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Show thing but slander to oiTer, why does h now that I am under any decoration that can bo util.ied to make oot producs it at once. As to whether Democrats believe in free trade or not, I will cell the attsn was slaughtering and starving tbs brsv. that 103,000 persons have arrivad ip lion of the gentleman to an able articte lock written by Mr G, D. Donaldson, and y for the gratification of my readers, I Ansvvrs Mr. J. B in that I am not ashamed to tell where I Thsrs srs two points that coma quite printed Th Bur of July 31st, last. Mr. Donaldson says be was a Demo- was, and what I was. in those clearly in to view following the late labor Jdi Democracy. doing crat when I was wearing my swaddling terrible days. I came into Utah with troubles at Homestead and Buffalo. clothes. He ssys he believed in free an ox team in 1852, before First, that violence and disorder must be my friend trade and gives his reasons for it . Why was horn, I presume. ' Utah was at that but down. Second, that the so far weaker NCTHY REPLY did not my friend say Mr. Donaldson time a for off land. I was here ' help party ia these issues the labor party raised a howl? ' I presume Mr. Don ing to reclaim this desert has a grievance, tnd It fcoliooves the country. I aldson knew what he was writing about, was assisting in the of the people, with whom the initfal lawmak-in- g subjugation inflection and and as my friend Mustsrd has not de- savage Indians, that, were then strong power rests, to look Into it if we are r Cartful nied bis position, I shall take it for and defiant. I was hers to retain orderly and free' institutions. Pertiitcnt Study and preparing j gei.erch-Rei.granted that' Democrats 'do believe' in homes for those fins gentjemen of With disorder alone there is sufficient the doctrine of free trade, after all Mr. culture who ehould come here Point. the to or power in the 8tate at present to cope, I)B Mustard has said about me raising a forty years hence, gentlemen thirty of taste, and if there was nothing back of it the howl. Mr. Mustard says he dont know who wear kid gloves; whose hands tre question would at once be settled. The L fl. A. flCR9.j why he was asked to answer my article oft and whites man w.U dclicite thing that is back permits of no such I don't know, either, unless if was be- fingers, (dont say J accuse you of being ready dismissal. cause nature had endowed him with the ligiit flingered, as' you said I accused 1 fails to appear regularly mo'jjt fertile imagination of eriy Demo- you pt being au ex rebel.) I was here L ud as I desire to crat Crand Encamoment 1 gb down into Mr. in the city. adventure preparing the country for fine Democrats Sards political and tell mo, your fidtbst paper sometime Mustards article and I find the follow- to come to by and-bWashington. which I shall denominate misstate-ment- j laboi in subduing the country and yakask that you give ing, Mj in No. and around he 2; but dodges ing it fit for the refined and educated your valuable tries mifftt On ths occasion of the O, A. R. Grand nenple of the east to live in, was all itp cast odiutp on me by crying at Washington, D. C; Sep did etc." not to cast Encampment I but right try your politics are all wrong. be advocated with odujjtp on Mr. Mustard, but arid 1 You know how to work and starve and temborgOth, 1893, the Union Pacific will to free left is truth woulu not discuss with e man who was a fight Indians, but you dont know how sell tickets at t)m rate of one 'fare for tin tjenon. before the febelion, end to govern yourselves. You have built round trip. These tickets are good go an Democrat is 1893, 30, f,tf July until September 2Cth, and good a rebel soldier during ths war, up industries here but you hve no served as Mr. Must friend L'm. right ing until 'October 12th. See I a was and still is to that wbat them D.'inooiat; the L clioseu is Democracy protect against youi pauper labor nearest Union Pacific We of t lie Old Countries, you should and that is still agent. said, my opinion. is chaste, adopt amsu'! language Out upon such non and his proceed a little farther, to where Mr. Free Trade,' ( tea torcible, Lded most beautifully, Mustard declares himself to b a