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Show mm to xYvnh v' -- the Scottish Bsrc Redress. Grant to ould Move Behalf of the Sufferers froo of HI. Fatal 1VM, Dut I tee Ilbyw" by a Detroit " rreta Toet. ... TcrSntln Si v to smoothly flowing rhyme, 5 gie us, Xme kind power the giftie s- ther8 8C iflVursels humbly prayed for this:, ; khadyou ' ns Unorunce and blls, ri . our present lot . 1 Pa! . iRs that w know not blessed Slltaii map your name had : . . ' (the explanation is suppressed), ' ; rlum(. m power your wish o'erlieard taken at your word, (.Sirs ran soo we In your day, ivhwaymen bold, that roleJ P n1 dowa the kluK''1 highway, 'Xny lj iteo L : ; ? ft' 3 4"v .. - .tV A-- I or OX THIS MALICIOUS CREW." jjere gentlemen aye Christians, too- - . . i 'orapared to this malicious crow ITbat now Infest each lane nnd street, I Moot we In walks obroad must meet, j ,Skm simply asked for watch or pursei lhttt ask for nothing, w hich Is wer tc. j nor sallied forth with sword or gun; ; rv are not armed wltb either one, ;ney press a button," that Is all, none .But escape them, groat or small, md whether wo'ro prepared or not ,1'e're caught by artists on the spot. Have a portrait old, 'tls truo, . Put Hubert, 'tls of you. A sweet, attractive comeliness, Xs in your face, and ' ' lu your dress. Tho aitlst rcayh I i ,' flae-pi- nd , Has e'er I c lib sad -- Si.O'.vh you a. bo. t Jyourvm-- Suppose. Instead some wretch ac' curst Had caught you si at your very worst, And fixed" you tc be handed down-Ipose, to shame s very clown. Death the hawthorn's fragrant shade, warmly wooed your Highland maid, nony a vow and fond embrace," I wonder when aui U was the case, r : ; i. If you'd have blessod-lhwily Bend, Who, by the trcachorous lU k tree screened, . iVhen You Wi' ' tie the trigger bntton-n- ot presst - d,' Put as you clasped her to your breaslT Perchance you wished fo A friendly social glass.' slyly sip Ymirllp' the beakers rlra the button "Ive got him I" Hid scarcely touched Smpgoes chuckling imp next day dioplays the error of your way Sy Aid ,, Proof of , ; at your Nancy's feet you knelt, Pray tell us how you would have felt If had you beard that fatal snap, lust ts you whimpered on her lap, flThen ih) . KICKER. Ouly thv Genulu Huutler (an Racovad In the Wild Wet. Town We Rhe Shed Her hull Annual!;. A Neapolitan physician has reeenttn; described a wonderful case of hysteria ers said to the engineer on the boat: I You will get your discharge if you ain't more careful." What for, sonny?" F You forgot to wind up that clock the hands haven't moved since we left' Galveston," replied tho youth, pointing to the steam gauge. Texas Siftings. iu one of his female patieuts, Tho case has been prolonged and aggravated, the peculiarity being in tho fact that the lady thus afflicted annually (usually in the month of June) sheds wi-' both finger and toe nulls. This remarkTwo Thlug left. Only i able cliaugo is preceded by & tingling the biggest sensation, If ft prominent man in England gets 'ATTAcnwCAi. In the and thumbs ) especially mule ranch in caught cheating ut cards, said toes, followed with suppuration E is all Arizona, and great tho of apropos at tho bed of nails. From the thno who will prob- of tho first the affair, what becomes of him? 'fctfw tmesewms sensation at the tingling fS U.K0 S0UARL It V , "There are only two things ho ctm cVe ably be our root of 'the nails, a week scarcely lTON,Al vuTA.M. i suiLord said commit next governor. do," Noodleby; FOR SALE BY before every nail on too and finelapses The history of have been spontaneously shed like cide or accept a consulship somewhere the major is ger tho skin of a snake or the shell of a suab. la Asia." Judge. t h a t of other The learned M. D. attributes tins caribustling, ener- ous affection of tho nails to a disordered getic men. Fall- terve function. . ' FOR OVSPEPSIA, ing as a lawyer In Chicago he came West, killed a malt at Cheyenne, bought When Woodi Decay. A LENGTHY INTERRUPTION, an old mining claim in Nevada, shot lests liavo been mndo to 'determine another man in Idaho, ran for sheriff thd variations In fhe Is an effective remedy, as numerous testlmo. length of time that nlals conclusively prove. "For two years in Colorado, killed a man at Tombstone, is required to produce decay in differI was wconstaut sufferer Horn dyspepsia Has attained a standard of exeelleneo which and finally settled down on a ranch at ent kinds of woods when burled tinder and liver complaint. 1 doctored a long Siliuli of no superior. , Deep Cut to enjoy the fruit of his labors the surface of tho ground. Tho birch time and Hi niedlchies prescribed, In nearly !