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Show Youths Find 4-- H a county or state fair doesnt mean being only on w; the carnival midway or close to the race track. The action and competition is even more keen in the livestock area, where literally hundreds of animals are on display, parading before judges and pleasing an enthusiastic audience. Among the favorites are sleek beef animals, representing virtually every breed, with their coats trimmed, shined and even curled. And adding to the pleasing sight are equally boys and girls at the end of the halter. Their concentration is overshadowed only by the pride they take in their projects which have taken a year or more of their time to feed, train and groom. 4-- well-groom- Most people should apply for their social security number at least several weeks before it is needed for a job. You can get information by calling, writing, or visiting and social security office. The Provo office is located at 173 East 100 North, and a representative will be here on May 6th from 9:00 a.m. to noon. 4-- More than nine out of 10 jobs are covered by social security. A worker builds disability, survivors, retirement, and Medicare protection by work and earnings credited to his social security number. He gets credit if hes paid $50 or more in a calendar quarter in work covered by social 4-- d set Saturday car wash Some employers wont hire people unless they have a social security number so students and others planning to get summer jobs should apply for a number now if they dont already have one. Delaying your application for a social security number might prevent your employment or cause you to lose time and wages in a job requiring a social security number. When you dont recall having had a social security number before, your application is screened against central files in Baltimore to make sure a second number isnt issued to you and screening takes time. The Social Security representative is at the Juab County Courthouse in Nephi, monthly to help you. Winning 4-- Band parents Students should get SS number for summer top beef honors at fair shows in her home state of Wyoming and elsewhere came easy to a recent national winner in the 4-beef program. Rebecca von Forell, 17, of Wheatland, started her beef experiences with a single purebred Hereford. She expanded that initial investment into a herd of 17 purebreds valued at more than The $8500. scholarship winner, along with her own honors in showing quality livestock, has aided younger in their efforts in showmanship and judging events. For more information on the beef program, contact the county extension office. Over 166,000 nationwide, are involved in beef projects varying in size from an animal or two for the younger members to a small herd for the older teens. Each hopes to win a blue ribbon, to make a profit and to learn as much as he can about producing quality beef. Giving added incentive to the young beef producer is Celanese Chemical Company, donor of county, state and national awards in the program. Selected by the Cooperative Extension Service, up to four young people in each county can earn medals of honor. One state winner is provided an expense-paitrip to National Congress, in Chicago, and Dec. from those high achievers, six national scholarship winners are selected to receive $700 grants. Being where the action is at Beef Where The Action Is The number for the first time may be asked to prove their age, identity, and citizenship. Classified providing your insurance needs. AUTOMOBILE COMMERCIAL BOATS GLASS MOBILE HOMES OVER 25 YEARS INSURANCE SERVICE IN THIS AREA The INSURANCE AGENCY K. 51 Ads K-- J North Main J. SPERRY, Phone 623-038- Agent Nephi, Utah 7 Levan news Dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mrs. Edna Peterson were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Peterson of Midvale and Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Peterson of Levan. NAME NEPHI S GOLF COURSE AND WIN YOURSELF SOME PRIZES! PRIZES: First prize, Set of golf clubs, golf bag, 2 free golf lessons. Second prize: Golf cart and two free golf lessons; Third prize: Golf bag and two free Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Wood were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Woodall and family of Bountiful; Mrs. Hazel golf lessons. Harmon and Mrs. Delma Bennett of Holden; Mrs. Dale Anderson and Carol Anderson of Hunter; and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wood of Salt Lake City. PRIZE WINNERS will be announced In the May 30 edition of The Times-New- s, prizes will be awarded at the opening of the courses first five holes on Saturday, June 