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Show Ads Use the For Sale Times-New- s Older per month. Services home in Mona. $150 e:rmiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinh;.ll,, See Richard first when work. you need tune-u- p We have the latest Allen Tuneup machine computer to provide you with the best at a great price. FERC'S SERVICE 1010 North Main, Nephi SlIHIUlUiniHIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII L FIX IT NOW!! Dont put it off until tomorrow, call Steve today and get it fixed. We fix almost anything. legal Notices Ni ot the NEV4 of Sec. 29, T11S, R1E, SLM. Cont. 80 ac. XB1773-1- 3. Tax Sale No. . apartment. Close to town. 623-141No. 29848. Henry Ewell, Lucille Ewell, JT. Heat and air conditioning included. Call 623-009- 3 Beg. at the NW Cor. of Sec. 4, T12S, R1E, days, or 623-- 1 705 after 6 p.m. 20 SM, th. S. 41.885 ft. along sec. In, th. E. 623-041.1.134 ft. th. N. 89 deg. 06 min. 11 secs. E. Newer along a fence In. 286.784 ft, th. S. 89 deg. home with unfinishRed Angus yearling bull. Branded Lost ed basement. Very reasonable heating bar backward S on the left ribs. Last seen 59 min. 52 sec. E. 47.087 ft, th. N. Odea. 53 ' min. 31 secs. W. 9.280 ft, th. N. 33 ft. to costs. Nice neighborhood. 424 East 570 two miles west of Mona. Chad P. Winn, the N. In. of sd. Sec. th. W. 334.83 ft. to South, Nephi. $300 per month. Call 623-078- 623-13620 623-10520 point of beginning. Cont. 0.34 ac. XC2853A-1-2-1Tax Sale No. 130-198623-143No. 41454. Thomas V. Huntsman. Com. at three-bedrooI the SE. Cor. of Sec. 31, T12S, R1W SLB&M; home. Utility room plus wood-burnin- g th. N. 1 deg. 07 min. 50 sec. W. along the 542-324stove. Large yard. 161 East Own your own jean, sportswear, ladies apE. In of sd. Sec. 31 1330.47 ft. to true 9th North, Nephi. $275 per month. Call point size, childrens, large parel, maternity, 623-080- 2 21 for appointment to see. dancewear or accessories store. of beginning; th. S. 88 deg. 38 min. 24 sec. non-arropetite, 436-860W. 667.05 N. 0 39 56 th. min. sec. . deg. ft, bedroom home in Jordache, Chic, Lee, Levi, Izod, Gitano, W. 330 Very nice two-thre- e 38 min. 24 sec. E. th. N. 88 423-016, Levan. Carpets and drapes throughout. Guess, Calvin Klein, Sergio Valente, Evan 665.98 ft, th. S. 1 deg.07 min. 50 secs. E. deg. ft, Partially furnished plus washer and dryer. Picone, Liz Claiborne, Members Only, 329.99 ft. n to true point of beginning, cont. Large shady yard. Carport. $285 per Gasoline, Healthtex, Cherokee, over 1,000 5.049 acres, more or less. 623-132others. $14,300 to $25,900 inventory, train21 month. 623-04. XC2853A-1-2-1Tax Sale No. 132-198four-doo- r. ing, fixtures, grand opening, etc. Can open three-bedrooNo. 41538. Thomas V. Huntsman. Com. at Large 19 Laundry apartment. 1 5 days. Mr. Keenan (305) 678-363' 21 facilities. No pets. 623-216the SE. Cor. of Sec. 31, T12S, R1W, 623-169835-887Distributor needed for jerky, pepperoni, SLB&M; th. N. 1 deg. 07 min. 50 sec. W. for Call rent. month. $250 Apartment per 768-843Five-spee- d etc. Exclusive territory and product line. along the E. In. of sd. Sec. 31 1660.46 ft. to 623-262IBtfB 18-f- t. Sales background preferred. $3,500 invest- true point of beginning, th. S. 88 deg. 38 623-022building for rent in ment. Excellent profit. Excellent repeat min. 24 sec. W. 665.98 ft, th. N. 0 deg. 56 19 min. 39 sec. W. 330 Nephi! Recently remodeled. Phone business. (503)963-37516-f- t. ft, th. N. 88 deg. 38 623-26218tfB min. 24 sec. E. 664.01 ft, th. S. 1 deg. 07 h min. 50 sec. E. 329.99 ft. to true point of Store for rent at 296 South Main Street, beginning. Cont. 5.041 acres, more or less. .Nephi. Plenty of parking. Also large, atXC2853A-1-2-1Tax Sale No. 133-198623-198.. 