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Show rr ' During the national event, six national winners are to be announced, each receiving a $700 scholarship from the donor. Club and group recognition included county and state certificates and a $50 cash award to one county in each state reporting the most outstanding 4-- conservation program. 4-- Youths Aid Conservation Efforts in v Y-- 4-- H Program are helping to These clear litter from a stream as part of their activities in the conservation of natural resources program, sponsored by John Deere. Other youths in the program work in wildlife conservation, cleaning roadsides, restocking forests and streams, beautifying urban areas, and other environmental efforts geared for urban and rural communities. 4-- USE TIMES-NEW- S SPECIAL Numbered .among the strongest proponents of environmental quality are the youth of America. And adding their action- oriented leadership through a 'conservation of natural resources program are nearly .400,000 directly involved 4-members, notes the National 4-Service Committee. -. With incentives and recognition sponsored by John conservaDeere, the 4-tionists participate in activities geared towards improvement of the environment at home and in the community, j be it rural or urban, fi Working individually and clear groups, the roadsides and waterways, . parkland of litter and debris and help in wildlife conservation and protection. They in reforestation participate projects, in community and rural development planning and aid in action programs. Youths in the Cooperative Extension Service supervised program gain increased appreciation of the nations natural resources. And they are prodded to seek ways to use such resources wisely, the basis of good conservation practices. Some of the young find their career people choice through their work in of conservation the 4-resources natural program. Raising 30 different species of wild waterfowl in her community was just part of the conservation activities of one 1972 national winner in the program. Molly Moore, of .Lake Charles, La., raised over 200 birds and identified 200 more species that visited her parents land. Shes also been r;aCtive in tree seeding projects, helped to clear , and the harmful plant life from a H H nearby artifical lake. A recipient of a S700 winner, scholarship as a 4-Miss Moore has also worked to help curb air and water pollution in her community, in her role as a conservation writer for a local newspaper. While success enjoying have working alone, found their clubs and groups an even better way to multiply their conservation pffnrts. A group m San Diego County, Calif., helped the U.S. Forest Service replant areas of Cleveland large National Forest that were destroyed by fire. They also bird built to houses encourage the nesting of useful birds in the forest preserve. John Deeres schedule of incentives includes up to four medals of honor in each county, and an expense-pai- d trip to National Congress in Chicago, Nov. 25-2for one winner from each state. ADS New, higher Juab High Schools parent-teache- r conference will be held at the high school on November 14, it was announced recently by FTA officials. The conference is sponsored by the Juab School District PTA, and officials of that organization say that all parents of Jr. and Senior High school students are invited to visit the school and their childrens teachers from p.m. to 4 p m.and from 6:30 p.m. to 9 Dinner guests Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Newton were Mr. and Mrs. William B. Newton of Thousand Oaks, California ; and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Newton of Guests over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Asa H. Sperry were Mr. and Mrs. Kent Anderson and children Marian, Laurene, and Kent of Glendale, Utah. p m. PTA officials urge parents Carl Newton of Salt Lake City and Paul Newton and son Ray of Kearns were visitors on Saturday and Sunday at the home of their mother. Mrs. Rav Newton. TheTimes-New- s Nephi, Utah to November 1, 1973 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kay returned home recently after spending three weeks in Calien-te- , Nevada with their and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Max Carter and Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Cook. While there, they visited the parks and also enjoyed a family with their children and grandchildren from Las Vegas and Elko, Nevada attending. sons-in-la- Mrs. Elena Stanley spent last week in Salt Lake City and Midvale. She visited with her brother-in-laand sister, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ross. On Friday, she was guest of honor at a dinner party given by Mr, and Mrs. Milton G. Thackeray at their home in Salt Lake City. On Saturday, she attended funeral services for a cousins wife, Mrs. Louise Freckleton at Salt Lake