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Show NEW is stocksd with the fiucst lot of stock you'll find in any couutry, among the rcaownPercborOa horses being breed, thoroughbreds in every respect. There has been a great deal ot falsity in the sale of "thoroughbred horses in this lection ot Utah. We have paid con- YEARS SDN discoved that the lady had quite a stock of holiday goods on hand, and . so cheap she is selling them, that you would think you were buying goods in the east. Go and look at her stock, amt you will be surprised. We know because we have been "there. Oh, how nice those ladies and childrens cloaks look hanging up there. Go aud sea for yottrsolf. Mrs. Clark js doing a fair business, and holds her own. We reccommend low prices. siderable attention of late to such .bus iness end have made diligent inquiry as to the bona fide sales ot Mr. Dowens horses and find that bo has tire most perfect set of thoroughbred Perchoroni that has ever been before the public and without a flaw. We ask those that content-latbuying fine horses to thorrughly inspect Mr. Bowons Perchorons and we MALCOLM & JIUOE1ES give to the people a guarantee of an alwill one which aud honest bargain, a mercantile firm which has been ,S ways hold good , Mr. Bowen may he but a year or so. Since that running found tending his favorites at Ids ranch these gentlemen imo built for time Fork. in Spanish themselves their share of trade of the LORENZO THOMAS, town, and by careful management have the taylcr, was one ot the places of bus accumulated an immense tmdo They have, iness THE Sun man vimtod during the merchandise, boots, shoes, hats, cap-and in fact every week, and while there was shown some gloves, picks, shovels, s in t'ouml a be to had grneral he thing new styles of pattern which Messrs. Malcolm & Hughes always store. You cant cast. the from received just butter yourself by goiugoutof town to enry the lreshest goods and these that have a suit ot clothes made up, for Mr. are not shelf worn, cither. AlthnughJItr seem Thomas is a thorough taylor, and makes Hughes stays tiade is "rocky," they clothes so good and cheap that a person -. e Writes Them All Up. SI'ANIfUf PORK CO OP. INST. was quite a nice little storo which the scribe peeped Into, and looking around the-worl- GREETINGS FOR OUR READERS AND PATRONS. tVlio Have lrcent and Holiday GoodDisplays and Where You Cuu Buy the Heat and Cheupont--THI- S MRS. LOIS CLARE'S ' lualitu- in tho year 1807, Ever since the opening of this institution it has gained grouni, and ot late years Mr. has paid a handsome dividend. John Jones is superentendent. Mr. Jones, as has been said before, is a tlior. ougli business man, and ho has spared no pains in making this enormous institution nay. And his management has been bo keen and shrewed that an inmenso trade it tho final result. Shanish Fork Co.op is considered tho largest Institution general store In Utah county, and does the largest wholesale and retail business. This institution is controlled by a board of directors, Mr. Win. Crecr being president, In connection with general merchandise, hardware, drugs, etc, is a meat market, tine flouring mills and a larger and only boot and shoe factory in the central part of Utah, also a throughly equipped harness shop. 'I'll Spanish Fork turn waa incorporated first-clas- ward MRS. KARR nice little millinery establish keeps the street, and anything down ment want there the millinery hoe you ladies truned ha is the place to go. Latest and drtt t!'0 adorn the show window, The lady has evidently d mention of all. trade been preparing for the hohdav the hence display. the boyAck house. and enjoy is a place where you can stop ment. ennit'orUble and courteous accomodations fine good Trsvlers may at this hotel aud the table unee?l connected with A bar ard living stable is la the hotel. WOMANS SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION, Lewis as, ts presided over by Mrs. Agnes Swanson secy. m es dent and Mrs.Priseilla the hret Wednesday of innoting hold They and are doing much good in every month our midst. WILLIAM T. JAMES, merchandising business Borkhill hotel. Has a stock on hand and is sc ling Although Mr, James complains to be doing times, he seems rdL&f rol biSrd m smna businci-s- . 