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Show Blurred Po.oe, Rest easy. - A world free from and Support the City - , Clean-u- p ' May 6 thru 11 heart attack tn - - Take stock in America. U.S. Savings Bonds. Buy WILMA CARAS' DANCERS ,. jft present Mary Jane Davis THE REST THINGS IN Engagement, marriage plans told LIFE ARE FREE May 11 Miss Mary Jane Davis and Harold Clark Ostler will be married on Friday, May 3 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple, it was announced recently. The couple will be honored at a reception that evening from at the Park Ward Cultural Hall in Provo. Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. Allan L. Davis of Provo. Parents of the groom are Mrs. Beth P. Ostler and Mr. Howard C. Ostler. Ihaty yvhet we're el about. Profits from the trapshoot will be given to the Nephi Junior Rodeo Club. Gun club and rodeo for 30 Mobile homes. Reasonable rates. Don Royce, 623-114- for 20 head of cattle for the summer. William Pay. Pasture 623-125- 18 Business Personals When it comes to special items for special occasions: cakes, donuts, cookies; call Ned. Beautifully decorated pastries at reasonable prices. And when you stop by, pick up a fresh strawberry pie!!! Scrumptious. Your Telecake Bakery selection Wedding gifts. of gifts. Let us help you pick out a gift for them. Cail us on the gift list. Nephi Lumber Co., 55 West Second North, Nephi. 28tf Gift lists! Yes, we have gift lists for every wedding . . . call us at and well include your name, or better still, drop in at our store at 66 South Main, vour PRO hardware center, also featuring Western Auto Catalog Hardware, 66 South Agency, 51tf Main in Nephi 623-11- 4-- Ned's Bakery TheTimes-New- s 61 Nephi, Utah May 2, 1974 Notices North Main 623-041- 4-- . n 623-030- 6. West-inghou- Use 623-004- g Classified flares -sizes 3 WITH NEW AEROSOL SPOT REMOVER FOR CARPETS 12 -- Reg. 6.00 pr -- ads Tough with double or 3..33 pair bees! sox ' 488 pair 2 Par fr 588 JERGENS FRESH" 623-05- Services Ten-spee- Alcoholics anonymous. Informa47tf tion and assistance. SOAP RATHSIZEBAR- S- 6 for 77: SAPHIRE AND DRESSMAKER BROADCLOTHS - Regular 149 yard CD: yd abrs for SPKu.'S Fresh new TRIMS ZIPPERS 4 for CIQSEOUTS! Springy Stripe 10,IT Reg price 133 FABRICS 119 yd. YARD LILT CRUSH KOTEX TRICOT Repeat of a wfeqj, - ,1 , I 1 375-112- 0. 17-1- 623-100- i 623-03- 623-030- 785-319- 465-340- 2 Pa'r 73 Stretch Crew beverages, cosmetics, art materials, animal accidents, tar and grease. Try a can today. Only $1.29. Furniture 4-- 623-030- FOAM AWAY CARPET STAINS Chapman 18-1- NOTICE OF FINAL TAX SALE Notice is hereby given that on Wednesday, the 22nd day of May, 1974, at ten oclock a.m. at the front door of the County Courthouse in Nephi, Juab County, Utah, I will offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash, pursuant to the provisions of Section Utah Code Annotated described 1953, the following real estate situate in said county and now held by it under prelim-foless inary tax sale. No bid than the total amount of taxes, interest, penalties and costs which are a charge upon such real estate will be accepted. Ada Tax Sale No. Thompson. Beg. at a pt. on the W. Bay. line of Lot 10, Blk. 6, Plat A, Eureka City Survey, which is N. 46 deg. 45 min. W. 173 ft. from SW. corner, th. N. 55 deg. 47 min. E. 85 ft. to SW. corner of Lot 11, th. N. 35 deg. 04 min. W. 112.25 ft., th. S. 58 deg. 19 min. W. 106.16 ft., th. S. 46 deg. 45 min. .W. 116.71 ft, to beg. . Less a roadway 10 ft. wide oh N. End of Said Lot 10. 9 Kenneth Tax Sale No. L. Maurey. All of Lot 60, Blk. 4, Plat B, Eureka City Survey, ExceDt 6 bv 25 ft. in NE Corner deeded to Anabel Mooney. 4, x' 173-196- in witness whereof; I have herunto set my hand and official seal this fourth day of i April, 1974. s. Earl L. Warner Earl L. Warner Juab County Clerk All property here offered for sale and which has not been stricken off to a private purchaser is hereby stricken off and sold to the County of Juab, and I hereby declare the fee simple 'sonsaid property to be vested in said county. 