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Show WJWWffM. (T5ii2Lmpia5ia zsm&n MWUHfWW WliWO PWIW PISlFilSMFSIIIILi We Cannot all 80 Fair, But WHICH A DRESS PARADE FOR - BUILDING The Worlds Fair Collect EXPOSITION SALT LAKE CITY, THE COLUMBIA EXPOSITION in Frcmiuma. The Greatest Exhibition of Utah's Wondorful Resources. Showing t.er Home Manufatturers, Minerals, Agriculture, Horticulture, Floriculture, Pedigreed Live Stock, Art Collection by Local Artists and Industrial Enterprises. It has been arranged to have a New and Novel Program Each Day and Competitions; Night! Including Educational Contest, Beauty and Baloon Ascensions and Parachute Jumps' a Baby Show and a Sensational Public Wedding; a Colored Quartette Contest a new and Novel Feature. ,$ 12.001) given away Sheep-Shearin- 13 JL330TJT JLT OTJI DOOES. October 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th. SOCIETY. THE DESERET AGRICULTURAL AND MANUFACTURING Curtis P. Mason, President. Hebeh M . Secretary. g FIRST GUN Special Railroad Rates for all Exhibits. Geo. D. Our City Fathers Hold ah Im- ORDINANCE AN w-i- n FRANK J. CANNON local jottincs. tf-- j dt-sir- . r n y pio-pect- -- t nictUM.-men- r by-tli- e sw-d- t 3-- Pati-rsm- $ W . ... 1 Send for Premuim V i!5t Councilor Boyack and ktnendmi' Councilor Holding n of stilary attorney, which t. i' last session, was taken up and filthy, cussed and tho questionwai putrD 1 in the amendment being ;,)St original motion carried so, the attorn, 1 tee with established at $200.00 per , ;1 On motion of Councilor f bill was read by title sad Du, unanimously. Councilor Creer called the attest of tho Council to a report tnt t, circulation that a respectable p,,rtWl our community had been refined the City Hull to hold public iu and said ns far as be hinnelf concerned lie hud heard of nit iffieer making such refusal. Is ti likn to know if possible if tin n, had any foundation whatever. Marshal Williams explained the nu Last Spring I as follows: by thu Republican Club for Hit t the City II ill to hold a meeting ia ,, told them that they could lure it did uot lino lo let the key gnu might need it ih Imlf an hoar, litf them tluif I would be on Mu , ml tlu-could get the key; or Brock bank would be on tltin t night and would hays a key and I fliM opeti tho door for lamps arid put kindling wood 'vc and bad the Iiguss nil rli them, but was called sway 00 dim troi a short time nnd during my abit-licinte and not finding me iinn-- l I had lucked tlleinau'. I nuv lbock bank but did not M wlmt they wanted or he woull opeiifd the house f r them, a short time after I wsit in. to find they had become intultrili'ii Tint is tha only cause that I kii" said rop'iit." Couneilot Cre-Ik liquor ordinance and s"l ' have aineti'l'il other cities tlu-ordinance so as to prohibit ininti-glass or shutter tront. window of a salonn - hetl)"nj ought to amend our ordinance comrel aalout'S to keep their f rr dow free from shutter, ('lines or glas, and lie moved that tlnjiili committea li instructed tn inti'' this itiHttvr.aml if it can le dmii k and report k draft an i.lCI Jl portant Session. PASSED. dut.-dou- r s AFFOftm Pyper, Asst Secy. CITY COUNCIL Of the Republican Campaign TEfITORY Will be Constantly in Attendance. Well, the musicians, tho ladies that up protection sod referred to the many speakers, to tho audience. lead and wool industriee, and illustrated prepared the supper and NOTES. the number of men that would be thrown Published every Saturday morning iu should they be out of employment The audience was most anthusiastic. placed ou the free list. lie had no doubt the base iuent of Malcolm & Hughes The meeting was a complete success. that as the people become educated and a 8tore by Editor Clove, ot the Enquirer , was learn correct principles that Utah will Ite table. He quill driver at the reporter's SCOTT & HOLT. hy a large majority Republican, Protection was arranged on tho wall pledge hia support to Mr. Cannor, not1 he had opposed him iu tlm with tin pans. withstanding Editor. Jes-- e p. II.olt convention. John Coltrm held the lights for the Business Manager M. L. SCO IT The Star Spangled Banner" was very speakers. sweetly