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Show wmmmm 1 1 iiiiaaa knowledge of (he wor,d ara understand f the achoela W a program mid will do A mas y reports are la circulation la getting i'nulUb.dI.fetf Saturday morning U lotion to editorial to that day. But in our opinion to the mount of an 1 th regard to myself and aa they are uatru honor mint of Maloolm Right! ba a public demonstration column end a half, In lait week' Index, end without should i , 1 any foundation whatever I there ifltoro b the! asjd ibould Their aim wai to aaiwer tha three abl y deem t lay my duty to explain my position and everybody and cale BCOTT A written articlei which appear in Tgn to the vV it- - 4 labors and business for css day public. 400tb atrniver-sar- y the In Dealer Sun of September .Sth In vindlcetion , of f style bratein fitting Some of the report! arc: 0 fWf 11.00 their unwarrantable attack s upon our of the discovery of Americs. That I failed to past the examia First 100 Honorablo Major and members of the ation rin month necessary to become a teacher in Three moothi , , . , 00 , Perhaps the Moon is Inhabited. Citj Council; but as their caption itate the district schools. GomE not eem improbable, that in the doe It make no in there answer, but place tbej That I only rectived a prim coarce of event the earth and the moon I aim P( Dolt . . , , , (Editor of the author give vent to her jealoue J7e carry , full line ot ary certificate. may become more intimately ecquaiptvd. in the tired held the g of abuse, calling spleen Third That the trustees refuted to A few year ago- aoientieti Bnterodatthe lostofBon In ftpanUh Fork editor rtf thia papefr vulgar and indecent moon was a dead planet, biro taS oi if they did hire merit would theory that the Utah, for tranimUaiun through th malls flit. and consequently Saooud-Claa- s without atmosphere, i character inward real the nimes i showing Mtttar, be only for a primary school. l has recently This uninhibited. theory ofthezideg outfit, for trulj from the Fourth Tiistl refused to engage at the been entirely controverted. The work SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1803. abundance of the'heart the 'mouth apeak price agreed by the trustees, and tboreby begun by Prof. Holden at the Lick Ob tbi And what are their roitsmts there lias been l L'il! was rejected lervatory U"U Mt. Hamilton, ! 'j. A Llil. the and for. Simply this; The Index people photograph cootinund, iteadly reports taken have It hai been deemedt advisable in order came in to out midat, and under the Meat, il not all, of the above brain by hint and his a'sistants of in the imaginative unknown, hitherto originated fact certain revealed to obtain the full ''weeks oewa for our cloak of relignn, with smooth lantruag, Ellen Jaseman, or better kuow es the rhotogroptiic observations show a per feeder to change our tame day from I and fair proiniaea endeavored to establish and what were her ct map ot the moon, and upon the sumof ditor the Index, I a j busloest. The people believing them resaona therefor? mit of one of the liiuliest mountiane ia a Churadaj to Saturday, therefore onr 8imply this. Whim white ipot which hai the appearanc of a to be ad hoaest and honorable outfit assumed the control ot Tn EON ehe paper will hereafter appear regularly of atmoi the gave them a liberal pat;onnge, but err feared that her flimsy sheet1 would eoon glacier, proving the presenceof the ohere and making theory Ivory Saturday morning. long the clinic begins to wear away oe know of the moon tenable. It is is a thing of the past, and the real character hidden be Prof. Holden that by a conshowing; rleimed by A CHANGE WHEN THIRSTY THIS failing to obtain the aid of the churcli TLiCR TO DRlsi neath, t revealing their dishonesty end mthoritiee of our ward to crush me, and tinuous aeries of photographs, he is able surface the detect chanee in upon eny I of ontrustworthioeii. Instead supporting bint out our In these late days change, are more piper from existence, ehe of the tnenn, and that a bailding fifty VHEN HUNGRY CXLL XNQ ShEME. I frequent then in the days when our fore wd UborlnS for the upouildmg of our sought the lees honorable means feet in height would o- it an appreciable I 1 shadow. d "Old Tim..