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Show r ) V,' Wednesday, May 26, 1999 . , i r dje Laundry gadgets lighten the load vont On April 22, the Federal TYade ter alone, and not as effective as Commission (FTC) issued a news washing them with laundry derelease and consumer alert about tergent. At worst, the products laundry detergent substitutes, are completely useless. In the consumer alert, the FTC charging distributors with making false and unsubstantiated urges consumers to follow good advertising claims. The laundry laundry practices in order to get substitutes include a small plas- the best cleaning results. tic Ball filled with allegedly Follow the care label instrucistructured wateri and a ball di- tions. vided into two parts, one part of Pre-trestains. which contains blue liquid that Sort by color. Wash whites septhe company marketed as con- arately; light and medium colors taining IE crystals or IE struc- together, and blights and darks tures. by themselves. Jodie Bernstein, Director of the Dont overload your washer. FTCs Bureau of Consumer Pro- Clothes need room to move and tection, said, "These companies enough water to carry away the appealed to consumers desire to soil. hIp the environment and save Follow product instructions.of some money. Today, on Earth Use the recommended amount Day, many consumers will be detergent and other laundry looking for green products and products, and follow the recommay believe these products are mended procedures. web site FTCs better for the environment. Be- Visit fore tossing out their tried and (www.ftc.gov) to view the news at true detergents, consumers release and consumer alert. For information on good laundry practices and stain removal, visit the Soap and Detergent Associations web site (www.sdahq.org) Neplii,"TJtaE a MEMORIAL DAY PORCH SALE qCom: visit for reat savings-Saturdaand Monday -- 255-888- 0 Uesa-Uoa- b Just 13 miles outside of scenic Moab. 23 ten-acr- e parcels currently available oftenngs building sites among the interesting geological features and Pnyon Juniper. Spectacular views of the Behind the Rocks wilderness area, red rock monuments of (he West Desert, La Sal Mountains, and the Abajo Mountains. Recreational opportunities abound in the neighboring National Parks and public lands. Pnces range from $76 OCX) to $1 50,000 Owner financing avaiable For more information call: 80 1x4 lb date, BLM has received pre-requis- ite Centennial Mural on display in cafeteria i IllC.I LCTtl!) FENC1N 'ALSO: 1x6, 1x8, 2x4, 2x6, 2x0, 4x4 Purchase only a single season amount of the pesticide needed. Calculate the amount of pesticide needed to treat the site. Mix that amount and apply it with properly calibrated equipment. Carefully mix and load so there is no spillage. Minimize liquid wastes, includ- Sunlight, moisture and excessive heat or cold can destroy pesticide effectiveness. Use older products first Next week: Some tips for safeof excess pesticides and their containers Direct column topic questions to: Donna Falkenborg, Utah State University Extension, 0500 Old Main ly disposing ing spray material left after an Hill, Logan. yT 84322-050fax: application, and the water used Phone to wash and rinse the spray equipment. Use liquids accord donnaf3ext.usu.edu. 0. 3; ' THE BUGS ARE OUT!! Get an exterior foundation spray for only $15.00 Get a shrub & flower bed spray from $17.50 & Up Lawn fertilized and weeds killed for only i $25.00 an up Lawn Bug Special from $25.00 & up Core aeration Tree spraying , Mowing edging, trimming D. f.'ria cr.J Fctf Ccr.xl Call Steve & Kaylene Casper Stewart COPY 3; il: Massaga Special h Mention this td for a $5.00 discount on your first mssco Lake City, UT 84145. Centennial Books now available Centennial Books Living a Legacy, that have been can be picked up Wednesand day Thursday at the Juab Vocational Building School High in room 4 from Kristy Carter. Those books not picked up by Thursday will be mailed. Additional books can be purchased at the DUP Museum at 4 South Main, Nephi, UT 84648 for $10.00. The museum hours are 0 Monday-Fridap.m. pre-or-der- 1:00-5:0- y, PRUDENTIAL REALTY ASSOCIATED PRESENTS HOTTEST ON THE MARKET!!! SELL THIS WEEK!!! 1 1 The bank will condown financing! Super sider all offers! And is offering deal for first time buyers!!! 269 E 300 S. Hurry DONT MISS OUT! $79,900 NEPHI - IMMACULATE 3BD, 1 bth starter. Remodeled, and super cute! ANIMAL RIGHTS, nice comer lot with trees, quiet area, possible extra acreage available. Drive by at 896 N 200 E $85,900. STARTER OR RENTAL, 3bd, I bth, nice and clean, in great shape! Two car garage, on large lot with animal nghts, extra acreage available, Pnced for fast sale! 150 S 200 E $39,900. E PROPERTY! .75 acres, 4bd, 2 bth, needs TLC and is priced as is, excellent potential! Large trees, and in a great location, very workable seller! 