( contains every Improvement that Inventive tho and take things easy. His case is one and aspen were both found to decay in disease. . every caso, ouly aggravated guulus, skill aud money can product). An apothecary advised mo to uso Ayers which the youths of our country would three years, the willow and tho buckSarsaj arffla. I did so, and was cured do well to emulate, four iu eye yeats, tho tnaplo and the St a cost of 5. Blueo that time It has red beech in five years, elm and ash in been my family medlelno, nnd sickness has Got Last Left. we week had seven, while the laroh, juniper and 'They become a stranger to our household. I a few words of fatherly advice for the believe It to be tho best medicine on certh. vitaa were uninjured at the expire -- I. F. McNulty, Hackman, fiununerst, frowd down tho river. That they are uon of cijfht years. . Lowell, Mass. a bad gang no one outside their ranks disputes. They are always blowing, A WATER CLOCK. w FOR DEBILITY, quarreling and bhooting, and our sheriff says tho gang docs not hesitate to It la a Beautiful Dices of Work aqd ReV. 1' take in a sheep or a steer now aud then quires no Winding. Is a certain cure, when the complaint origiOne of the attractions of the beautiful without inquiring who is tho owner. nates in Impoverished blood. "I was a We advised them to wash up, shave up Monte lincio gardens, at Rome, is a great sufferer from a low condition of the and git up and be white, and had somereally unique clock, which is usually an blood and general doblllty, becoming finally, so reduced that I was unlit for work. Noththing to say about a visit from a vigil-Anc- e object of interest jo groups of passers-by- . These Organs are celebrated for volume A general view and description of committee in case they did not ing that I did for the complaint helped me quality of tone, quick hwpotiHO, artistic dcslgnl few bottles a so much as Ayers Sarsaparilla, beauty In QuInu, perfect const ruet ion, iiotkiuj tliis curious and artistic piece of memend their ways. which restored uio to hcalOi and strength. them the most desirable organ for homes, ol Rein we is tho llorologicql cto. got word that the chanism given , Tuesday night .( take every opportunity to recommend this schools, churches, lodges, societies, ' , gang were coining over to get revenge. view: EiTABLISIIED EEPETATION. medicine In similar cases."-- C. Evick, 14 E. Mr. Cates (u tko moonshine district,) In company with a few frieuds we took The caso is composed of threi Main st, CUUllcothe, Ohio. EN EQUALED FACfLITIUN, You started t' marry us this puirnin', up a strategic position outside tho oflice brandies in rustic work. It stands up- KUILLED V eUKMF.IV. . BENE MATERIAL, FOR ERUPTIONS parson, an pot us far 'as askin' us and waited. About midnight nineteen ' whether we'd hev each other when her of the river crowd rode tip, forced the COMDIN1D, HAM Till And all disorders originating In Impurity oi le man came' up.' front door of the pfiiee with a rush, and the blood, such as bolls, carbuncles, pimples, scald-heascrolulou, POPULAR ORSAB The Parson I did, blotches, dashed in to secure our scalp. take only and the like, qores, Mr. Cates Well, ivevo swum Snake there. It wasn't Books and Plano Stools. Instruction river, clum over J!.;ld mountain an It was outside. MMMWpe We dropped a chap named Tcte graded Simins swamp; an now that Catalogues and Prto Lists, on rplloatlom.runs By fRCPARKD weve shook him, wo winter hay yes and the reRiocado, a an wind up tli mainder w ;re allowed to ride off in a PB. 3, 0. ayes' & CO., Lowell, Mas a, : CH1CA60 COTTAGE ORGAN CO. Judge. Fries l; U bottle, 3. Worth ,5 a bottl. Cor. Randolph and Ann Sti CHICAGO. Ilk 's In a Terrible 1rrillr.inient. aclioon Dashley Just remlinj' an count of a shipwreck. Aetew remained for days in sulTering the crudest pangs of hunger. ' . iVchsr&ctcr!0 LITERARY. A i lw lu Price??11' DOMESTIC. Cashley Olf, pshaw .These, ivories flvs cents (sUmps) to convince os that you want sample copy. Ad, fret, VpiiAV )VoitK, Athens, Oft ' yx qre always exaggerated. t Dashley They even thought of cannibalism when they went I In own upon - s Jr desert iblaud, but even here they could t r. get nothing to eat 3 , j Casliley Oh, they could have worried or along on a little moss or TIIK WATER CLOCK. something. to no of Thick it m a square stone block, surrounded on cigars Dashley smoke. its four sides by beautiful leaf plunts, POETRY MOTHER'S CORNER & Answers Queries Cashley (with suddenly awakening A cosy place to rest and learn. ivy