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Show Continued from page one many things have trippled in the three years the Hackings have been there. Food is available in company-ownestores, but clothing must be purchased in Saudi Arabian stores. The lack of novelties has caused Mrs. Hacking to develop at least two hobby businesses. She purchases and imprints them d Hackings services everything from With 42 gallons per barrel, a fire department to a hos- this amount to some 252 pital, from utilities to pic- million gallons of water per ture shows is provided by day being pumped 60 miles the company for its per- in two piplines from sonnel. At least 1500 Amer- the Arabian gulf to the lands. The water is icans and many Europeans are working on the Gah-wa- r pumped into the oil lands oil well site owned by to maintain enough presAramco. The site is approxsure to keep the countless imately 50 by 150 miles in oil wells flowing. size. Hackings particular Hacking said that the work is with the computers Companys pipeline, also controlling pumping. The controlled by computers, pumps distribute six million places the crude oil either barrels of sea water per day. in the companys own refineries or into foreign oil Dear Editor: tankers which take it all over the world. Mr. and Mrs. Hacking and family are active in the Dear Editor: LDS Church in Saudi ArabWe have a problem in ia. There are 250 members our city Dogs. of the church living in one 60-inc- h oil-ric- h Dogs Something should be done about the problem, and quick. One house I know of has independent branch and two dependent branches attached to the International Mission of the Church. All three dogs. They are allowed organizations of the Church to roam the streets. I have function there, but it is norto pick up the garbage after mal for one person to hold they have overturned my positions in two or three difgarbage can and scavenged ferent church organizathrough its contents. They tions. foul up the lawns, too. Inflation has been an One neighbor recently even greater problem in had his sheep bitten by a Saudi Arabia than in the dog and each time a car or United States. The costs of truck passes by, there is a noisy pack of dogs chasing after it. I do not possess a gun, but it makes a person feel Times-New-s like taking a pot shot. I love dogs, but in their Volume 68, No. 51 December 22, 1977 proper perspective. Sydney Bartholomew Vance P. and Allan R. Gibson, by means of a linoleum block. The shirts carry a drawing of an elephant wearing a hat and the words Saudi Arbia. They sell like hot cakes." says Mrs. Hacking. She has also sold countless decorated cakes as a Schools in ARAMCOs town are company-ownesuperior to most American schools. ARAMCO hires teachers who must have a masters degree in their field and at least three years of hobby-busines- s. d experience. The teacher load is approximately 15 students per teacher. Schools operate for three months and then have one months vacation. They operate for another three months following the months vacation. This plan is to fit the schools in with the vacation plans of the employees, many of whom return to the United States ican Oil Company by the Saudi Arabian government, the Hackings plan to remain there with ARAMCO for at least six more years. Mr. and Mrs. Hacking and children are particular- Christmas tree at the Orme tree in home a Arabia last Saudi year was enjoying the beautiful ly priced at $100. we have rubber stamps at the Deadlines: News and advertising, close of business, Tuesday prior to publication. Deadlines advance one day when legal holiday fails on Thursday. Subscription prices: One year, $6.00; six months, payable in advance. No subscriptions accepted for less than six months. Single copy price, 1 54. $4 00, harder to learn than Eng- "All Arabs turn toward Mecca when they pray Hacking said. Mr. and Mrs. Hacking said that theyre having a little trouble keeping their days straight since coming to the United States. In Saudi Arabia, the work week is Saturday through Wednesday. Thursday and Friday constitute the weekend. Friday is the Sabbath Friends are a wonderful part of Christmas, so we want to say thanks for our congenial and warm relationship. May it continue to flower long after Christmas. in keeping with Mohammed- an teachings. Although negotiations are underway for the purchase of the Arabian Amer- - Colonial Manor Health Care Center Nephi, Utah HARMONY AT anta and his VVe extend band bring you the music of laughter and good cheer this bright holiday! Thanks for the harmony of your friendship. our thanks to those we've been privileged to serve. Have a heart warming holiday! Leo Christensen Advertising rates available on request. Times-News- ? Nephi, Utah December 22, 1977 lish says Ryan, 8. Mr. and Mrs. Hacking and their family (Deena, 10; Ryan, 8; Kami, 4; and Lana, IVt) spend many weekends touring the Arabian area. They have visited Mecca and Medina, the holiest cities of Mohammedanism. publishers Did you know 2 Times-New- s for vacations. In the schools, all students receive daily instruction in Arabic. "Its The Second-clas- s entry Published each Thursday by s The Publishing Co., 96 South Main Street, Nephi, Utah 84646. Mailing address, P. O. Box 77, Nephi, Utah 84648. The six-fo- Chevon U.S.A. Articles and photographs submitted for publication will only be used on a space available basis, and then only if tht editor deems them newsworthy. Such articles and photographs will only be returned if they are accompanied by a envelope stamped, Company NephiSouth Drug Main Nephj ytah . Nephi, Utah - 48 ; i ' , 4' it Reid Accord Nielsens urn Tru-Valu- The Country Mall e Home Center Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Christensen Levan, Utah 210 West Center - Nephi, Utah Vio sulk unotsdl su After youve chosen the best gift, First Security lets you choose the best way to pay. Charge. Check. Or cash from a cash advance. First Security Visa with Check Protection Plus on the back is the only Christmas card you need. , don I already have the best card in three stales, apply at any First Security olhce II you Lay your holidays ring with the resounding spirit that is the heart of Christmas! Sincere thanks. Wall-to-wa- ll thanks for CHARGE, CHECK OR CASH. h your patronage. Cv 4--D Plumbing & Builders Supply 66 South Main - Nephi, Utah You; Radio Shack Dealer' 623-119- 9 Chapman Furniture Co 27 South Main - Nephi, Utah Vi' VS8 i A a CO'p |