623-004- Times-New- s Remover for Carpets 623-004- 4-- In accordance with a policy change made several months ago, classified advertisements are payable in advance. We will accept telephone orders, but payment must be made prior to 5 p.m. Tuesday to have advertisement included in current weeks issue. Rates are: Miniwords or less, $1.00 per mum issue. Each additional 5 words or portion thereof, 20c per issue. Card of Thanks, $3 per issue. Classified display advertising $0.91 per col. inch. Deadlines: for classified advertisements, Tuesday 5 p.m. For display ad2tf vertising, Monday 5 p.m. 3 Visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bendixen and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Wilson were Dr. and Mrs. Leo Bendixen and children Chris, Anne, and Sarah Lyn of Columbus, Ohio; and Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hoyt and son Steven of Brigham City. Spot s. 15-1- A good m ... 623-022- 5, 623-004- Mr. and Mrs. H. Ray Fran-cowere overnight guests in. Provo on Tuesday of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Norton. On Tuesday, evening, they attended a session at the Provo LDS Temple. They also visited with other members of their family at Orem, Springville, and Provo. Spray on, blot dry, rinse and the spots gone . . . blot new HOST aerosol Spot Remover for Carpets foams away stains caused by food, Legal Notices Seed Barley for sale reasonable price. Hermansen Flour 18 We extend our heartfelt thanks Mill, Nephi. and appreciation to all our 1970 Maico 250cc Motorcycle. All friends and relatives who have the good extras, Koni shocks, assisted in any way during the hooker & RS pipes, extra tank, recent illness and surgery of We extra parts, and others avail- Timothy H. Bowers-Ironable. $550. Jess Allen, all who sent cards, appreciate 9 called on the telephone or at the home or hospital, and are espe1973 Camaro 350. 21,000 miles. cially grateful to those who Power steering, turbohydrama-tic- , donated blood. Some made the AM-F8 miles trip to Salt Lake City to give radio, per gallon, excellent condition. blood, and others gave at the 9 $3200. Jess Allen , hospital or at the blood bank. We do appreciate them, every one. The family of Timothy H. Bowers-spor 18 roof ; 351 engine and 4 speed. See Irons. Mark Chase at Chasess, 9 miles 18 south of Levan. The George G. Howarth family Two-wa- y radios. CB and SSB. wishes to express their apprecifor the many Prices start as low as $74.95 at ation and gratitude of love and service Chases, 9 miles south of expressions 18 extended to them during the Levan. long illness and death of their wife and mother, Goldie I. How- Garden cultivators, $29.95 at A thanks to Bishop Plumbing and Builders Supply,' arth. special G. Christensen and the Joseph 18 .Nephi. First Ward Relief Society, to Golf club sets womens and Miles A. Anderson, to those who participated in the services, for mens. As low as $29.95. those who sent food and flowers Plumbing and Builders Supply, and visited us in our time of 18 Nephi. sorrow. A very sincere thanks to of all nurses at the Colonial car stereos, Manorthe tapes, and Juab County Hospiunits for cars. speakers, quad tal who cared for our mother Plumbing and Builders and gave her special care each 18 Supply, Nephi. 18 day. Check out these painting barroller handle, reg. 7 ; gains: roller Help Wanted $1.49, now 84c. handle, reg. $1.29, now 69c. Roller covers, reg. 2 for $1.19, Wanted young man, at least 16 now 2 for 66c. roller cover, years of age, for yard clean-u- p roller work Saturday, May 11. Contact reg. $1.39, now 89c. cover, reg. $1.19, now 69c. 39c, Roy E. Gibson at Times-New- s 69c, and 99c paint brushes, 20 office. 