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Show Ml CITYCOUNCIL and up to the shore, where the prowd (having by this time left tho grove) were . Published every Thursday In tho build-- ' We standing watching her approach rowed in with all put might, boarded her Ing Jut north of Malcolm & an hour glided smoothly over the , Hughes Store by Session Called The Day and Sunday Schools and forpeaceful, waters.. Acclamations of A Special still, W. II. KENNER &AKDREW JENSEN ; Last. Night, ! . Qutlng'Last Friday, Ob, how lovely ! Isnt tills grand often reached mine, ear, I heard one young . JUNE 23, 1803. THURSDAY, years old, say, lady, over twenty-fiv- e Bolt, With the Assessor. ever saw. a boat The first time is I This the Our Correspondent Compare H With a , ap4 Accepted , Presented Report, of any kind oa the water." One young Similar Event Elfteeu X ear Ago. man, nearly thirty years of age, said, This is tho most water I have ever !; seen.;' The council met on Wednesday evenEditor Bpar.ih Fcrh Eun: Jones in too for soon soon Our hour expired, ing in special session; Mayor . . - . . i: . t Desk 8m Last week I was In a several, none too quick for somei- - As the chair. Mayor, John Jonea. state of expectancy aud anxiety. They 'for myself, nothing would have suited me Present, Councilors HugheS) Creer, i . fVYm. B. Hughes, Said In Sunday school that they were bettor- than a voyage of exploration Snell. CounW. 0. Creer; Boyack, Larsen, Gardner, ' ' ' was going to have a jubilee on' Friday, and to around the lake, i the Rufus P. Snell, only absentee, he cilor Holding the lake, Oh my I Monday, "Tuesday, . Our day's sports are over, and we are Councilors; Thos. 0. Holding, being in Chicago. t Niel Gardner, Thursday what a long to wend wearily our homeward way. Wednosdty, Minute of previous meeting read and Larsen. Marcuuq ' time. I counted the days over and ever. How we could have so uuqh good time 5 Peter P, Royack, approved. ; fancies I was All would but tbit nettles. boyish one can in the meeting oq pot see, that my stated day Jones Marshal, Benjamin Williams: Mayor ' roso up in my mind,- as I remembered it could always last. City attorney, Wm. Crcer.."-had been set for Saturday, June 25, in Recorder, Samuel Cornaby. about fifteen years ago, when our SunThe days proceedings passed of very order to give the assessor time to report, Treasurer, Wm. Robertson.. school was going to have a jubilee to smoothly, no sad accident happening to but as the roll was ready he thought it day Assr and Collector, Hubbard Tuttle. the lake. Thou as eanh morning dawned mar the. pleasure and enjoyment. Qh, best to call the meeting last night so that Sexton, John Robertson. I would ask my mother if it was not yes; t had nearly forgotten 'Miss Clara there would be time enough to send out City Inspector, Hubbard Tuttle. Pound keeper, Rees D. James. Friday now. I grew impatient waiting. Jones and Mrs, Ellon Robertson, who the assessment notices before tho board Precint justice, John P, Jones. But it came it passed and fifteen years were riding ou horseback, tried to run of equalization met. Constable, Rees D. James. , have rolled by, as it were, on electric over the mayor and bis wife, who were The report of the assessor was then The read, wings. I look back; it is but a span. riding quietly 'along In showing thait the asaessmont for this - ... oh! where have all (hosu years collision broke the axle. Where, to $295,420, This is $57,-67- 0 amounts LOCALjJOTTJNCS. year flown to end what developments, what time has come to close, and I 'Well, ' my more than the assessment of last sheriff Fowler is in town. chabges have each succeeding one have been trying to think' what my name year. Mrs. Mcllor presented us with a lot of ' brought forth! What a difference in the is or should be," On motion of Councilor Larsen the renice plo plant this week. I see by reading the Dispatch there is a port was accepted. surroundings at the lake and the long E. C, Ilenrichsen, Proyo's pottery stretch of country.between it and Span- writer called Rio, while from Sunny San Larsen moved that the rate of tax be man, was in town on Saturday. ish Fork. Truly the desert has been Pete comes notes from Zero; and .' over fixed at 3 mills for contingent fund and Mr. George Hartley, a watchmaker of made to blossom as the rose, and neat there in Payson is a