renderetl by the Paysou 8tlver n number of visitors were over Quite band. Salem sail Springville, from SATURDAY, - SEPTEMBER 24, 1803. FIRED IN SPANISH FORK. Payson, Chairman Reese, ia a neat little Hon. J. Frank A. G. Sutherland the introduced Sutherland. Geo. speech, lie is a young man who Imd mid Judge J. D. Jones ncdicssed the Cannon, An Enthusiastic Rally-T- he Notice to Democrats. learned lo love home industry while but crowd outside. a boy, by listening to the hum of Ins There will be a meeting of the Demoon Out Johnn Wdson, that genial drug clerk Turn Pooplo the mother's spinning wheel IIo has learned of Provo, was a visitor, but failed to held in Fork of Club cratic Spanish to Koar Masso protection from the everlasting hills sur show up at the ball. City Hall Saturday evening, September rounding lit), aud he has einhihed free busy all day rustCharley Booth 24h for the jiurpiwe of electing tieligiilua ilom from tho breezes that blow over for the free aud badg'-ling Convent-Ioarranging them. We have with ua not an arti- hall. to the Coiin'ry Hint Terrltori il horn as natural a cannon ficial Imt Cannon,' business nud tinnaiict such other That was nn elegant introduction hy loaded tn the mnzzlu with t.utlt. (DeafA full may come liefuretlio meeting. Deliver III First Stump Speech a a Chairman Reese of lion. Frank J. ening applause.) Grand attendance ia requested. Delegate to CnnRre Mr. Cannon Tho introduction was Free Hull and Hopper Wel1 w. 0 Cuekii, Chairman. did mnl in some sense true. poetical comed to tli City. at the ball. learn my first lesson in home industry T. O. Chek , Secretary . wheel. For mother's from my The hall was nicely decorated. spinning years in Utah, until I became large Tom Odnrne, drum major of Provo, n for the was Wednesday busy enough to emu my own living, I wore Fork. no oilier clothing titan that spun and wtm in uniform. of dull Spnniidi Republican I. me, myself uud J. 3. C., of Provo, The Bun is the pnpir to uiseiiLo for. Eaily in the day the various committees woven hy my mother, and 1 anxiously wS uh loikiug ou! adveitisuuent the James Utah W. to T. tench to Read young were seen ffiting to mid fro through our home t'kis isu'. industry. principles of city preparing for the grand demonstra- derlying Dave Tones was there anil tipped tiie lit The Sun ia the brightest paper south tion to take place during the evening "I am ptotid to first lift my voice fautastic, whose in light Utah this county, campaign of Provo, bend in your subscription About 4 o'clock the Pay sou Silver band delegation stood so firm for tfie s uperb Albert Swenson nml the school marm Leave tin. cooler As Tits nights grow Sutherland. My only regret is that danced most grac ful y. made its appearance and enlivened the Regiu to Fall. Bend two representatives to . Utah cannot Booth made an appropriate The regular gi iiea .nl fall flies I ave air of our fair city witli the sweet strains Congress, that we both . might Imv-- . fl Charley of iiiimc. At 5:4 o'clock the R. G. W. fomeueed raging in the Valley. Mr. C'minnn then icen ui'tiiioi-eia momy on' forms, R'y nieiiniud intnour station bearing with took ) Don It. Cora Hie question of centrulir.atinn iit Territorial Exposition He read the planks of the. Re The Address, lrnVo, U t H it Cio ibm, Frank J. Cmuon, the power. lias' aome n the form at tlireln-Salt Lake on October 4, 1893 Hie nf I'litt quesOpens beating The liuming drum eorpa, of Provo, besides publican is untiling iu that pi ittofio Willi the interests of thu public at heart Then tion tvliat ceased m.d H.e .fnrnieM Inive now quite n number of visitors, Timy were w hich allows any danger in that direc thu reliable Rio Oninde Wertern railway gleaned their haivest met at tho depot by the Republican club tion, Inasmuch ns the Republican. has again made its low, round trip rate All tlioso desiring lo exchange pioduce Fork nud alt mirclo-ofS.niuish up have been charged with a desire to cen- of $3 25 In Salt Lake from October 3d for lumher or shmgiir call ou J,x air; Street cars run direct Imli tralize power, let us refer to a period of to 9th inclusive. Main street to N ic I sou & Crei-r'- s Sons and gel a bargain. when