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Show OTE03 GEM ROLLERMILL THE CONTEST. SKm, VARIED AWDINTERt:STlN ( t the sppointed time and a The of of Friends Society to riding the ho, charge pleaded guilty stated uted more than $100,000 to the horse laa reckless manner, but sufferers. control the animal' (bat he was unable to The curious custom of pUdnv a.-- , The on commenced jumping. when It graves prevails among , deemed it an offense to Baltimore cemetery. justice, however, a street, The natural gas round ride such an animal on so public someone being Pa., la gradually lessening, and as there was danger of black smoke from the use of coal I k! and he fined tho dekilled or ws on band ' the place where he wa drowned. The men at once conveyed information to r..bliil.wl every Thursday lo the build Mr. Chandler's son, and Fred Saddler, fotf Just north of Malcolm A George Larkin, Jr., Mr. Gibson, Arthur Chandler and Coroner Allen at once reHughes' Store by A 6ur Reporter Visits This Salt Lake Takas of Charge paired to the spot. After aome difficulty W. H. KENNER A ANDREW JENSEN Busy Institution, the body was detached from the positho Leading Prize tion in which it waa lodged, and landed 1 IIURSDAY, JUNE 0,1603. injured, coming greater In the city. on the bank. and Machinery $7.00. Tin fendant Some Hundreds of ducks have Coroner Allen, who wai present, made And Is Shown Prove Col4 Mot XV la Agalatt Doth Singbeen caught in tho rapids at It Working. an examination of the body aod decided er nod Judge. Falla and carried over. They wT that it was unnecessary to hold an inPRETTY THINGS FOR THE TABLE. cither killed or ao shocked that hunted 02P in boats easily bagged them. quest.' The remain wore conveyed to Chocolate cups nre tall, largo at tho On Monday wo took a trip to the Gem Larkin It is probable that another with the undertaking office. Tho body paintand jeweled, top, gilded waa very much swelled and decomposed, Roller Mill in this city, situated in the ed faces of court ladies smiling upon expedition wilt go to Labrador xZ is summer, and that the explorers will and bruised about the bead and face, southeastern part of town, which them. In a steamer and penetrate much table costliest Fork Cooperative Mayor, Jobs Jont. The handsomest and in order to convey our linger to Salt Th Nothing waa found on tho remain I owned by tho Spanish thcr north than on tho first trip. Wm. D. Hughes, The structure is built of glass Is pure white flint cut to a plain A system of heliograph signals wfcU intact, and fa the pockets were found a I Institution. Lake for the great contest. flowW. 0. freer, with overlaid golden surface and and has is three high In cover a circle over 100 miles la k story will silver brick, a of bunch $0.35 watch, cash, Rufus I. Knell, On Sunday morning, long before the scrolls. feet in ers, leaves and ametcr is to be put in at Pierre, 8. D Tlio. C. Holding, for train arrived from the south, the two keys aod an old pocket knife. Mr. Lar- - basement, and is forty by fifty dishes serving terrapin Unique Niel Gardner, head miller, Mr. George M are in the shape of seashclls, with all by the weather bureau. The cars were filled to overflowing. Both kin dressed nnd embalmed tho remains, j io. The will be available for Maroon Larson. The funeral aervicea will be held at 3 D. Robinson, came here from Wiltniug-p- the exquisite pink and green shading. kind of news besides transmitting arr cars were decorated with flag and I'etcr F. Buysck. the weather w. china. I of They are in coalport m. in the Fifth ward meeting ton, Peloware, and has had charge ports. Marshal, Benjamin William. atroamcra, and on (he rear car waa a have to breakfast, Is fashion the I This It two years. A sionai. of distress, as on a City nttorm y, Wm. freer. banner bearing the inscription, "Spanish house, and will be conducted by Bishop this mill for. about kind shlpv showed lunch and dinner sets of the same and was seen floating from the house. J Recorder, Samuel fornaby, sea, . I gentleman agreeablo hla and J. counselors. pleasant Stephens Fork M. I. A, of china. White and gold English . Treasurer, Wm. in the and explained china, with a gold monogram or crest Knight family Northport, J! Daniels and Kelly were paiJ $100 as a us through the building There were tour can nttatched to the and