835-887- 8 side yard. Many Work wanted. Woman needs housecleantached No. 41553. Thomas V. Huntsman. Com. at uses for this commercial property. Only ing work in area. Reasonable. Man needs the SE Cor. of Sec. 31, T12S, R1W, SLB&M, $250 per month. Call Brad at United Farm 19 th. S. 88 cooking or odd jobs. Call 623-141deg. 38 min. 24 sec. W. along S. Real Estate, 623-166Hurry, won't last In. of sd. Sec. 31 , 671 .38 f t, th. N. 0 deg. 56 17tfB long! 224-053min. 39 sec. W. 1990.49 ft. to true point of One-- , two-- , and three-bedrooapartbeginning, th. S. 88 deg. 38 min. 24 sec.' W. 798-744ments. See manager, Mountain Shadows 664.91 ft, th. N. 0 deg. 45 min. 29 sec. W. No. 465 4th South 7, East, Apartments, 623-234- 0 330.01 ft. th. N. 88 deg. 38 min. 24 sec. E. CALL FOR BIDS Income limits Nephi, or call 623-209663.83 ft, th. S. 0 deg. 56 min. 39 sec. 330 Nephi City will accept bids until 5 p.m. 9tiTb ply. on Monday, May 19, 1986 on the sale of a ft. to true point of beginning. Cont. 5.033 Townhouse apartments. Furnished or un- 1956 Adams 440 motor grader. The grader acres, more or less. 445-35XC2853A-1-2-1623-183- 9 Tax Sale No. 134-198Call Vard furnished. or at may be inspected at the city yard at 250 4-, 623-1101 2tf B West 2nd North. Sealed bids should be No. 41579. Thomas V. Huntsman. Com. at delivered to the office of the city recorder the SE. Cor. of Sec. 31, T12S, R1W, 36tfB Spacious apartment. Lots of Las Vegas, Nev. 20 phi. B (702) 363-673SLB&M, th. N. 1 deg. 07 min. 50 sec. W. Washer and dryer hookups. by the above deadline. space. storage have All utilities included. Call 623-262along E. In. of sd. Sec. 31, 1990.45 ft. to 50tf B JMART, 205 South Main, Nephi, Utah. . Thinking about wedding gifts? We Probate, guardianship, conservator, and true point of beginning, th. S. 88 deg. 38 JMART for great prices on wedding lists in $1 and $2 amounts. Nephi unfurnished rental housing trust notices. Consult clerk of the court or min. 24 sec. W. 664.91 ft. th. N. 0 deg. 56 1005 North Main, Lumber pop. Seven Up, Dr. Pepper, A&W Root Nephi. 623-014-Company, min. 39 sec. W. 330 ft, th. N. 88 deg. 38 36tfB at 160 East 3rd North, Nephi. For persons the respective signers for further informaBeer, Orange Crush, Squirt, regular or 62 or older. FMhA requirements apply. tion. min. 24 sec. E. 663.83 ft, th. S. 1 deg. 07 diet. $1.59 6 pack , $6.20 case. 19 29tfB Call 623-164- 4 or 623-142min. 50 sec. E. 330 ft. to true pt. of Deg. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Jeffery Lynn Rosquist, aksa Cont. 5.033 acres135-198-more or less. townhouse apartment. XC2853A-1-2-1Tax Sale No. Washer and dryer hookups. Call 623-255- 2 home with unfinishNewer Jeffery L.- Rosquist and Jeff Rosquist, No. 41603. Thomas V. Huntsman. Com. at 17tfB deceased. ed basement. Energy efficient. Nice neigh- Two apartments for rent. Two bedrooms. or 623-037the SE. Cor. of Sec. 31, T12S, R1W, Probate No. 2067. borhood. 