luul grasses. The stone foot stands better than In any other Original and of the highest character a Poor devils! great variety. paper," aaya a rceeut letter. Horrible; wasn't Interest) within a w ater basia. The upper part HOME PHYSICIAN it? America. Tha beat health department of the case contains a dial covered with LITERATURE Correspondence , to ba found. Dure, fascinating, improving. A chutijr pair, full of taporiw glass on each of its four sides. Upon nc and gov AND BOYS UgeLtau. GIRLS V Keeping llini a Enver. the cupola stand, 4 a staff, which carries FLORAL PAGE . A charming png for Ik Mrs. Sharptonguo D'ye mean t say A gen) of beauty and valus. Other Department. the two bells for the full hour and the young. - and MlMcIlaneoua Matr, you've been married ten years an never ITS DBOrrED A CRAP NAMED TET COOKING quarters. At its upper end' is a small FANCY WORK pteaalng and valnable '' had a quarrel with yr husband? -. will Our apaelai pride and th A department that Woman's Won man! ha pleaao vane In the shape of a battle-axBIOPADO. houaewlfa's spwlal help, scan to ha appraaiatad. guu. Fair Stranger That is Late, madam. The frame for the wheel and the And ye always let him liayq the last panic. We didn't really mean to kill levers of the striking work, in which a Pete, but the elevation of our shotgun small word? pendulum takes the centrifugal without over ho a fell and too was the high, Yes, madam; I wouldn't for of the fly, is close underneath the place kick. The coroners inquest, coffin, dial. At the back of the clock frame world do any thing to, lessen iny husbands love for me. lie might pet care- undertaking, etc., cost us 13.25, but it oscillates the second peudulum, and bewasnt such a bad investment. lie fore tills is located a mass of rustic less. makes No. 10 in our private graveyard Careless? . similar to a large coral growth, find the gang has been taiight a great work, Yes. We arc jugglers by profesfrom which issue small jets of water at DEALERS IN whatattention no lesson. ' Two of the Pay sion, and at two performances every moral upperregular intervals. of ottr the to he ever contemporary. while board a ravings I stand against most coral branches are water conduit day X. Y. Weekly. He tried to steal tho bones of a dead throws the knives. from which flows alternately, pipes, to sand of lot mule and half an acre each at . swing of tho pendulum, a Rinali TWO CHAHMINQ WOMttf, destart a p. g. of his own, but was of water into two leaf-lik- e quantity tected and had to publicly apologize. The Quern of Itou mania aA Ur J'arrmitr spoons underneath, imparting to them Millie. Vueareieo. an up and down motion. Oro New Man. Tho sfory on our The love nfifairs of the young prine. The peculiar motive power furnished r, is enamored of tli fourth page entitled Bosina, the the water keeps the clock in motion if Jhnmmnia, whoMdlle. by tenof a facile is from the pen Helen Vacar favorite, remarkable escapement, so a by a breach derfoot from Denver, who is working that very . cu, arc threatening to cause never it requires winding. The We week. otween the king and queen. , The for us at a salary of St per of the clock is due to a construction makes it rather liko the style, and i will not hear of the match, and monk, as is tha case with so many old phat" for the printers. upon Mdlle. Vaearescu leaving , pieces of art work. Year 1T74. court; but the queen, it is said, is still Tlace India. Chance to Save Money. Time noon! Agent I am informed, sir, that yoo Scene highway! (ire about to build a new house, and I ('Two horsemen! should like to sell you a book on architecture. (Two horses! . !One tiger! Mr. Suburb Dont want it. One jungle! Agent It may save you a lot of A roar! money, sir. May I inquire what sort of A shout! a house you intend to erect? One door South of Mr. S. I have ucccpted a plan for a Report of a pistol! Rockhill Hotel, When! f 3,000 house. Whoopi Agent (triumphantly) Well, sir this book shows you how to build a .3,000 Hang! Saved! ITurrah! Tho above style is a little fresh to house for only 810,000. N. Y. Weekly. this country, hut as it is only costing us Benefit of Hanking. 