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Show the sun ' J LQ SHINES, FOR ALL n VOL. 1. A. g KENNER, . Utah Its Attorneys Union Block, . J. SHORES, tb. '' Striking Contrast. Mall Budget has been en- bled, by permission of Mrs. John W. Mackay, to publish a sketch from the famous portrait of that lady which was Utah painted by Mclssoalcr in 1&S3. Moat of at-La- . Tims This Work Crretl Sensation A l'lctur. of Indy front a Remit Photograph -- KEN WARD, Office Booms, Koval Covladniltenl Ftnnnrl.rtng. , A novel plan lot extinguishing a Th Portrait pf Mrs. Mackay Mads by Mols30olor. InA W. Kenwabd Warner. Provo, r A FAMOUS PAINTING. fialt Lake, & M. D., rnYMCIAN AND ScRGEON. Attends all Calls , Day or Right, . fayaon, . 1: n Utah . Push Bread, Ties, Cukes, ami Rakers Confectionery made Fresh Daily, Wedding and Birthday Cuke a Specialty, Lawrence Johnson, Propr. . . Utah Fork, LORENZO THOMAS, t1' H.'v.vs.O r.v.i k$ Curries a full line of samples of Foreign and Domestic Goods. Clothing made to order on short notice. teed. Fit Guaran- I carry a full line of attachments Singer Sewing Machines. MRS. LOIS CLARK. Dealer in Dry Goods and Notions, Mens and Ladies Underwear, Roots. Shoes, Ladies and Children's Slippers, Ladies Pres Goods, Groceries, Tinetc. ware, I buy direct fiom the East or West. Hence all goods are sold cheaper than the cheapest. .1 defy competition in Quality and prices. . Main Street, SrAsin Fork. GO TO Dealer in Harness,. Saddles Our readers w ill remember the bitterness which the painter's treatment of Meis-snnlern- feu-'ur- . Best and Cheapest Goods. UTAH. SPANISH FORK, A v.-- Gro. Snell, O . Gii.bf.ut President. D. E. Morey Cutkicr, Aid Illin U Sav a Life, When, at tho beginning of tho season, Qeorga Moody, a New York newsboy, lKued a catcher for tho Young Buffaloes, he probably hail little idea thnt later on his proficiency in handling tho ball would stand Llm in good stead and tld him to save a human life. But it did. This Is the way it happened: George wm ilrolling down South Fifth avenue the other afternoon when from above him came a crash and a scream. Be looked up just in time to see a baby carriage fall from the roof of a four story tenement. It lauded on a pile of haled mgs, and the big bourne V t of l.'S 1. - h m t' V f t' s r- -t t . lei,'.. i.e grievance O.iel. r of t ''y a to a . ... a matter ; be .ild to bo . A-- v . year-ol- d body plunged downward towurj the stone pavement twenty fcit below. Young Mosely was riuul to the oentsion. Ho braced Ids legs ami held his hands as was Ids wont when and literally cuoght slopplii'ja tho haliy m tho fly. lie staggered under the burden, but di 1 nut lose Ids grip. The child w as ' saved, iinlnrmed nml not even frightened, for sho looked into her rescuers eyes and gleefully remarked, Amelias perilous Baby failed down. tumble was due to rureloi,iirss on tho part of her brother, in whoso charge she hud been placed. accidental, mit suicide? This iin-s- i ion natuinllv nri-o- s in considfate of lloliut Buy UuuiiJ ering the trn-J-ton, who-- e ho ly was iound in tho Snake river, r.nirtlioenlriuirctothe Yellowstone National park. The mail had endured enough disgrace self Invitc-though It nuv imve been to drivo nil ordinary mortal out of his senses. Bearing distinguished name he was tho of Alcxnjder Hamilton nuil endowed wllh nmplo foitune, splendidly tipiipi.eil physically and mentally for the grout-grandso- at all, for ,. ; re t tret the pic-o- f tt to a pernicious r. : t. and finished the ; e I t'.o-- e of u model. And so and r, b .dy v, . finished, t'l-- n Mrs. i. ; .1.1 K-f .1 ,r OF S PARISH FOUR. - - CAPITAL $25,000 r c. n will u it was being exhibited In Geo. D. Snell, John Jones, John Rockhill, J, S. Thomas, Geo. 0. Djuf.ctors - .v Oilbut. Tiimsul a general banking business. Domestic and foreign exclmngo bought and sold. Interest paid on time deposits. SPARISIl FOUR, UTAH . TIJLiEE (IOINO 8QUT11. CiOINO KORTII Rio Grande Wrn LOCAL TIME CARD. HOUND. P 4 :03 40 . 6TATIONS. Lv. Salt Lake. Spanish Fork. 