18 percent off. Roller kits, reg. caulk$2.29, now $1.49. Rely-oMorning waitress wanted. Cowing, reg. 39c, now 33c. Winter ans Cate. Ask for Chuck. Lumber Co., 210 'West Center, Nephi. Secretary bookkeeper. Exper- ience needed. Call between 8 We now have a factory-traine- d a.m. and 4 p.m. Zions Sportsfor apWestinghouse repairman wear. tf pliances at Winter Lumber Co. We also sell a full line of appliances, 210 West Zions Sportswear (a division of 3tf Catalina) at 95 North First West Center, Nephi. in Nephi. Operators needed we are expanding. Will train. Averzig-zaautomatic Singer sewing machine in walnut cabinet. 1974 age hourly wage $2.20 on piece holidays, paid model. This machine button- rate. Six paid Year-roun- d work, holes, blindhems, monograms, vacation. insurance available. Acdarns, does everything. Want group reliable party to take over last 8 cess to all Catalina Products and and Kayser-Rot- h products at payments of $9.00 or discount for discount. Phone 5 or 3 cash. Call or between 8 a.m. and 4:30 8 16tf p.m. 14 month-ol- d Hereford bull for per sale. See Afton R. Haskell or call cessary. Learn while your earn. Payson Good pay and very rewarding work. For interview call d bikes 27 inch or apply in person at Colonial Wheels. We have both Womens Manor, and ask for Mr. Kostenand Mens styles. Simplex ko. Center pull brakes, n brake levers. Wanted. Someone to care for $69.88 plus $4.70 transportation. lawn until July. Call Ann Wing Pick yours up today at Wards, 63 at collect after 5 South Main, Nephi. 17 p.m. Deluxe lawnchairs and loungall ers. Chairs, $14.88 plus $1.73 Maintenance man. Must be exwill be and round handyman $12.88 transportation. Loungers, pected to handle a wide variety plus $2.09 transportation. Alumof tasks. For interview call bodfabric inum frames, vinyl 1 or apply in person at ies. In stock today at Wards, 63 17 Colonial Manor and ask for Mr. South Main, Nephi. Kostenko. Panty hose just 66c pr. Wards dressy sheer seamless mesh. In stock at Wards. Were 99c pr. Legal Notices Three different shades, two sizC ALL FOR BIDS es. Wards, 63 South Main, Nephi. 17 The Juab School District Board of Education will accept 29 vents for bids for the Steam irons have purchase and remaximum steam power. Easy-rea- d moval from the foundation the fabric dial. Avocado handle home located at 335 East First with bright chrome body. $7.97 North, Nephi, Utah. $1.10 transportation. In stock The bid will include the 29 ft x today at Wards, 63 South Mam, 33 ft. lumber home and the 17 contents attached to the home Nephi. such as the furnace, plumbing, Electric can openers have wiring, etc lids will be accept- ed at th jab School District irpei 92 Office ui 7:30 p.m.. May, 9, Magnetic lid holder. $7.97 cents transportation. In stock 1974. Ac b to the home can be today at Wards, 63 South Main, arranged by contacting the Dis17 trict Office during office hours, Nephi. 8.30 a.m. to 5:80 p.m. The home Toasters two slice models. must be removed from the Radiant control adjusts to fro- property by June 30, 1974. zen or fresh bread Chromed Fhibbshed in the Nephi Times-New- s, case $7.97 $1.19 transportation. In stock today at Wards, 63 April 11, 18, 25, and May South Mam, Neptu. 17 2. 1974. 18-1- Mrs. G. M. Worwood and daughter Wendy and Mrs. Roy Dixon and children spent the weekend in Granger with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mclff, while Mr. Worwood was in LDS Hospital. He has since been released. 2 at Pinedale Spaces available $1 Card of Thanks For Sale For Rent Park for An extra good buy Levan news Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Beard and Miss Phyllis Beard were in Provo Saturday to attend a birthday party held for Doyle Beard at his home. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Beard and daughter Kristi of Nephi, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lowe and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ligman of Provo, and Mr. and Mrs. Nello Sudweeks of Springville. CLASSIFIED ADS Subscribe Potato rolls, very goad eating, doz. club members will operate the traps and related equipment for this events. Mr. Booth invites all shooters and interested rodeo club patrons to visit this shoot. It is to be held at the Nephi Gun Club facilities on the Spring Canyon road. Free to the public! Don't Borrow This week's special trap shoot Sunday School Auditorium Give Heart Fund Heart Association the project may contact Mrs. Chase, Mrs. Kunz, Lucy Jones, Kathy Nelson, Dorothy Rigby, Helen Carter, Nannette Fullen, Linda Olsen, Diane Hunter, or Nancy Sperry, club members. Gun club to hold The Nephi gun club will sponsor a trapshoot this Sunday, May 5, it was announced recently by Frank Booth, a club official. Ask your show the beautiful quilt which will be awarded on May 18. Those wishing to participate in MEMBERS OF THE NEW Twentieth Century Club are conducting a public service project, with funds derived therefrom to be used to purchase a camera for the Juab County Hospital. The camera will be used to take pictures of newly-bor- n babies. Here, Nadine Chase, club president, and Chris Kunz, vice president. - 8 pm. at Hepihi Elementary & 97c Rax cf-4-0 Keep us in mind as you think of shampooing your carpets. We have machines for rent at $1, larger ones for $2. and an especially nice one for shags that rents for $3 per day. We have a plentiful supply of Blue Lustre and also carry "Pro shampoo, used commercially for years and now available for home use. Plumbing and Builders Sup6tf ply. 4-- D Do you have a problem? If so, call hour, day or night drinkirig any 623-032- 0 3tf Mutual eU.'uaha: TfeynpfrNfep dual-positio- 623-154- 1. 623-051- 623-154- 623-154- 1. 623-154- Health Imwwim Uffl htwranct hitemi Fretirtin TOMPONSor MODESS kx of M For Information you nood n Mutual of Omafia banofiH, call collect 22(43751 9&: Herb Cihak, agent J 623-154- 1. 623-154- 1. Dates of publication: April 25, May 2, 9, and 16, 1974 in the Times-NewNephi, Utah. s, NOTICE TO WATER USERS The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to change and appropriate water in Juab County throughout the entire year unless otherwise designated. Locations in SLB&M. Albert D. Keni-soa 7828 (66-4R. F. D., Box 229, Payson, Utah 84651, proposes to change the point of diversion and place of use of 1.15 sec. ft. of water as evidenced by Appl. No. 22856, Cert. No. 4820. The water has been diverted from a well, 362 ft. deep at a point S. 1220 ft. and W. 224 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 4, T16S, R1W ; and used from Apr. 1 to Sept. 30 for the1 irrigation of 160 acs. in NViNEy4, NEViNWVi Sec. 4, -- n, 4) 16-in- T16S, R1W; EV2SWV4, WSEV4, SEy4SEy4 Sec. 33, T15S, R1W. Hereafter, 1.15 sec. ft. of water is to be diverted from an well, 280 ft. deep existing at a point N. 50 ft. and E. 30 ft. from Ny4 Cor. Sec. 1, T15S, R1W; and used from Apr. 1 to Sept. 30 for the supplemental irrigation of 880 acs. but limited to the sole supplv of 160.0 acs. in wyiNEy,, wy., wyjSEy. Sec. i; NEy4NEy4, SEy4SEV4 Sec. 2; E2NEy4, EV2SEy4, Sec. 11; NWV4 Sec. 12, all T15S, R1W. 43426 Dean A. Sapp, 754 W. North Temple, No. 29, Salt Lake City, Utah. 0.015 sec. ft. of water is to be diverted 0 from a well, ft. deep at a point N. 825 ft. and E. 165 ft. from Wy4 Cor. Sec. 14, T16S, R2W; and used for the domestic purposes of one family, stockwatering of 1 cow, 15 chickens, 3 hogs and 1 horse; and used from Apr. 15 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of 0.25 acs. m SWNWt Sec. 14, T16S, R2W. Protests resisting the granting of these applications with reasons therefor must be filed in duplicate with the State En- 442 State Capitol, Salt Eineer,City, Utah 84114, on or before June 1, 1974. DeeC Hansen STATE ENGINEER 16-in- (66-20- 100-40- Published 1974. in Nephi Times-New- s, April 18, 25 and May 2, |