scribe named Hix, 5 mills far streets.' in town on rovo, was Monday, cottages have sprung up like magic here so I believe I will name myself simply Crcer amended the motion so as to : ' pr. garner capture a 'young mink 'andthoro.' ' ' ' ' ' Dix. strike out the 2 mills contingent and about three weeks ago, and it now plays ' But I am carried away in reverie till I mound the house and is as tame as a cat. assess 5 mills for streets, but received no a to was write partial A Surprise) Party. On Sunday afternoon two cows were forget myself. I second. killed on the Rio Grande Western road, description of our jubilee. Hughes moved to make the tax 3 mills laOn Tuesday evening a number cf at the crossing just this side of Sgring- Friday morning found me astir before tor contingent and $ mills for streets. No ville. Old Sol abed his rays upon our lo rely dies and gentlemen of this city met at second. The firm of ewis Stewart & Co., of earth. I was at "the meeting house on the Boyack House by previous arrangeRemarks were made on the subject by on their a this city, has been dissolved,' Mr.'Rtowart time and with several other teams bedded ment, object being surprise the Mayor. continuing the bubinesi at the eld stand. for the lake, somd faking one road, some Mrs, Dr. Warner and the occasion her Creer, Larsen, Hughes and from' the We wish him continued success,' 'read The city attorney Pii-niand a couanother, but I believe (as is always my twentieth birthday. the matter. statutes ' concerning E. B. Sorley, our druggist, returned I took the worst' one, for it was ple of freezers of ice cream were prehome from the east bn Saturday last, lie luck) The motion was finally put and cara When in was all readiness, ow pared, mud. reports having seen some wonderful tramp through ruud, mud, So that our city tax for tia year was formed' and started on ried. sights ahd having a good time generally. the horses plunging in above their knees, procession is 7 mills on the dollar. That with terthe line of march; Slowly and quietly Robert L. Battle has the agoncy for now the wagon sinking to the hubs; but ritorial,' county and school taxes will machine castors tor wheeling organs, we got there just the same and on lead the cavalcade wended its way down Main street until it arrived at the doc- bring it up to about 14 mills. stoves, etc., from one part of a building of the van, too. Ou motion of Creer the compensation to another. His place of business is in As we neared Mr. jikins! place we saw tor's door. Then, with a gudden rush ! ' assessor and collector was fixed at of rayson. ' ' something moving amng the tree tops. and a pattering of feet all bounded up $150. James Hutchinson's advertisement ap- What can it bet Is it some monstrous the stairway and iiito the presence of Dr, On motion of Hughes the meeting of pears in this issue. lie announces that Warner and his wife. T) doctor knew i ho Is prepared to da house, sign aud bird flopping its wings! Oh no it is the the board cf equalization was set for about it, but the facly was taken so ornamental painting, paper hanging and glorious stars and stripes floating in the all J uly Oth, at 10 oclock. Saturday, What a gush of pa- unawares that it was some time before decorating at reasonable rates. morning breeze! addressed to Wm, James from A letter The firm of James & Woodward was triotism wells up iu our bosom as we see she fully grasped the situation. The the Castle Gate, Emery county, brass wa handshakdissolved on- Monday by mutual consent that dear old Big waving proudly above surprise complete. After was read. It stated that the band band, Mr. James, having purchased the interest our heads. and were all over, congratulations ings and people from that place were coming of Mr. Woodward, will continue the buswas assembled in the parlor and settled down Mr. We were met who Aikins, by iness at the did stand on Main street . to Spanish Fork to spend the 24th with Ilimself and for an evenings enjoyment. kind and obliging, their Freeman E. Tanner, of Payson, manu- Very friends, and asked that a celebraTlfoge present beside Mr. and Mrs. to make all factures and deals in harness, saddles, family did all in their power tion be Rock-hil- l, arranged here to join with them. etc. He also tans leather of a superior comfortable and happy, and to tbeir kind Warner wore Mr. and Mrs. John council