Collector, llubbnrd Tuttle. Some pasM-ra-bcurious to know I is used. in various the the center, a workings. reward of their I the of body, discovery of the signal, hastened to t: Sexton, John Rohm Ison. engine that came from the louth. The A novelty In table ware Is the gold On the first floor are six doublo stand Ogden Pott, Juno 0. and there found all the memher City inspector, Iluiibard Tuttle. two cara here were picked np, more were house, fruit cracker for lace used wore boats, Pound keeper, ltee I). James, rolls, or twsl je pairs, and one pair for the famRy ,of hdplebs from the grip. added at Springvllie and atill more at is of so on. filigree Preciut justice, John P. Jones, are built on the ccnirif dishes and floriatedIt as goldlace. Tliej Inclipping. Provo. fine real So and when as the that train reached Ik-eConst able, t D. Jame. OF THE OINARY u;ijd plali, nnd the wheat is manufuc side the Salt Lake it presented quite a lengthy gold comes a movable dish of reduction lured into flour by the gradual There is a man in Baltimore wl plain, clear glass, to which the gold is appearance. fitted. has, it is said, worn the same hat sin accurately process partially only process, LOCAL JOTTINGS. There were about four thousand people 1844 crushing the grain, which is bolted and DECREES. FASHIONS contest when I iu ,he ,arC the tornicl A den in Conhcctlcut is said to I has commenced. Hay cutting returned to the second pair, and so on two eggs every day. One of them oi The first piece Was tho glee. correct are the Indications of a rain atorm this fcftcr - PeIletJ Floral thing slippers through five lets of rolls, la the third set to throw after a bridal pair. I "The Dawn be a wooden egg. of Day, which resulted in a Soon. For the accommodatiod of those desir-- j of rolls the brail is entirely separated Dime museum men are in hot purs-oand black silk hosiery is now Gray Our advertising columns are filling uni yictory for Provo'. There were only two to attend then the National and the a farmer in Douglas county, Gt trom the lug democratic middlings more more residue; fashionable much than the I clubs entered for this piece, the Provo rapidly, I who has a pig with seven legs, all I the at of colors. June tho Union se!en Convention, 21, Chicago, conspicuous pairs go remaining through Business on the Unfoo Pacific railway laud Malad glee clubt. It wa an easy Pacific will run a I I Tretty collars and cuffs may be working order. special train consisting rolls, making four grades of flour, viz h increasing. walkover for Provo and the $100 was ot s A swimming tank for of Irish lace edgings by gathering made b Pudmaa Elegant Palace. Sleepers, Harvest Queen Patent, Straight Grrde, Rasmus Neilsen left On Sunday for a on been constructed liein , ar(le(1 . u a stock raad8 bo The farm c meshes. run ribbon on them the I through I " ' Pullman to Car Idaho. and Graceful. . the and Chair Bakers Dining trip Reclining They Fancy I hit in their readitlon of the . . Benoaline of the finest quality is San Leandro, CaL it is ninety f piece, of grabs m Car,' to leave Salt Lake at 8:00 p, m., also make a Whooping cough is quite prevalent In I quality twenty wide, and eight feet L for dinner dresses, and they are popular he $250 prito for the male chorus of thin city at present. June 10th, Ogden 0:00 p. m passing flour and have an outfit for grinding corn often mode in princesse shape, and flepth. of a I Ce " awardcd to Thomas glee Deliver We received one bran ne A Presbyterian church In Lancastof 0:00 p, m,, June 17th; arriving meal for family use. Tho capacity of light color. exchange club of Sait Lake. Tlie contest selection at this week. "Thanks." a medal to every person wh I Ta., A man who six crowd can June rings upon does gives the mill is one hundred barrels in Chicago Saturdaj everieniog, not miss a church or a Bunds; All kinds nf plain snd fancy job print I wa "Comrades in Arms," and although 18th his and still his be to shut able, finger, for .Fare the round tKp only $10. twenty-fou- l hours, do this floor there I is looked upon in aristocratic Bchol service during the year. Lar hig itono at Tna Su.v office. 