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Show mile-per-ho- Utah will 55 speed limit Utahs speed limit will continue at 55 miles per hour unless the legislature overrides a decision made at a Utah Department of Commis- Transportation sion meeting in Nephi on Tuesday night. The commission unanimously adopted the 55 resolution in spite of the fact that citizens attending the meeting were almost entirely in favor of raising the speed limit. The commission reached its decision following the r close of its open meeting. In the official meeting, mile-per-ho- ur two-hou- Commissioner Clem Church of Panguitch, formerly a proponent of higher speeds on the freeways, said that because of an intensive study of safety reports from Utah and throughout the nation, he had changed his position and moved that the 55 pointed out that different areas have different needs and trying to cure the energy shortage and highway death rate with the 55 driving at the 55 hour limit would have caused a loss of $70 million per year in federal highway funds, the commissioners said. Several state department of transportation officers in attendance at the meeting expressed favor for the 55 rate, all which factors citing safety would be affected if the funds were lost. Charles E. Denton of Salt Lake City pointed out that 9,000 lives had been saved, nationwide, since the 55 speed limit was adopted. He urged the lower limit as an essential means of reducing energy use. Thomas Redd of Bland-ing- , mile-per-ho- limit be adopted by resolution as the prima facia speed limit for the state. Commissioner Charles E. Ward of Ogden seconded the motion and Commissioner Wayne Winters also voted for the speed limit. Commissioners R. LaVaun Cox and Samuel Taylor were absent. The adoption of anything other than the 55 mile-per- hour speed limit. He urged speed limit is We a big propaganda lie. can live with it but I dont believe we should Redd said. Dr. E. LaMar Gibbons, mayor of Blanding, pointed out that in his own business, he loses three work weeks a year in the time wasted by $70 million buys a lot of votes Russell Van Rowe, also of Blanding, stated that use of better technology, not regulation from the federal government, was the answer to saving energy. Others speaking against the 55 speed mile-per- - , 7. Journals 8 Financial Statements 9. Any other to suit Of Ephraim Serving Nephi Twice a Week Call Forsey's 623-064- 3 Regular I60 Now Only... S' 29 KODAK Film Size 135 Regular 220 Now only... OFF ir All Radios good friends for your loyalty and good will. Hope your holidays will be filled to the only $1 495 Everetts Union 335 Save $2 on safety inspe tions during the month of December Weiner pigs for sale Call 623 Oigans New Lowrey organs on sale at big savings Just right for the family for Christmas Easy bank terms Williams Mus ic Co, 308 East Third South, Provo 3741481 Over 35 years 51 sales and service f Save $2 on safety tions during the month of Dec ember Now ony $3 25 Merry Christ mas Painter Motor (o, 623 50 51 B 1390 helm Mic Christmas special Painter tires discounted 20 50 51 f3 Motor ( o , 62 3 1 390 Player piano, small, beautiful Williams with bench and rolls Music ( o , Provo to choose from Christmas sale now on Easy terms Williams 51 Music Co Provo Organs, new and used All prices reduced during Open Friday 9 p m until Christmas drastically Christmas 509 East Center St. Nephi, Utah 84648 Phone 1666 51 miniature poodle Dora Rodgers, 623 AKC registered puppies 51 0451 68 Chev truck with shell Power steering, power brakes, auto transmission, air conditioning, duals, aux tanks, heaters, equipped to two 19' Terry fully self contained Both for $3850 or consider trade for Blazer of equal value or more Call 623-087- 4 52 r 1972 Chevrolet Nova Power steering, air conditioning, new radial tires Good conditwo-doo- tion Custom exterior 6210010 Phone 51 Help Wanted Work at home in spare time Possible earnings of $250 a week stuffing envelopes Send 254 plus stamped, self addressed en velope for more information American Sales, P O Box 760, 2 Palm Harbor, Florida 33563 Cook's opening at the Venice House of Pizza Will train Apply in person, 6 p m to 1 0 p m 51 Work at home in spare time Possible earnings of $250 a week stuffing envelopes Send 254 plus stamped, self addressed envelope for more information American Sales, P O Box 760, Palm Harbor, f lorida 33563 51 Notices The uab County Hospital will sponsor their fifth nurses aide c lass Pianos Three rental returns re starting lanuary 3, 1978 at 12 10 p m This course will be duced for quick sale Two con soles, one spinet Big savings, for six weeks and a small fee will he c harged to help cover the 51 Williams Music C o , Provo Deadline for applications .cost Pianos E xc ellent seler'ion of 52 is Dec ember 11, 1977 used uprights in beautiful con within 24 hours for dition Terms for your conven (ash your home1 or property Grateful En icnc e Williams Musk (o, Pro52 225 7214 51 vo terprise-C o Provo 51 , . Save $2 on salt tv inspections during the month ot Di ember Now only $125 M rry (hrist mas Painter Motor (o 621 . f V S CGVPOwN-t- S D (P' ( , ,V FA , Df VP . . OuN .