424 East 570 South, Nephi, $49,500. Call $250 and $225 a month. Discounts for Call Neal Menlove at SLB&M; th. N. 1 deg. 07 min. 50 sec. W. 623-078All persons having claims against the 20 ,623-11419 above estate are required to present them along the E. In. of sd. Sec. 31, 2420.45 ft. to to the undersigned or to the clerk of the the true pt. of beg. th. S. 88 deg. 38 min. 24 sec. W. 663.83 ft, th. N. 0 deg. 56 min. 30 court on or before the 15th day of August, Help wanted at Circle C Truck Stop, sec. W. 330.00 ft, th. N. 88 deg. 38 min. 24 Shiftwork. 1986, or said claims shall be forever barNephi. Need cashier-waitressec. E. 662.76 ft, th. S. 1 deg. 07 min. 50 Weekends. Apply in person, 8 a.m. to 4 red. Nanette A. Rosquist sec. E. 329.99 ft. to true point of beginnip.m., week days. ng. Cont. 5.025 acres more or less. 265 East 7th South KOA summer hejp wanted. Female. Part-timXC2853A-1-2-1Tax Sale No. 136-19884648 Utha Nephi, 8 8:30 after before a.m. or Apply No. 86590. Thomas V. Huntsman. Com. at 19-2- 1 623-178- 6 B 623-081Telephone p.m. the SE. Cor. of Sec. 31, T12S, R1W, T SLB&M, th. N. 1 deg. 07 min. 50 sec. W. Part-tim- e NOTICE TO CREDITORS building inspector for Juab of STANLEY EDWARDS, deceas Estate along the E. In. of sd. Sec. 31, 2650.44 ft. to 800..Great family home with and 1 V baths. Attached carport, County. Submit applications to the county ed. true point of beginning, th. S. 88 deg. 38 clerk until Friday, May 16, 1986 at 5 deck on back and woodburning stove. New listing $52,000.00 Probate No. 2066 3 min. 24 sec. W. 662.76 ft, th. N. 0 deg. 56 (m. 738..Two-bedroothru-out home remodeled on extra large lot. Woodburning All persons having claims against the min. 39 sec. W. 330 ft, th. N. 88 deg. 38 5 until will Nephi City accept applications stove and a one car garage. $45,000.00. above estate are required to present them min. 24 sec. E. 661.69 ft, th. S. 1 deg. 07 . p.m. on Friday, May 16, 1986 for the to the undersigned or to the clerk of the min. 50 sec. E. 329.99 ft. to true pt. of beg. 729..Big is the best way to describe this home. Over 2,800 square feet of living of ball summer-tim- e park positions court within three months after the date Cont. 5.017 acres, more or less. space including five bedrooms. On one acre with animal rights. faretaker and night waterman. For addiXC2853-22of the first publication of this notice or No. Tax Sale No. 138-198$84,000.00. tional information, contact city hall. said claims shall be forever barred. 41652. Partners Four, a partnership, co 644..Three-bedroohome with gret view in Nebo heights. Superior craftsmanNephi City is an equal opportunity DATED this 24th day of April, 1986. Robert H. Wilstead. Comm, at the SE. Cor. , employer. with handcrafted cabinets. Reduced to $49,500.00. ship thru-oJohn K.M. Olsen of Sec. 31, T12S, R1W SLB&M, th. N. 1 5 7 & Hill will 4S4iephi Nielson until vru Jttu-'nit&City deg. 07 min. 50 sec. W. along the E. In. of Olsen, Hintze, accept applications V',S ,, ,, 1 Laraeslown. Squre.Suite 200 sd. Sec. 31, a dist. of 2320.45 ft. to the true tFii4ay jjAay.llj, .1.986 .for th$ fob. 3319 North University Avenue point of beg, th. S. 88 deg. 38 min. 24 sec. 622T-- &&1 i Towing jobs. at the .municipal swimming' .'rT Boot: pool manager, iife guards, and counProvo Utah 84604 W. 663.83 ft, th. N. 0 deg. 56 min. 39 sec. B W. 100 ft, th. N. 88 deg. 38 min. 24 sec. E. ter attendants. Lifeguards must have curTelephone: (801) 375-660- 0 g certification. 663.83 ft, th. S. 1 deg. 17 min. 50 sec. E. rent Red Cross NOTICE TO WATER USERS Contact Randy McKnight at city hall for The following application has been fil- 100 ft. to the point of beginning, cont. additional information. 