The then adjourned. Mrs. Mary F. Mellor, Mr. George quality by a ne.v and Improved process, hospitality and Make yourself-at-hom- e after adjournment the Immediately and invites the public to pall aud inspect like expression on their faces, and their Butts, Mrs. Lois Clark, Mrs. aud Miss in met council caucus and decided that his goods. mother and sister of Mrs. Warner, rustling, euergetio labors are we indebted Reed, too short to do anything for was the time Mrs. Sarah Ray had a tent pitched at for the success of our Susan Miss Mrs. Jane Boyack, Boyack, jubilee. the 4tb, but appointed a committee conLake Shore, last Friday, at tho jubilee, About half past ten o'clock the scats Miss Vina Rockhill, Mr, and Mrs. Harry and WHS kept busy all day dealing out B. Hughes, Mrs. Mary Isaac, Mr. and sisting of the judiciary committee with icecream, yoda water auu candy. Some under the bowery were full. and city attorney added to arThe aesembly was called to order by Mrs. Jobq Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. mayor Lake Shoro, parties also bad an ice cream a celebration on the 24th. for range stand there. Superintendent Andrew Furgeson, when Kenner. exercises were yery Harry B. Ilughei being called upon The professional card of Wm. Creer the following LOCAL ITEMS. for a lODg, responded with that beautiful attorney-at-laand notary public, ap- promptly and ably carried out; pears in this issue of Tub Sch. Mr. Then in Remember You'll Me, ballad, Mountain Our Home, choir, Singing, Hello! It pays to read this. All C'rccr transacts alt kinds of business of a s Prayer by the chaplain, Elder Chayka his rich tenor voice, snd afterward he kinds aud sizes ot adobes and legal nature aud is the only attorney in Monk. sang in a clear bass, The Old Brigade, inside brick almost given away at E. H. Spanish Fork. showiug that lie is a vocalist in a variety Johnsons brick yard. Give him a call Singing, choir, Hope of Israel,! Marshals Sutherland and Deputy before you buy elsewhere. of ways. A. Monahau were in town on Ftiday Address, by Superintendent Joy. ' Mrs. Jane Isaac then fayored the comwitnesses in the Janus Hansen Rees. People keep asking the papers for unlaw ful cohabitation case. Mr. Hansen with Nora political after information; when they could which McShanc, Grimes' Father pany Grief, by Recitation, find all these questions had his examination on Monday and was plainly and corall were invited into the dining room, Miss Tippet?. answered in the Practical Politirectly discharged tor want of evidence. ice where cream, cake and wine acd cian, a book Music by the Lake Shore baud. recently issued and for Dr. Tike was over from Trovo on TuesAn address by Bishop Lorenzo Argyle. other delicacies were partaken of and at tbi office. day evening to again see Wm. Lew is greatly enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs, Warper Remember that the express is Song, by Miss Jane Rcwa- loy, who is suffering from pericarditis. drayed had follow The littlo been getting better Recitation, by Miss Annie Furgegon, presided over the refreshment table and free to and from the Union Pacific defor some time after the doctors formot hqst-es- s pot by W. R. Jones, who is a reliable Song, by the Misses Brown and Jones. they performed the pqrt of host end man. People wishing to ship yisit, but he is not doiug so well now. Don MarkC. royally. Counselor right Remarks, by are respectiully requested to put itexpress in bis German Ellsworth was arrested in ham. The remainder of the evening was core; W. E. Hctcuinos. rayson on Tuesday night last, by Deputy in songs, games, etc., until a late, Singing, by Addie, Barbara and Fredie spent Marshals Sutherland and Monahan, the The last, and it is hoped the best or rather Duvls. early hour. charge being unlawful cohabitation. He temperance meeting of the series will be WedMrs. Warners on was Music by Lake Shore band. birthday wai taken to Provo and ptaced under held in Creers hall Judge $1,000 bonds for bia appearance before nesday, but the people met on Tuesday A. Saxey, of Provo, is the Singing, by choir. speaker. Some the grand jury. and reremained to evening good temperance songs have been pracBenediction by the chaplain. long enough On Tuesday the primary association After which the assembly dispersed ally celebrate the anniversary of her ticed for the occasion, aud