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Show American anl German uculiiti HIT found P ibllahed every Thursday la tko JiuilJ-injust north of Mtlcolur & Hughes Store by W. U. KENNER i ,f . 1 ' i g J1 pa) ing Hold of Lm 0mtious n, where many of tho more pro grcasivo people are cultivating a fad for Caucasian eyes, instead of the almom orbs that nature gi re a them, The shaped ANDREW JENSEN surgical operation resorted to consists slitting the outer ritn of the eyelids In straight line, the slit being an infinitesimal part of an Inch In width. In a few days the cultured Jap looks just like Meliran Man. I Si the refrigerating room with six hundred tons of ics ttored over it. Tho horso-bar(150x50) is filled with The chicken-houslcrcherons. great (80x30) has room for fifteen hundret fowls, and the farm has received first prizes for best capons, best dresset chicken, for heaviest eggs and for whits Leghorn eggs. The Berkshire hogs are brad as carefully as tbs other stock, Mr. Havemeyer haa many English pheasants, and is baying elk and deer to stock up the wild lauds belonging to bis fence keeps the place. A slxteeo-foo- t a to huntsman with bounds and animals a gun takes cars of the poachers. Ones Wuk. Is s n To Get Your Photo Taken, One of the most daring feats recently performed by a newspaperman was done by Angus Sinclair, ediur of Lotomoliu The American flag is about to take its Engineering. He sat in R bos on the deserved place on the ocean. Iront of the cylinder of the locomotive the Hew York Centrals Empire Daio Hall. diawiog The Mattrialiealim says it will not State express, and took (team Indicator The following is the style in whis quarrel with us. Sensible, but Ols so all the way from New York to diagrams the . Mantl ball players advertised a game avl Albany. The greatest speed rccoided in that place last week: miles an hour and the The great Exhumed has commenced to was ecventy-elgh- t A game of lass ball will be played on whine and growl and show its teeth highest horse power developed wte six the Tabernacle square, Monday, June SO. teen hundred. Well, let her bark. 1803, trouble fiorameoclng promptly ft 1 p. m. The Winners will challenge the Enoland will accept the imitation of It is well known that millions of cast world, eaitaidere vershs westsiders. the United Slates to take part in an in ein money are invested in farm mortgages The grandest aggregation on earth o ternatlon convention on the silver ques and Urban teal estate throughout tbia San Pete ball chasers for a supper to be tion. in the new' states and country, especially Justices Tea side. the losing Kb for the great democratic gather the tapidly growing atat.'i on abd tills paid by oant and Nelson will alternately read the TUB PRACTICAL ing at Chicago. It is dollars to nickels aide of the Mississippi. Bearing tbil riot act at the Conclusion of each inning of that Cleveland will pull through on the fact in tnind, even the and between acts if possible. Children first ballot. the east towards the Worlds fair becomes in erme are requested to preserve the a turious matter. Chicagos lack aoc peace and quiet of the occasion and be Mr. Gladstofe will enter the House need of eiiht million dollars more shouk as of Lords if the liberals succeed at the be dignified as Hugh Sloaa is when he attended to by Congress at onbe. The iiett genet al election, lie is doubtless Wutld'i fair must not fall, no matter shale off the city'l water supply. No lucerne bouquets. growing tired of Great Ctratfloaer" and whence the nedcd money comes. A Handbook of American PoliFor the benefit of thosd who are not Grand Old Man," tics, as applied to Utah, refamiliar witn the game a few ideal are duced to Plain Language The Working Dairy. Brazil is the land of political surgiven. The pitcher is flrlt ienoram and Easily Underprises. Most of the promioeot politiIn the heart of tho beautiful Rnropap tried hie best to hit the batter. The stood Explanacians down there at present are in Jail. valley, sheltered by the giant bills froiu pitcher is supposed to aing out" in the tions, of nearly When they get out, the other eide will the cold, nnrttf winds and watered by the base clef vifilli bne hand add tall the 200 pages. have their to tit at nose chctkerfi. sparkling Rampapo river, lies the Moun umpire a liar id high C with (lie other tain Side Farm of the Sugar King," every time the ball Lite the bsck (top. Professor Swift estimates that the Theodore A. II are mb; er. No