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Show 3FMS SIDEfB Published every Thursday in the build-- ) , jngjust.noith of Malcolm & t llugheo Store by W. II. KENNER ANDREW JENSEN One year.., Six months Threo months.. ' W. $2.00 1.00 j 60 II, Kekneu, Editor and Manager. THURSDAY, . . JUNE 23, 1903. - t T At tbs Optra. mamma dear charming And grandballet. in the looks The Enquirtr of Saturday last pubmamma in the pink tights on the end lished the following article in regard to seems real giddy. Kho is flirting despensiono for the Indian fighters of tho perately with that young English swell early days in Utah. It will be of inter- in the left box. He Why, that is SwaggefS. Hi told est to tie old timors and they or their me that he was about to elope ' children should givo it their attention t with q ballet girl. Life. Colonel V7. II. Kimball of Tork city . Much Wri Off. favored ui with a pleasant call Ragglcs Don't beg there. Them This gentleman came down to look up folks is wuss off than we are. ' some of Lin old command in the Indian Beery Hen They dont show it. wara of 1820 and 1853; S. B. Moore Baggies Oh, I know 'em. They're and Alex Wilkins aro ambng tho mem- tryln to cut a dash on 83,400 a year and five children to feed. Harpers Bazar. : bers In this pity. Through the efforts of. Mr, Kimball the members of the militia of the territory, up to the advent of' the Johnston's army, .are entitled to draw pensions. Three million dollars have beon added to the pention fund within the last two years, and liberal previsions mado in the pension law so that it includes the "survivors of tho yoluntccr service and their widows, minor children and dependent parents. A disabling pension will be paid to such Burvlyors and their widows, orphans or dependont parents, whether the disability was sustained in an en- UTAH VETERANS. , The foreign Iron oad etcei men are Visiting every part of America, and taking in with a critical eye the leading tnanufactoriee devoted to their line d ' kerk. Sir Edwin Arnold poem, The Light of the World, is written in blank verse, with lyrical Interpolations, and Is arranged in tlx books. The author states bis pur ' She ITow 'I ht She to-da- f rut' j row NOW READY! parts had recently eleven suicides in , one day. It was a good day for suicides. Paris has more suicides than any other tity, and that furious and dosporate gagement or not. Col. Kimball has had some difficulty drink, absinthe, is at the bottom of many 6f thorn." in getting' the members of the Utah milTDK PRACTICAL ' itia recognized on account of the rolls of Lord Rayleigh, the Dritish scientifio the organization becoming lost or deexperimenter and writer, has shown that at the time of the fire in the stroyed 6il calms the waves by smoothing out and Eldrcdgo bui.diug m Salt Hooper tne ripples of water so the wind cannot Lake hut has succeeded through Days. city; a on so a them; Exactly got grip plea WstUer Wough, aid of the J. P. and 8. 1 . Wright, U., 8. f'V ant temper promotes harmony. Gwacious. cried C'holly, suddenly, , claim attornoya of Washington, D. C., r at dinner, 'there are thirteen people at A Handbook of American Poli' Thomas Magee sounds a warning to who have authorized him to forward table.', tics, as applied to Utah, rethe world in The Forum on the subject them the names ot the survivors or their Oh, no, Mr. limbi, whispered his duced to Plain Language of the Chinese. He says they are taking dependents of our early Indian wars. fair companion, only twelve people and Easily Under T . ' and "Life. you. is and the world, what more, will prob- The colonel recommends that all who stood Explanaably got It Tlje Chineee iwe all day may be entitled to pensions under the tions, of nearly A revivnli-- t in the course of an anirunners, and those who compote with above provision? writo to J. P. and 8. 1, lJ00 pages. e will mated tntion but exlio; Ah, need to rlao early and sit up them enclose a stamp for reply, and a wright, Heaven is ,. home'.' wu list of questoipa will be forwarded for Just then voice in the rear of the Tns Society of Friends of Music at them to answer. If, after this list is re- hall shouted: I thought you lived in Vienna offer 1,000 florins for the - . turned and examined, it is found that Chicago!" Judge. Ecctoyog conipoQitlcq' prize in 1893. the within comes the proviapplicant The prise is open to musicians of all HANDSOMELY POINTED sions of the pension or disabling acts, nations. The competition will close their application will bo filed and for If arch 1, 1893. Compositions must be AND BOlND. this a charge of $ I will be mado. No 6cnt anonymously, and identified by a further charge is mt)do till the ponsiou is motto. They may bo in the field of allowed, when fee of $23 will bo The enly opera, oratorio, cantata, symphony or sonata, lacb competitor can only enter charged. Col. Kimball went down fo tho lake the contest with one work. Inst evening with Mr. Wilkins and passed The most useful book of the kind ever A story is going the rounds of Har- close to the scenes of his encounter with published. Indispensable as Ready Reference on all local and genand the on is the professor, the Indians, under command of vard, joke eral Political Subjects. lie is a very forgetful man, and In callwhich commenced Fobruary that ever struck Spanish Fork, is prepared to do ing the roll, although his class is small, 0, 1830, and continue for thre? days. still has to rely on a prlntod list. The II? iikod bis reception last evening better other day he found to ha dismay that be than his first reception in Provo, and the had forgotten Ida list. What should he music of the military band was sweeter House, Sign & The Histories of and Differences ,lof The office required a report of the to the aged veteran than the memory of between the Parties ' attendance at the lecture. IIo could not the whistling bullets of 1830. 3? JLTXTTI2T Q-Plainly Told. remember the faces or names. Aha! a Col. Kimball came down in Captain happy thought. 