temperance ' had a jubilee, lu the forenoon an excel- for hymns, priuted on card board by Tn luncheon with the understanding that birth. Sun office, will bo distributed anions tho lent program was rendered in the meetThe party broke np a little after 2 the children were to reassemble at 2 congregation. ing house, and in tho afternoon they met o'clock and the company dispersed with on the citj hall square, where ice cream, o'clock, Where the point of the mountain exmusic and dancing were Indulged in. Your scribe did not wait for said many wishes for the future happiness of tends into tho lake, about seven miles Altogether they had a general good time. meeting, nor for the afternoon sports, Mr. and Mrs. Warner and many returns directly west of this city, a new bathing On Saturday evening, at American lie was impatient to get upon the lake. cf the enjoyable occasion. being established by John Fork, Jed Mercer, William Mace and So hsstdly swollowiog his lunch he made Last night the glee club met iu front Ilallett and other Provo parties. The bath houses aro now in courso of conEd. Kelly went boat riding on the lake. of the doctors residence and gave Mrs. struction, and it is expected they will be When they were about two hundred for the shore, where he fouud a row Warner a scranado, They were invited ready for use by tho 4th of yards from the shore the boat capsized boat, aud with half a dozen fair damsels July or at and the two latter were drowned. It is to accompany him, set out for a row on in and with a number of others had a least by the 24th. We wish the new enreported that they were all under the in- the bosom of the lovely lake. The water jolly time in singing, with music on the terprise success. fluence of liquor. A special Union TaciCc train could not have boen better for such an violin and piano, uatil an early hour this passed The Presbyterian day and Sabbath this city on Monday through moving, schools enjoyed an outing at Castilla occasion. Tho lake was calm and placid morning. of the consisting pay car and a director! car, bjTing on board the following oftl. Springs last Friday. A special car was with scarcely a ripple to mar its quietude. 4th of July Excursions provided by the Rio Grande Western, Oh, how lovely it was gliding oyer the r0a1: and was greatly appreciated by the chil- pure water. Now dipping our hand in Are ever popular and successful. The qennh8rr General Manager E. around and the cool dren. Dinner, merry-gtho rippliug exceedingly low rates offered by the Un- Dickinson, General Superintendent W with liquid, playing II. Bancroft and Superintendent plunge and hot baths woro the order of waves caused J. IL by tho moving boat; now ion Pacific this year will insure thorn an ioung. These tho day. All had a good time. gentlemen are takings to and to hear the business. immense Excursion on tickets over fro, tho road on a tour of Jnspec- np Williams & Tatlson, late of the firm of gently rocking tlOQe Lewis Stewart A Co., are preparing to girls scream and sco them cling to one sale at all ticket offices of tho system, For dates of sale and limits of tickets The Lake 8hore band, which commence a green groecry business in another. As we issued from our lovely played at he school jubilee on the building between Mrs. Mellora and bay Into the broad bosom of the magestic or any additional information apply to Friday last at the the Chicago store. They eipect to open lake, we b held tho steamer Helen, of lake, are deserving of great crodit, Thev W. E. IIl'TCItlNUS, rendered the music for the about the first ot next week. Tom says day in a verv a row of dozen half Agent Union Pacific System, Spanish excellent and chickens as Provo, with a tug he will continue inru-H- u capable manner, and when soon to was wo consider that this band has boats. She us, past us( Fork, Utah. before. Success to the ucw enterprise. up been or- - AT THE LAKE . OFFICERS CITY SPANISH FORK v- ' - - - , ... their-buggy- . 1 1 first-clas- I o , fr bav eaimed only four months, the 'boys it instrument before, an played ing neyer the they eee to progress s remarkable will continue have made. W hope thev success. them wish aud wotk in the good at At the examination Cf the teachers nine of Provo, on Monday and Tuesday, the Spanish Fork pedagogues passed. They wero Jessa I. Iloit, Jr.