a teacher named Pasha said that of the thousands of industrial firms in the country, there Reaum better known today as the are possibly no more than 10 on mother of Tyrone Pwer . . . JohnShore-Harr- y record who have conducted extenny Mercer of the CBS Dinah sive research on the subject of alcoJames show has written hundreds of lyrics and songs, but holism in Industry. James H Oughton Jr., director cant read a note of music. of the Keeley institute, Dwight, III., One moment we hear that nobody added Alcoholics are sick people. wants to see war pictures any more, They suffer from a disease just as the next moment a new one Is an- surely as does the diabetic, a person nounced Warner Bros , who made with cancer or tuberculosis Dawn Patrol, air combat film of They must not be confused with World War I. will produce Fighter hopeless drunks and bums This World War 'II equivmost certainly does nof describe tne Squadron, alent alcoholic. Not all those with an alcohol problem are hopeless Many brooch of them have high intelligence, fine, diamond The gorgeous Lulu delicate makeups, and are among Dorothy Lamour wears in Belle once belonged to the fabulous our community and social leader Diamond Jim Brady. It now If owned by Johnny El wood. n V, 1 which will Ms ilumbia productions to ot' ' r compan.es no g'.i uii Eleanor uni New Bmplatmg or implementcli.woj'd tax movie lo-oe Autiy has purchased 1 t1' one-thir- . V.V.h 7. r T able cigar smoking business man regarded the smoker of a factory-mad- e cigarette as a sort of social outcast Back in the spittoon era many members of congress were tobacco chewers and proud of it. A typical of the newspaper advertisement period pictured Speaker Joseph Cannon, of Illinois, with the caption "The thinking men of America chew twist Today the factory-mad- e cigarette not only has wide social acceptance but is a sizeable item in the national economy. It Is estimated that the cigarette tax increases the U S Labor Departments consumer price index by nearly one per cent In 1948 American consumers paid a total of 3 4 billion dollars for tobacco products and smoking supplies The 1929 expenditure for tobacco products was 1 7 billion dollars. Cigar Use Falls Off Treasury tax experts who recently made a study of tobacco use, report that cigarettes in 1946 accounted for 77 per cent of the total tobacco used in production Back in 1915 cigarettes dtcounted for only 10 per cent m hevaca j a i . e Lt-rt- k. show I i teen-ager- When Hum hrev Bogart was tram w. l i aratro pers in the C doradc c t f r cahira he encoun'eiec Jo"n Now Dcrtk, with tic prcc ons film experience, is to be The Theatre Guild on the Air net attained its reputation as one of oar very best radio shows hv accident. Homer Fickctt, director, rehearses the cast of each for iir udeast as carefully as a Broadway production. In fact, it's said to be the most rehearsed program on the air. Top stars of st go and screen, carefully selected plays and able direction make the broadcasts outstanding. And it adds no 1 ttle to even the best act :V prestige to appear on the i g inj ha-- til- WASHINGTON Smoking devotees in the United States are blow-irsmoke rings to the tune of one biilion cigarettes a day The wartime business boom gave a terrific boost to cigarette smoks ing, especially among and women with good paying jobs Sales of factory-mad- e cigarette jumped from 172 billion in 1939 to 352 billion, more than double, in a per capita consumption of 2,324 Thirty-fivyears ago the respect- I'ns ' fiO'j .J r- Ie him Easily Built Automatic Auto Garage Door A Coffin Nails Zooms To 2,324 a Year Vc-k- seen ip . Per Capita Consumption of By INEZ GERIIARD T?VA GABOR is beautiful, charm-ms- , wealthy and works as hard as any ambitious extra girl, maybe even harder More than anything else, she wants to be a good actress. Typed at first as a Hungarian countess in pictures, because she was Hung irian ard jut learning Fngl sh, she i lays a countess again in Abigail, Dear Heart" at Paramount, she speaks perfect Fnglish li iw I'e has been studying drama anl d nemg and werkrg in little t c t s tiken eery part I was r." led, she says Vacationing , m Nla she saw p'ays, re id fir c re t irs, c mci Titrated on the p '1 she is suie to attain being a real v good actress A f. vr' v' 'I vi STfiCZSCREEfi -- '" . ALA3CA WANTS IN. .People of Alaska are nations aboqt icepted ns the 49th state in the union?getting Here, Victor Rivers vif the territorial senate of Alaska speaks to a gathering in the main street of Anchorage to preawt a forceful demand for statehood. Anchorage doesn't have the climet for an outdoor tea party, but cititena there have dug dm into American history for their battle slogan: Taxation w ithout representation. Remember? their territory C. ... X s, Edith Ronnc to Isnd on the Antarctic coatiDent--no- t that many women ever clamored for that honor. She in wife of Cmdr. Finns Ronne who conducted the Ronne Antarctic research EXPLORER... Mrs. is the first womsn expedition. 