557 S 100 E.9 $84,900 E PROPERTY! Cute and Remodeled! 3bd, I bth with office and workshop! Comer lot landscaped, fruit trees, small town living at its best! 210 S 300 E $94,900 NEPHI-MUS-T 1 LEVAN-SUPE- R NEPHI-HORS- Bring all offers! NEPHI - GREAT FIRST HOME! 3 bd, I bth, remodeled and has lots of storage! Fireplace, Comer lot fenced, bnng the lads and dogs! And bnng all offers! 195 E 700 S $97,900 Nepw - To be built! 3 or 4 bd, 2 bth, family room, upgraded beautiful modular, save the hassle, you can purchase this home for $0 DOWN, all, setup on the lot already! 95 N 200 E, $104,900. NEPHI- - GREAT BUY ON THIS BEAUTIFUL VICTORIAN! 3 bd. I bth, possible 2 easy, remodeled with fabulous now kitchen, all the upgrades, all bnck, on a comer lot, drive by at 97 W 500 N, $108,900 LEVAN- - GORGEOUS 3 BD, 2 BTH, wood stove, huge oversized garage for the toys, landscaped, sprinklers, outdoor lighting fenced animal nghts. great community, 295 N 100 E $119,900. NEPHI- - BEST BUY!! 1 Classic Victorian reduced to $119,900! 5 bd, 2 bth, over 2700 S.F. of living space, basement, garage, fenced, this is a steal at this pnee!!!!!! 149 E WAIT!! NEPHI- - NOW 2 BD, 1 BTH, Tile floors, lots of upgrade full unfinished basements 2 car garages, new easy and convenient area. Bnng all offers! Super Deal at $119,900, 420 E 760 S MONA- - 4 BD, 3 BTH, family room, super nice, all bnck home, on half acre with animal nghts, 2 car carport storage sheds, fenced, garden spot, great community 45 S 200 W $128,900 NEPHI- - NEW 3 BD, 2 BTH. AH the upgrades! Unfinished basement. 415 E 760 S. $132,000 Nephi- - NEW HOMES TO BE BUILT!!! If 2 and 3 bds, 2 bths, 2 car garages, ragging from $93,000 to 125,000, Pick colors, floor plans, and EXTRA'S super nice country homes, dont wait!! LEVAN ALL BRICK RAMBLER! 4 bd. 1 bth, with base- ment lot's of storage, 2 laundry's 2 car garage, spnnklers, large trees, animal right, comer lot extra acreage available! 211 N Mam, $114,900 JUST LISTED! 3 bd. 2 bth, with HUGE bam for toy's can, horses, whatever? 12 acre with animal nghts. white ral fence, landscaped, spnnklers, quiet am 1220 W LEVAN GREAT FAMILY HOME! 6 bds, 3 bths. 2700 S. F. of living space. 2 car garage, with extra 3 car workshop, swimming pool, animal nghts. had acre, landscaped. 232 S 300 500 S CO Most insurance accepted! Uty not he used tor a cash vatoe E $157,900 NEPHI- - SOUTH TOWNE ESTATES. Now subdivision, ly improved lot s, 400 E 760 S. for $25,900 NEPHI licensed therapist Mandi Gardner 655 North Mein, Nephi, 623&1 Next to Roods Drivo - 500 S. $149,900 I ful- OK FOR MODULAR HOME! Building lot. 420 E 13 am, great area, $26,900 LEVAN - TWO BUILDING LOTS, ok for modulars, animal nghts. 1 48 S 200 W. & 222 N Mam, $15,900. . LEVAN 34 ACRES1 23 water shares, planted in alfalfa, build your dream home. 350 N 300 W. MONA-TH- E ESTATES AT WEST HILLS! Now Equestrian Centerl With 2 12 acre lots starting at $39,900! Quiet country living with gorgeous views of Mt Nebo. Indoor outdoor ndmg arenas trails, miles of open space for family recreation! Reserve your tot now, while Pie pnces are tow1 Nancy 9Aay C.:1 Pager::. C::;:.1 New 13s GtlwJUsie tomds esey way to I cs wwtk.Ce fared am llur aaem? - . p LEVAN 1 Call for an appointment with our 5) i "project updates write: BLM Utah State Office, WSA Planning Project, P.O. Box 45155, Salt Must sell! Bnng all offers! Beautiful 3 bd, 2 bth, tile and wood floors, fireplace, JACUZZI tub, huge master bd, workable seller! 420 E 760 S, reduced to $ 1 29,900 LEVAN- - MOVE TO THE COUNTRY! Edge of town, 4 bd 3 bth, great floor plan, family room, sparkling clean and cute! Animal Rights. Extra acreage available! 267 W 300 N $126,900. cation, out of the sun and in locked cabinets. Keep them in their original containers and out of reach of children or animals. : (882-464- j NEPHI- - NEW CUSTOM HOME!!! ing to application directions. Protect pesticides so they remain useful and the labels are legible. Store them in a cool lo- 1 SATTERWHITE LOG HOMES , LEVAN-HORS- hundreds of hours of labor. Many of the tiles were glazed numerous times to achieve the desired pldrThe tiles were assembled the' Advanced Art Students, and the oak molding was added by Mr. Fletchers woodshop. . The tiles for the mural were constructed with the help of Kelvin Yazzie, an artist in resi- dence from Arizona, and completed under the direction of Kristy Carter, Art Teacher. FIREWOOD $35CORD curs dryi . j Center, DONT practices: (office) Of Monticello. can I safely dispose of excess