$ Agnes Ruth Lewis, Harry Jones, Agnes Angus, John I. Amelia Rees, R. Brimhall,' and Jane Bowen. Lewie Mary Hayes, . Jane Bo Wen iB a graduate of Prof. JaS ana Lewis and Mary A.- Rees' school Jonh I. Hayes bare both attended the B. Y. academy, but went to school here the !! : last term, , ; Rev. Jas. F. Beates, of Salt Lake, and Rev. A. P. Martin,- of Proyo, were in this city on Tuesday iu the interest of the Jcelandioe Lutheran; Mission, and the towafras necessary steps wer$ taken a church in the of the building starting will be beginning of July. The church built on the finest location on the bench, between Eigth and Ninth East streets. The money for the building materials will come from the Lutherans in the east. Rev. Mr. Martin will be superintendent of construction. , What might have been quite a serious accident happened' to ouf townsman, Jesse P. Holt, Jr., as he was returning Tuesday evening from the teachers ex amiD&tion at Provo, accompanied by bis outfamily. When they bad reached the skirts fit Provo their horse stumbled and fell, demolishing a shaft, but Mr. Hell's presence oi mind prevented a:y harra a flash from befalling them. Quick-ahe sprang from the buggy, removed his little ones and unfastened the horse before be could arise. A stick and an ax were obtained and a temporary shaft arranged, which enabled them to reach home about eleven oclock at night without further ' ; : accident. Last Sunday, June 19, 18,92, was the 59tb ' Inrihday of one of Spanish Forks pioneers, Jesse P. Holt, Sr. Brother Holt came here before there was any Spanish Fork city, and settled up the creek, about two miles above where opr city now stands, at which place he lived till the Indians became troublesome, when he moved to Palmyra and there re mained till the move up to our present His site, where he bag since resided. family, children and grandchildren, gathered around him Sunday and par took of dinner with him, and in the after noon bad anlce cream party. Tps 8un joins with bis relatives and friends in wishing him many happy returns. Last Sunday, in Provo, Peter Grcos maon informed a representative of The Sun that a letter received by a member of his family from Mexico conveyed the intelligence that Will Johnson, last winter a student of the B. Y. academy, and two companions, were sleeping nat in the hills near Chihuahua,' Met., anc that a coyote approached their bed in the night and bit Johnson in the jaw, sinking his teeth in so deep that he was unable to Johnson awoke his go. friends, and they killed the animal by cutting its throat, but still they coulcl not loose its hold, and finally were compelled to cut the coyote's bead to pieces before their companion' was liberated. At last accounts Johnson was out ot his mind and it was not known what the result would be. He I Nominated on thn,. 1 ; Ballot. : The Tgsparora Knocked ' f;mocritryynt " . - - lt Al. Rockhill and Geo. 0. Gilbert ba new bicycles, and last Saturday a lari crowd gathered on Main street to wat their antics in trying to ride the whe The cycles acted very much evuse ponies kicking up at like both wi enc running sideways, throwing them offai causing their heels to fly ip all dir tions. No one in the crowd seemed ab to mount and stay with it until Uarry nughes camo along. n got aboard oi of the machines, and his heavy weigl we suppose, enabled him to bold it lcv and he sailed gracefully up and dov the street, but fortunately he crossed i bridges -t- hey are not insured. His so cess in riding added new zest to t business, and in a little while several hi learned how to manipulate the tw wheeled curiosity. We now have a nun her of experts in town, and bicyc club will soon be organized. Fourth of July. The Union Pacific will sell t!ck tween all stations In Utah at one ft the round trip on account of the I of J uly. Tickets to be sold July a Fourth, limited for return to July 8 D. E. Bcblet, General Ag E"ZnP Street Locomotl (UtTwajr ways, or street railways. The Green anglue,wbloh lain use on fifteen lines boiler o( the locomotl? type, tn(j c on four wheel The valve gear is j,of binary typ The englnUWe4 tn few bl rttndlnf to within toe covers the wheels and It fitted with steam tod to nutomatlo brake and band t rr- 1 atS-d- fS b surface condensercwi of large brass boxes fitted with abc ttSPrl4Ube,a to tondensad steam fle nd h whu tul hot, pi Wk thto K hollar, -Eaffixmrts Vice-Preside- 0,d ytng Newly Miss KewWwbo wants on,old Mr. Batchoilor-W- bat panyl H to brh Uoheloi about i At Lonelyruie (tenderly) fc linger hero, Is Do you k and why I t lilt! village two works ago! oh (archly) you b0BJ to your board.