'Eureka. WEST ROUND m. Ar. 10:30 A. 8:45 7:15 t I. II. Cf.nnett, Genl Puss. Agent. v - battle of life, and landing high In tht social circles of Now York, lie had the ball nt his feet, and might have risen to high How place In the esteem of his fellowmvn. mar-rlcbonlcttho adventuress II vu Steele, her nml nrcepted her ttatement that he was tho father of a purchased Infant canie out in connection with a row lit AV antic City, N. J., in which Mrs. Hamilton slabbed a female nurse nnmod Donnelly. woman recovered, her f mil.int was sent to the penitentiary and Hamilton began suit for a divorce. The wretched a flair dragged its woy slow ly through the courts, and by a strange Irouy of fnto tho telegraph wire which announced the death of the plaintiff also boro to Now York on tho same day the nows that the referee nt Elmira had presented a report recoin mending that Hamilton bo granted a decree. As the proceedings wero not final, however, it probable thnt tho Imprisoned temptress a will bo uhle to establish her claim to w'dows share in the estate. At the time .79 year of of his death Mr. Hamilton was of an income of ago. and was In receipt 118,000 a year. d No. 3. No. 1. No. 2. No. 4. a. m. a. m. p. m. stations 4 .23 7 .70 Lv Salt Lake. Ar. 0 :10 B :40 7 03 9.45 Ar. Sp. Fork. Lv. 6:23 3:16 MO ltrOBLv. Juab. Ar.4:0 1:15 D. E. EuiM.ey, Ccu'l Ageht.falt Lake, c MR. AND MRS. nAVH.ToS. Union Pacific Ry AST 2 Amelia Sch noble, whose tender d Opposite Rochhill Hotel, J AND SUBSCRIB SURl f jr uiifl. mackat-af- ter a recent - PHOTO orath. . 1 wbich the salon. The controversy is became so unpleasant that it Mrs. influenced have greatly to said and coming to Maekay in leaving Paris Is now eslive in London, where she which Mr. house upon the in tablished . much money. so b'andford spent the litfle picture, unobtrusive an is It It will bo tlio tnost Important new dark of cloak the black, are hot dress and ind'Trial world has heard in many the of a sort of background the and to bo true that fur, day if H should turn out The price sa.dto have been mahogany red color. natural of gaa is , great deposits have been paid for the picture irou and her to close sizo is exactly l.slT found ia A1hUu guineas, and tho ti Idt en-su- inches. WAT. WONDER. NO. 4.! Itnliutorm. by JOUR JtiRKi, S n pir intern! i CHEER, President. Leaning Tower I'mlermtnet aragoMa' ol FRK SPANISH Cablegrams from Madrid announce that the severe raiustorms In that section have undermined the celebrated leaning? tower at Saragossa by the gathering waters, aud tho Tower oi 4-- inJUVo of Manufacturer MAIM III! SS Bakall Eiperlenr. this little panel created between Mrs. Maekay. Rumor lmd it tout the lady, feeling that her were maligned, had destroyed the .4' t tire. lint thi-- . happily, proved un-tr- u for no woe- - fate befell the work ht than having its face turned to the wall for about cght years. It lias only recently been brought to the light, ant now takes its plnee among the valuable works of art which hung in the beat.ti of 0, Carlton House-terracful drawing-roofor the first time shown being to Mrs. Maekay's friends at a reception which she gave the other evening. FOUND REST IN THE RIVER. 3 hero is no need t do more than recall the l.Lt try of the picture, or to Death of The Tl iglo nml Mtrrlnu 'em of its merits. enter into a dLi r.ur Hamilton. Eiil.eit Mae CoiiMrs. t to .Safi e it Lay say I'. !Yns l.is death or did ho com- REPAIRS Q :l SPECIALTY. l-BAN- ' , - CATCHER. Y0UNQ meissonier's ronTRArr of hrs. mAckaT. ETC, ETC, Geo. I). CALL IN v4 v: , threw out for Chicago Store. For ' A 6PANISH Mel-bour- PE The Tailor, Workmanship and church debt has been hit upu 11 The church committee or vestry, as tho case tnay be divide tho total debt among tbmnselve and each muu insure hi life for tho amount that falls to bis share. The policies ftro transferred to the church, and tho annual payments on them are made out of tho collections. Then, of course, as tho members of tho committee drop aff, tho suras Insured ou their lives when the but comdrop in, mitteeman la dead, the lust Installment of tho church debt will bo paid, Tho plan has tho merit-- lf merit it be of throwing tho whole of tho responsibility for tho continuance of the indebtedness upon Providcuco. A 4ULANT BAKERY. QALIFOUNIA Spanish ;i : -i " r'" at-Latv. Practices in all the Courts of the Territory yARNER f .,. C-- S SPANISH FORK, UTAH, THURSDAY. JUNE 0, 1892. Attorney M. M. w 7 t i Boots and Shoes, Dealer In 'r 'r V,IV JVJVoX' V Vs'r,V;,V Felipe, 0 well know n to foreign sight .ccrs, threatens to totally collapse arngossa, or, more properly, Znragom ,vos formerly capit..l of the kingdom o rngon and Is famous in' tho legendnr t.i .tory of Surueon Spain. It lies at s 'might of COO feet above tho sea level on 1 rich plain on the right bank of tit Ubro, just above Its continence with th ilucrrn. Cl 1 miles by rail to tho north t of Madrid. Tim river is crossed by t fine stone bridge of seven arches. Tin dder streets are narrow, gloomy and ill laved. Tho mnv ivo bulUings, former-inhabited by the Aragonese nobility, re cither in ruins or turned into wood tores and granaries, r.nd nn atr of overty and decay pervades tho whole own. Adji lining tlio Id church of San 'clip is the Torre Nttena, or Felip chicle towel )'.ver. It 13 an a diapered Link work. Tho tower vas originally by unknown rebitecls in l.'Ot. It leans nine feel nd ton inches from llm perpendicular, wing to the faulty foundations. For everal eentvrn-- it lias retained its .ou po ition end Is a marvel to all Juropenn tourli.t,. -- n-- y oct-n-ul- ur , V V, v 'r rr; 'v i j WK (GKO; L7 14 fA, Tr .V7r Kf, 7v-- V 'r,, V , V V : ,'r- - V V V:. r ,'r 'r-r-- 1 GROCERIES. Hardware, Clothing', Fur niture, Fancy Notions, Farm ing Implements, Roller" Mil Flour, Grain, Etc. mXlSOLM & HUGHES" ; eon-truct- Where Wa DEALERS IN (G IS HIS E2 AVUf the rtref For forty or fifty rears, says the Run, t has been the cuitoin for New Yu; to inimiro where was tho fire whenever they see u friend or neinuiut-ine- e In a new liat, new shoes, or uevv lothes. This is a bit of slang absolute y peculiar to New York. It would not jo understood In Chicago any more hnu it would in Melbourne or London, it Is not, as many suppose, nn intimation that a man bus been purchasing Nothing at an auction of roods. It Is a survival of the period fire department tv hen the Volunteer was In its fullest glory. In those days xime of the b'ltoya used to loot the stores in which fires occurred, and after there w as a lire In a big clothing store tho firemen appeared iu uew suits but with their feet almost out of tlicir shoes. Then there would be a fire in a boot aud shoe storo and all the loys would have new shoes. From those days to this New Yorkers have hailed new garments with the question: Where was tho Arc? rs Irtrnlpum n Fuel, Reports are received by the bureau of American ropublh-- i to the efb-- i that the experiment of w hig petroleum for fuel on the Oroya railroad hi JVru lias The trials wero proved successful. made at an altitude of B,809 feet above the sea with tho locomotives from the Rogera works of Paterson, N. J. Tlio oil used is not crude petroleum, but a residuum oil. In tho trials the average consumption was DS.88 pounds per mile, wlillo with coal It was 79.30 pounds. It is reported that tho Oroya Railway Company lias decided to use oil fuel on all of their locomotives. I An Oil-- I tlia.tr f ' 2JOUumuQi (SILOMP 50223(EO Boots, Shoes, Hats, Gaps Etc., Etcv Main' Street, SPANISH FORK mmhi p8K' Dealer in toe Fang y and Geen Groceries We curry a full line of Tobacco, Cigars nnd Fioe C'Kndir. Wo inuko a Specialty of Fresh' i ' Wreath. il.iitie J. Chipps, who lives near s Rudd's Luke, N. J., has fashioned of hair from the heads of over M1-.- S por-ion- Individuals into a large wreath of 1,000 flowers and leaves. This inique oddity is composed of hair of very shade and color known to the mthropologist. The young artist spent wer a year in collecting the locks of mir before commencing work on the wreath. Vx'iJ iv.r Where It Thunder. The most violent thunderstorms In he world occur iu French Guiana. The iiumlcr there in nn ordinary btorm is dmost deafening, while peal follow Jeal in quick uccc6Sl,Ml hich arrive daily. When you arc hungry cull and sie its, and when is the placo you ore looking for. thirsty, this Summer Drinks on Ice; Our Blackberry Cordial is immense; try a bottle aud he convinced. Lewis Stewart & |