4 a week to introduce it, we shall give George I say, Jack, change me ft it at least three weeks trial. Detroit ' five, won't you? Free Press. Jack I haven't more than enough for Ituulnwa. of Sams Lins and car faro in my pocket. I act lunch Two old friends met on Madison is, I dont carry money loose in my avenue the other dny for tho first time pockets any more. 1 put it in tho liauk '(1 in ten years. After tho customary and pay by cheek. of them said one and roumania of etc., or hands, shaking he queen I don't care to bother with thcdis. FAVORITE. to tho other: I always carry money In my pockets, now? ro--What are you dting and I never tnir-- a cent iient on making the match, nn.l will Me? Why, I am a dodor. What her until bfit you are not married. tho to king return to ,0 A charm-a- g are you doing? -- N. Y. Weekly. , j.vmi'j is restored to favor. I've killed a I t of men myself since which Strictly ,IIulne. picture of tlm two ladies (ofreminis-er- n I saw 1 am sheriff of u fronyon Inst a slight has Old Gent I understand, sir In fact, ur artist given Texas f Colorado. lu out tier county e in outline) is to he found in an I know Hint you and my daughter are work recently published by filf.ing'!. very rapidly toward matrimony. edging entitled Astonl-hliiJcRsrs. riiai'inan nml Hall, Penniless Suitor It is true, sir, nnd, Mrs. Smith? Elizabeth of Itoumania, by Blanche although 1 am obliged to confess that it Lily Who Is that with him. of fond seems It, very will have to bo a cose of love In a cotShe doosevi Rose That's her husband. tage, 1 hope glgn of Wraith, oild. And theyve Lily-H- ow Say no more. Love in a cottage is Cllhoidy Arc the people months. Leslie s Ulus-tra- t the truo ideal of happiness. You have three rlmarried h? next door to you so. 1 ot d Newspaper. my consent Cus Do Smith 1 should say I Oh, thank you. silverware they carry A Cut. ought to sec the I Texas Providing you can show mo the deed tufting. le pawnbroker. to the Wife I see, dear, that sroilng for the cottage. Good day. Good the caused by a person alivni herp;ng V lot likely. News, the ap togt-mouth open during the nigh Paris liko J"' was just a bip loiportunt Information, Husband Is that so? luen . " nip (Si Venus. time A Galveston boy cmnlrg to the smart iu snore dny don't ton Tin wou.i wonder you Wm n't it? I suppose one of tho Mulloi v steam on New York ' 1 nclc. -- Light. have given it to Minerva. a c a 11 yesterday from Maj. Jim Porter, of Deep Cut, who owns ?,- Send-dleberr- y, Uordon-Cuin-min- g tow - Ayers Sarsaparilla i I v half-bree- ccu-mon- , mid-mva- "!$ ,-- ft i1-- sea-wee- d ANTHONY & THOMAS, MOB IiSmI 0 Vegetables, Etc. in-h- I COTTAGE ORGAN THE ph-en'- 1 MIL CHICAGO Man-Eate- Ir.h' MachW Ayers Sarsaparilla s Til rV) h , ARIZONA ac-o- A' " THE Ayers Sarsaparilla without disguise, appear to others eyes, shall see; ,, , .,S no boon, as you much misery. brings instead, ! Ilera is a sample bulletin; nas been sleeping twenty minutes--Mo-Ilaby re that took a great fancy to that young aaan you introduced me to in the next section, and was rather inclined to bo :r6ss because I wouldnt let my precious pull his newspaper to pieces. lle erics whenever tho train stops, hut seems to liko the motion of the cars-s- till sleeping II arrlsburg, 2:45 p. m. A bachelor friend of the happy father, to whom the latter confided the baby bulletin idea, smiled one of those appra-vatinp smiles the unmarried man keeps aonstantly in stock and said: Twenty years hence, old man, that boy of yours will send his own bulletins when he Sfoes and they will lie briefer and more stirring messages than his mother's. Something of this sort: Dead broke send twenty dollars quick! -P- ittsburgh Dispatch. . aih Paid Tbf Fat My& and dhieksns, Bologne Fresh Every Day. Spanish Fork, Utah, tSI BUTTON Aud she the Jade A would KUP TH TRIGGER PRESSED. about to give negative? you have said, then, pert end pat! nun's a man for all o thntr ear your locks you would have torn. AuJ groaned : Ah! man was made to mourn. "'Is hd more weve to bear, ha.l Jt no turn to you In our despair, AM beg you, without ceasing, pray loo god, to take their gift away, and give us hack those halcyon days, aen wo pursued our various ways, without a thought, or that we should sou oursulvos us others soo. grievance I could dl.tt-losf these urc not ouc-bul- f tho woes wish has brought to uien; this u tjuito encugb, I kea, , show nur plight, and why to you "e look for; then, adieu, oioet whore are no days, . ., h. .. , s. Vours, ntoh' ' Victim pr the Camera .mCrazi. L. ; BULLETINS roly FHOM CADY. from They Will Dt Aroquout lint Different, Yar, non o mother mul licr first a tender monthlin?. left lurgi, to visit frlondH in the East, 8 former sent bulletins on postal Jn, ,r11' l,in' or uur htopplnrf places-. fi'tlier, who was, or wns sup-tur'H a very critical state of y tt,( ut tho baby's entire fi.iMy . 11 'Abbiueus, Those Desiring A P) 0 0 u ys, Rl JUu s and kind treatment will call at Brewertob, Irvine & eas A STORE. v IMain St., Payson. |