a lar e portion of onr fiom li. G. W. depot to Exposition countermarched to 1). Nile's hall our history, Call on W. T. James rod get a nici llo-after a bloody war gnionils. Trains leve Spanish Folk suit of clothes, lie wilt Hitisfy jou where awaited them one of tilts most country lay prostrate iu H- i- hat dr at 8:23 a. in. was The then gnveriiieot and boll) in quality price. in Imd the .red this ever Hid ; "f they prep party mmptumis mtppeta W. T. James lias nlbm l it ot Mm eh n nee to usurp power. Did tln-- do it? mid hundred one fifty Fully and chiidern'e clothing, hats, cups mol place. STRAY BITS. No; besides giving freedom to four Mml a slides which lie is selling at cost. gnets p ii took of the delicious vi.and-- , naif million beings, they gave amnesty We were quite surprised to learn The Co-o- p prides its self in keeping o if I all seem'd in high glen at the future to nil who Imd fought ilgainst the g"V we Imd two Juls in town. Tin that have arrived Fall s. I goods Mliticil pond clothing eminent, except one, :in he would rot other day a cirtaiu gen'lcman locked C'all and ex'aiuitne. Pi ices and quality look Dot tike that the it. modr in a d hi party another a ans w tie accept Young ladies dres. up in a store wliih to yuit all. toward was tenting monarch)'? beam-luu'lided like while-wingetn lie went find serplis, ti have her ptit out help Mr. I'miumi called attention tn Hi Peteu W. Conover, who once reaidei Como Mr, P. that looks cowtrdly P with smiles iis they proudly .waited fact that fur the four alter In Spanish Fork, died ut Richfield, Sevier years twenty Ere the war the Republicans Imd been in thu accuse a woman iaTHuse she refuses Co., Utau, on 'luesdny inoming Sept.20, oo their country's protect'iis. to Vacate her Misbamls pinpi-ltto lock He was iust 83 years old 1893 patriots left toasts of important iHiiitiesi contiol of toe government. When Cleve- her tip and go off ai.d leave Iter impris ho loi'l elected President was land un-seen wero Tiiciispat morning subject! were given with that zest born "tod for some time. C itCely oeeu beyond thu borders of his ii grou;s nn ihe corneia aud with enrnestnesr, and which were given native state. Ho Imd never been inside Mondat afternoon a little excitement in the streets disci long Ilia events ol with that same diyieo of intensity, as ef the cm pLtol until bo Imd come there as whs caused by a tire breaking nut ins held the relief the Republican night was nuticeahlu l iter on iu the evening. President. In.f iur years time lie yetm-i- l hay stack on the block east of the public before and many ana varied were (Ilk) bills, nr nix times inme bills than I re the hour ot cutii quaie. and belonging to Jess'- P. Holt Long criticism on the dilLreut eucechcs. Imd been vetoed by ail thu Republican Jr. Neighbors saw Ihe lilhza wlmn it first & liter Nielson Cheer's lud ws Piestdeuts fro n Washington down to stm ted, the alarm was given ana soon Last Monday night Rasums Nielson ally packed with ladies and gentle' Arthur. He referred to a law recently m a it v willing hands were present tlasli lost a full blood IVrchon stallion, of eager to see and anxious to hear (Ussud iu Mississippi providing that no ing water thereon. The fira was soon Jit black color which lie imported from men, France at a'.coit of $,2590.00. The cause tile Republic in candidate for Dclcenle iiiau cau vote w ho cannot read nr explain extinguished belont having don. enough n Congress deliver Ins (list Campaign a clause ia Hib Constitution. , There d of death was kidney trouble The cus mliage worth During the convening, the Pay-so- suit is to disfimichise 100,009 negroes. of the blaze were little liojs and matches speech.. the understood the If general people Silver bund entet tamed the audience I'tuc, tlu-should be able to read; but It whs repotted around town Timm ups ami downs of an editor or print.' manic, and tliu . Provo ilium corp. remember it was not mote than a generallu-ii us week extend this would that th Republicans did not Inivt day they amused tie throng on the outside, as tion Hint a State since tame passed near enough food for the banquet field sympathy, as we have been working for