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Show Homey Fxtension Chaffer Christmas tree, lighting tips for the holidays by Nancy Champlin keep your USU Extension Home Economist Christmas can be very danger-ou- s time of year fires for ands other dents. acci- Christmas worry free. Use only lights tested for safety. They should be UL labeled. Visits up 55 Check lights for broken or cracked Yuba Lake scokets, frayed or bare wires, or loose connections. Discard any equipment you deem unsafe. Un- - derwriters Never use indoor lights outside. Check hasN. Champlin some safety tips to help (UL) Fasten outdoor labels. Nephi Fifth LDS Ward wil hold Christmas party Christmas Around the World will be the theme of the Nephi Fifth LDS Wards annual Christmas party to be held Tuesday, Dec. 11 in the ward cultural hall. The evening will begin with a hayride and a hot lunch at 6:30 p.m. A gram will follow hayride and lunch. the Bishop Dick L. Ingram invites all ward members to attend. 4654333 PAYSON G5DEQCCTT:ri;ii:i omorn rj-rj-- n TURN THOSE BLAH, WALLS INTO WALLS OF RICH COL OR, TEXTURE AND PATTERN WALLPAPER ! OFF-WHIT-E o It ;da V" . 8V tr f til percent at tree lights when Saturate the tree with this spray and let it dry. The mixture will not change the trees color. you retire or leave your home. Never use electric lights on a metallic tree. Should a short circuit occur, it could cause the entire tree to be charged with electricity. To avoid this danger, use colored out-of-stat- e travelers. Lakes level rose during Oct. and Nov. approximately one inch per day to its current level of 56.5 feet. The maximum Yuba level is 80 feet. icicles of a material. non-leade- JMart Pharmacy d Leaded materials may be hazardous if they are eaten by children or pets. Heres to help a holiday recipe prevent your evergreen from catching fire: One gallon hot water. Nine ounces borax Four ounces boric acid low-sudsin- Classifieds g detergent The Times-New- s 9 Nephi, Utah . Dec. 6, 1979 For Sale For Sale want to publicly express my deep appreciation to the many people who helped fight the fire at my home last Wednesday night. Nephi is extremely fortunate to have such a dedicated and efficient fire department. They were at the scene within minutes, the furniture was removed with dispatch and with care. Example: A china closed was carried out, dishes and all, with breakage of only two glasses. They know their job. The Jeep Posse was also on the job, plus many others. I was told about fifty people were involved. I shall be eternally grateful to the two Robert Larson anil Mike men, young who came Golden, to my door and helped me through the first shock and took over so calmly and effeciently to notify the Fire Dept, and get me out of the house. There is no way to adequately thank all those who helped, but believe me I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart. sale for SO We h.rve loads of beautiful Christmas wreaths Nephi floral, 21 t Iasi fifth North, Nephi SI (I2M44H for all your Christmas Avon needs, please Call Diane White, SI 6211819 torsey s Variety Store. 42 South Main, Nephi, will be open ear h Sunday from 1 to S pm until B Christmas 49-S- I i'r 7; .V '.V A : V it ,V wo bedroom home 1192 square feet One-cagarage, fenced back yard, fireplace, oil furnace. Downtown location Call Charles at fa2 or 1 62 SI t t jV it '.t it 'it it it it Several small beautiful player pianos with benches, rolls, and free delivery The perfec t gift for the home for ( hristmas lasy terms Williams Music Company, SI Provo Ixcellent selection of organs all sies models One-finge- easy-pla- s on sale Save because of our low if Terms desired overhead SI Williams Music Co , Provo All new piano with bench, delivery, and tuning Walnut, o.ik, or pecan finish Beautiful deai only J99S.00 while they last W'illiams Music Co Provo Over 40 years ot sales and serSI vice Over 200 new and used pianos and organs on sale Small down payment five years to pay See us. now for Christmas delivery Williams Music Co, Provo, 108 Brand Evelyn B. Anderson Nephi Area. Chamber of Commerce, fast IhirdSouth, Christmas Coloring Contest Form