Demo- sene. Conference Rates. a noble declaration (?). He Yop should now adopt the views of Siemaa's article is lacking crat. What For the semi aniuml Conference pf tli Isseutinl element. It is dares to pronounce his sentiments in a the great Deo ocratio party. The party who believed a man Ciiuich of Tesus Christ, L. D 8 , Octobei ' No of truth. newspa city where 80 per cent of tl.e people have ths same political should be a slave because his skin wss 0th to 9'h and the Territorial Fait liber literary production, previous declared Buell disinterested heroism is I black instead of white. October 4tlt to Slit, the Rio Grand 1 tud published for the opinion. seldom nut with, outside the dime You should cultivate the soil and sell Western U'y offers rate of one educating an honest singb novel. your raw materials to England am? let f ire for rouud trip to salt Lake City front should ever contain any them do on all their line. your- manufacturing points , Mr. Surely srch valor wil be rewarded said I raised h"IiowI, Tickets will be sold October 3rd to Oil' ( ; friend is a very rapic when Grover gets into the White Hopm. Mustard I was Imre raising my fatnly, teaching inclusive, limited t continuous memory will not furnish 1 quote sgHin irom my iriend8Plaster:' passai sons to honor tho old flag, and to in both directions with final limit my I an am uot tie (?) fast enough to Hicks 'Mr, hopes ssys It made no difference to punish treason, whe her it went undprthe October 12th J893 Uite from Spaniel jj. I presume there are ex rebel. In illustrate my friend s President Cleveland whether a man was name of Democracv, or some other name, Fork 'and return $3 35. The rose by any other qatnn would smell J. II Bennett. ill just a loyal citizen or qotjlfhe was only quote a as ?enl Pmss, and T. A. Shakespeare. sweetly. good Democrat; that was all ,that was Quoting th language of Madam time, many long years required bf him. Judge J. VV. Judd wa lu fact DeStele, t was here tea'nlijng mv children upon the earth, ia a fai a rebel, and so was Caleb West, dinlguood prophet. Thic West was not only a rebel, but ha was (and in faet nil over whom I had infln Best Salt In the Market. di'iseu mission to fulfill, also a so said the emscu enne) to Iovo God. our country and to reveal the hidden late Salt Lake Herald , when he fi si lihertv. To whom it may Concern; T was here trying to keen alive the unknown worlds, and to came that but dow here; Provo, Bepteuiber 1, 1892 1 lias become the organ l spirit of Republicanism, for thy are moog the children of the Herald I take pleasure in tecoiii.netidiug tin in and sssist to hum mv icii labor and anxiety lie srnonvmous, Democracy in Utah, it presses him toils iounlaiu Lake salt to those putting U iujing up a great coin bosom, and pugeta all the past. That lie wav, in adding another star to the I'Uit er as the be st on the market to cut of etntes who been m now galaxy tre lers, Amnng4bse which Was c lies (Son mil keep butter veet and nice." Havin iiCtriues taught by this patriotism by changing its name. The CONTINUED IN OCR KEXT.l us d butter that was kept eight nioutlii man somewhat bloody shiil is no iongerfiaunted in the I, was a and waa gold on the market tor thirty-livli One as a factor day faces of the American votr inspiring. cents per pound this ecasorf . Aa two boys were walking up the glit, if he tried, rettui in pnljtips. I wish mj readers to hear in A. E. Lisklkttkii. street the other day. with a rag inrnr' t towork and n a short iniucf that Mr. Mustard yn the first to Jj. F. Milner. a Witness, to h bq his ip ind newspaper Ug a forth revelation ught flaunt the bloody shirt, "please remember He the read hide is wotd,Tlm j the all For stores. Ask for it st st, in snip tile most (list. I will just call the attention of my lag written And turning tn Itii mmpninion h it. Oran Lewis, if the east; after much friend to a press dispatch which I clipped said Wltv what tn the world do they General Agent. m by a ffiend, fie von from one of our daily papers: "Nm The other muunnr"d t atieurion of his prophet since 18HI has such violent threats and mean bv that. d. Tim drt i t that he himself Imd blaster been heard in Congress, as during himself as he in if. still Ohl t von dont out wonderful spiritual Market Report. the present session. Polierson, of Tenneg debt ia the anterd,'n' to i. fli," said the prophet, see: Bankhead of Alabama, and Turner exclaimed in Tim is still debt Corrected that nut-- t Jndet weekly by the. 8paoish Fork (hander, for the good of Georgia, have fatten rank as the most Co-othey ntean- wag as well as a pro radical and defiant cx Confederates, in m. : iritteu your revelation? 