by far tile larger crowd, for lack of room, law, ago making it a crim to touch any in D ilili' hall four days and nights to get nut tins was compelled lo remain outside. AVednesbuy evening, and Utah Is. not safe how to rend. negro on time. tliat tha liooeg Were paat mound t the At 8:15 Umi. Frank J. Cannon entered with a o that il lofiniicl.i-would that party econd itadte. The above is false nnd Tim kk was a three legged circus in the tiall, ail-igreat applause, many negroes. initlicions. Th fact is there was n tin of E. I lieu discussed the tariff Wilkins, president town lust Monday night. Tim lent ure Jo.epli Thu uptmki-that drew our attention, was a three Republican club, c died the meeting o. question, referred to Hie greater nliundance id food prepared, and banket,, order and Prof. Jos. A. Has was cheied 'I'onrtuoiticS ami many chances which of bread, meat, pies, etc., and a quantity legged ox painted on unura. nud Cleveland chairman., (Appl ue ) Alter thanking tin American le ys Imvn over the world of canned meat, aaloion, oyster, weie way christened left over and distributed io tiie poor the meeting for lli honor conferred, Demo of tin plate and said lie Brother J.Q Dlvialm cami to Spanish Geo Sutherland . of Provo, cr usspoke is manufactured in this next dar. aay no tin Fork with his grinning machine aud is wlm said in substance: I have been re 1 "an go about wearing they yet i red to (lx your siw.ciiir. razors, a short lime end then country, ! rep (nested to sjn-nto our local Time Saved Is Money Mado ocks and fit keys, lie will replace all ao outside and address those that nre Cleveland tin. R publicans "Read, If tho above maxim is line and it in say: Situation, lost keys. there tsscmhlud, Thupivnt issue of study and rill ef, then go tn the poll universally agreed that it ktlien in trav While over at Pmvn lust Saturday the campaign is Froteutiim vs. Free mid vote u feel couvinced. The eling why not take the and com night a scribe of The Sun met a gentle trade. At present there is a Duiiiocrntic Democratic you voted tin fort able train t of tfie Rio Grande West says organ Him but from man serilio tln-Ncphi Courier, Wlteu of HJ majority. Congress Douiocr Uie ticket last year, and if you ern? The fast Coof.-reneand F.xposi. by the wav the Si'M scrilm is minus a nesi came into power they declnted that they Him year, yu will be contion train leave Spr.nieh F"rk at 3:23 n. little walking cane. Mr. F. please leave it would do away with the Mu'vtnlcy bill, dont t o so then appeal m. Fare $3 25 for round tiin to Suit sidered insincere wlc-t- i you come over this way, but they found out that it was not oper to fear not to treasou. Are the people Lake, October d to 9th. inclusive. from when ThnTuscainrns, returning sting so odly as they expected it would, of Utah cowards?" he loudly ak-- d. Chicago with defeat weighing heavy up so they have repealed three provisions - I stand before you not for invuelf," Notlco. on them, feebly excluim-- d. Though and that hy per, cement, like the cud Mr. Cannon, in asking for snffiage, The partn "rahip heretofore exist! heati-8n now the Dutchman cutting off his dog's tail peace we are still iu it. ing 1 love under the inline an I but iu behalf of my party. atylo nf Willi. mu Half Sheet when certain deafest stares it a time so it would not hurt so b id Utah as ns do nil the laiys who & dearly liiisin m in fepnnitfli doing T V, them In the face, exclaim in bold loiters, At tha rate they ure going it wilt take lots stood by th ir mother' spinning cork vilf, tliw (1 v dissolved liy inuMml The Index is still in it. 431 Jests to repeal the wrlmle bill. They wheel. I love Iter industries. Tli Conf-nt.K. Willi having pure,, Mrs Lola Clr.rk has moved 'her atme pro, lined to give us free silver; but when pir"y bn teen fit to make of my huml.h Hod tha entered r Thomas Paten-in tree tha hill In roam silver the the to the R'lekhili building passed self their stmuiurdiird bearer. This is Hie emem mid w ill carry on the u formly "cupiul by h Young Men's Senate it was killed in the D.'inociatlc probably the first time iu the history of iness, collecting all accuunti due Co-oShe has iioy mure room