Official 174 148.1. SI Newly remodeled home in Nephi. Two bedrooms Large kitchen, laundry room, new $28,900 heating system Assume THA loan at 10 percent interest Lot 214 feet by 62 feet Call Entry Name 52 489-941- Phone 1971 ohn Deere snowmobile for sale S2 Mode-140- 621-011- 7 Moving sale1 Refrigerator, color TV, antiques, misc eallaneous dishes, large- - oak table, woman's Schwinn bicycle See at 18 West Third South, today and Iriday from 1 p m to 5 p m five-spee- $32,000. BUILDING LOTS in Nebo Heights subdivision. CHOICE TWO ACRES See Chairman Furniture, South Main, Nephi, for all your floor covering needs 28 years of 26tfb installation experience For Rent mobile For rent home Private location Aincluded Fully ppliances after 5 carpeted Call or Please allow two 49 minutes for us to answer r fireplace. Burns coal and wood Includes grate $80 ( ontac t Greg Newton at 49 6210) 17 after 5 p m Avon Customers Please place Christmas orders by Friday Dec 7 order to receive for in Christmas giving Thanks Doris Newton, 195 fast Ninth North, 49 NephjCall Gigantic Avon Christmas sale Shop evenings now until Christmas Sale starts Dec 8 Prices 50 cents and up Doris Newton, 395 Fast Ninth - - North,49 Nephr Call skis with Solomon Rossignol bindings 180 cm, $50 See at 597 49 North Second Fast, Nephi r Power 1965 Chevrolet steering, power brakes, air condistereo tioning AM-F$100 or best offer Call 49 Betty Fllertson, 621-170- or development ground with one share water 650 approximatly. South 400 West Nephi, FOUR BEDROOM. house for rent Coal furnace Deposit required You pay utilities Call 49 Roland Parkin house See at 279 South Fourth fast or call 623-085- Three-bedroo- TWO HOMES. 3 bedroom and 2 House for rent Two bedrooms, fireplace, close to school Call 50 62) 1493 after8pm home on acre lot 253 East Center Carpeted, oil furnace, fireplace, garden spot,, fruit trees. No pets. Deposit 50 required. Spaces for rent at Mr As RV and Trailer Park in beautiful, comfortable, inexpensive Levan Large lots Park has laundry facilities on premises. Phone or inquire at park on 37tfB Highway 91 in Levan one-thir- 416-888- four-doo- 621-026- eight-trac- 621-054- 9 1974 SSX Chapparal liquid-coole- Help Wanted d 596 offer .45 cal Kentucky rifle C. V. A brand Lead balls and patches included. Contact Bryce Gardner 49 after 5 p m. at Simmental cattle for sale. blood to purebred Heifers, cows, and bull calves fay or 49 621-- Dailey, 621-086- 1 Snow tires for sale Like new. $40 each 621-117- f acre building lots in Mona Call the Nebo Agency in or Ann at Payson at One-hal- 465-251- 621 1171 1 t up 461 Christmas trees, $4 and North Main, Mona 50 for sale Straw $1 per bale 50 621-050- Turquoise recliner and matching couch Also black and gold matching chair $150 for all or best offer Call Mills No 6 thru Delta operator Ask for udy 50 today!!! location, 0 or Morris Ostler 3 iEUti 227 East Center ran 623-005- 0 We BUT HOMES - repair all ap- pliances. Large or small. Sorry no S 2 2 S s 15tfB 623-119- Notices s Business Opportunities Salesperson needed for sale of pre built homes in the uah ( ountv area Interested in dealership or (ommission sales Call 49 78 5 5028 to simph hrrrfl thru your arthntu pains ancj virrmss an now b treated efter tiv'U without thv aid of anvhin; c ?h ntird drugs ttt mfdw mf of any kind and nfhorv rsn Lilly fh nu fiv. plo;ijd rth irrrgwlHf !y ran f Ut rvifrrutJ i ipilanty without thi aid ot ar I or lutthi tdif a) or any nhrr kind of modu in Sta formation ritto St ft CO Ho Sug.u SIC t Mb Mint. 2 nvihamral 2 2 4t f B Nephi We maintain a wedding gift list on all East uab County weddings' $1 00 or $2 00 amounts 4 D Plumbing and Builders' Supb6 South Mam, Nephi ply of six pretty kittens, all house broken five months old 15 11! 