- -l I, "'!! rro"i"J M ieception and falsehood. i If tha mono fe inhabited, the feet will ALL COURTESY SHOWN TO CUSTOMERS, strangers they Mole ia oqr midst) before ,i ' I r l article. moat Slik slanderous a prepared or ehengee to occur in all tranche, ol thr mBth ha(j past(limi wil their iut fearing to publish it ou her own certainly h discovered, sooner or Jeter, but th question of tha establishment of I jiueinees ant in all channel! of life, Peo home and all their interests are in a neigh- esponsilnlity,ihe sought the advice of hei cnmmtinica'ion Is still unsolved, although I pe sometimes advance themselfe to a boring city) they jump onto our city Foxy Friend," who, by the way, je out in the face of the scientific achievement! authorities and public 1den.kes4.uing t. of the last century we will not predict ,mint when' opportunity open for frjsnd and firm eupportor, ao long aa we that it is uasolvable. I dictate to and direct them in the Chicago Graphic. discharge withinthe bounds of reason and keep hangs, often for the benefit of themselves I their duties, but now ret 'lof ' right. sud sometime, for their detriment; but sharMte, u fait b.crtm;ox kawa lh, Her "Foiy Friend" advised her by ce I sre, howerer, anticipate that the change people witluhaw their 'patronage from means to publish said article as It would now at hand in the management of thi I them and they eoleavor to throw ou ON IMPROVED njure her cause more than any on else, even h8ir Pit P stooping piper nd the article was withheld, but her piper may prove beneficial to thoee con the editor thereof -- 11, fool" slauderoue rned or lo tboU who iutere.t themeelve ,0 ti tongue was not briddled and itiu I tnd while he makes nq great pretentions ilia sought by every mein to lessen my I m the publioatmu of th.e journal. (tp o 0 f ..'undue amount of intelligence and ami influence, not only with my friend, bui Mr. Andrew Jsnbn. formerly munagei I imartness, yet he is not Willing 'to con- elt'ii with tin's with whom I bad net yet SJamckl Cohnabv, Notary public. tu sod one of th'o 'founder of this paper, I cel that he i, illy foul ! Office at lecome Retidenex, One Mock Raft cf link acquainted. Mr A for hil hold bu interest td Mr. M. L. Scott. mm Co op. Store. While I have many faults an have I is quite willing to admit, that mo icli I committed many wrongs, yet I perhaps . . , j ithers havea 'largsr stock of original iJiu, UTAH tin hot afiaid to have my past record SPANISH FORK, 1 S-'jrk, who will, la the future, bo with I , jeai on bai than ho has j but never ovtitigiited and my real character shown I tl.Ctl i u, one of you, an join bands in the niad he hie a wife that is quite iuttl to the jt, wa world, or even compared with her I bo and she sail it that by and may by future development ol ilgent, iooaperity pure soul front the days when ehe per,iat ' I will take to writiog and thereby hole him formed i ffhr, pan.ah Fork. the stage, clothed in men upjn f out; hut if he ever does take to writing Vt ID eppercl, to the preeeat time, I have I Jujjlit (which is quite prob stole) and eubsoribe fact at my comutaqd by which I Oppoit the Harrison Louse, aS position as editor, will give you a of a etory. you many th Bamt iftl alio could inward aad hep'real up U.S. Xe ftuuul aid . GRANT, will Prop. wsj paper, nay be assured it will bs the result of nlwayq m t; 1. ia and decr'P-iv- character, but I desist, as everybody tie own imaginative iiieu alth helm Utah Springville, to fiat out who and what t Ihn not copied from twginning powers and beamt forth this A usual, Tu she is, a I proceed to the explanation nest ome great novelist, nor wII ha depeod 111." of ray preaeqt position. I attended the eek and shiuea is vour imiling 'faces m hi more intelligent slater for ideas, atand teachers exam nation held in Provo lait i th fearless efforts, brim full of spicy h iught am expressions. wag i dune, passed the same and received a around ami iriltei 0 we