'hey a ng it well, they were fully half a Tickets fof return to July 7ih. (are aled tvio flour packers and one brau hand, good as one of the Mobility, for it. is year the sexton carried off all th circles all are our hall players! Cant (one flat lit the eod, which would hwye Where should be made at Once to packer Application said such a length of lower joint honors.' we have a game occasionally I that oat ,heal prfz4 UD(ll.r differeDt cir W. E. The1 most indicates nuisance rr birth. for floor second reservation No On fodr are dangerous the high Hutchings, agent, The cltv council meets in regular ses- - cumstaoecs td a recent meeting of the beer ported in Sleeping cars. This will be the fibest purifiers, one sion on Tuesday evening next. three separators a.pirator, FOUND IN A KANSAS TOWN. In the baritone solo, "The Old Guard," of health of Norristown, Pa., was a gre: train ever leaving Salt Lake nty. Lawrence Johnson, of the California and two scourers, and on the third floor was Ed. hoap tf defunct bustles, hoopshirts an awarded second Young woman The most ice marriageable lias young cream prize. Bakery, every SuuJay. flour dressing in nro ten centrifugal b ivd is one who gave it out fiat a few parasols at the foot of Oak street TL He gave hi opponent,. Ensigu of Salt Ogden lias two Case of dephtheria, machines; nine scalpers or bolters, one days bgo Unit she preferred the back of secretary promised td abate the nuisanor Lake, a close run for H, and Prof. but they are under strict quarantine; advertisement of Anthony & ship duster, thirty stand elevators and all a cliiclicn to the liver. .The FIGS AND THISTLES. Stephens announced ft the closest contest Thomas, the . There are a number of David t Malcolm & f Malcolm, enterprising buthers of this necessary shafting, pulleys and nla young men in of the in eveufng. this issue. The only real good is eternal good deal place, eppears Hughes, went to Salt Lake this morning. frir running a first class flour Atchison who, though they dont wear c(i The ffalt Lake Ilerald states that our in meats, vegetables, poultry, Tljej curls nnd lace collars, are sissy young A bad reputation is a hard thing t ... etc., nnd U11dMr. nnd Mrs. Samuel Ashby, of Lake have fresh bnlogno every day. men all right enough. lose. bass did not the animato singers cariy has a child sick with pneumonia. Shore, hinery i, operated by two There is a woman In Atchison so When you want to lift up, don't loci Iu ...other column will be found tl,e LTI,a but experts say that tliej sang Selectman Jones weul to Provo on correctly, wliet!,s. one with a forty crazy about having things clean that down. Turl,oe Wl,er of advertisement Miller. I). J. deal He. It better of the others. The than any Monday to' bo idf attendance at the in harness and saddles. A first class I eight foot head, aod the other with i every morning Ehe dusts off tho trees Give love the power and it wtll alwayf Salt Lakers sang it too rapidly, in fact so county court.' fooi lead, giving the mill outside of tho house with a feather help. quality of Imrness is manufactured by I twentv-tw- o that they were unable to pronounce blip, aud lie makes a specialty of Tim f neral services over the remains f duster. As soon as we form a habit we have s repair - bundaut power for all purposes. James' were held on the words, neither was the Salt Lake mg. i KH'S has a folly. A wise-loo- ! Everyone master. It is necessary that the machinery be ing and d ..Saturday las. Atchison gH. choir properly balanced, as the tenor wa , T E. Daniels, Jr., one of Provo's old It is not hard to do right when tre at a certain rate of speed, and for whose good sense and prudent c in One hundred and forty-fivkept are .people entirely too heavy for the other part time photographers, has brought his right affairs Is undoubted, and went from this city to tho Binging con-. this purpose an indicator, something like me'-.tConstant trust gives constan and had the sing, ng 'been judged by dia apparatus to this city and pitched his ! hr.3 the name of test in Salt Lake. pretty Mary," wi tent on the lot a few doors south of the the steam gauge of an engine is used. !t strength; Pd would Mayme. Atchison (Kan.) Cl-A water case, The People vs. Iraac io,en8teJ Par,i''8 He will remain about tco Tue water is turned on until the indicatid postuffice. Utah county. If is not the days. .lone, will be tried before the justice of l,aV co,ne pniuts to tho speed at whicli the tho peace on Saturday. proper thing to choose a judge from any A temperance