4th Brown, Counselors. W. Monk, pres; Ab. WiHWms -- N:wel hence tho seonio Castle gate. A. D, GASH is our county attorney, councilors, and iao dm pence jn Provo city, Mr is fastly coming to the front as on. President 1st ward, Miss Maggie Martel!; our young and promislug attorneys Hannah Miss Jsx; 2d ward, jresidont PYNE A MAIDEN iresipent 3d ward, Mrs. Barbarous C. Emma Miss is the 4th Provo, ward, president, Druggists, Janas; Monk, These ladies sro making great drug storejn Provo, in facVabo1"11' strides in their respective capacities to only one. Drugs of every dweripZ, cultivate an improvement Nn the young be obtained here. They have cn finest drugstores south ofVult ladies of Spanish Foik. This is - e' fiouisbing association and deserves and that beautiful display on side of the store of dressiDU" ea,t credit. cases. albums, and ginning presents? RELIEF SOCIETY. tho art in full ot Herb, Johncj and a 7 President 1st ward, Carline L. Holt; 2d the clerks, who take great Bri i 3d ward, Margery in thepopular ward, Wren Andrews; accommodation ot the public J B0yack;4th ward, Mrs. Ilanson. showing what they are capable 0f b,i When you go to Provo don't fail to CLUBS . one of those nice Spanish Fork has Republican and which they hare. Democratie clubs, both male and female. CLUFF A Y , L. M. I. A. -- SCOTT are the barbers of Provo, aud vrbenxi barbers we dont mean mea whoeni is tire hackman, and does a general say hair and butcher your fac. . trains all meets transfering business, of these gentlemen will cut hair in Mr. Wood will bring passengers from style and shave you while you 23 for to the town of depot any part Mr. J. W. Scott tor many yean co the in over mud, cents, and not tip you ducted the only tonsorial establish, cither. Stables in rear of Hotel Roekhill. in P. V. Junction, but after that ea MB. B.tOWS. turned up its toes to the daises, about J and a half ago, he moved his fr.mil Also runS a hack to and from all trains year and settled in Provo, ami in connects and has the exclusive right of the U . S. with Mr. Cluff effected the firm of sj! mail. We dont suppose he will tip you & Cluff, Barbers. Mr. 'Cluff tl over in the mtid, either. worked at the chair from his infant 8 P. TEASDKL S and his many yeais have give to him a very competent and capable art. Theie most Salt Lake, is the popular genoinl store in Salt Lake city, j'tersis not joang men are fast gaming the patrooof Provo; because the people kno much use of saying anything only to ce w here tlu-can get a good shave, Wt his to those that have not been store, and 0 course they dont now. His four know, for the writer ha catronizd this ore completely jammed with resort for years, and will no doubt con stores tinue for many years to ccms. holiday goods, and in order to make Commercial & Savings Bank of ha must sold, regardless room, they Provo. price. MR. TED WOOD - young Hens is another prosperous institution and up to tho times with their huge stock ol holiday goods. Mr. John M. Thomas is superintendent, and under his management tho institution is fast gaining pop niarity. They moved into their fine brick block a year ago and- - a fine too, one which Salt Lake structure it would be proud of. The holiday display in tills store is astonishing. The fine nrllienware which we .saw talesman Davis displaying the other day would f liriy make your eves glitter. Ladies and gents furnishings aio complete and almost everything immaginable iu a furniahihg store can lie seen displayed throughout tho building iu holiday style. That Inigo bay window shows the art of Miss Ella Snell and Thelia Thomas ot l lie couretous ladies who has charge lire ladies, department, and also Mr. Will. Davis, the head salesman. This store is tho place you can get a nice New INSTITUTION. SPANISH FORK Years present.