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Show Wednesday, May 26, 1999 tDje Legal Notices... Legal Notices... W.D. WEBB Serial Number XD 4499 Account Num-- ber 62674 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That portion ol the North half of the Northeast quarter and the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 22, Township 16 South, Range 2 West, Salt lake Meridian, lying outside Plat A Amended Sevier River Ranches subdivision. APPARENT AND PRESUMPTIVE OWNER: UTAH TITLE AND ABSTRACT COM- Trustee Serial Number XD 4481 71 A Account Number 89446 PANY, -- -- LEGAL DESCRIPTION: All of Lot 71A, Plat A of Amended Sevier River Ranches Subdivision according to the official plat thereof filed as Entry No. 174363 and Map No. 236 in the office of the Juab County Recorder. APPARENT AND PRESUMPTIVE OWNER: JOHN B. AMES and CINDY E. AMES. Serial Number SA 01 40 -- Account Num- ber 9001400 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 15 interest in Sunday Survey No. 3858 Patented Mining Claim. Cont. 3 003 Acres, more or less. APPARENT AND PRESUMPTIVE OWNER: WILLIAM D. CONOVER METHOD OP SALE The Board of County Commissioners of Juab County has determined the following method of sale best meets the objec- tives of protecting the financial interests of the delinquent property owner and col lecting delinquent property taxes due. The highest bid amount for the entire parcel of property. However, a bid may not be accepted for an amount which is insufficient to pay the taxes, penalties, interest and administrative costs. Any amount received in excess of the taxes, penalties, interest and administrative costs by the County, shall be treated as surplus property and paid to the State Treasurer's Office. JUAB COUNTY TAX SALE RULES 1. The County Auditor will state the amount of taxes, penalties, interest, and administrative costs on the parcel being offered for sale, which is the amount at which bidding will begin and the lowest acceptable bid. 2. Upxxi receipt of a bid sufficient to pay the taxes, penalties, interest, and administrative costs on the parcel, higher bids shall be solicited. The bid received m the highest dollar amount, when no higher bids are tendered upon request by the County Auditor, shall be the bid accepted (if such bid is otherwise acceptable under these rules). 3. Property having title deficiencies, description deficiencies, or other deficiencies may be withdrawn from a tax sale. Property withdrawn from a tax sale may be recertified to a subsequent years tax sale after the reasons for the withdrawal have been resolved Recertification must be approvedratified by the Board of Commissioners. 4. A property determined to be a public street, road, canal, or other property subject to public use. based on the records of the records ol the County Recorder andor a physical inspection, will be struck from the sale in the name of Juab County, or Juab County will reserve for public roads and other all public easements across property herein. on-sit- e nght-of-wa- jA Stopy of Eternal Love The Mormon Miracle Pageant fj GfJtC-'KH-- J -- nap Free Admission Beams at dusk at the base of histone Manb Temple For more information, cat lot free (888) 255-886- 0 Nephi, Utah Zmtus-Neft- js Page 11 Legal Notices... Legal Notices... 5. Any property offered for sale for which there is no purchaser or which is not oth- erwise acceptable under these rules shall be struck off to Juab County by the County ClerkAuditor, and fee simple title to the property shall then be vested in Juab County. 6. Only cash or certified funds will be accepted in payment for property. Payment is due, and shall be made to the County Treasurer, at the dose of sale. 7. A bidder shall pre register prior to bidding and be given a number for bidding purposes. In the registration, the bidder shall properly and clearly identify correct information and address for use in issuance of deeds. A. Bids submitted and the Tax Deed issued thereafter will only be executed in the name of an individual bidderpur-chase- r. B. Individual bidder shall mean a corporation, partnership, bust or propnetorshp duly registered, or kcensed, m the State of Utah, or a natural person or husband and wife. C. A bidder must register the name under which heshe will bid in the sale and each bidder wil be limited to registering and bidding under one name only. 8 One deed, and only one deed, wil be issued to the successful bidder on parcels sold. 9. The bidder first recognized by the County Auditor will be the first bid recorded, etc. As m any auction, the bid recognized is the one m effect at the time. 1 0. Collusive bidding wit be strictly prohibited. 11. Loud whispering, yelling, or talking, other than the bids, must be avoided so that accurate records may be kept of the proceedings of the sale. At any time the County Auditor may excuse a bidder for this reason. 12. The final bid number announced by the County Auditor is the official sale, and the bidders previously registered name and address will be the name that wiR go on the deed. 13. Al bids shall be considered conditional. Whether or not the bid is contested, until reviewed, and accepted, by the Board of County Commissioners, acting at a regular scheduled meeting 14. The Board of County Commissioners may reject any and all bids on the ground that none is acceptable. Should a bid be rejected, alt funds accepted for the concerned parcel wifi be refunded. 