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Show Universal Microfilming Corp, B ox 2608 Snlt L'kc City, Utah Nephi, Juab County, Utah 84648, Thursday, May 2, 1974 Sherwood files for 4-y- ear county post Water of the Mona Reservoir is at its high- est since 1952, and is inundating farming land, pasture land and livestock corrals. Photo shows Lauren Keyte home and corrals. The water has also covered acres at the Andrews ranch at Starr. 10-2- 0 Water Storage is highest since 1952; farms inundated Storage water in the Mona Reservoir, reported highest since 1952, is overflowing valuable farm lands from the Lauren Keyte farm just west of Mona to the Mt. Nebo Angus Ranch at Starr. Storage was reported in excess of 13,000 acre feet at the time a reading was taken in March, and the water has risen considerable since that time. The Keyte farm, located on both sides of the east-weCounty road is near the southern point of the reservoir, and meadow land, alfalfa d land and even cropping areas are now flooded. In discussing the situation with Mr. Keyte, he pointed out that several land of them resi- owners are involved-mo- st st dry-lan- dents of Mona. According to Mr. Keyte, the reservoir owners have an easement covering much of the land covered by the storage water annually, but this year the water has far surpassed the line covered by the easement. Orvil Andrews of the Nebo Angus Ranch at Starr reported that probably 15 to 20 acres of pasture land is currently undir water on an area extending to the west on their property. It is understood that water from the Reservoir is going over the overflow, and that irrigation from the reservoir will be starting within a few days which will pull the reservoir level down, especially from the far end of the storage the highest points. Two Nephi students on SUSC honor roll Geological Reports from the U. Survey show that the groundwater levels in most of East Juab County are up considerably from a year ago. This is particularly true of the Nephi area where several wells tap underground storage for irrigation purposes. Rex Carter of the Nephi Irrigation Company board of directors stated that we do not expect high water the snow is all of the lower elevations. He pointed out that the stream is clear, and that as the weather warms up. the flow could increase from the higher elevations. Edward Earl Ingram and Karen Jensen have been recognized by the Southern Utah State College at Cedar City for their academic standing for the winter quarter. Each was named to the honor roll with grade point average from 3.60 to 3.94. Former Nephi lady dies in Salt Lake Storage in Juab Reservoir is higher than 1973, and with irrigation going on in the Mills area, this reservoir will also be lowered during the coming few weeks. Storage here is considered ample for the irrigating season. Word was received in Nephi Tuesday of the death in Salt Lake City of Mrs. Alice Golden Buncick, sister of Rue S. Golden of Nephi. Services will probably be held in Salt Lake City, with burial in Butte, Montana. Survivors include her husband, Robert Buncick of Salt Lake City; a son, Jack Russell; and brother, R. S. Golden, Nephi. Couples attend funeral of relatives Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Higginson and son Larry were in Halls Tennessee recently to attend funeral services for L. W. Cousins. Mr. Cousins was father of Mrs. Merilyn Higginson of Nephi. Nephi weather NEPHI WEATHER Mr. and Mrs. Alan Pace were in Manti recently where they attended services for Mrs. Marie Christensen, 89, mother of Mrs. Elthora Pace. Mrs. Christensen is survived by four daughters and two sons. She had been a resident of Manti since 1902. Patients at the Juab County Hospital Cafe management as change announced of Tuesday afternoon included the follow- ing: Charles and Shirleen Baxter of Nephi new operators of Cowans Cafe as of yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Baxter are leasing the cafe from Bill and Gwen Cowan, owners of the cafe. According to Mr. Baxter, the cafe will be operated under the same name, and there will be some changes, but nothing big in the cafes operation, he said. are the William Sperry, Nephi Deon Dorius, Nephi Sue Harmon, Nephi Della Ostler, Nephi Edith Park, Nephi Hazel Russell, Nephi Danny Spechtenhauser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Young, Mona Dean Winn, Nephi An invitation ' Juab High Schools commercial teams took third place overall in the region Clarice Kendall dies, services Sat. Funeral services at the Nephi will be held Saturday ward chapel for Clarice Kendall, 54 former resident of Nephi. Miss Kendall died April 30, 1974 of natural causes in a St. George Hospital. Services will begin at 1:00 p.m. She was born October 4, 1919 in Nephi to James Arthello and Athalia Haws Kendall. She graduated from Juab High School and attended Utah State Agricultural College at Logan. She was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints, serving