- Go look and then you MR. ROBERT MCKELL. need'ot complain. lie makes suits from J to be doing some business, comparing i an tell more about it. & Malcolm on Cali times. tho does and with a $14 general bhicksmithing business, upwards, Just try Mr Thomas SPANtsn FORK MEHCAN l It.E CO. on a suit or overcoat and I'll warrant Hughes when you want a square deal. and when you want a horse shod stop was a popular plnro of bu tints which you that he will suit iu there mid he will not make him lame. you in eveiy MRS. J. F. MELLOU iiinseribe chanced to look at and from spict.. He is a holiday MRS. MAGCfB BROWN enjoying has a cozy little snoc shop' around tho i ho tiico toys, mens ami boys furnishings, trade, mid doesn't complain much about a millenery shop next to the enudnets W. her Mr. Charles ami Booth, and line groceries Corner, general supplies, you linid thm-- " and keeps tho best of the geocral manager. Now lieie is Boynck lioit-son would think they were d dug a holiday is Jos. lIurciUN-ON- , the place you cun get a $3.50 shoe for ladies supplies. This institution is conducted trade. the painter End pap.rhtngcr has not $3 00, and I know it, aud if you cant ibcYs STEWART, by a board of dsrectors with Mr. J. J much of a trade now, as it is too cold 1 li pay the balance half dollar. Every This is mother Mr. Wilkin Hanks as superintendent. general supply store, who to do anylhiug in his lino to speak of, body knows Charley, and aisi Mrs. Mel-lo- r, has fur a long time, been superintendent, ol all kinds and does a groceries keeps and there's uut much use ot saying hut resigned for the purpose ot filling a out wlicu weather is good ho Ins always mercli tndiing business. Call general mission in the eastern stst'S. Mr. Dunks enough to do, because lie IS competent much about their reputation and tom amt see the ho.idav goods, one door south ot to turnout tho woik, therefore people no makes some great offer on Iioli iaygaod of Sorlys drug store. pcti ncy to make a lino and cheap pair hr Salt to need Lake for Provo also shoes bouts. paint to or go had take shoes They tor cash, 'and you repair ought HON. W)I CHEER. now is Mr. busv du Hutchison of paintfull hand dirt. a Why mg. for atinost peep in at his stock. ha been attorney for Spanish Mr. Crecr a neat and artistic sign for The Sun, ing they do thiit Ill tell you that. Why they ORAN LEWIS which will adorn the fint of our office do such a (redo that they surley prosper, Fork for many year. Practices in all also and courts of the territ ry. Also carries a man salt oil flio keeps iu a few days. man, It notwithstanding the cheap uargaina little store at the east end a public. Wlu-- you want to sue THE BANK OF SPANISH FORK. Mis AJaMellorit also counectetl, and notory for oine money he won't of town, and general merchandise adorn ocighlair A in cant your This ailventureous institution opened its as a whaling good shoe sewer Mr. Freer and ho Will get it tor see the wiudows and shelves of his establish pay, will her She size) be excelled (for ment. Mr. Lewis is agent for Rocky doors for business on April 1st. last, and you. Office, M dn street. mend your slues while you wait. , Mountain salt and will deliver you coil has made rapid prmiress vor since. Mlts. EMMA REES. cents pergalimi at your door. TUs capital stock ts $J3.,',)'I. 8pini-- h nil for jex SONS, a millinery store, two This conducts banks htxua needed Fork up lady .4 long Now if this is not a good layout I know dealers and contractors, are m doors one wi lumber not tb of Roekhill Hotel, and keeps or ao other. He keeps anything in the to last April, when the mes'-n- t line or around toe in lumber in the lead lino of general merchandise) id his store established, as everybody went to Provo Spanish Fork. Mr, Jex and his sons anything in the millinery line that you little want. Her neat littio show window dmiosit what to Salt Lake or eyet and below the regular price on everything have built a termendous trade since for cash. Call on Oran and Sen what sum of money they wished to saye. But opening up in bpaninh Fork, and why leveals the fart tlint taste is shown in the kind of a jovial fellow ho is. I'll bet now we dont have to go away off fr shouldn't they, for the lumber, lath, preparation