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Show Longest Year ilied 445 Days Most of us know which is, the ionfest day of the year. What about the longest year? Believe it or not, one i i ! f year contained 445 days. The longest year was 46 B.C. but we have to go back to the seventh century B.C. to find out why it was so long. That was when Numa Pompilius supposedly created the Roman calendar.' Despite being revised several times, this Calendar still fell tome two months behind the sun by the time of Julius Caesar. Caesar put his experts to work revising the calendar. They came up with a calendar, but couldnt decide' what to do with the two months needed to catch up with the sun. The only way they could find to solve the problem was to insert two months between the months of November; and December to give the year 46 B.C. a total of 445 days. j ; : ! : We now mark time by the Gregorian calendar, instituted by Pope Gregory in 1582 and, despite efforts to substitute other methods of marking time, the Gregorian system will probably be with us for some 'ime. Mathema ticians guarantee the method ' These extra hours, minutes will remain accurate until and seconds are accounted for by a sys250QA.D. The Gregorian calendar; tem of leap years, which takes into consideration the keep the calendar and the solar year which actually, solar equinoxes congruent. ' consists of 365 days, 5 hours, The Gregorian calendar 48 minutes and 46 seconds. provides that the years div well-regulat- ed four, exclusive of the years numbering centuries, shall have 366 days. The century-markin- g years arc leap years only if they are divisible by four after the ciphers have been isible by jSW May the light of Christmas time be a guide this day. Everitt's Conoco 355 South Main Nephi, Utah Venice House of Pizza Nephi, Utah Boyd and Therl Park Bert's Body Shop 96 West Center, Nephi Bert and Sandra and Family Pax-ma- n Choose Right-Siz-e Turkey This Year Merry Christmas To All Our Friends and Patrons The Whitmore Don & Darlene Bendoski . Count on a half pound of whole turkey per serving, and that means about one pound per person .if you want second helpings. Tlius a turkey will feed sixteen to twenty. But, if you want leftovers, buy a which is a good size for taste and tenderness, too. bird takes A three to four days to defrost in the refrigerator, or. about 10. hours-ia sinkful of water. In either case, leave the turkey in its original plastic wrapper until it . 20-pou- ; Seems thawed. Then unwrap ; I ! i : ; ' -- i i I as soon as possible, and pull out the package of giblets from inside, the turkey. Often these are still frozen, indicating that the inside of the turkey is also still frozen. Finish thawing either at room temperature or, if you are not in a hurry, in the refrigerator. Keep thawed turkey under refrigeration, since it spoils more rapidly than fresh turkey, and plan to roast it within a day, or at most two days, of thaw- ta?- - BEST OF ALL . Particularly at Christ- mas, the things you cant Santa arrives we hope he brings all gifts of great joy. As buy are best of all. What about some token of love, about love Itself and friendship, understanding, a,helping hand, prayer... and consideration? These things are not for sale in any store and they are things most people seem to need most. ' i 1 Vard's Drive Inn crowds and the excitement to crowd Christmas out of our hearts, but keep it where it belongs.' Christ-- ! uias is not found in stores, it is nbr under the tree in the hearts of people. The Times-New- , inspiration to you Lets not permit the j May the true meaning of this season be an411 TO THE WORLD Colonial Health Care Center 626 North Main Vard and Diane White and yours . . . Juab County Commission Juab County Employees North Main, Nephi Staff and Residents 71 s Nephi, Utah Dec. 22, 1981 Outlet IV 195 South Main Nephi, Utah In the spirit of Christmas may hope, joy and peace come again to all nations and to all mankind. And may the true spirit of the season be yours this Yule ... Central Utah Insurance 15 South Main Larry and Louise PEACE ON EARTH. JOY TO THE WORLD. CHRISTMAS COMES AGAIN. The Toggery NRPHose Products Nephi, Utah Felma Chase & Helen, Nan, and Fay wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for your patronage this last year. We will be closed until Monday I Pexton Wholesale Co. , Nephi, Utah Management and Employees Nephi, Utah I I |