of the happenings And now, kiaf reidir, though the certificate giving me authority to teach Me wo Dealer in intelligent editor ol the Indu considers ;jout ut, ana cliewhort. school of of district Utah tfie fries, -many the editor of (hie paper a veritable ninto b Whan if change, however, we do and though my averagperesnt county, compoop, or in ether words a "silly fool," lent 1 and as was the when. to so reference not age high passed policy ptbear Lucb I fat has he evar been wise enoggb to iwo years previous, yet it compared baa this which his always fuf paper has fourse eve behind him where ever he favorably wntt moat of my fellow teach or j! antf in the a but SPECTACLES. truthful x'hleved, JEWELRY, only change pari resided a recoid for honesty ere, their also hemg lowered on account sod L noaa. lie pever has been silly' enough of tne baiia of examination being placed the a future, will, Tbs u&cripi isbip. p Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing ' III o run up a board hill to the amount of upon more advanced principle! than In w a it has ia tbs past, be a non partisan to liiii ' 1100.00 and leave it unpii 1 month after previous years. i.ud independent journal with he peoph client; uiOBlh. Re hef pevej both cheeky I Applied to the trustees for the tame " oghts it the people and tor the people. soough to borrosy $100.00 from tha department of school that I taught last Old Bank Building, Our aim will elio be for the cpbnild oank, with the Inter tion of never paying year and waa accepted. 1'riler, with tome other person, A few daye after I had the chance of Main i ig of uur beautiful and thriving little t just to get even .! has neyer been smart emugh to buying a half interest in Tub Sun, bene 'osteal p immunity, and for tha general aad roploy piintars for months at a time which after do consideration I accepted !goce of 11. pfial welfare of each and evtyone vithout haying to pay them. He has for the following reasons. one (i Tbs Scb will aa it has done lines i sever had gall enough to rqn in debt to pearls First I had beet) looking tor some time ut bcin, li.it shorn upon you, advocate the eeteb the baker for bread, to keep the wolf for amploymeet other thaa in the echoo; I truth, . 'roes the door, and compel him to take room, e the confinement and "it worrf and .ia halting of enterprises, and bringing to pi a newspaper devoted to the best in .t out in advet Using or oo'.hiog. lie contioiual (train upon the nervous system Wen M'ir city money end business that may Western of the teresis and elope, parti ue never imposed himielf upon the did not egree with my health, end durgreat It n cularly to the development of the not one, or two, or three, iubrnan ) 'uefit us all uses 1 and after rides month piontb (or IRBJXgmrr-TVTHT.- r; ing the two previous years I hid been Country. ation fi ! but all ol m. For lot pay him. lie has never buea in compelled to hire purposes iocomparablj e otbe(i to tike cherge ti e beatadrertiaiugbetween plisi ' kea fm San FranuiBCo Let ue look around a moment aud want of money bad enough to issue of my echooi for weeks et a time. paper and Denver. be of ii ultate and remember that we are bow jhicke on a baolc with out hiving money Second I desired to he free to come end ist tuv f 383 ivaueiper jear....$13 00 redeem them. therein to Daily, Rn, lepositod and I. fancying that the go at pleasure, Weekly, 12 pp 98co., per jr. 8 00 ving in a thriving but undeveloped com by 'sc n their line of busiaess, that of fraud buaioeia would juat arit tm. rs thin six monthi 1 B0 newspaper Weekly, Is in its which but infancy, and yet inunity diihonesty he willingly admit that I readily accepted the opportunity of rterg of Weekly, three monthi 73 com a tet ' contain is become destined great is not smart un i he has nq desire t investing there in and ao far I have had Address, THE TRIBUNE, though direction no reason to Salt Lake Cm, Utah. m mwealth. We do not htlieve la falsely nake any advancement in that reget ttj choice, d life of a to tut rather honeaty eepiretf th advocate will i Immediately upon accepting said post but our Id ICCUSii city, biomiog ntegrety and uprightness. 