1 5. Once the County Auditor has closed the sale of a particular parcel of property as a result of accepting a bid on said parcel, the successful bidder, or purchaser of the property, may not unilaterally resand the bid. The county legislative body, after acceptance of a bid, may enforce the terms of the bid by obtaining a legal judgment against the purchaser in the amount of the bid, plus interest and attorney's fees. 16. A fee in the amount of $200 will be assessed on each parcel for administrative costs', plus postage and advertising fees. 17. Any person wishing to contest any action taken in connection with the Tax Sale must present such protest in wntmg to the Juab County Commission by 12 30 p m. on Friday. May 28, 1999. 18. The period to redeem property prior to closing of the books and beginning of the Tax Sale shall end on Thursday, May 27, 1999 at 9 45 a.m. 19. The bidder on any parcel of property may be subject to a roS back tax under the provisions of "THE FARMLAND ASSESSMENT ACT. Utah Code Sections thru 20. A copy of the Tax Sale rules may be obtained in the office of the Juab County Auditor. Juab County Courthouse, 160 North Mam, Nephi, Utah 84648. Indwiduals with disabilities needing special accommodations during this proceeding should call Patricia Ingram at least 3 working days m advance IN WITNESS WHEREOF I HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL THIS 30TH DAY OF APRIL. 1999. Patnaa M. Ingram Juab County ClerkAuditor Published in The Times-NewUtah on 5599. 51299. and C039 623'1200 Nephi. 5 51999. LOOKING FOR QUIET?. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths woversized garage, vaults, plant shelves and much more on 13 acre. Only $105,000. Call LaDaun. HOME AND 20 ACRES WEST OF LEVAN 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 wood stoves, huge family room. Priced nght at $110,000. Call LaDaun. COMPLETELY FINISHED BASEMENT Big living room w gas fireplace, sliding floors lead to private patio. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, central air, ga s furnace, .53 acre with irngation and spnnklers, shop and shed. Call today $139,900 LaDaun. CHEAPER THANK RENT. 3 bedrooms home with 2 living rooms. Quiet location. Only $79,000. 3 ACRES WITH 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH FIXER, in Nephi. Asking $79,000. Bring all offers. Call LaDaun. SUPER CLEAN HOME WITH UP TO 4 BEDROOMS. Mam floor has been redone, gas furnace 13 acre with irngation and spnnklers. Sellers workable. Under $90,000. Call LaDaun. HOME ON .80 ACRE IN LEVAN. 5 bedrooms. 2 baths family room, garage, Priced to sell at $126,500. Call LaDaun. MANUFACTURED HOME IN NEPHI on .26 acre with 1173 sq ft with 3 bedrooms and 1 bath. $92,900. Call Wallace Ballow 623-453- 5. LaDaun: Wallace: SPECIAL BOARD MEETING The Board of Education of the Juab School District wiH meet for a special work session for Thursday. June 3. 1999, at 6 30 p m. In the Juab School District office. 42 East 200 North, Nephi, Utah 84648. The meeting wiHbea budget work session. By order ol the Juab School District Board of Education. Published in The Times-NewNephi. Utah on 52699. and 6299 BILL21 22 Now Accepting Applications for New A Unique Handmade Crafts A Products. Join Our Merchant Family A Be a Part Of Utahs Most Beautiful Craft Mall" . Inquiries call Lance or Brandie at (Ml) 22 Fax (801)221 1411 Email: heartsdearagUSWest.Net Crcsitns Curteitg Spring Spacers -- 31,5C3 reduced to 24,500 Cafl Randy Clifford (831) or fax to (831) 426-451-6 426-296- each 2 -- THEN D1IVE INTO TOUR FUtUlEj dick simon TRUCKHIG DRIUER V 00 727 SMS 800. 72. SKUNK SCHOOL rjtr www.simn.com Springcreek Sprinkling Systems Specializing in Residential Installation & Repairs Licensed, Insured Contractor Free Estimates Terry Jacobson Jacobson Randy Steele 465-299- 6 465-989- 1 623-534- 1 Rcoc? Ktfean ftccra East 151 North 600 Mix Nephi, Utah 623-472- 3 90 Day Guarantee Free Estimages Discounts on footage over 100 feet. 4-- D 623-794- PLUMBING & BUILDERS SUPPLY 66 SOUTH 7 ( CALL 623-- 1 Heating Service HioBinson's FOOD STORAGE Friendly Convenient Service So extra charge 0RDZ2 DISSCT PROM WAREHOUSE AND SAVE BIG!!!! We hare the best quality food at tha most Affordable prices you will End anywhere. Our food is gourmet quality, packaged in either a 10 can or a 5 gallon bucket For long shelf life and still compares to grocery store prices. We also ofTer 2 year, 18 month, and I year food storage units for unbelievably low prices- We have FREE delivery in Juab county on any year supply. Come see us at 1759 W. Business Park DR-- Orem, Go all the way west in the business park to the second to last building on the south side of the road. Or call us at and we will send you a packet and order form. We arc having an in store special in May on select items up to 201 off. Remember L1FESYNERGY FOODS for excellent quality and an time delivery. Business hours 9 00 a m to 6.00 p m. 66 m 329-858- 6 LEAR1J TO DRIVE A DIG RIG!!! Blair for your custom dream home in Richfield. Utah! pager pager 623-453- 5, BILL1821 2699 Desire Hearts MARKET PLACE Stong Fiber Mesh OWNER TRANSFERRED Bring all offers or assume loan w smalt down 3 bedroom, 2 bath, wood stove, shed w over 1400 sq. ft. Call List your home on the internet and also come in lor free list of home in your price 623-277- 3, Subscribe Today $21 per year in Juab County Only 2 Lots Left!! 1.75 acres PRiCE SLASHED!!! Main street NEBO AGENCY INC. location - you choose business. NEPHI OFFICE Steal at $69,900. Call LaDaun Plumbing Service Electrical f MAIN. NEPHI. UTAH 1S3 FOR SERVICE )- - Ucensed Contractor W Service What Wa Factory Trained penonneB Sel ll UNIVERSAL STORAGE CENTERS For Your Storage Needs Now Renting! 10X12 $43.00 per month 1 0X1 0 $30.00 per month 5X10 $22 00 per month ONE MONTH FREE WITH ANNUAL CONTRACT |