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Show Dear Editor: , Camp Birch DUP 'Don't knock down school hears lesson Happy Birthday kids Dear Editor: As I have been quoted as being opposed to abandonment of the present high school campus and buildings, I desire to make my position clear on this matter. 1. I am Happy birthday to Kallie Happy birthday to Kami Ann Diamond, who was one Heybome, who will be one year year old oft May 11. She is the old on May 22. Kamis parents daughter of Phil and Shirlee are Mr. and Mrs. Lin Diamond of Springville. Grand(Jaynette Jones) of Proparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ross vo. Grandparents are Mr. and Harper of Levan and Mr. and Mrs. Alma C. Jones of Nephi Mrs. Fred Diamond of Springand Dr. and Mrs. Robert Heyville. are bome of Stockton, California. Earl Diamond and Mr. and are Mr. Mrs. Bulis Karr, all of and Mrs. Evan B. Theobald of Hey-born- e Great-grandparen- Great-grandparen- Provo. not opposing the of the district for critbonding ical building needs. But I believe that the critical building need is NOT for a new high school building. I believe that the critical need is for a junior high school building. And I believe that there is adequate space on the present campus for such a building. 2. I believe that it will be very unwise to abandon or demolish the present high school building or the gymnasium or the voctional building on the present campus. 3. I believe that this is true whether the voters approve of the proposed bond issue or not. 4. I believe that it is very desirable to have both the high school and junior high school maintained on the present campus in the heart of the city rather than on a site north of the city which will require motor transportation of stu- dents. 5. I believe that the time has come when people must walk more and use automobiles less. 6. In reference to defects and deficiencies indicated in some reports of inspections of present buildings, I believe that deficiencies have been greatly ex- aggerated. Happy Birthday monthly 7. 1 believe that it is feasible to correct all serious deficienA lesson on historical marktion will be held J une 1 1. cies at a minor fraction of costs ers was Mrs. Kirgan read the history given by Irva Howard which have been indicated in at the May 13 meeting of of her some reports. Camp Birch of the Daughters Sarah Miller Bale. of Utah Pioneers. Following the lesson and 8. I think it unfortunate for The group met at the home business of the camp, Camp statements to be made indicat- of Melda Fackrell. Birch officers were installed. isbond A from the letter the cenNelda Haney took the oath that proposed ing county sue will mean an increase of tral camp was read by DUP of office. Jessie Worthington only one mill in tax levy. That Captain Lorene Kirgan saying was installed as vice captain statement may lead some that the county DUP conven of the camp. Margaret Ellert- people to believe that the bond f issue can be retired with a one mill tax levy. It is clear that to retire $1,995,000 of bonds will require at least 13 mills of tax levy over a period of 13 years. 9. If the proposed bond issue is authorized at the coming election, I think it will be a mistake for the School Board to assume that that calls for abandonment of the present high school buildings and for the construction of an entirely new plant on the site north of the city. 10. I believe that a junior high school building should be established on the present campus and that bonds should be issued only in a sufficient amount to construct and equip such a building and to make necessary and reasonable repairs and improvements on present buildings. I have heretofore submitted to the Board of Education letters expressing my views on the above matters. I therefore Gail Evans, Chad Goble feel justified in publishing this statement at this time. Will L. Hoyt r, Former Nephite to marry Nautilus club Vernal girl on June 4 of Mr. years. She is a presents $1 50 andGailMrs.Evans,E.daughterEvans of inary graduate and is presentVernal become the bride of ly employed at Ashton Days in to association former Nephite Chad Goble at Vernal. four-yea- C. will The Nautilus Club has presented a check for $150 to the East Juab Ambulance Association to use in purchasing equipment for the associations new rescue van. The funds were obtained through a public service project of the club, according to Mrs. Evelyn Bosh, club Mary and Winston Nielson store. The store will have its show off one of infants dres- grand opening this weekend. ses that they carry in their new TNPhoto Nielson's sets grand opening for weekend We are very gratified with the response we have had since we opened our doors a couple of weeks ago says Winston Nielson, who with his wife Mary are announcing a two-da- y grand opening event of features childrens clothing, fabrics and notions, shoes for the entire family, large and &,toSy.8t0ret0rFridayani PartS Nielsons will award door prizes to selected shoppers and balloons and suckers to children throughout the two days. The store is at 22 South Main, just south of the Juab County Courthouse. The store to new location was occupied by Pratts, Jacks and the Sears Catalog Agency. The new store formerly Dres-iden- to association According members, the ambulance service is still accepting contributions to help with equipment small appliances and television sets. purchasing. 