City. Mona. come get acquainted with the teachers. w Mrs. Vaughn Summers and children Lori, Gordon, John and Richard of Salt Lake City were Sunday visitors at the home of her mother, Mrs. Warren Newton. Mr. and Mrs. Gedge Oliver had as their visitor on Sunday a friend of Mrs. Olivers Nancy Daines of Salt Lake Citv. rate - new, lower minimum on certificate accounts KkSTCfr 0 teacher consultation set 1 CLASSIFIED 4-- Mona News PTA sponsored OCOEED Dml7 fX7S ft WdGV 0 CPKB g(TC7 Effective November 1, 1973, PFS savers may take advantage of new, lower minimum amounts and a new, higher interest rate on new Savings Certificates, as shown below: IPK5 (SeFfloffoGIalfle ASmGS Sattufi. Published Thursdays at Juab County, Nephi, Utah. Second class entry at Nephi, Utah 84648. , 4- Subscription: $4.00 per year, payable in advance. - Js rates on request. Advertising V Office: 96 South Main Telephone (801) 623-052- 5 s Roy E. Gibson Publisher, Editor-ManagVance P. Gibson, Associate Editor, Assistant Mgr. er 5 MANAGERS SPECIALS Note: By Federal Regulations, all certificate accounts are subject to substantial interest penalties for withdrawals prior to maturity. An Invitation to Prospective PFS Certificate Savers: SAVE 9 Upright Vacuum up front nap adjustment for thorough cleaning of everything from low pile to shags e Beater has nylon bristles and poly for great cleaning of all carpet brush r e efficient .. speed . . 2 dust onoff OY Canister Vacuum switch bags ineludod-U- $20,000,000. Further safety of your funds is provided by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, an agency of the United States Government which insures both PFS passbook and certificate accounts up to $20,000. Interest is compounded daily and credited quarterly. Savings received on or before the 10th of the month earn from the 1st. We hope youll agree that now, more than ever before, is the time to save at PFS. 3 position handle vinyl bumper Toe touch 2 t heights pile Now you can earn as much as 7V2 per annum, compounded daily, on as little as $1,000 or as much as you please when you save at PFS. Notice all the other attractive alternates above. Theres sure to be a savings plan to suit your needs. Consider, too, that when you save at PFS you are saving at one of the 100 largest savings and loan associations in the United States, with assets over $375,000,000 and retained earnings of well over rvibrs-lea- Listed L pounds out noisto t ground-i- e Variable suction control with 80BM e dirt power selector tool caddy Includes Vibra Beat, regular floor rug upholstery noules, dust brush, crevice tool, 3 steel wands and hosa, 2 dust bags Peak HP 2 Listed 63 South Main (23-154- A Special Message to Our Present PFS Certificate Holders: To enjoy full advantage of this new interest rate schedule it will pay you to check the maturity date of your present certifi-cate(sIf issued or renewed recently, or if it will mature shortly, you may want to consider a change in your next certificate. Otherwise you will probably save money by waiting until the maturity date to make any change because of the regulatory interest penalty recited in your certificate. ). important for you to keep well in mind that your present certificate will automatically be renewed at the stated rate and term on its maturity date unless we hear from you. It Should you have any questions please feel free to phone, visit or write us. 1 IPF3 IP(issIbCx are you a Accm?s Open your PFS passbook account with as little as $5. Additions or withdrawals can be made at any time in any amount. Funds earn interest from date in to date out- - Interest !s compounded daily and credited or paid by check at the end of each quarter. Interest paid on all accounts with balance of $50 or more at any time during the quarterly period. SAD SAM? Yield is the actual interest earned, with PFS daily compounding, if the original deposit and all earnings remain A CHECKUP! account for 12 months. down-in-the-mou- th through your physician. 39 NEPHI DRUG CO. 58 South Main Hours: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. JPrudential IBederal Branch Office Service !r Nephi, Utah 84648 34 No. Main St. Weds. 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Main Office: 1 15 So. Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah 841 Assets Over $375,000,000. Gene Donovan, President INSURED avings y Manti, Utah 84642 30 No. Main St. Tues. & Thurs. 9:15 a.m. to 4 p.m. vV0 Mt .. Inter-Cit- Richfield, Utah 84701 255 So. Main St. Mons. & Fris. 9:15 a.m. to 4 p.m. HOUSING LENDER you've been feeling lately thent could be a physical reason for it. Theres only one way to find out 6 Mobile r EQUAL for sure in the No matter how small or large, your account is most cordially welcomed. Well be happy to answer any questions you may have. Our business is helping people. 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