1. Suggested golf course name Entrants Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ballow of Orem spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pete Ballow. Name Address CONTEST RULES: Age limiit, 10 years of age. Entrant must be a resident of Juab Countty. Person may enter as many times as he wishes. Deadline for entry is May 18, 1974. Entry blank may Sandy and Staci Howell of West Jordan were visitors during the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Gardner. phone at Allens Food Fair MarFirst ket, Securty Bank, Forseys Variety Store or Cowans Cafe. Prizes will be on display at First Securty Bank, Nephi office, during contest time. be deposited Times-New- s Your social security number Nephi, Utah May 2, 1974 2 job covered by social security, be sure your employer copies your name and number correctly from your card. If you have married be sure your name is correct on our records. People applying for a social security Use Times- News I would appreciate the privilege of is yours alone and remains the same for life. When you get a the story of a boy and his dogs. HE MADE A PROMISE AND HE KEPT IT! I Ti The Band Mothers are sponsoring a car wash on Saturday May 11 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. at the 4th-5t- h ward Church. Band students will canvas the town to sell tickets. Cost will be $1.50 for inside and out wash and 1 .00 just to wash on the outside of the car. The band is also sponsoring of old newspapers. a pick-uContact Donna Spencer for information as to who will call for your newspapers in your ward. p Nephi news V. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jacobsen, Hanna Wilson, and Pearl Wilson were in Fichfield on Monday of last week to attend funeral services for Oscar M. Jacobsen. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Tolley S were Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Sowby of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Tolley of Spring-vill- e, and Mr. and Mrs. Algene Graff and Mrs. Charlie Crosby of St. George. Dr. Josef Kolenski of West Orange, New Jersey flew into Salt Lake City on Sunday, April 28 to visit with Timothy Bowers-Iron- s at Holy Cross Hospital in Salt Lake City. Dr. Konenski is an army friend, and knew Tim while he was stationed in Mrs. Arthur Latimer of Pocatello, Idaho spent a few days this week with Mrs. Jack Wright. On Monday they were in Salt Lake City to celebrate Mrs. Wrights birthday anniversary with Mrs. May Burton and Mrs. Evan Jones. 37 IE2J MIIN HMHMiMIi ilflilO (ilNNIi Ulllihri i, M'l NEW ADMISSION PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 1974: ADULT STUDENT CHILD 7th Now playing . . through Tuesday May - Saturday 'Mi I'JVi iMiH Venice Theatre SPECIAL MATINEE mill i II lllIlM'1' 1:30 pm. , $1.50 $13? Manufacturer's suggested retail price for base model. Destination charges, state and local taxes extra. F Forsey's presents their ealthjnsurance Giant screen RCA AccuColor consoles nci It help provide a monthly Income when youre In the hoepltal When you're in the hospital, your family's expenses go right'on. That's why our Hospital Income policy - part of State Farm's person to person health insurance - is so important. It provides you with a regular monthly income to help meet those family expenses. Let me show you how. ALLEN E. OLSEN, Agent 10 South 1st East Gunnison, Utah 84634 39 Phone: Off. 528-34- save Me STAT k'rpp w f 9a lw "ra t Here's fine furniture styling that captures me romantic flavor of Old World Spain' Hgh performance black matrix picture tube RCA s fmest color picture tube evert AccuTint automatically ma ntams natural flesh tones and consistent coior on all channels. $519.95 Clean, simple lines of the Contemporary style set this console apart! High performance black matrix picture tubeRCA's fmest color picture tube ever $488.00 4- - 3 vi i'-- A " 'fl I 1 I v j . i . ry is only. Separate basr. treble and balance controls Two 4" separable speakers Automatic turntable From RCA Exciting ctArQ ound that portable! now, $59.95 Reg. $89.95 FORSEY'S VARIETY STORE 42 South Main, 623-064- 3 4 Compare prices. Then compare trucks. e Youll find Fords is a lot more pickup for the money. Its reliable engine is easy on will carry a man-siz- e gas. Yet an load, take on the toughest country, and give ride. you a smooth, You can even add options like automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, air conditioning and more. Test-driv- e a Ford at your Intermountain Ford Dealers today. full-siz- I. i F-1- 00 F-1- 00 easy-handli- ng F-1- 00 See your Intermountain Ford Dealer Parkin Motor Company 131 South Main 623-022- 2 |