62 49 (all SUFFERS 2 621-047- (hone time. ARTHRITIC AND IRREGULARITY Ovii erson 621640. We'll rent you our Blue Lustre, Host, or Rug Doctor you to shampoo or clean your to own carpets Call reserve your machine Chapman Furniture Co, 27 South Main, Free refrigeration at this iiiiiiiiitiiiiiimitiiiiiiimiiHiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitifiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiina 1 Pet-5- s Nephi, Utah PRECISIONOgden. Utah Diane 49-5- STEVE'S APPLIANCE REPAIR Call Larry Peterson 49 621-087- B (hristmas classified Here are ad rates 1(W per five words or portion ot five words $1 50 minimum No discount on additional weeks Rate for display lines on classified ads available 7tf on request Times News classified ads are payable in advance, except to those who have accounts with us The deadline for classified advertising is Tuesday at the 11 tf close of business Do you plan on submitting a photo for publication in the limes-NewPlease bring a stamped envelope addressed to yourself for the photo's return Photos submitted without sut h return envelopes will be discard18tf ed alter their publication Now in Nephi and surounding areas $8700.00 224-630- Philip Baker, Times-New- near new schools. EmmiiiiimmiiiimuiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimimmmiuiuiiutiimiiuiiiBiimiimimuiiii I Wanled S S Wantfd f v ' and 5 5 S S 2 NOT 1C F TO WATER USERS The following applications have been filed with the State tngmeer to appropriate water in luab County throughout the entire year unless otherwise designated Locations in SLB&M ) 51879 lerold C. Schmidt, 3b()1 S State Street. Salt Lake City, Utah 0 015 sec. ft of water is to be diverted from Cedar Springs No 2. at a point N. 1010 ft W 570 ft from E V. Cor. Sec 10, T11S, R1E (5i miles NE of Mona); and used for the domestic purposes of 1 family, stockwatering 45 cattle; and from April 1 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of 0 25 acs. in SE VINE c, NE. NE. Sec 10, T11S, RIF Don Jones, Box 51903 (53-70135, Nephi, Utah 0 015 sec. ft of water is to be diverted from an ft. deep, at a E 670 ft from SW well, point 100-40- N 40 ft Cor Sec. 28, T12S, R1E (1 mile N. of Nephi); and used- - for the domestic purposes of 1 family, stockwatering 250 cattle; and from April 1 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of 0 25 acs. in SEV4-SW- ., SW V. S W V, Sec. 28, T1 2S. RIF. Protests resisting the granting of these applications witn reasons therefore must be led in duplicate with the State Engineer, 231 E. 400 S., SLC, Utah 84111 on or before an 5, 1980. Dee C. Hansen STATE ENGINEER Published in the Nephi Times-New- s Nov 22, 29, & Dec. 6, 1979. NOTICE TO WATER USERS Don ones. Box 135, Nephi, Utah has filed with the State to Engineer Appl 53902 appropriate 0 015 sec ft. of water in )uab County The water is to be diverted from an ft deep, at a point well, S 40 ft, W. 3900 ft from NE Cor. 100-40- 0 Sec 2, T15S, R1W, SLB&M (3 miles SW of Levan); and used from )an 1 to Dec 31 for the domestic purposes of 1 family, stockwatering 250 cattle; and from April 1 to Oct. 31 for the ir4 rigation ci 0 25 acs in Sec. 2, T15S, R1W, SLB&M Call Organic carpet cleaning now for first priority on Christmas cleaning list Nine cents per square foot Free estimates Forsey's Variety Store, 42 South Main, Nephi, will be open each Sunday from 1 to 5 pm until BUILDING LOTS! 623-025- Services 49 621-041- 9 Fresh-cu- Help wanted for early morning and evening work Wage, $3 per hour Contact Richard or Arlene 50 Greenhalgh, phone Call Whirlpool portable dishwasher Excellent condition $150 Kent 49 Sudweeks, white brick home for sale. Fenced Southeast Nephi. $12,900 Call the Nebo or Ann at Agency at 49 75211 LR78-1- proposed revenue snaring budget c an be reviewed at the office of the fuab County Clerk (66-26- Addressers wanted immediately! Work at home No experience necessary Excellent pay. Write American Serivce, 8350 Park Lane, Suite 127, Dallas, TX 49 Sie 621 1161 bedroom plus extra building lot. Excellent location. $59,000. TWO ADJOINING Excellent 49 621-086- - 621-177- Excellent family home, or could be converted to duplex'. 60 East 700 North. 49 p m 621-049- 465-251- Excellent farm 5211 27 621-146- COMMLRtlAL PROPERTY. So. Main st. location. 1200 square feet and basement. Good retail outlet. 