in llmtss, the Territory that a candidate Imr asked firm and pay all hills. I pnpnos to go into the campaign for votes. B fore, every Candidate tent which to display Imr fine assortment pf W. E. Williams ami give to goods She hope's tn see all her old friends from now till November Bill Congress lias known he would be 7homas Paterson to Frank J. than Cannon, and will glva Ih-my ha hearty asked for votes or support elected whether greater bargains SrAxisn Fork, Sept. r, 1393 ver. . Call evety bohy. (Ureal applause), because ha is the muni not, ami the other candidate lias known CanMr. nee of the party. Its would not be elected even though he John L. Suilvan knocked Tha Eckert neck Comedy Company non is not Republican out the nominee beesuso ot aoy should ask for votes. If you believe entertainment musical fina a presented ia bis nr hicsuse natua Cannon, creed, that protection to your wool interests - But Oran Lewis Is in the ring with s In Morrsion's Hall last Friday and but ia i spite nf these facta because bit st.d mining Industry will lie a hem-fi- t to nice a little storw as Spanish Fork aff.rui was Their ainglng nights. Saturday record standi clear aud Iright as a Utah, then voto (or me; if you believe Hall and are his remnants at 5 cents entertainment and the i iirdeseiiinal quit Republican, and be will carry free wool and free lead is tiie. proper Gloves, Ladies dress goods, hats, cant tliroughont was amusing and Instructive. the election with enthusiasm. I am thing, then vote for the yet nameless and most rverything found In a first Those who failed to attend missed a rare tn work for him because I believe statesman whom tho Democrats shall class going country store. treat, . belt going to win, aud I always like to nominate. D!J tou notice how the ads. on the be on the winning side. (Loud Conference, Tho Glee club sang Good Bye, Free ' Index were The Rio Grande Wcsteras Conference Jd1 In of tlm last week Traders, Good Bye, and wore encored. The Glee club aang a protection tong stretched out In order to fill up the epace. John James recently from Wolns made train! 8 Judge J, D. Junes was the next a few remarks showing the differeuce io for Salt Lake! Street car! Yuo' In ono corner apprs the words Soon Taken" (t i the tomb). In another epac speaker, He laid he proposed to talk as tho condition between this couutry and from R. G. W. depot to Temple square He tfie old Excursion tickets on sale from Reserve (for our obituary) and still one bnsinese man talk to another. country, October business mind launched a thin la ef -out. unlike tha not was given to the 3d toOth-a- t plain $3.23 Best of accomtnod.. of A thanks vote (ino jier spacn took on talk alio He tha tion for blank. ail ou the fsjt flying trains. bountyqacition. ts pmut manager1 HP3HF THE BEST MUSIS THE Petitions Granted, Bills Allowed, Com mittces Instructed and Important Subjects Discussed. 1 The City council met in adjourned session Tuesday eveuing September 20th. Mayor Jones io chair. Roll called, showing all present except Councilor Snell. Prayer by Couneilot Gardner. Minutes of previous meeting were read, amended and approved. PETITIONS. Sophia Smith petitioned the Conned tn e give Iter till April 1893 to open Urn atr-lironh her land which they had ordered lone hy October 1st. for the reason thu. she would have to move Iter stable mol as well as considciable fence Day etac-kwhich would he quite incouveioent tot In r to do hy October 1st. Councilor S.icii came in at this stage. G:i moton of Councilor Larson, tin petition was granted and she was given till April 15, 1893, to move said ohsiuc tin-in- . in- -t lions. Report of irrigation committee in regaid to the hill of William Jex for lumber lurnialted for culverts, etc , t with amount ot $23.70, was that su'd bill beftlwi-dOn motion thu amount whs approprin Considerable discusiion followed as to which account suelt bills should be charged to, whether to street account or tn Water account, mol whether the water courses or tiie stieuts should be respond l.k- - for tl.e lords. Councilor Suell moved that hereafter 59 per ctut of such accounts be clung cl to streets, and 59 percent to water