meeting will bii field to is intended to bo run when it can If vou have any chickens to dispose of city county where there are competing night in Creer & Jieilsen hall at 8 lie left to itself, but should the water iu call on Tom Patterson, the chicken rustler singers, and if contests are to be o'clock. .There will be songs, recits crease or diminish a belt at the side of for Lewi Stewart A Co. ns was the one in Salt Lake on lions, etc., by , school childien, and a he indicator rings, thus notifying the Lcnve orders at this., office for (lie Monday,' that city will hereafter be tcmperauce lecture by tlio Hon. George ll.Jcx. miller; who then opens or closes the "Practical Politician." a new book just obliged to contest with itself, as the issued in SU Lake city. People keep asking the. papers for water gates until the desired speed is course pursued was discouraging to tile DEALERS IN information, when they could Hgniu attained. political It. R. Irvine, Jr, of Provo, representpeople from other places, aud they do find all these questions plainly and coris now mill The F. At keot its P. New of Collier, running publisher ing not care to spend their time and means rectly answered in tlio "Practical PolitiYork, mado us a call yenterday. tall capacity during tho day, and tile in practice and expense in going to that cian, a book recently issued and miller inf jrms us that on account of . Mr. Lois Clark, of the Chicago Rtore. for the purpose of seeing calt Lake sale at this office. went to Unit Lake on Sunday morning to cify business he expects soou to 1 Two keys attache to a ring, belonging walk oil with honors not justly earned. be present at the singing contest. run a es well to Imve the lost. is n One beep safe, city arrived iu this John F. Williams, of Lake Shore, has, The returning singer flat key about two and a half inches a fine farm aud brick house for aale city, about 3 o clock on Tui aday morning, long, aiul the other is smaller, Tliej Sheriff Fowler has succeeded iti se having had an enjoyable time and finder will please leave them with the curing a man named Nielsen, who ia ua cheap. Flowing well iu the yard. been well .repaid for city recorder, Samuel Cornaby. Ferguson haa sold hls interest in8 ,hat thcT doubtedly one of tlie men who murdered in (lie Royack Hiiue bar to Jocph Jen-- their visit, with the above exceptions, Rcmemiier that the express is drayed Ben Buchanan, near Price, gome timoin souThe firm now ia Malcolm A Jeu-free to ami from tho Union Pacific do- 1891. glwriff Clark, of Rico, jum sen. Early ob Friday morning James An pot by W. U. Jones, who is a reliable L, . , , 0 I mae I deraon capture and Sheriff o was this arrested by man. People wishing to, ship express city Ocoige Sanders.' manager of the Fowler tho Nre to in brought it his prisoner back to Marsiula Monahan aud respectfully Buthcr requested put Bpiingvillo Independent, accompanied by Deputy Provo! Nieben has been identified, and W. E. Hurcnnms. Mr. Clark, paid us a visit oa Sunday bind, on a charge of unlawful cohabits care. js last. We make no charges for publishing ,as confessed that he was with the man iu Provo On lion.. lie was to have bi-cbirths, deaths, birthday who killed. Buchanan; but says he had old child of Sir. the first train that day, hut missing the marriages, The little card parties and other social parties, aod Mrs, Mooney, who live in the south- train he walked to do with it. Circumstances every foot of the way, events. If parties knowing of any of I nothing eastern part of town, died yesterday with are lim however. a8aInst arriving there about uqnn. lie went be- these happenings them into w hooping cough I office we this will ' gladly publish them. Ao excursion i will be given to Castilla One door South of I James Warner, the street supervisor, fore Commissioner Hill in tho afternoon, , , waived examination and was bound On over chicken the of bight Tuesday Rockhill Hotel, lie coop us to state all wishes that Yequests oyer tho Rio Grande Springs ' i watdi lull and other obst ructions re- iu tho sum of $300 to await the action of air. A. Babcock, who lives in the western II a bo run will from BPeciI Wcs,tern ; tho grand jury. moved from the streets. Ills plural wife was part of town, was Invaded and several llCfe 80 (hat tho8e who inteud going chickens stolen. It js