a mission for her church to the Eastern States during 1950 and 1951. During World War II, Miss Kendall served in the SPARS womens unit of the United States Coast Guard. She had worked in secretarial positions with the Juab County Recorders office, for the State of Utah, and for various other firms in Salt Lake City. Survivors include: Brothers and sisters: Mrs. Ray W. (Lorna) Worthington and J. Clair Kendall, Nephi; Afton Cheney, Pasadena, California; Mrs. Wayne (Jean) Hinton, Hurricane, Utah; Mrs. William K. (Della) Hall, Mokena, Illinois; William C. Kendall, Idaho Falls, Idaho; and Britt D. Kendall, Washington, Utah. Friends may call at the Anderson Funeral home from 7 to 9 p.m. on Friday and at the chapel on Saturday prior to the services. Miss Kendall will be buried at the Vine Bluff Cemetery in Nephi. First-Secon- d . All encouraged to participate in city-wid- e cleanup week week is an invitation to all according to Dan Kostenko, president of the Nephi Chamber of Commerce, sponsoring organization. Its an invitation for each resident of the community to remove the winters accumulation of leaves, trash, limbs, etc. from the premises, and to make the community blossom with the spring Clean-u- p time." Mr. Kostenko stated that although the is a week-lon- g activity Maj f through II, the most concentrated effort will be on Saturday, May II. On that day. be pointed out. members of the Nephi unit clean-u- p of the National Guard will be manning trucks, along with the City personnel, to hail away trash and debris placed on the curb by homeowners. Trucks will begin hauling shortly after 8 a.m. and continue through most of the day, he stated. Insofar as possible, home owners should have the materials to be discarded on the curb as rarly as possible. The clean-u- p week also is an invitation, Mr. Kostenko pointed out, for the public to remove undesirable material from closets and basements not only as a cleanliness effort, but also as a fire prevention effort. Elden C. Sherwood, retired Utah Highway Patrol lieutenant and former Mayor of Nephi, has filed papers with the Juab DemCounty Clerk seekaing the four-yea- r ocratic nomination for Juab County Commissioner. A native of Levan, Mr. Sherwood has resided in Nephi the majority of his life, where he has been active in civic and church affairs. He served many years as District Commissioner of the Boy Scouts of America, and has been awarded the Silver Buffalo award for his services in this capacity. Prospective nominees for the various positions on the ballot will first come before the nominating convention of the respective political parties, with nominees emerging victorious from the convention to compete on the primary election ballot if a majority of 75 percent is not received by any one of the prospective candidates. Prospective candidates for an office appear on the Primary ballot. Commercial team grabs third place S. And that storage shed or garage should also be cleaned of unwanted materials at this time" he urged. Coopertir s in the clean-u- p effort with the Chamber of Commerce are the Utah National Guard. Nephi City, the Kiwanis Club of Nephi; the Nephi Lions Club, and the Nephi Jaycees. Additonal information will be published Times-New- s in the meantime, ail are invited to do their part to make the community blossom with the springtime. in the next issue of the commercial meet held at Juab High School last week. The meeting was held last Wednesday. Participants competed in five categories: Shorthand I and II, Type I and II, and Bookkeeping. In addition to placing third in the over-al- l 84110 competition, Juab students won first place in team competition in the Volume 65, Number 1 8 Governor Rampfon to be here Tuesday Governor Calvin L. Rampton will make his annual visit to Juab County this coming Tuesday, May 7, it was announced recent- iy- - Governor Rampton will be meeting with county, city, and school officials at 12:00 noon at Mickelsons Cafe. Each year the Governor travels the state meeting with local elected officials to Thalia Mickelson is new PTA pres Thalia Mickelson of Nephi was elected president of the Juab Junior and Senior Association High School Parent-Teachat a meeting of the organization held last week. Mrs. Mickelson will serve with other officers of the organization during the 1974-7- 5 and 1975-7- 6 school years. Jessie Wood was elected vice president of the organization; Dolores Carter was elected secretary; and Beth Whimpey was elected treasurer. Elementary PTA meeting Tuesday AssoA meeting of the Parent-Teache- r ciation of the Elementary School will be held in the Elementary School auditorium this coming Tuesday at 6:30 p.m., it was announced recently by PTA officials. Those present will discuss suggestions for the change or improvement of the organization and the school system. PTA officers urge all parents of elementary students to be in attendance at the meeting. discuss the concerns and problems of local