of bmies apparel. See her Mi. Geo. I), holiday assortment of ladies goods. depositing eur sating. he'll treat you right. shingles, and tine cornice woik they sell Snell, president, and D E Morey, Cashier, 0 r. A. CONKMNO. there to bound trade the ii go K.B.soiar. Cheap deserves credit, as also John Jnnctfi John also give esteraates on building is the phots artist of Provo, and in artist Thev Now huro is n place where you cui ob Roekhill, John M. Thomas, and Geo. O. taiu something nice. In his huge show Gilbert for thi adventure, and we pro material. These gentlemen are reliable at that. When you want your photoand will guarantio that you will get graph taken, enlargements, or anything window nro wuUiug caucs, beads aud diet for. them sikcoss. Various other ornaments made out ol should your inotuy's worth to trad a with them in the phngraphtc line there is the only mind and bear in pit We recoin ned Mr. Above all things don't go out of towu to nlaeo. Cubnetsf-Jdifferent colored candies. His albums, ronlz our bank and buiid up homo fonkling a being the best photographer get lumber. O, mum mum, they are beauties, aud if a south of Salt Luk or as good as any ia young man could make bis girl present the Territory. of one of (beta bounties, why she would never forget him and a marriage license W.1KNFR & KKNWARD, would be the result. Those beautifully in alt the count o the Practices lawyer. displayed Christinas and . New Years are located at Provo, Territory. They cards which nre in the show case on the but wilt go any where to try etie. lelt of the etoie are too cute for anything, I. A. MEVKBAY, M. D. and as a littio boy said the other day Dan aide physician and attends all call "Mamma, I Want one of those pretty Mr. borley pictures Iu Mr Sorleys. day or n'gid. Dr. Miner, ha been in lias been couuuctcd with tho drug and Spanish Fork blit a few months, and his for so many years that We spiukforthe candy buMne practice is gaining. lie has a thorough knowledge of the doctor a a physician and surgeon in the tlopUyiog of a holiday window and the highest term, lie it absent to California hue will bu with u in a few days. arranging of things iu such a style that a person could not help but notice it, MU. WARNER and when they stop and look at Ids dishas turn in Spamsh'Fork for 1 long time-Thplay they are sure to buy somethin;, doctor treat patients dnv and night. in business in Mr. 8m ley lias been Call on him. Spanish Fork for about four years, and PRIMARY. las c'us purchasing and keen observance has built an immense trade, There am four Primary associations Sn Y. MOCAW Spanish Fork one in each ward, which is making the children happy. When is an enterprising and sons Jeweler, hj they meet a a whole Mr. Jane Argyle man, although limited capital, nrgtio acta as president. shin-ng a for the hsltdays jn lo is fitted up SUNDAY SCHOOLS, manner; and from the looks of his rmdow he is show dig the people wluf Supt., Jo. A. Rees; asidili.. Gan. II. a has. Mr. McCaw come to Person in Jex, N.Smitl; Kent ary, U. W. Booth. February last with his little family and This Is something the people ef Spanish y pened up a jewelry shop with compari-velFork should take an interest in. Under but a set of tools, but by honest, the supervision of these gentleman the traightforward aud legitimate dealing Sunday schools are progren ng nicilf, o has in the past tea months accutnala-iPAtH fork 1 1101R . quite a nice stock ot jewelry, watches Tl.ls choir it considered the Drgeit of tc. Anything that you may want In da lino why w can recommend him, any In the countv. Win. Crecr is prei . ml you will not be sorry If you buy any-dodent; C. W. Booth secretary snd treasury ; Mr. McCsw is the only jeweler gatuuel Corosby, vice president etween Hprlngvlile and Nephl, and be t.M. M. 1. A. working up anici little train. Go xmn beautiful Ins at goods. The young Mens Mutual Improvement jok is worth the attention r f H ynun mnn MB. W. I. BOWEN, 1st ward -- Mr. David T. Lewis, president; our most reliable knrictnan. II councilor. Geo. II. Jr , William Morbdi. 