'A rt .Whil n John L. Lewis having his troubles in Was- CLOWN KRUG SEEKS NAVAJO REHABILITATION. . .Navajo Indian. D.acheemi. (left) end Sam Ahkean. chairman of the Navajo council of hhiprock, N.M., display map of their land to who haa proposed to move 5,050 of tribal Jnig n the 12, 000 Nevajo Indian families off arid reservations to mors productiv. lands. Krug wants atheir 90-appropriation to promots agriculUrs and indus--- v poverty-stricke- 1 lion-doll- on mi ar tan rsservations. - mas hington, John (Tubby) tb Thqaiea ed shining hour in lttanirgh by looking like John Lewis having tronbl in Thome Too many golf writers ars writing about ths Nelsons, Hogans, Man grams and Demarets in placa of the duffers and the average golfers who composs at least 95 per cent ot the game. There would be no golf If it were not for the duffer and the average , golfer. The few left couldnt afford to keep the course In condition. They couldnt keep the manufacturers going. And without the duffer and the average golfer, golf crowds would bo under 600, and there would be no teachers and not many caddies. The stars would b playing for $500 not $10,000. Above all, we love and admire the flaming spirit of the duffer who each year is going to remove at least five, or maybe 10 strokes from his game. I was talking about the duffer with A1 duel, the Fresh Meadow pro who has taught so many thousands, including star professionals, for so many years. I asked, are the chief What, faults the duffers or the average players have? And what, by the way. Is an average golfer? An average golfer, replied Clad, U one who ahooto around 108. Thats a good average. Some are around 90 or 92. Others well' above 110, We can caB It 100 and be ' safe. What is the most common fault? I asked. said Professor CiucL Slicing, There are many hookers, of course, but many more slicers. Slicing is largely dus to not turning the body enough, to taking the club back outside the line of flight and bringing it into the ball from the outside The club head should be taken back slightly inslds. ltibCud be brought down insidp with the club head aiming for a target slightly to ths right, not whipped from the Inside to Hie inside. Most slicers aim to the left of the course in order to allow for the slice. Ive seen them do this by ths thousands. A slice usually cost from 30 to 40 yards. Taks enough turn and let the club head travel slightly a has been an vashingtoq. amateur clown for 30 years and ys he often hat been mistaken for the UMW leader, to tha right g FATHER, IF YOU READ THIS come back to us. Moms not cross at you any more. She said, I never would have picked that quarrel with Dad if I hadnt felt so miserable. Seems shed been bothered with constipation caused by ltck of bulk in the diet. Well, since Grandma tipped her off to KELLOGGS Mom has joined the regular and what a difference in her! She polishes off a bowlful ot ALL-BRAevery a.m., drinks a lot ot water. Shes taken to baking swell muffins, too, from the recipe on the box. So come on back. Youll find home was never like this before ALL-BRA- N ALL-BRA- N ALL-BRA- N C Nr-IM- . JACK. that makes folks sleep all night! i p TkooMuute becsomm tk aew that Uietr btrtc awaitaned aidit altar micki he bbiddm from trruitm mot ths ftijrfcl Tbftt'raeotuii'tJdtt Folrjr kvfrtsys Pills arually allay anthia 24 boura Sia tmiaUoa la m prevalent and Foley PilLs aa potent. Foley Pills mmt benefit yon within 24 tour or. DOUBLE VOUR MONIvY BACK. Make tmt. Get Foley Pills from d rural "t Full aattefaetioa or POUBLfi YOUM MONEY BACK. l bid dr You Can Be a Partner 3uy U. S. Savings Bonds! EUMSSED ? , Driven nearly frantic by itching and burning of simple piles, that keep you fidgeting in discomfort? Countless sufferers are finding untold relief from such distress by bathing tender part with the pure, tether of Resinol Sop-the- u applying soothing, skd-ful-ly medicated Resinol Ointment. Why dont yea try this comfort? easy way to gently-cleansi- time-test- long-testi- ng HESinBL'iiS |