1.523 acres. ed with the State Engineer to appropriate XC3178-1- . Tax Sale No. 144-198No. water in Juab County throughout the en45950. C. Boyd Corbett. SVi of NW', tire year unless otherwise designated. NE'. of NW' of Sec. 16, T13S, R3W, Locations in SLB&M. SLM. Cont. 120 acres. APPLICANT: Steve (A61669) & A&J XC3178-2- . "Old Timers" born in or who have ever livNo. Tax Sale No. 145-198LeRoy McPherson, 303 South 100 East, ed in Levan, meet at the Levan Park, cfs. 45976. David Simmons. The NWVS of the Utah. 0.015 QUANTITY: Nephi, 3 & Memorial Day, May 26, p.m. for a NWVS of Sec. 16, T13S, R3W, SLBM. Cont. SOURCE: well, 100 ft. to 300 ft. 40 It is hoped those born before acres. deep. POINT OF DIVERSION: S. 150 W. XC3181-1- . 1912 will be sure to come. Bring pictures Tax Sale No. 149-198No. 300 from NVJ Cor., Sec. 5, T13S, R1E. (0.5 of "old folks" olden and have 46115. C. Boyd Corbett. The SWV4 of Sec. you might miles NW of Nephi). USE: Irrigation: from' 19 SLM. days. Cont. 160 acres. April 1 to Oct. 31, total acreage 0.25 acs; 21, T13S, R3W, XC3181-6- . No. Tax Sale No. 153-198Is or has your life been affected by somestockwatering: 30 head of livestock; 46164. G. Food t- Flowers Boyd Corbett. The E'i of the 1 PLACE OF USE: else's drinking? If so, call one Domestic: family. SE ' of Sec. 21, T13S, R3W, SLM, cont. 80 Ann Kirk 667-323- 4 623-131- 5 Boswell 623-072- 7 Call or 623-048Meetings twice NEVJNWV4 Sec. 5, T13S, R1E. Protests resisting the granting of this ap- acres. 529-350- 2 weekly. Tuesday atl p.m., Thursday, 7:30 XD3240-1- . No. Tax Sale No. 159-198to 8:30 p m. plication with reasons therefore must be 47154. Wm. E. Broadhead. Beg. 2166.4 ft. in the State filed with Engineer, duplicate classified Please check your Times-New- s S. of NW Cor. of NEW of NWVl of Sec. 4, ad the first week it appears. If you find a 1636 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, T14S, R1E, SLM, th. S. 48 deg. 35 min. E. 84116 on or before June 21, 1986. mistake, telephone us promptly. The Utah Robert L. Morgan, P.E. 294.6 ft, S. 30 deg. 4 min. W. 216 ft, N. 76 Times-News will be responsible for one indeg. 37 min. W. 115.8 ft, N. 324 ft. to beg. STATE ENGINEER correct insertion only. Cont. 1.21 ac. Published in Nephi Times-New- s May 8, D3930-A0Tax Sale No. classified ad rates: 15, and 22, 1986. Here are Times-New- s No. 55769. Alan Parsons. Beg. at a pt. 660 604- per five words or portion of five TAX SALE FINAL NOTICE OF ft. W. and 264 ft. S. of the NE Cor. of the words, $3 minimum. No discount on addiNotice is hereby given that on ThursSE' of Sec. 10, T14S, R8W, SLM, th. S. tional weeks. No refunds on ads cancelled 10 of 29th the at 1986, May, day 264 ft, th. W. 660 ft. to the E. 16th In of sd. Itf day, after the deadline. o'clock a.m., at the front door of the Juab Sec. 10, th. N. 264 ft. along sd. E. 16th In, Do you plan on submitting a photo for County Center in Nephi, Juab County, th. E. 660 ft. to the point of beginning. Times-News- ? Please Utah, I will offer for sale at public auction Cont. 4 acres. publication in the addressed to and sell to the highest bidder for cash, purbring a stamped envelope Tax Sale No. 193-198XE4719. No. suant to the provisions of Section 65230. E. Dean Brian. All of Lot 15, Blk 3, yourself for the photo's return. Utah Code Annotated 1953, the Plat A, Eureka City Survey. Is or has your life been affected by drinkfollowing described real estate situate in Tax Sale No. 196-198XE4745. No. ing? If so, call Alcoholics Anonymous, said 623-024county and now held by it under 65503. Derk Strikwerd, co John R. Berger. Meetings twice weekly. Call toless No bid for than sale. tax All of the SVi of Lot 8, Blk 4, Plat A, 17tf preliminary day.' the total amount of - taxes, interest, Eureka City Survey. 