Show Quaint Beginning e of or the Famous I Magpie Club LONDON SI Correspondence omoN April 7 Since a It novel by h honl LONDON L onu leml l of ot tho Iho Magpie Club been published and It II 10 10 1 h ho tho o 11 nil 11 us as to app ar shortly miler but the writer had hl tho good to 10 Imo the iY ot them den mec of f a IL day ca y when great r t noun would bo upon 1111 In 11 Komu KOmI rather lullI of oC no has vet ot been can Rn bo ht Ion ulven tills little 1110 club ot girl III writ MR 1 With two nil the tho mem 11 of ot tho Club Clu live 1 In 11 the COUl I lut tho In Innot II not lot tho Iho country it I would ho halll for tf nn Oi girl to mil the tho In thoKo have boon brought up Mont loNt nf ot them are tors tf in li me UI til II th y WIO discovered In II the Iho in n tier ner to bo he hereafter described had hM dc de In nn aimless It I 1 II HI sort of or way wn which they 1 entirely on the cla for rO their rending foll 1 1 not nol even een nf ot an I ns I and the Of ot the o RIlls gills were to 10 begin with All 1 of ot them th m wrote role 1 |