pesticides, including herbicides, and their containers Free Admission Beams at dusk at the base of histone Mantt Temple For more information, cal (home) w over 700 Written comments. Colville encourages interested publics to keep the comments coming during the final month ofBLMs formal scoping period. The timq frame for our formal scoping period ends June 21, however we will do our best to Colville. The BLM will release their include scoping comments whendraft EIS next winter. Following ever they come in, said Colville. Colville also reiterated that the release of the draft EIS, the BLM will host another series of attendance at an open house is to getting inpublic meetings to receive feed- not a volved. Several different options back. Colville expects interest to re- are available to anyone wanting main high, based on attendance to participate. In addition to regfigures for the scoping open hous- ular mail, comments can be subes completed last week. While mitted through the BLMs web attendance ranged from a low of site (www.ut.blm.govwilder-ness- ) 40 people at the Tooele open containing extensive back- - Answer by: Howard Deer, Utah State University' Extension Pesticides and Toxicology Specialist Pesticide use requires disposal of either excess pesticides or empty pesticide containers. You can reduce the pesticides or pesticide containers you need to dispose of if you follow these Red Rock Desert Home Sites Bridger Jack r How Uun31Zll9l2322lm9) J house, to just over 600 people ground information on the attending at the final May 7 project. The Internet extends our meeffnr Salt Lake, most open housfcaierag6d( from 100 to 150 reach to potentially millions who participants. The May 4 open can access planning information house, in Vernal drew an espe- and provide comments 24 hours cially good crowd with over 250 a day, seven days a week via the Internet. This outreach tool is an people participating. Most people used the open especially good match with houses to familiarize themselves Utahns, given the large number with the project or to collect in- of state residents who regularly formation for future comments. use the Internet, said Colville. Others chose to provide scoping Regular mail is another option comments during the meetings. for participation. To receive an Those choosing the latter option information scoping kit or to be included two Navajo Elders added to the list of 7,000 individwhose verbal comments were uals and organizations already translated by a BLM interpret- receiving periodic planning er and then added to the written record during the open house in 6 p.m. Seated under a canopy ot art, rafmah your soul as the saga of The Mormon Miracle unfolds befon your ayes. fc Thousands turned out to ask questions, pour over maps and express diverse opinions during a recent series of Bureau ofLand Management open houses designed to encourage public involvement in the Bureaus statewide planning process to determine if new wilderness study areas (WSAs) will be established on Federal lands in Utah. Acting Utah BLM State Director Linda Colville characterized the 11 open houses held throughout the state as an excellent information exchange between the public and BLM planners who will use the input in developing a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) containing various alternatives for establishment of new WSAs. Comments during scoping will help guide our draft EIS as well as sharpen our analysis on key factors such as the manageability ofwilderness study areas or the impacts of WSA designation on other resource uses, said y - The Mormon Miracle Pageant tt I 4 ng open houses Juab High School Centen- 01 kaw yos amt J aatmatCj im wife pc liSLDAfTX' CMtna Otoe 4 Tfcc szS toir-1- Tor I : -writs pata. is, Olt-IZJlS-- 1. l. T J pSa, Cm ar kaOiy tocf Home: Mobile: jtfjniiw The Vww N W. to24VXX a mw pmtin keL) Mm ssenasi, 800 612-721- 5 1 2 435-623-41- 800-- 6 2-7- 1 nancymay0sisna.com yea mam toe Jt Page 9, t 4 - nial Mural is on display in the high school cafeteria. The mural consists of over 300 ceramic tiles that were constructed by the students and faculty of Juab High. Some members of the community also contributed tiles. The wasp decorations in each comer, and the gold and oak centennial plaque were made by Salt Creek Signs. The finished mural represents is having (888) i tV- The fMatittas Kguntry Style Qifts to free mX , I- Message Prom Aargie 10 a.m. tEimza-jNelb- sill) T' "r J -' Thoucandcattcnd BLM - should think twice. Tests show that these gadgets do little more than clean out your wallet. At best, theyre marginally better than washing clothes in hot wa- - a)7-e'jnf- ThePradontrc i 5 |