77 ft. in depth. which a are and costs charge penalties Tax Sale No. 197-198XE4746. No. IDDODODDDODDDDODDI upon such real estate will be accepted. 65511. Derk Strikwerd, co John R. Berger. Dl ID XA201. No. 2779. Tax Sale No. All of Blk. Lot Plat 9, 4, A, Eureka City ! ID Shirley P. Foote. Beg. 5 rds. 15 Iks. 3 ft. S. Survey. Blk. of NE. Cor. of Loti, ! 28, Plat A, Nephi Tax Sale No. 200-198IB XE4950. No. Townsite Survey, th. W. 142.94 ft., th. S. 67574. WAFCO Inc, a Utah corporation. 11.85 ft., th. E. 38 ft. to pt th. S. 53.838 ft. All of Lot 3, Blk 3, Plat B, Eureka 1 City i to pt., th. E. 104.74 ft. to E. side Lot 1, th. Survey. N. 65.668 ft. to beg. . XE4957-1Tax Sale No. No. XA344-XA34Tax Sale No. Ella A. Petty. Beg. at the SE. Cor. of i g! XA346-2- . No. 4171. Jensen Linen Supply, 67657. Blk Lot 10, 3, Plat B, Eureka City Survey, Inc. Beg. 121.5 ft. N. of SE. Cor. of Lot 1 th. N. 02 deg. W. 17 ft, th. N. 85 deg 15 Dl ID Blk! 37, Plat A Nephi Townsite Survey, th. min. W. 52 ft. to the W. In of sd lot, tn. S. ID The deadline for ALL news Ol W. 13 rds.fth. N. 48 ft., th. E. 13 rds., th. S. 50 deg. 1 4 min. W. 1 7 ft. to the SW Cor. of ID and ALL advertising is TULS- - Dl 48 ft. to beg. sd. Lot, th. S. 85 deg. 15 min. E. 53.92 ft. to -ID DAY at 5 P.M. Classified ads Dl XA1032-1-No. Tax Sale No. beg. Cont. 0.020 acres, more or less. ID are payable in advance, ex- - Dl 18783. Catherine Cauchay. Beg. 187.25 ft. Tax Sale No. 205-198XE4984 No. I D cept to those who have adver- - D I E. of the NW Cor. of Lot 3, Blk. 23. Plat A. 67905. Ron Berger. All of Lot 10, Blk. 4, ID tising accounts with us. 39tfB Dl Levan Townsite Survey, th. E. 0.02 ft., th. Plat B, Eureka City Survey. Dl ID S. 198 ft., th. W. 0.02 ft., th. N. 198 ft. to Tax Sale No. 208-198XE5045. No. IDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDI beg. cont. 0.0001 acres more or less. 68531. Derk Strikwerd, co John R. Berger. XB1503-1- . Tax Sale No. No. All of Lot 90, Blk. 4, Plat B, Eureka City 26588. Alan Parsons. Beg. at SE. Cor. of Survey. the SW. of Sec. 18, Til S, R1E, SLM th. N Tax Sale No. 209-198XE5047. No. In. 528 ft. th. W. 1320 ft. to 68556. Derk along the E. Strikwerd, co John R. Berger. V4 Cor. of i the mid sec. In. th. S. 528 ft. to S All of Lot 92, Blk. 4, Plat B, Eureka City Money problems? Pay back your debts sd. Sec. 18, th. E. 1320 ft. to place of beg. Survey. painlessly through Chapter 13. For free in- Cont. 16 ac. Tax Sale No. 210-198XE5053, No. formation, call Embry and Associates, atXB-- 1 503-4- . No. 68614. WAFCO, Tax No. Sale 756-363Inc, a Utah corporation. 19 torneys, 26612. W.D. Webb. Beg. at a point on the All of Lot 3, Blk. 5, Plat B, Eureka City In. of Sec. 18, T11S, R1E, SLM sd. Uncontested divorce papers prepared, $98 E. Survey. Tax Sale No. 218-198point being 1564 ft. N. of the SE Cor. of plus $77 filing fee. Simple wills prepared, XE5220, No. SWV4 of the SE'J of sd. Sec. 18, th. N. $40. Personal injury. Lloyd Anderson Poel-ma70495. Larry Kay Cilbert. Beg. 60 ft. S. 24 ' In 528 ft. th. W. 1320 ft. to the attorney. 