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Show Ml Happy birthday its present location. Continued from page seven Wankier priest. He was a charter member of the Levan Lions Club and is now a member of the BPOE, Provo Order 849. Wankier operated a pool hall in Levan at one time, and then was the proprietor of a meat and grocery business for about 15 years. " fp. ?, !' f l? v .H-- "X- l'i i ....'i - A i-- Wankier was bom in Levan in 1909. He went to the Levan School. He married Thela Buchanan of Black-fooIdaho in 1925. She died in 1971. He later married Bessie Painter Evans, a Nephi native. t, He also operated an open air dance hall in Levan for a short time. Prior to getting into the sheep business, he operated a chicken business for a while. He still has a flock of 24 laying hens. Through his connections with Senator Wallace F. Bennett, the Levan post office building was built at Wankiers children are Farrell Wankier Jr. and Norine Foote, both of Salt Lake City; and Vicki Aid-ric- of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He has eight h Juab High will present musical program tonight The Juab High School music department will pre- The Juab High School and Middle School bands and a Christspecial mas chorus will present the program, which is free to the public. Don't borrow sent its annual Christmas musical program tonight (Thursday) in the Juab High School auditorium. Kay Bassett, music director, said that more than VW and students will participate in the presentation. 100 Saying Hello 99 wishing you A Merry Christmas that jingles all the way! (jA X Happy birthday to Shay Condie Cowan, who was one year old on December 16. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Cowan of Nephi. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Cowan and Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Andersen, all of Nephi. Mrs. Theron White-le- y of Orem is Shays great- nLur Yultidc greeting 'Lx ' To you this year, T) Drmgs every good wish or joy and good cheer! Ikes Amoco Service 98 North Main - Nephi, Utah grandmother. Fourth-Fift- h wards set tithing settlement dates Bishop Elwood R. Hall of the Nephi Fourth Ward has set tithing settlement for Friday, December 23 from 6 to 9:30 p.m., Wednesday, December 29 from 6 to 9:30 p.m., and Thursday, December 29, from 6 to 8 p.m. Bishop Dick Ingram of the Nephi Fifth Ward has set evenings on December 29 and 30, and all afternoon on December 31 for tithing settlement times in that ward. American Legion Auxiliary holds Christmas party The American Legion Auxiliary held their Christmas Party at the home of Elnora Foote on December 13. A Christmas story was given by Marie Butler; a song, Beautiful Thoughts ' for Christmas was sung by LaRae Kendall; and the whole group then sang Christmas Carols. Instead of exchanging Wfe'te sure your holidays will be filled with the bright harmony that only Christmas brings. A resounding note of A MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL. A of holiday treasures is what we wish for you! Enjoy Santa's bounty and thanks for your patronage. cheer . . . youll find our Fine Arts Center 165 East 100 sleigh full Mickelsons Cafe South thanks tucked in his sack. North Main Nephi, Utah 793 Nephi, Utah AllenS , r jj, OOtt Fair X. Management and employees s the top of the week specials A; Christmas gifts among themselves, the members contributed money which will be given to the Sub-For-San- drive. The Times-New- s Nephi, Utah December 22,19 77 9 Hoping your Christmas will be merry Your holidays bright and gay, A.nd all the good old fashioned joys Cross your hearth and stay. m&b Heartfelt thanks for your valued friendship. eJL .- - Merry Christmas to 5 (S) s 'I' all... and to all much ; .fgood cheer!! First Security Bank of Utah Eds Service 4th South and Main Nephi, Utah 1 Nephi Branch Mangagement and Employees Co, Trust Valley BankNorthand Main 185 Nephi, Utah |