accounts. Carried. Councilor Hughes ask for instructions as lo fixing certain street crossing and was instructed lo see that they were fixed and it bill be presented topartie owning the dilclies. Tuk ; UN Company presented a bill "f $13 35 tor printing, which having been 0. K. by tint Chairman of prtut motion ot was, ou mg committee, Hughes, allowed and the amount appropriated. Bill of $27.05 from East Bench tr ligating Company was presented and referred to committee oa irrigation with power tn net. Waleimaster James Warner asked that tin- - amount of $30 00 be appro printed to him ou accouot of services prc-ent- . e-- r r 1 y d anu-ndm-- Coiim-il- . The attorney called the stten-the cuncii to tin disc in which "f y i Iki I'.ati ImeD fined $59 90 sail d iiililc the .amount wa give", of wiiish had been ,pyeii. H l( was held fnr the other Imlt,1 he was nn invalid, lie Hiked W 3 c council release Ii in It" ' r Creer motion of Councilor 10' released from aid bond. On mot on of Councilor Snell f ; !.s 1 adjourned. Benediction hy (X Hughes. , of Notice atofPublicsale Aurtina. v b lill J is hereby given find io p!l, O.i moton tf Councilor Creer the laid nf nn order of tho Probate t'u(t"1 " amount was appropriated. cunty, Utah territory,- - uide Peter F. Boyack present a bid for 27th day of August. A. D. 1S!,A $2150 for services tendered on mailer of lh gu inimnsliip audf1' square. Ou moton of Councilm Widiniii . nud Margaiet , Craig. Larson the bill wa allowed and Hie fho utiiluraigned, thu gund'" amount appropriated. Tito recorder mid (state, will sell at puidic asked tn be excu-cou uecouut of ait k tlui firt day of Ooiole r. 1392. k ness at home, aud ou motion of Couued iur tlm li'iura of 10 a. m. and 4 p at, L'ltson, wa excused. Oa motion m front of tho Post "111.u i" ol I1 O.mnoilor Hughes, the Mil for an ordin city, county and territory ns wntormaster. bt , c .0 ' Mitre providing tor election of city liighest I'iiblur. Forty "Ulcers, was taken up, Imt as the ques ion Imd been sprung as to the right of any city oHmer to receive pay for hut labor outside of hi regular fee. Councilor Creer read the section of the Ihw relering thereto, and said if it whs necessary to strictly follow said law that the Council should take that iuto consineriition in providing salaries lor city officers, as their alaries do nm near them tor the in my committee labor that they sro required to pet form, if they can receive no appropriation from other sources s payment therefor llte matter wsdiscused by Cnuneihus Larson, Snell, and Hughes, creer gave his opinion us to Attorney the of said law and mlviaed the Council to di;cus ' the matter In l'oie proceeding to fix thu salaries of citv films The hill taken upon motion ,,f ot Councilor Hughes was then proceeded with nml pHst its third reading, Councilor inovc1 nn nnicnl mmtthiit $10.00 he added tn tiie salary I the Mayor and each councilor. The motion was discnsed by touncllou Creer, Snell and Hughes as to npmoMd the amendment and hy Councilor IIoh. ng m favor of it. Tho question was lien put resulting in two the amuod' incut and live against it. The motion cf ju-ti- ly Lr'n fr H if! in. to I"1, Oh cliaio prico to he pa'd ' c"1,1 ' th coin of tho Untied Sta'e at ha sale, nud tliu l.iilui.cc to ip"1 vear from date of sal in S'1'" c"l. United Sintea, nnl sii' t .'IK Km by S lid Irobato Court. tittle, interest mid'sln'e t of nily1' ' Marg-re- t Craig, in nud 1 tain (li'CU or parcel of.ln'l mid Hi ing nml being in Utah and territory of 'tah.at'J t ' '. ' and described ns folio. and nlng 13.53 chain tiortli tr :S l I , 3- .''.''I', southeast 89H degree corner u l M, 3 of sect:on quarter of range 8, south Lake it eridian; , u' tln-nc- west!) 13 chains: degrees, west 6 C3 chain, 29' degtees, Wet 73 clmins; east-1i r grecs, west 10.10 tlialn. nU l" ", acres lesa tho area a t'Uf Railm'1 Western Grnndo bu'rua Deed at fxpensn of Isuc J'', Guardian of tha rat'd William and Margaret Provo city, county and brno-IS- 5Doted September t (l 0, ( e William T. DEALER IN General James, I . Merclianaist ,8jj Groceries Dry Goods and Hardwi men . AND CHILDRENS . , , ATf CLOTHING, IIATS, CAM, SH0E3, sail and be gomimed. J . I |