72 East 400 South, No. 245, along sd. deg. 44 min. E. from NW Cor. of Lot 12, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111. 359-59719 mid sec. In. th. S. 528 ft. along mid sec. In., Blk 8, Plat B, Eureka City Survey, th. S. 24 E. 1320 ft. to the point of beg. Cont. 16 th. . I Dandelion spraying. $4 per thousand deg. 44 min. E. 85 ft, N. 72 deg. 08 min. E. r f more less. 45 ft. M. or L. to E. line of said Lot 12, N. square feet. Lawn care program. Lawn ac.,Tax Sale No. XB1 503-5- . No. 20 deg 27 min. W. 84 ft. M or L. S. 72 deg. mowing. Weekly basis. Call Rod's, 26620. Floyd Myers. Beg at a pt. on the E. 08 mm. W. 50 ft. M. or L. to beg. 18-19623-071- 6 or 465-446- 4. Tax Sale No. 219-198XE5221. No. jQm of Sec. 18, T11S, R1E SLBM sd. pt. '' Licensed day care in Mona. Infants to 12 bewg 2112 ft. N. of SE. Cor. of SW'. of 70503. Larry Kay Cilbert. Beg. at SW Cor. ; , , In. of Lot SEV. of sd. Sec. 18, th. N. along sd. acyears. Hot lunch, snacks, 12, Blk 8, Plat B, Eureka City 528 ft. to NE. Cor. of the NWV4 of SEV4 of Survey, th. N. 24 tivities. Weekdays, 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. deg. 44 min. W. 25.30 ft 623-135NW Cor. of ft. W. 21 1320 sd. Sec. 18, th. to Trudy Jones, N. 72 deg. 08 min. E. 45 ft M. or I. to E. V4 S. 528 sd. ft. SE of th. Sec. 16, along side line S. 20 deg. 27 min. E. 20 ft M. or L. A&J Weddings and Catering, your one-sto- p the the mid Sec. In., th. E. 1320 ft. to place of to SE Cor. Lot 12 S. 66 deg. 32 min. W. 40 wedding shop. Decorations, backless. or more 16 Cont ac., ft to beg. drops, invitations, tuxedos, flowers, food. beg. XB1577-1-1No. Tax Sale No. XE5222-1- . Tax Sale No. 220-198No. Phone Jeniel Boswell at 623-072Ann Millie a at and William 27479. Beg Dye. 70511. Larry Kay Gilbert ETy 23.40 ft of 667-323Kirk at or Jean Bastian at S. 2695.72 ft and W. 2009 66 ft. letd. Plat Blk. 529-350Lot Eureka B, 13, 8, pt 21 City Survey. From the NE Cor. of Sec. 20. T11S, R1E, F6487B-1-Tax Sale No. 257-198No. Horse breaking, training, and shoeing SLB&M, th. S. 0 deg 09 min. 19 sec. W. 84868. A. Theis JT, and Valerie ). Anthony Russ and Edria, 623-08022 424 73 ft., th. N. 89 deg. 50 min. 41 secs. or 623-044co Ownership America Inc. NV4 NEV4 of 01 ft, th. N 0 deg 09 min. 19 sec. Sec. 36, T12S, R6W, SLM Cont. 80 acres. Roofing! Let Shannon White of White W. 514 secs. 54 50 E. min. N. 56 422 89 th. ft., deg IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunor repair your home or Roofing 01 E. of line ft fence 514 to along point to set my hand and official seal this 25th buildings. Quality wodi and material. 20 Cont 5.01 acres. day of April, 1986. years experience. Licensed contractor. beginning XB1653 No. Tax Sale No. 100-198Pat P. Greenwood Phone 623-024- 1 after 5 pm. Free es4tfB 28451. Acc. & Mgt. Assoc. Inc, do Jerold Juab County Clerk-Audittimates! 623-088- 19 d day care in my Levan home.' Large, fenced yard, reasonable 20 rates, and lots of TLC. Call State-license- Schmidt Realty. The 623-060- 1 623-053- 5 fieds to buy, sell, or rent Lost and Found Business Opportunities Wanted Legal Notices For Rent Steve's Appliance Repair c 12 x 60 mobile home. Two bedrooms. Ex- 1955 Ford pickup. Mechanically sound. cellent condition. $7,500 includes refriger.