'V hatred heat ooc per bnsliel of union proclaiming implaoable President Harrisons leMir Of HO O.ts te would be revealer of soldiers and a forced determination not .$ ! 21) per cwt. and I will much longer to submit to paying pen ceptance is nearly as long ms th average cries, 100 to have you rend it message. If aaw tlm I'gli The above President 90 ions, to men wa fought," cat upon its' merits. all Democrats aod during tlm week f excitement 1.10 named gentlemen N 'w Y ,rk an uclt formality he drew 20o per pound x rebels. Perhaps the "bloody shirt" thn cholera acare at New Qrlean, nt I at contests of his pocket and of 20c per dmec gave s not altogether opt politipy. v I to wlto read it ita alter tneea wre far perusal The old 4 00 ptr too Misstatement N. 3. 1 know there were a ntny j the sound of disant thunder sad begun to carefully Every 2 c each at the begining of our civil war a great read letter this week M r When he had hody 30c uscript. each men who were rial patriots; men Cleveland it ths writer to him, acd many pronunciamento, 7c per lb urave aud noble whose love of country fail will to liim, Brother, your during leg trimhlnu 7c was far above all party politics; they hoped, After that the time. compa;gn will te client; the language in were not tn be found in the south, how nn both feet. If we are to l,r nights ate arranged .in ever, where treason grew and ripened President ITnrristtns otienlng judge th irder, but is lacking in gun, ithout Interruption, but they were to chief element in fact, no lagiies of tho campaign will tm th' be found among t5e patriotic people of tariff, the proposed untaxing of State it ay y.ilue without It was these the North- - Foremost among u have drawn it from hanks nnd reciprocity. A. Douglass, of Illinois. I am instead of the great Stephen The Ogden fitxndard aaya : Yesterday af aware that among the people of this igence, otherwise it is the hare mention of the name ternoon Dr. JovCe was called to Uintah b Territory, non of my own. It Dauglass provoke a sneer. He at that attend James Penman, who was attacked pearls which a man time was a. candidate for tits Piesidency, and seriously injured by a ertzv man. ut being examined by on the Democratic ticket; hut was About 3 oclock in the afternoon Pen truth, were found to lefeated did not join man went out in aearch of a atray cow a He Lincoln. by iut paste. southern wing of his party, but took abort distance down tlm railroad track the went away full of AND INSTITUTE OF PENMANSHII the platform fir the Union and did all While retnrnining to Uintah he waa great learning, anulfed by the tourist, and bitten in a that he c uld tn save it (mm overlhro AND SHORTHAND. use a western phrsse, his political friends were induced frightful manner bv the m 'nine before Attcmonn and evening session, Wes' istion fur Ilia historical Many of by his Influence, to join the Union army. he conld get free. Ilia cheek and c Co op. Hall, Pmvo city, Utah. Call aon e "plaster itself. The Such men are worthy of something brow were cut open, and about half li'a see specimens of penmanship and lcr tken fiont plastic, soft, waa nose bone bitten dead off, and and all. entirely more than teats for the praise G. Y. DIX, be of interest to the for the are worthy of all When lie released himself penman ran to particulars. living. at my friend's Deinc Principal, honor, they are men whose patriotism his home, and the maniac waikedons by actual measure a further and attacked aon rose above their political teaching; they short distance irs than twenty-sevebelong to a class that treason could not of Mr. Penman, who retaliated with ters ol a 1 yard long. Men whose allegiance was first club which he happened to have, and , Contains no less than corrupt -- T : I fellow out cold. The I to their country. Our first duty UiJ tbe