3S m0Ved Hanson Auto Parts has moved from their location at 298 South Main to a new building at 686 North Main. According to Mr. and Mrs. Kent Hanson the new store is open for business and a grand opening in the new location is planned within a few weeks. t. sends birthThe Times-New- s day greetings to Paula Bram-al- l, who will be one year old on May 23. She is the daughter of Ruth and Sam Bramall of Nephi. Grandparents are Mrs. Ora Neilsen of Nephi and James L. Johnson of Fairview. The 7 Times-New- s Nephi, Utah May 19, 1977 a wedding planned for June 4 Second at the Davis-Naple- s Ward chapel Vernal. A reception will follow the wedding from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Miss Evans ia a 1975 graduate of Uintah High School. While attending the high school, she was in the pep club in her junior and senior How r sem- (Tex) graduate of where he School Juab High football and in participated four-yea- r a was He wrestling. seminary graduate. He is presently employed at Urethane Contractors, Inc. in Roosevelt. Goble is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Goble of Nephi. The couple will make their home in Roosevelt. Goble is a 1975 to Save on Electricity son was also installed as a vice captain. Irva Howard will teach lessons in the camp for the coming year. Lorene Kirgan will be the camp historian and Nona Smith will be camp chaplain. Camp organist will be Rheta Sperry and camp chorister will be Fern Garrett. SJ p I a Recent births as reported to Times-New- s are: the Boy, born May 12 to Mr. and Mrs. James G. Carter of Fillmore. Grandparents are Mrs. Zella Carter of Levan and Mrs. Lillian Rowser of Fillmore Energy Saving Sale Wood and Coal Stoves C0NTEMP0RY AND BUILT-I- N FIREPLACES Discounts up to 50 off our reg. low price Prices effective untill June 1st C ROGER SNIDER & PAYSON We Install or Free Advice For The 952 E Do-It-Yourse- lfer 100 N (HOT 91) Become a wait wafchsr by mowing how much energy each appliance uses Knowing how much electricity your home appliances consume can help you manage their use more wisely. Electricity usage is measured in kilowatt hours (kwh). One kilowatt hour is 1000 watts of electricity in use for one hour. (Another way to describe it is the amount of electricity consumed by a single 100 watt light bulb burning for 10 hours). In Utah Powers service area, the average cost of one kilowatt hour is under 4v (among the lowest in the nation). The following chart lists the approximate amount of electricity consumed by various appliances in normal use for one month. When figuring your electric usage, you need to take Into account the size of an appliance and how much you use it. We hope that knowing which appliances use the most electricity will help you become an energysaving "watt watcher. OF ELECTRIC HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES This house was built by Vocational Capentry class at the Juab High School with the exception of the cabinets, plumbing, and insulation. Description Frame construction with textured tempered masonite siding, main floor 1170 sq. ft., three bedrooms, one bath, living room, kitchen; radiant electric heat. Outside measurements 26' x 45'. Minimum bid is $13,660.00 covering the cost of materials Notice of Bid Sealed bids at stated minimum or above will be received at Juab School District office, 309 East, 1st North,. Nephi,Utah,up until opening on June 15, 1977, at 7:30 pm. Bidders are invited to attend. Cashier's check representing 1 of offer must be included with bid. Highest offer which meets listed provisions and financing requitements will be accepted. Cashier's check of unsuccessful bidders will be returned. Finance arrangments to be made outside of district. Terms - cash payment in full within ten days of bid acceptance. Building to be moved by successful bidder by August 15, 1977. Those interested in bidding should start to arrange their finance so they can be in compliance with the terms above. Voriw corncob wim mo. dwgme do, '"Dow SONS 465-383- 2 One of a series ENERGY REQUIREMENTS bin A IdC UCILIC Add 10 kwh pm month tot oiAomoic lea makm. and tom IMng habit. not include etecMclty to hoot watm. Read Reddys Column! Utah Power welcomes your questions, suggestions, and comments. Often-aske- d questions and good suggestions are published in Reddy Kilowatt s regular newspaper column. Write to Reddy Kilowatt, P.O. Box 899, Salt Lake City, Utah 84110. |