-atoBody restored. Near new chrome wheels and tires. Looks and runs great. Needs stove, and air cooler. Cal! 4 final 20 5 touches. Make offer. after p.m. 19 in excellent Exercise condition. a.m: sale. and 10 bicycle Friday Garage Saturday, 20 .to 6 p.m., 141 West 2nd North, Nephi. Shot Wideseat. $50. Call 19 Desirable starter home, country, four gun, typewriter, stereo, much more. Black and Decker electric lawn mower acres, water share, fertile garden spot, with grass catcher. Very good shape. fruit trees, established perrenial flowers, Blade just sharpened. Used only one year. iris, roses, peonies. Owners not desperate, . 19 rather flexible. Different options. Rent or Call Tapleys, evenings, Farm and hay equipment consignment, buy? Interested? 20 auction. Saturday, May 17, 10 a.m., south home. of FA, Salina. For consignments or more Newly decorated 19 All new carpet, curtains, and appliances information, call Richly decorated. Appraised at Half price. Large, flashing arrow signs,' included.Will sell for $25,000 or Best offer. $45,000. $339. Lighted, $329. 1 If interested, call 20 $259. Free letters. Warranty. See local-ly- . Firewood. measured cord. One cord $75 (800) 19 Factory anytime. equals 128 cubic feet. Measure after un1978 Chevrolet half-topickup. Short' loaded and for what you receive. wheelbase. 19 Ike Harward,pay only 20 Mona, 1980 Buick Skylark New tires. Horse trailers. New and used trailers in miles. Asking only $2,050. Only 58,000 stock. Lone Peak Trailers, Point of Moun7 or contact Chad Bowles. 19 Call 8 or tain, Call toll free (800) 1976 Chevrolet truck. C60 two-tolltfB with high-loaxle. dry box. Trailers. All sizes. Utah's largest dealer of Contact Bernie or Von, Nephi flatbed and utility trailers. Over 100 Flour Mill. $3,000 or best offer. 19 trailers in stock. New tandem 1979 Yamaha XS1100. Like new. Only, trailers, 7,000-lb- . wheels. axles, 3,800 miles. Loaded. Must see to ap-- ! $995. All other sizes available. Lone Peak offer. or 1980 Call of toll $1,800 free Point Mountain. predate. Odyssey. Trailers, Runs good. $800 or offer. 19 (800) or lltfB Farm ground, ranches, tractors, insurance, Any reasonable offer on this home in Levan. Flexible terms. Owner fertilizers, welders, seed, mowers, tillers, steel buildings, sprayers, financing. Lets talk. Call Rick collect at' equipment, 19 pumps, Ford tractor parts, stoves, hardware, repairs. Andersen's Service Center, 1980 Chevrolet Silverado 4x4. Good condi lltfB tion. Two sets of tires. Call Russ Jones at Spanish Fork. 19 See Chapman Furniture, 27 South Main, evenings. 1975 Chevrolet Camaro. New paint, new Nephi, for all your floor covering needs. 36tf B .Expert installation available. tires, power steering, power brakes, 1 We have wedding lists for all Nephi area transmission. Call 9j 19 weddings. $2 or $5. Plumbing and Levan water shares for sale or lease. Call Builders' Supply, 66 South Main, Ne- r, Classi- 623-191- For Rent For Sale Help Wanted UNITED FARM REAL ESTATE 0 3 Kimo's Kamera FAST. FILM DEVELOPING You choose the service you need! Same Day One Hour 0ver Night Kimo's Kamera 123 South Main Nephi , Utah trfi CftLl-- B RA1; DINK fKkT 1 i 300 SOUTH MAIN, NEPHI Notices WEDDING CATERING Catering Wedding ONE STOP SHOP Wedding Decoration Gazebo Invitations Tuxedos Music or jenier Jean Bastian Now ready for occupancy Red Cliffs View Apartments Golden Age Housing NEWS AND AD OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY MAY 17 1 TO 5 P.M. 251 South 100 DEADLINE East Services MONUMENT CLEANING Have your loved one's headstones pro- f fessionaly cleaned, arid surrounding grounds groomed for Memorial Day. Call Robert Painter at 623-054- 5 Subscribe Today! ! ! ! a r |