V 1 1 givtn curacfiI wont call is to our man1 rwaa notified end tlm sheriff we a have that after country I't if I did my Demo such policy, in governing was lirought to Ogden end placed in tlm id accuso mo of being right to1 adopt we deem will bring tile county jail and locked up. lie gave his as ourselves bays no desire most happinesa to ou i selves, Without nnme as James Click, and will probably bo sent tn the asylum at Provo odav Have your photograph taken at TonaVl BlVw Violating the rights of end! other. He hua tlm reputation Where was Mr. Hickkg in the time of Tn attending to the injuries of Mr iesn.odnsjly lie will tho war' asks Mr. Mustard with a sneer. of turning out tiie finest Photo, nman Dr. Joyce made eighteen atitrhea Moled out before I get Then he read me a homily on tho sin of a bringing tho injured graphic Work South of .Balt parti together. misstatements to put Lake, or even ia tlm Territory. own mindin and ! two and my at home, one quarter staying ou liim. Call wh insist that h did experts I know Eye ow does II people liusiuess. stay M's entire article. Io at home? How does he know but I was wish to prest-rytheir eyesight will do Ill lias of my friend's well to confine their reading as far mit.ll ... I. . .u .1 at the bombardment of Fort Sumpter on possible to rogn!, fit faced typo, and to MANAGER, I'1" fver memorable 13th of April 1801 . one years ago Inst Aprti? How avoid that which is tall aud thin. It 21 North J Street, 1 1 OV I thirty to do an i was oni of (boss was ths shape of the type of tlm tiny frteh, kow French nobis Democrats, who s'pek for slavery, edition of Dante produced st the minute-ncsexposition almost as mu It as its Satato rights and free trade. which blinded soms of the persons Oa that Sunday afternoon begin the ths sheet. most cruel civil war that ever hacan engaged in oorrectiug distance among the earth people. A Another important point iaisto avoid war which coat the nation nearly a too wide a column or the eye strained . million live and over two billioni of The only way to neutralize ths tendency dollcra in cash I IIow does he know but to auch strain ia to turn ths bead from -- OF I was ode of thoso border ruffians whom side to side, after tho manner of shorta width column of Tho the Democratic State of Missouri tiie sighted people. : hints of the Jsmos brothers used to of reading matter ought not to exceed iloeii..iitVlll0j II wnd ths outsido two inches, because that tut to harass the good people of isat about Lutt.r vfgl' -A- Tths natural range of tbs ej K0,Ml,eMUM the d,J not wUh to to motionless. bead is dispute me at extend the boundaries of when tho kept or slavery ; hi. written yard how does he know but I was Pittaburg DiepaUh, r .but inn ony tg y8t ons of Quantrells bushwhackers, Tho multitaJd at .Washington Is being I? rsll0D R2lnst indi who burned ths town of Lawersnes in augmented by tho arriving train Republican party, hourly Kansas, end slsngbtsred ths inhabitants, which empty tliouiand of portons st CHILDRENS HEADWEAR A SHEC. . , - that nlnety-ninmen women end children because there tho ' 'o Nliole IALTY. national of the capital to witnes gate mDcrstic wm where ths anti i ; 4 . slavery constitution what it predicted will bo tha mnit Pilce Lower thin the Lowct. ilsndsrous re- furmulatod? How does ha know but attended and most successful R"iubllcani, put io was Everybody cordially treat J. 1 was Union army and was largely of tho G. A. R. ever bad. ToCall and Examine our Goods tNnu, Democrats, defeated inst ths meeting Bull Run, by those brsra" Before Purchkiiog sliowhero, nilicrs under, night tho city is swathed in bnnting, rmJftU'ud has ,0d parotic friand of Mr. Sfuitsrds national colors and every other from of LAST. & J. -- ant 2 $ MALGOLM & HUGHES ?' tvT DEALERS (E5 at DRI,l u - n Boots, Shoes, Hats, Etc., Etc. Main Street, SPANISH FORK, t f4 j William M . Thomas, . DEALER a IN Vegetables, Etc, 'Mh Paid . bush-whacke- ILIDMlIIHCSa I. -- fe? Fats 8ato and (Huskem?, Bologna Fresh Every Day. e Spanish Fork, Utah, t j refl-cte- p. i enn-dnin- 1 ny nr - FOR a. Ty ("JOINCr C t r ",7 Z3 CON-LING'- e O. A. CONKLING. r W.I.. m s m GKAND Openin'gI Fall Millinorj) Mra. e say. a tL 3B JsJ IS E2 ub- y ' Farrs. ONLY $2.00 PER YEAR. . |