supposed to be O. lL Berg the work of The lepublican convention at Minne- placed under $000 bonds. tramps, as three of theso in- - from this city will have to, take the apolis had not got down to business at 12 and Julius Jensen were secured as houds-men- . dividuas have been camping neAr there morning train to Bpringville and Connect o'clock last night. The nomination will .. ; with the special, which leaves there at ; , be made probably Among our business men who went to i0;50 a. m. fot Castilla, returning in the Oa Monday morning Wellington i Sei notice In another column of cheap rates via tho Union Pacifio to Chicagj Wood, of this city, whs arrested by Dep I Eureka tram. for thu, democratic nutional convention, uty Marshals Monahan and Sutherlatid, Cornaby, Harry B. Hughes, Frank t which convenes on June 21st. on a charge of unlawful cohaldtatioo C. W. Booth, Win.JaniPS, Anthony, Dr. A. of to went J. Shores, I Payson, For fear our rtaJers dofit know it, we Mr. Wood appeared before Commissioper Alfred lleese, David Lewis aod Wm. Provo on Tuesday to look after the Davis. will state that It is said a couplo oM hju io lrovo ,e 8Bmo d anJ WByed bottles of perfumer) were broken Adam Burt and Willard Banks will P:i,i,'ft8 n,i8 brother Dr. G. W. Shores, , leave on Monday for the Ferguson min "ho is now in the east.Burley's drug store three weeks ago. The doctor action of tiie grand jury iu tho sum of district in Nevada, where they have passed thrpugh Spanish Fork yesterday ing Mrs. Jameof and Three children Mr. Ti alleged plural wife was some rich claims. One sample of ore on son were taken sick the latter part of J00 i,js retUm to Payson, stopping here shown us goes about $115 per ton in last week, but uuder tho treatment of placed under bonds of $303. gold and silver, and the gold is increasDr. Warner they are able to be op again. found ing as they go down, In Rlvor. tho I k hew floor has been put- down ia the The enterprising firm of Wooley, Luqd Jiasemont of Malcolm fc Hughes ctnro Yesterday the body of George Chand- A Judd, of St. George, are On Saturday night last Seth Frost and making ar- nnd the walls are being plastered. It will who wjs drowned in the Ogden river rangomeutJ to I supply the (Utah trade iohU 'F. Beck; Jr., both mounted a used for a restaurant and ice cream ler, on the 17th of Slay last, was recovered with peanuts. They have already under frnctioU8 hor8e on Main Btr,et. parlor., acres of peanuts, and I cultivation from tho river. Tho body was seen by expect to ninety commenced jumping and ran on On Thursday night last tho Sett, force J aniraal in one about hundred acres put wag invited out to the ice cream gardens two uion named Bonier D. Daniel and more on tho Muddy. j to the sidewalk, throwing Beck off and . whore Charles as Barah Sirs. td they partook Gay Kelly they were crossing the Go Tuesday night abont 13 o'cltck friSeiag 8me ladies who wete passing. nl some delicious ks cream, and pcnt Utah Northern bridge. The body was James Hansen, of this city, was arrested Bm again got on the horse which con Ml . evening. (jjng in tJ)8 ccnfr(1 of t)ie 8trean,t th) on a charge or unlawful cohabitation. He tinued its jumping and he was iS again William Oorkin, of Fayson, one of the be4d tightly lodged between two stones aDdi ?'aCeo thrown. Marshal Williams came along ,rr0V , , th8 appenr partially on the sioner Hills on June ioW W or fhr"liiV5KS J Frost and took him before 20th. John Jones at winch the 72 3d. June body ahd Bishop A, Ei Neilsen, of this place, j Ju8tlce Jones, where he gave bonds for at his home on Friday, aged was discovered is fully two miles bclw are his , I ! month and 13 days. bis appearance on Tuesday morning. He beadsmen, . lot-hok- h rituw 4 i ,, !', CITY i ! n C1 OFFICERS SPANISH FORK I sv-tc- 1 Roln-rtton- t A'r out j tiie-firs- , 1 f ) j I raee-horsc- ' first-clas- i $ ) V - i ' ' , t !' 1 f i. :r i i . i ( I 1 i i ! b'y well-behave- . y , j Vi ' s con-duct- I ANTHONY & THOMAS 1 . . fr feel-Itols- rt 1 Vegetables, Etc. - r t V dash Paid l& Pat dalyai ahd Shieksni. , two-yea- . r Bologne Fresh Every Day. will-han- Spanish Fork, Utah. f , I I to-da- , Those Desiring . , i ! i ,1 .. . 0 1 u - i . w i i s t t ' I - . I Bmertob, Iryire , Tht 1 n-nrs- i . I and kind treatment will call at .aa :?Ven i unH sL T 0RE: St.; & Gos "f Payson-- |