'Gentlemen, there is Geo . D. Grant's company, vybere he ocPaper Hanging and Decoratino ono seat empty," said ho. Will the cupied the rank of lieutenant. This comme is gcntloman who absent kindly tclj pany yyas followed by another company and everything in that line at his tjnmci" under th? command of Major Andrew Reasonable Rates. CONTENTS Thisworld"of ours. Lytle. When they arriyod they found The Persians have a different name tho Iudiana encamped on the river bot- SPANISH FORK, UTAn Preface The National and Local Govertoms. They had taken possession of a fur every day in the month. nment-Election of President and It is stated that in some of the Eng- log cabin near thoir fortification of cotThe Electoral Collish agricultural districts the population tonwood, and were lege 1 he Senate and House of Restrongly entrenched. lias docrcasod forty per cent. 6ince the presentatives The Supreme Is still Captain peter Cownovert who lost census. Politics Generally The Convention Fouudution of the Ant tho chickens hr the western part with us was commander of the Trovo of Trench Guinea are perfectly white. militia and joined forces with tho Salt Parties The Tariff Public Ex- and Collections - The It is Impossible to find one with a col- Lake Ou tho morning Dealer in Eenditurcs ored feather. Congress The Reciof the 9th Ope carry came out of the Inprocity Question Political LegislaIt is claimed that in the vicinity of dian fortification to have a peace talk. tion The Force Bill The Silver MiUlura, Victoria, Australia, one man can attend to five acres of poppy plunts, While he was talking with Dimiek B. Question Miscellaneous Matters at Issue The Third Party The Great and that the yields with proper care, Huntington, who had come along as an of 1800 The parties of the Contest ahould be worth 11,000. tho fighting chief, interpreter, Elk, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES. Past Australian Ballot System The city of Rangoon has In the last opened fire on the militia and the battle The Single Tax Question National Jecado added thirty-fou- r per cent to its commenced. Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing Committees and Platforms of all the above till number inhabitants, they The fight continued through that day Parties Presidential Elections from or nearly as many as the old the r.cginnlng, with Vote, Date anc and tho 10th. Towards the evening of capital of Mandalay. Cabinet Officers from Politics A mw serjosof postage stamps has been the 10th Lieutenant Kimball and fifteen to Harrison inclusive Old Bank Building, Washington ivsuod by the public of San Salvador. picked men were ordered to make a Prevailing Political Terms cxplaincc All stamps previous to 1803 have been The Local Political Situation anc called in, and only the new stamps will charge on the log cabin held by tho InPaysob. nistory The First Campaign lw accepted In payment of postage here- dians. Tho day was very cold, 35 de- Main Appendix. In act after. the below of ?cro. grees crossing The queen of Madagascar recently a creok tho horses broke through the ice opened a new hospital at Antananarivo, and the attacking party went out of in connection with the Friends Foreign When they came out the Indians sight. Missionary association and the London OXE DOLLAR A COPY, fired on was She them, wounding Isham Flynn, presented Missionary society. by tho son of one of the doctors with a but tho house was taken. After the silver key appropriately Inscribed house was taken several of the horses were killed. Lieutcuant Kimball was THE DOINGS OF GENIUS. compliment by Lieutenant HowAutomatic bootblacks wfll be put on highly land of tho U. 8. army, who was With the market soon by a Nurnberg firm. and had been perrun be the will on Stainsbury AT TnE Captain They mitted to join the expedition, for the plan. A Irocess has recently been discos bravery exhibited in the charge. Lieucred for making flour of bananas. tenant Kimball and his men were reTheralcal experiments show that this moved from tho boose on the third day, flour contains more nutriment thnn as was there with eaten when beans, rice, and that danger of them freezing to corn or sago, it forms a very palatuble death. and nourishing diet. Tho fighting continued through that A kkw shell has lately been Invented MONTROSE, and towards evening the Indians day, by an Austrian for tho purposo of scatwere afterward but a waves over departed, pursued the oil during tering Standard Bred Trotter, one of the finest storm. It la a wooden cylinder lined and many of them killed. Only ono bred in America. with shellac to hN'p tho oil from pene- white, Joseph F. Iligbee, was killed. adIn carries and it trating tho wood, It ia doubtful If we remember tho part dition a calcium light, which Illuminates JUSTIN, In those early scene taken by men, a the water for a considerable distance. ere ot atwhom cow few end camera the living, A mini atv t.E photographic tached to the barrel of a gun is the In- great obligations tho country is under to A Great Trizo Winning French Coach Stallion. vention of Mr. Leehncr, of Vienna. My them. Each of above horses $35.00 for the an automatic shutter, working In union Wo will say that the war was a dofens-Ivseason. with tho trigger of the gun, the sportsone on the part of the ( Also some prize winning Pcrcheron the man is able to obtain a perfect photoIndians having stolen their stock and Stallions, ranging from $0.00 to $13.00. graph of the bird oranlmal immediately the shot or bullet has reached fired an them numerous times, and at IU9Ml't Nf.ilskn, IP POLITICIAN iff A.. T r i I w . rr ;7en IIo ! That i.VSo i -- is Prepared to do Jas. Hutchinson, Pit ;ne! I ini i AVI fib' 3 b Onamebtal Of Every Description at EteixsaamuEMsi. SSsmpms, , F. McCaw, Court-Pract- ical Watches, Clocks ISO,-oo- o, Mur-mea- n A SFECI Sr, LEAVE ORDERS nkikel-ln-tho-sl- SUN OFFICE. e In-f- ore it Loudon lhiblic Opinion. .. last bestegod the fort. . Spanish Fork, Utah ffb Yoi We are well supplied with Presses, Type, Borders, etc., and can Guarantee Satisfaction in Regard to both Style and Price. Wi ll' ny Wb TV Jua Pei At Hi Mii Al Pn W1 Pn It' Office, One Door North of Malcolm & Hughes Store. r j 'r t I t! 4 A V 'A I i I I I I I t |