governments, and their relationships and dealings with state agencies. "Through these face to face contacts, Governor Rampton hopes to continue state responsiveness to the needs and desires of Utahs residents. said one of the governors aids. The Governor will also be a guest at a dinner at Delta High School Tuesday night, and at a meeting to be held in Richfield the next day. The Richfield meeting will host elected officials of Sevier Piute, Wayne, Juab, Sanpete, and Millard counties and will offer a forum for- further input from local officials, as. to the impact and effectiveness of the officials Commissioners Organization say. Representatives of several state agencies will discuss their agencies plans activities, and budgets for the coming year. - Services held Saturday for Mrs. Ellison Graveside services were conducted Saturday at the Vine Bluff cemetery for Mrs. Susan O. Howell Ellison, 77, sister of Mrs. Essie O. Shaw, Nephi. Mrs. Ellison was born May 20, 1896 at Mona to James William and Marintha A. Platt Ostler. She was married to Alva W. Howell August 20, 1919 at the Manti LDS Temple. He died March 29, 1949. She was married to James Ellison December 5, 1954 at the Salt Lake LDS Temple. He died January 1957. She was a member of the American Legion Auxiliary. Survivors, in addition to her sister, Mrs. Shaw, include three sons, two daughters; 11 grandchildren and five Type II category and second place in the Bookkeeping competition. The Type II team is composed of Barbara Garrett, Cheryl Whittington, Debbie Lofgran, and Mary Allred. The Bookkeeping team is composed of Margo Mickelson, Cory Belliston, Scott Wilkey, and Holly Johnson. The Type I team Comprised of Darlene Allred, Annette Pexton, Rolayne Laird, and Sylvia Sperry won fifth place in their category and the Shorthand II team composed of Cheryl Whittington, Carole Haycock, Mary Allred, and Bobby Linton got fourth place honors in their category. Barbara Garrett won first place individual honors in the Type II category and Margo Mickelson won second place individual honors in the bookkeeping department. Louise Allred tied for third, fourth, and fifth places in Shorthand II competition; Cheryl Whittington tied for fourth and fifth places in Shorthand I and fourth place in type II. Darlene Allred placed fourth in Type I competition. Elders quorum schedules party Officals of the Nephi Second Quorum of Elders announce that a dinner will be held d Friday at 6:30 p.m. at the Ward Cultural Hall. All members of the quorum, prospective Elders and widows of Elders are invited to attend. The invitation also is extended to all who were members of the quorum prior to the ward division in February. First-Secon- Three gain honors in scholar program Louise Allred became Juab High Schools first winner in the Sterling Scholars of Central Utah competition held last Wednesday at Richfield high school. Louise competed in the business education category. In addition, Margo Mickelson received runner-u- p honors in science, while Gordon Mellor is SUSC alumni representative Charles R. Mellor, Nephi, will serve as the Juab County alumni representative from Southern Utah State College in Cedar City, it was announced recently by the school. In this newly created service, we will attempt to provide more and better information about Southern Utah State to the people of the Juab County area, Van L. Bushnell, SUSC director of college relations, said. Anyone wanting information about Southern Utah State College or its programs may contact the alumni representative or write directly to SUSC in Cedar City, he said. i Young accomplished the same feat in the Vocational Education category. Miss Allred received $200 in cash and a choice of tuition scholarships to nine, colleges or universities. Miss Mickelson and Mr. Young received $100 in cash each, and a somewhat more limited choice of scholarships. In addtiion, each contestant received a sterling scholar pin and will receive awards certificates at their own high school awards assemblies. In all, $4800 in cash and many scholarships were awarded at the program. Ten schools from the central Utah area participated in the program: Juab, North Sanpete, North Sevier, Richfield, Piute, Manti, Wasatch Academy, Gunnison, Wayne, and South Sevier. Richfield brought home the most sterling scholar awards with three. The school also brought home the largest number of runner-u- p awards with six. North Sanpete and Gunnison high schools each had two sterling scholar awards winners. North Sanpete, however, had two runners-u- p and Gunnison had four. North Sevier had one Sterling Scholar winner, but no runners-u- p. Piute high school had three runners-u- p and Manti had one winner and four runners-up- . Wasatch Academy had one person place in the runner-ucategory, while Wayne high school had one Sterling South Scholar winner and two runners-up- . Sevier, the remaining school, had neither a Sterling Scholar winner nor a runner-up- . p Gordon Young |