liner sight The first baseman rdnS a prohibition latest arrived comet has been eight for a stock farm, in point of hciuty stand, there is pop on second, spirit Jeare getting here, Disregarding fine a tarantula tangles ee i n ibiid and beer bottoms it is the In soil, the and technicalities of HANDSOMELY PRINTED and free lunch on the home bate. rich Pluck loam, and on the hillside, science, this is the Comet that never found tho finest Corn land in New Jersey hone run earns a fan. The fielders concame. AND BOUND. The view froui the front steps oi Manager stitute the thorue. London prize ring Quecosberry rules now. John Mayer's house is of rale leauty, , The Brazil trouble is explained Since the downfall of Fonsecs, they have with tlie growing crops in the valley. to govern. The batter will not hil the air and it i had no president down there. They are The farm is composed oi two tliohsand about to elect one now. 8ome of these five hundred acres, a thousand of which against the law Without the benefit of The most useful book of the kind ever fcarelcss are under cultivation. There are raised clergy for tlie board of umpire to talk "republics", aro provokihgly published, Indispenmble as Ready Ladies will not pick up any the crops for the support of the three back. about details. ' Reference on all local in d genhundred and fifty head of beautiful broken fingers as an athbulance driven eral Political Subject. Mrs. General Toji, ThemA,,. Counter Jersey cows that produce the Mouctam by Mead a met Brunei, Echangaard and Margery, lisa been sued by Kellogg A Side butter. the Misses Lowry, Metcalf, MiCkelson, Keller tor seven thousand dollars. tThe , The first feature of interest is naturally Jensen, Peacock, Bench, tlougaard, suit is brought on nrouussory notes given the Ludvigson', Hall, iintr.enae, barn two hundred and Voorbes, Wodikow, by the Hula lady in part payment. for a feet Fox, Scott, Billings and others will dis The Histories of and Differences sixty six feel long by forty-fivmuseum in Denver, four years ago. between the Parties wiJn, with two wings one hundred aud tribute ice cretin bandages to the In and Behold outfielders bjf forty-fiv- e feet while the are feet, running players Plainly Told. The British Admiralty have thought twenty heads ot the bases. two long rows of the deer-lik- e tho matter over. j We may put "Old Ao appeal from the umpires may be the Jersey cattle, bne hundred on each on the two Inmau Line Glory" steamers; with bright eyes amt nervous mo- made at any time within five years by but hereafter, when a steamer receive! a side, tions watching the feed car as it is filing bond and notice. with John: Reid British subsidy, it will be with a proviso down tho centre. Every eow is or is Agent Lindsay's water tank. . CONTENTS. that it shall never fly liny other flag (ban pushed anxious for her feed, and the silky coats Admission, nothing ladies free. the Union Jack. and glean condition of the cattle tie reface1 The National and Local Government Ejection of. President and DisrATCUKS from Odessa state that an worthy the study of any dairyman. The Electoral Colearthquake in Transcaucasia caused the Mountain Side is not rcnlly a rich mans 1 be Senate and House of Relege footpartial dealt action of throe mountalo vil- fad." Everything is on a business presentatives The Supreme Court Tits feed is all weighed, the mill is Practical Politics Generally The tho loss and twenty-seveof ing. lives. lages Convention Foundation of the The vibrations were so violent that the weighed, end a record kept as well as a The Tariff Parties Public Ex churn-tes- t, Dealer see cow made to each that of in heaviest, .buildings wpro fchaken to the penditures and Collections - The is for her she keep. Mr.Maycr.the paying foundation and dashed in heaps upon the Billion Dollar Congress The Recimanager for the farm, has every depart procity Question Political Legislaground. tion The Force Bill The Silver ment worked ou a system, aud nothing la eous Matters at Street Commissioner Thomas Bren lelt to Chance. Ten uiea take care of Issue Tho Third Party The Great nan, of New York, who was ao nearly the entire herd pm do the milking, as JEWELRY, SPECTACLES. Contest of 1800 The Parties of the killed hy a New York Central railroad well as grind the corn and oats for the a Past Australian Ballot System train on Eleventh aveuuo a few days mixed feed. Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing . , Tbe8iDgleTsx Question National Committees and Platforms of all the ago, haa decided to sue that corporation The principal food is ensilage, and the Parties Presidential Elections from for very ..heavy damages., XIo lays the thousand two was four last yield year the Beginning, with Vote, Date and i Value of hla fright at a quarter of it mil- hundred tops of. ensilage irom eighty Cabinet Officers from Politics Bank Old Building, lion dollars. acres of land in Corn. The twenty-fou- r Washington to Harrison inclusive end of Prevailing Political Terms explained The governor of North Dakota called silos aro to the right at the very Main Paysob. The Local Political Situation and one an extra session of the legislature June the burn. .There are sixteen. holding The First Campaign History hundred and and tons each, eight twenty m&k'o Appendix. provision for tho choosing of . 1st to Presidential doctors and to raise the each holding sixty tout,,- put ..in by Of one hundred World's fair appropriation From twenty-tir- machinery at the rate .Battened boards t) close a tons day. thousand tc one 'hundred thousand the over cracks ayo ensilage and put dollars, Wo like North Dakota's style OXE ' DOLLAR X COPY. filled with gravel so distributed barrels of governor. on top of the boards that there Is a British Sea The Patrol tailed pressure cf two hundred anc twenty-fiv- e Behring from Victoria, B. C., June 1st. All vessels pounds to the square foot. The ensilage caught sealing will be seized, whether they put into tlie silo, counting froui the time . .have received notice or not The aoalcrop tho land is plowed for the corn, the AT TIIE ought to bq eo abundant another year planting, cultivation, cutting, etc., costs as to firing comfortable and stylish fcighty- three cents per ton. , The beet winter garments within tho reach of the ensilage Mr. Mayer has ever had i! that middle end clawses." put up at the time of,, the visit , of the American Eusilage Congress, and kept in AeoucEUER. Dr. Libcrtmo, Las come the silo ... eight years. , to light in a New-Yorpolice court The arrangements for i watering the charged with obtaining money under cattle are from triangular troughs susfalae pretenses. He claimed to Lave inMONTROStf, on tollers oyer the cows so that pended fluence with Satan, which be sold to the bo they can pulled down and bolted in supctslitloth. He will dotltloao need frout of tho stalls to permit the cows to Standard Bred Trotter, one of the finest bred in America. Iu patron whbd the pchetentiary claim! drink. Two tanks, holding eleven thouMm as lit own. sand gallons, each, are supplied with JUSTIN, f mile H. Lieutenant Powhatan CUrke, water from a reservoir s In hills. the There are heating-pipehas States away Tenth tjnited the Cavalry, Great Prize Winning French Coach in the bottoms of both talks, so returned frdrn bis leave of absense in Stallion. if desired the water can be warmed Each of above horsee $33.00 for the Germany, where ho was permitted to that , season. sorve as an officer in the Eleventh IIus before giving it to the cows. Tbs average yield is eighteen-poun- ds Also some prize winning Pcrcheron ears. Ho states that our soldiers nre Stallions, ranging from $0.00 to $10.00. and milk of tt takes per cow, only treuted better than the Kaisers; but that fifteen pounds of milk to make a pound . Rasmi-- Neilskn, German cavalry is superior to ours, Utah. of butter. the working-dairFork, Spanish Adjoining .wing to constant practice. 1 NOW READY! a POLITICIAN I . 'J mil-Ilo- I T. E. DANIELS, JR., Late of the firm of Daniels A Conkllng, and for 10 years the leading photogrm . of Frovo, will be with you for a few day with the very latest of everything. with an abundance of Elegant Interior and exterior, Background seethe, rles necessary to a good photo. Bring Along the Babies, As we have an elegant supply of patience Family la stock -- never was (Imps a known to get out Upseialty, Prices the Lowest, Call and See Samples at the Tent Gallery. T. E. Daniels, je, h tt i 1 - ; i e 1 ' I 1 1 n t- I . F. n . i. i , McCaw, Watches; Clocks t t v 1 i i I Prepared to do or 0 Do , . , t , Question-Miscellan- .Is Of Every Description at spuaAUrr, j , i Sr. " LEAVE ORDERS I SUN DFFICE. ! well-to-d- o . . -- , ) We are well s with Presses, Type, Borders, etc., and can Guarantee safr isfaction in Regard to both Style and Price. ; (EIIW3S HIS j& 'tSMXJLi6 Office, One Door North oi Malcolm & Hughes IStore. . - I ono-bal- ! . : 'I1 s y t i j t ! |