( m 50 Please open 11 ht lin Painter 50 51 1 11 OID UK) KX, RAIDS (OIIID' Quick sate int xpensive photocopies ot sour photos tintypes, antique pic turns or snap shots 5x7 print trom your original, $6 50 Ini ludfs copy mgitive postagr handling and insur . moyrs .rt. Ci. Money Unlimited money We are a direct source of funding financing first and second mort gage or for anything you may nc ed over $25 000 R J Black 1 225 9561 M Card of Thanks family of the late Dr P I Jones wishes to express its ap tor the many kind shown during the loss of our husband and father Sjec ial thanks are giyen to all those who sent flowers forxl and who helped tn any way, particularly the first Vard Relief Sex lety who seryed the lunch We wish to thank also Miles Andr-rsrjChristensen who ar and rang d the funeral and all those who appeared on the pro51 51 B gram The1 Passbook Account Certificate Account for HOME OFFICE: Soc 4 125 South Main Street Salt Lake City, Utah 841 11 Make Check Of money order payable to State Sa.mqs Do not send cash Stae Savings will send you a postage paid ene ope wth you' account acknoe edgement tor future deposits Satisfaition promised 52 to Midnight 1 hinkings 100 f ast Markc t St , Suite 200 Silver CtV New Mextc o 88C 61 ante Mail pho'o and i he 623-143- Y Nu-n- 51 B State Savings account as follows in a Daily Earnings YOUR FAMILY FINANCIAL CENTER ASSETS OVER $380 MILLION - Mic hristmas spec ial tires discounted 20 190 Motor ( ei 62 ( A 1 my at my Bookkeeper sale1 night til Williams Music ) J. David Broadbent 51 Pianos, new and used Over 200 ACCOUNTS - f - IV ) k s n lie-ho- Legal Notices For Rent For Sale , CERTIFICATE )t 23-0376 K For Sale 1 ( t UK 51 621 1207 Used once Hagan fiberglass skis, Solomon bindings, buckle 10 SI boots sie 6 i poles 62 PASSBOOK 53 North Main TN classifieds work wonders Christmas spec lal Mn helm Painter tires discounted 20 SO SI 11 Motor Co , 62 3 1 190 Pinion pine wood Come and see at 261 last Third South FSLIC bin, Kimo's Kamera F 1 people achieve their financial goals And, wherever you live, you can save by mail with State Savings paying the postage both ways. For great Kodak film values, stop in today1 See us for Kodak Cameras for Christmas,',', Service South Main - Nephi, Utah 76 while they last Insured Savings for every day it is on deposit at State Savings. Open your account today with Utahs first savings and loan institution Since 1883, State Savings has been helping $579 Kodak Now only $5 21 Merry ( hrist mas, Painter Motor Co, 623-190 50 SI B Deposit $5,000 and withdraw $10,000. Deposit $10,000 and withdraw $20,000. Deposit any amount in a State Savings Daily Earnings Passbook Account and double your money in just 14 years. You can double your money in only 9 years when you let your interest accumulcate in a State Savings Certificate Account. Of course, your money is always available when you need it, and no matter when you withdraw, your money has earned the highest legal rate allowed on Instant Print Film Regular 715 Now only.., brim with old fashioned Christmas cheer! I m Please, I do not do Income Taxes, but leave that to the ) Income Tax people - but I have all the papers ready i for them. To me, it is a full time job just to keep up with changing income tax laws in touch with me home. KODAK T.hanks sets 32 piece ovenware ' m. f u 29 10 for appointment AND - KODAK Film Size 126 tV Steros in stock ( do need a book-- ) keeper for a few hours i a week or month. I would i appreciate your consider-- ' ation as a new Nephi businessman Right now you can call me or get 623-017- 9 p.m. $50.00 OFF tAt All Console TVs Skyline TV & CB your needs. If you - Daily Open 10:30 a.m. to 5:00 $- All Makes book-keepin- All Areas Served 1. Payroll 2.- Accounts receivable 3. Accounts payable 4Sale8 Taxes 5. Payroll taxes 6. Ledgers Nephi Regular 160 Now only... Merchants and Businessmen: service to the individual. - Size 110 4 give accurate and quality 298 S. Main KODAK Film Free Estimates ) C&D Antique Trader Attenna Delta, Utah -- -- .' Instalation Box 624 service here in ) Nephi for the person in t business that does not need .a full time bookkeeper. 