49 Vi Axles, wheels, tires, and brakes TFB Call 621-026- snowmobile. $750 or best Subscribe vnWhjf 987 621 1987 621-052- 621-049- Renegade fancy eight track I M radio Call AM ton pickup Custom paint fngme is Holly equipped Camper shell inPower sulated and carpeted steering, power brakes Call Call f d 754 1775 or Bob 621-992- 5 1975 Chevrolet 7541769 or IRA Taylor Na49 tional. 22S 1910 We buy junk cars, trucks, and batteries We sell used parts, tires, and wheels Nephi Auto Wrecking, North State Highway, Call NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINC A public hearing will be held Dec 14, 1979 at 1 10 p m in the otfire of the uab County Commissioners to consider the 1980 budget for uab County The proposed 1980 budget is $1,967,663 Copies of this budget and the 621-- 49 Nephi Player piano rolls and bench puds An ideal gift for ( hristmas ixcellent selection Williams Music Co, Provo Open Friday nights til 9 p m beginning 51 November 2 wheels, player and home New kitchen, woodhurning stove-- , large lot 148 South first fast, Nephi $42,900 Legal Notices 1975 Jeep C shoes make great Sandak Christmas gifts' Good selection on hand in my home New style for narrow feet now available Distributor, laraine Helliston, 227 South Second I ast, Nephi 62V0010 For Sale 1 49 only 1977 "Honda xl 150 Clean Low mileage $900 when new Now S1 1 49 $4 SO Call 62 621-104- 6 COLOR ME f' UL remember suggestions, to use tinsel or artificial I Cut out, color and then take to any Nephi Chamber Member Mom or Dad and register for the contest! v beside a metal tree. Aside from the , Age Address ..... spotlights above or 2,646 persons visited the Yuba Lake State Recreation area during Oct. and Nov. of this year, up 55 percent over last years figures. Most of the 55 percent increase represents day users, as camping in the park increased by only 18 percent. Most of the Oct. and Nov. visitors were hunters and pro- 110N.800E o lights securely to trees, walls, or other firm supports to protect them from wind damage. Avoid overloading a circuit. Always turn off the i damn Mart-a- ,nn1 Must (all t ai la w usd in do you want your yr ar old children in If o. plras fall WllOh Stokffmatu vfy fiowlny Nfphi wanted grind conddon or vtoff ay l.tah SO Protests resisting the granting of this application with reasons therefore must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 231 E. 400 S SLC, Utah 84111 on or before an. 12, 1980 Dee C Hansen STATE ENGINEER Published in the Nephi Times-New- s Nov. 29, Dec 6, & 13, 1979. IN THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR IUAB COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH CERALD EUGENE LAIRD and GRACIE C LAIRD, Plaintiffs, vs SARAH R. N S SANDERSON, LELAND SANSANDERSON, SANDERWANDA DERSON, SON, IOHN DOE No 1, JOHN DOE No 3, DOE No 2, IOHN IOHN DOE No. 4, and JOHN DOE No. 5 Defendants Civil No 5310 SUMMONS IN QUIET TITLE ACTION THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE ABOVE-NAMEDEFENDANTS: You are hereby summoned within and required, twenty (20) days of publication hereof, to file an answer in writing to the Complaint filed with the Clerk of Court Said the above-entitle- d answer to be filed with the Clerk of the Court and a copy to be served upon Milton T Harmon, Esquire, .16 South Main Street, Nephi, Utah 84648 It you fail to so answer as specified herein, udgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in said Complaint The Complaint is an action to quiet title to property located in Eureka, luab County, State of Utah and to terminate the interest of all of the defendants thereto Said property is described as follows Commenc ing at the Northeast corner of Lot 17, Block 1. Plat ' O ", tureka City Survey, thence South 4 degrees 22 minutes East 1 11 50 feet, thence South 79 degrees 54 minutes West 55 feet, thence Northerly about 125 feet more or less to the North bourn dary line ot said lot. thence North 74 degrees 28 minutes East 40 feet to beginning DAT ID this 15th day of November, 1979 ,s Milton T Harmon 48 51 B Attorney for the Plaintiffs NO IK foT PUBIIC HEARING A public hearing wil! be held on an 7, 1980 at 3 p m in the luah County Courthouse to take public comment on a propose bv Or Blake Gammell of Spnng-ville- . Utah to establish plan ned unit development on 640 ar res northeast ot Mona |