- - 17 rrhp la ' . - ; . gtrai " i Yesterday tho news was received w by telephone that, the Taccirorti knocked oilt of the Chicago convsatia! and there was great excitement oa ot; streets. AJdcmon stratum was talked ol but the city council meeting iD) otl.(i things prevented, but a grand tin ! had in Provo. Wm. B. Hughes received the following postal yesterday morning from the 8pp ish Fork representative : ' Chicago, June 19, 1832, W. B. Hughes,. Esq .Am pleaaeed'te inform'you of our safe arrival, end m preparing for tho conflict, The city k Thousands still keep coming. wild. Our delegation has been well uinr and expect to take a little Indian blood and a few scalps from the Tuscaroru. T. 0. Holdmq, In haste yours, Their expectations were realized is wil: oe seen from' the following telegram:. Chicago, June 23. The report of th and the full commit; were both unanimous. The couTentio adopted the report unanimously. Tk democrats are jubilant, the liberals blue Utah will be all right ! in the pTstfara. n rubbish at a diacoutt! Tk Powers admits hi is complete. victory total defeat and says lie is dose. Hi. ritt has been named as national commit, teeman. ' .The 'Tuscaroraa are divided Some will turn straight?. Others m drunk and swearing mad. This morning tbo pews came that ' ver Cleveland had beeu nominated a the first ballot, having received 616 votes i The convention was in session il night and the ballot was concluded r 4 :10 this morning amid wild euthusius Anti-Moriiio- Gre-- Is influenza a little relief is sometime obtained by painting tho 'losiae of with a cajnels hair brush ort swab dipped in melted vaseline tiny This process will answer for young chil dren, but oldsr persons may snuff up tk vaseline. , FOREIGN NOTES OF INTEREST Tog greatest sailing vessel of Ger many has Veen launohed at Geesu munde. It is built of steel entirely, feet long, 45) feet wide, 28X feet deef It is of 4,500 tons burden, Zg Vienna they have a single word &a occurrence very common with thee Iff the winter the bursting of a wste Hochquellei pipe. This is the word: fc wasserlieferungsrohrenfatalitaten." The Grand Medical Council of Enj land has issued n order eompellkf medical students to five years stud; hospital attendance and lectures, befor being qualified to appear for the flu examination. Mobs than 04,000,000 francs hi" keen expended eu the construction f Mie Church of the Sacred Heart In Pri and it Is estimated that an expeeditun of 5,000,000 francs more will be reqaiw . to complete It A coo bd nvo to the National Zeitunp. i eevnpany has been organized in Bib burg to forward persons by jmeumia tube from Hamburg to Buchen, bo fifteen miles. The distance, it h w poctod, wJU be covered in pleren mb DATES OF INTEREST.5 Waite, the popular German nation dance, was Introduced into England t) Baron Necman and others in 1811 .The game of tennis was original!) brought from France. It became fash lonable in England In the reign of Charles II., Thx first striking clock was Import into Europe by the Persians about tw a ysar 800 A. D. It was brought AbJi-from present to Charlemagne king of Persia, by two monks of 1060-168- sulcus. The first entry of gold brought tod mint In England for coinage occurwc la Edward JII.s reign, 1341 Tin eolnod by Charles II., 1C4, and F metal and pewter by his success James, after LU abdication. ''Hoaxed shoes were first duccd in the roignof William Bum Robert 1090, by Robert the Dandy. shoes were long and pointed, tl) to being turned up and twihted like ro horn. On this account history to' Qurntly refers to him as Robert Hornod." SOiyiE AMERICANS. Mn. Winaks, the atate superintend'"' vr of, public Instruction in Ksnsssi formerly a bricklayer in Atohlsda Wuxiam Wirt Uaemr, of Richmoii la sold to Is s grandson, though would scorn as if he must be t Pf grandson, of Patrick Henry. Be lawyer and so authority on all pertaining to the history fit Virgin A coasting party lu Oullfonl, reocntly consisted of Orman Cimp aged fivt years; his mother, hi father and Ids ninety-fouThe party coasted oi the long hills for an hour, and the Joyed a hearty backwoods breokfa r great-grandfathe- r. r. |