'bare no tion I requested of the truiteei a withsteady and substaotial growth of 8pnisb ta coeclusion, allow ns to nffir a few drawal of my application and wai I and iti surrounding communities, J on f, or(ja jn rcar4 ulapei.' What would honorably Released. f'es mo c I readers its 8cn goes to ever) i,a tha ciaditinn of atfiirs did the laws The encouragement I have 10 far met ou I week with unceasing regularity, aud bo provide that city couacila aud logialative with in my new eqteiprtse justiflers my i'ioted I bodies could establish tluif own aalriea? belief tbsf by persistent and energetic ind i iforta will be spared lo giving its readers I Would not unprincipled teisons with de .. . labor euccesi will follow in my footM" fb lion ol Uk. kilt &t.go steps. of will Jnvltcl s I for th. p.lroo W. th.ok th. ,,, Couocll ther. therefore ...r no City I shall exert$oq to P iovits jf spate a I In the past this paper bis received that wan sure of their relection? Would make an cntereiting and attractive l7ne else I D,T risk all people with in our gates to give ,t bo continent for n legistative body of paper, beliviog a I do that 8paoish purpo I their officers did 8rrticlef that and will a ia Fork knowing vraote klnJ, uy support good n contiuoed aid and encouragement ""nl act I not receive sufficient eatery, to reimburee . newspaper, and ahall endeavor to adverfo howl that them for their labor (yet beleivlag tise her many resource and labor conf'ld be uilstthe wtll In return We guarantee retu.e 0 stantly for her advancement and upbuild V short olhw woul(1 iuceed them) arti I nce and publication of tha Spanish pr0Tjj mtficlent recompeni there or? Demorrit, J . P. UofiT. log, I Mndt kn bon conscencioua a fact that not It Is j'ork Bun. ' know I eat, iatellige nt man will more readily pro Y5 r has jj, ,eo Frksident Dabkison has issued t BrAHim Fork ia quite elated over the I for the payment of their sucoisso rs bhnielf OcFriday, proclamation apart setting fllo belie' fed that th Democratic County conven-- I tba they would if they knew that they tober 21st, as u general holiday for the ion la to be held here, which will be imselves would lucoeedl We will leeve i ' Hitler Wl 'red to di I people of the United States, to be cel Saturday, October let, next, when two ourrtderi to draw their own conclusion brated in honor of th JrJ I'h wri of RA8MU8 I discovery isemeth beelJee visitor. NEIL80N, Proprietor. .newer the above question u Imudred delegatee. many t In, America by C8BisTorn Columbus will bo la our city, which will be quite a I them best. J'J'etioDs a We wonder how Spanish Fork wil f h Loom ia the wey of advertielngour felrl and K vc the r of should tek 1 honor and Importer tbit join quill y body day. dealer in Pur bill Com. yo knighte ; that r,a I.urg. The people of Bpenieh Fork t1,hoiB tha axcursion to Castilla on the 21th lost th matter in hand and get up a rousing Home of all kind. ; and their for noted boon boipltelity, rver Fine LeS UoX. Lu ninn brother of will number the a with rh?l8U,Ck that meet timu ff will Vou acquaint young large ehould exert the werld, for ,,pou this occasion they republic I and b,,W and men of brava that the life doinga ntpuloue themselves to malut.in their repuletlou kmghts 1 who could face poverty ridicule and your annual bath. Man "re ,fi thrh entartaioing a lesion , by right royally 'Ulnf ftUui rr f dtrUioa ia rdet to brio a new cortioen fsaE3 ; i : t ' to POSITION, 'tiUIlXf th W. E. W ILLtAMS cos pern . be multi Poultry, ? and : Tobaccos, Cigars and Firie f L habit-ablene- IS JH$ . - : 1 . , . 1 ...... MONEY LOANED ls . m Fartti Property. if 13 j nn THE LITTLE KNUTSFORD A zJ e 8n F. McCaw, f i Is WatGhes, Clocks 19 dg A A SPECXLUTS. 8r., Prepared Pays. THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE w Of Every Description at Inter-mountai- IRayE-'- We are well supp with Presses; Type, Bord etc., and can Guarantee' isfaction in Regard to t Style and Price. Til fh 1 ppl. w .... .1 ... (Birans . . Utah Stock 1 juni" Farm IL. . ms a- tk g BV" t j |