2d ward -- A, C. Dsvl all in lomo of the flnsst horse nm;At Andrus, to this country. Ill er brought Markham, roundUr. 3d ward Jn, Fork. of writ ranch Fptnislt Nifls Anton, pres; Joi-p- h g lDnkl, John YOUNG MEN'S CO OP. BLOCK. Co-o- i, ir s e, THB B. 0. W. AND U. V. Are two reilraods which run in to city. These roads spare no accommodating the public. our pains iu HELENAS but butte Has COLD ChICkentf Who Are Gold Miners. TnE SUN Tho vuat is proving richer as tb Has not made mnch progreai since it years go by. An old miner in Helena, tho last first Bhone upon May public Charles P. Oiove, in calling do a friend, but 1ms made great efforts to keep as the Helena, ndependwt tells 01! up with the times in tho news of saw an in his yard whici outcropping Andrew and W. Kenner II. the day Mr. he thought wortli assaying, and in it JenSen of Provo, are the fonuders. They for it yielded $110 per hn. ft u held possession but a few months when war, near El Dorado when one pretty Mr. Jensen and out Mr, Kenner pulled cannot stub his toe without tearing up sold a not it busiuessjtnd paying thought hi interest to M. L. Scott, of Provo, who ground which covers a gold Chronicle. has since been the firm standot the paper, Thats nothing! Last week J A Mr. Holt being his partner, under the McConvilh-- , who lives on Mootuf name of Scott & Holt. Mr. Scott has one of his chicken for 8 killed rent, now leased the entire plant and will in on cleaning it whs surpriirf the future hold forth at tho helm, through dinner aud to find a quantity of gold nuggets in tb thick and thin, and any person haviug cr-.and gizzard. Having about tbirtj business to transact with this paper the fatter gentleman can be found at The more chickens on hand lie began ki!h:hi Sun office. Tub Sun has in all instances and examining them. In each one tin Hid to uphold the good and will con- found a pro rata of gold nuggets, 81 be tinue right along. We progress as fast as total amount gathered from the means and pmtronage will allow, and will being $387.50, an average of $14.50 t State start out this first ot the year with success head. The told was sold to the nfiil pronounced 18 tint National bank of and the hope prosperity shining bent, McCiinviile immediately on our brow. We thank yon fof your fine.' Mr. 50 more chickens and turned bought patronage: them out r.n the golden fields in (in JULIUS JENSEN, vicinity of the heccoop. Saturday if The Jeweler. carries one of the finest an experiment one of them whs killed and assortment of jewelry, watches, chains, $2 80 in gold taken from its iusids word mine,-Spok- ane p d . . 1 J!. r " f kets, etc ,aul above all dork. i.store show holiday appear & Maibcn. . MUSTARD, Connected wiih MR. 1Jir pie if1fr,p' tho best thing for ache, therefore whin ynu have the tooth ache see him or you wlm wish a false set of teeth. The doctor wilt fix you op, I f ASTLK OATR. it .lli. k00 pwreea that mr ,0 CBa?0B ' j 1 A Sound Ids r J1U U,n!a, Uh jOC()motl? Welt ,,riv "Jon, but not. fresh saliry. CU 11 W. I your Few Yteri dinner, ,u Jj 1 re you bilious. troubled with Jaundiff, ...rf Bad Taste In mouth, Foul breah, i tongue, DvspspsD, bet' Jl Lnck, Iu Kin Ski... Dr, and ITb Chill the shoulders, .(Bj you have soy of three JTn,P, Liver is out of order snd JoU T,sj bsc 15 lowly being poiaoncd, liver dors not act properly. ill euro any disorder b Stomach, or Bowels, It !3 CIO si a Liver Medicine, l'reo sample Bottle Malcolm A ,hl Am! admire the result of a four days run. McConville iias a yhiual Ik nar.r cts to be a millionaire efrw it tho chickens only bold out. Cun Lcleua beat this! IJdtta mountain. d.-n- slice. Wiii .IE MALCOLM & IIOUGIIES BLOCK. timsi souvenir spoons, which he has in is showcase. When you Bn to Provo. , nJtiilog in tho welry line, Jitliu wnt give you the j squsrest deal you ever had. No cheap worthies stock n hand Mr. Jensen .tartml a l.ttle repair shop in Provo hut three years ago, smt by keen snd judicious helms built himself an enormous dueling trade, and if he had not a tqume and busmi , he would Imvo never legitimate iained to where ho He now carrie $10,000 d g. uJii? er.r fL |