'My desire is to serve you according to your needs. I have the schooling and 15 years experience to CASH TV REPAIR out! extablishing a - Furniture Stoves - Dishes - Books and many other old items wanted San Juan County, side walls. I am For old items 272-417- 623-069- We insulate any type; Structure. We have attic, insulation and foam g Nephi, Utah December 22, 1977 Chiropractic Physician mile-per-ho- Bill's Insulation 864-353- 63 South Main - Nephi, Utah Dr. D.D. Campbell Will be closed from Christmas to New Years I Day. 8 11 Shoes Warner-Sabi- n Juab County Public Health Bldg. - Nephi, Ut. Tuesday and Thursday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 0 6 or 22 South Main - Nephi, Utah 864-208- Dress and Casual The Times-New- s mile-per-ho- Holiday Special mile-per-ho- Nielson's non-insulat- Shoe s for the entire Family! BM Specials on table lamps, occasional tables, mirrors, wall plaques, pictures, and many other gift items. for limit were Merlin Williams, Delta; Clarence Phillipsen and Verl Wilkey, Nephi; Mrs. Twila Boston, Nephi, and Ron Wall, Lindon. Speaking in favor of the lower speed limit was Ralph Murray, Nephi. strong protest to Washington as a possible way to change the regulations. a Two bedroom house for rent at 760 North First West Call 52 623-075- 1 Trailer spaces for rent at Pine-dal- e Mobile Home park, 880 North Third East Call Don Royce 6231148 1 Legal Notices Florences Anderson Administrator of the E state of Cecelia E Stephenson Deceased 51 213 CALL FOR BIDS )uab County will receive bids on or before 10 am January 9, 1978 for one automobile for the Juab County Sheriff s Depart ment Specifications are available at the office of Robert L Painter, Juab County Sheriff Juab County Board of Commis sioners reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids as may be in the best interest of JuabCounty By order of the Board of Juah 51 51 B County Commissioners PUBIICNOIICE Nephi City will hold a public meeting for the purpose of hear ing comments on the reomng of the newly annexed industrial park property The hearing will be at 7 p m , Tuesday, January 3 1978 in the City Council ( hambers By order of the 51 51 B Nephi City Counc il (ALL FOR ABDICATIONS Nephi City will accept appb cations for the position ot am mal control officer and utility meter reader Apphe ations will he received until 5 pm, lanuary 1, 1978 at the office of the c ity recorder By order of the Nephi City Counc il I he uat ( ounty Hccpital is ac cepting bicis for 19 color tele yision sets These s ts will Eh wall mounted with two pillow speakers and controls (er set The present ant nna system must be evaluated by the bid drf in order to make a comjil te bid The d adiine for the bids is D i nitier 11.1977 Contait Mr David f Peterson hospitjl administrator for add t'onal bid 50 52B information DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRD DISTRICT, IN JUDICIAL AND FOR TOOELE COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH MATTER OF THE IN THE GENERAL DETERMINATION OF THE RIGHTS TO THE USE OF WATER, BOTH SURFACE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Lstate of Cecelia E StephenCreditors will son, deceased present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Harmon Law Office, 36 South Main Street, Nephi, Utah 84648 on or before the 22nd day of March A D T977, claims must be presented in accordance with the provi sions of 75 9 5, Utah Code Annotated 1953, and with proper verification as required therein 51 51 B IN THE WITHIN UNDERGROUND, COUNTY COUNTY, OF TOOELE ALL OF JUAB ALL THAT EXCEPT PORTION DRAINING TO UTAH LAKE AND TO THE SEVIER RIVER DRAINAGE, AND ALL MILLARD, BEAVER. AND IRON COUNTIES EXCEPT THAT PORTION IN THE SEVIER RIVER AND THE VIRGIN RIVER DRAINAGE IN UTAH SUMMONS Civil No 6049 THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE ' SAID DEFENDANT You are hereby summoned to appear and defend the above-entitle- d action which is brought for the purpose of making a general adjudication of rights to the use of all the water, both surface and underground, within all of Tooele County, all of Juab County, except that portion draining to Utah Lake and to the Sevier River Drainage, and all of Millard, Beaver, and Iron Counties except that portion in the Sevier River and the Virgin River Drainage in Utah Upon the service of this Summons ujjon you, you will thereafter be subject to the jurisdiction of the above-entitleCourt and it shall be your duty to follow further proceedings in the above-entitle- d action and to protect your rights therein, and you are required to notify the State Engineer of your name and address if you claim a water right which is not now of record in the State Engineers Office When the State Engineer has completed his survey, you will be given a further written notice, either in person or by registered mail, sent to your last known address, that you must file said Claim within the time set and your failure so to do will constitute a default in the premises and a judgment mav be entered against you declaring and adjudging that yoa have no right in or to the waters ot the described water source Dated this 17th day of November, 1977 Dennis D Ewing T ooele County Clek d DallinW' Jensen Assistant Attorney General Attorney for State E ngtneer 442 State Capitol Building Salt lake City Utah 841 14 |