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Show .Cowfy, UUJ M648 NepM, THUNDER BOLT SPORT SUPPLY -- We can just about guarantee the lowest prices on in the MAJOR BRAND SPORTING GOODS state. COME AND SEE our store at 440 East 5th North, Nephi 5 about any week-aa- y or call Win Nielson at after 5:0 p.m. or most all day on Saturday. Our store is open all day. WE ARE NOT JUST A HOUSE WE DO CARRY AN INVENTORY BUT, if we should have to send for your order we will deliver it to you free within a radius, if it totals over $50.00. 623-065- MAIL-ORDE- R ... 10-mi- le FISHING SEASON IS OPENING YOU ARE PREPARED! SOON BE SURE News of the Senior Citizens Annual Event Conducted Senior Citizens enjoyed a dinner at the Elementary School last Wednesday. In appreciation for the dinner, Mrs. Arlln Stephensen and her helpers each were presented with a peony bud and a thank you card. Mozart Larsen and his orchestra furbished the program for the afternoon and some of their group sang Mrs. Arvilla several vocal selections. Kendall gave a poem What Is Mother. Eighty-on- e members were present Members of the Nautilus Literary Club participated in a special evening with or both their mothers, mothers-ln-laat their annual Mother-Daughtparty held at the Nephi Fourth Ward Cultural Hall on Friday, May 5. Mrs. Kayle Peterson, club president, greeted those attending, after which Mrs. Myrla Christensen offered the blessing on the food. A tastefully prepared ham dinner was served buffet style by for the event, Mrs. Doris Anderson and Mrs. Anita Oliver. Each club member furnished a part of the meaL Mrs. Doris Anderson conducted the proSpecial thoughts gram that followed. about mothers were given by Mrs. Kayle Peterson; Mrs. LouAnn Osborne read a poem entitled What Is a Mother" and special guests of the evening, Mrs. Mar-jea- n Ostler and Mrs. Jean Wilkey presented a musical program, Memories. In conclusion, each mother or mother in law, was presented a red, pink or white carnation as a token of love. Club members bringing guests IncludMrs. Myrla ed Mrs. Doris Anderson, Christensen, Mrs. Sue Harmon Mrs. Margaret Hill, Miss Corrine Garrett, Mrs. Phyllis Ingram, Mrs. Dana Kelson, Mrs. Myrleen Liddiard, Mrs. Connie Lofgran, Mrs. Shirleen Newell, Mrs. Carolyn Mrs. Anita Oliver Mrs. LouAnn Osborne, Mrs. Theral Park, Mrs. Marilyn Park, Mrs. Kayle Peterson, Mrs. Joan Reid, Mrs. Terril Sperry, Mrs. Beth Sperry and Mrs. Linda Whittington. May has been designated as Senior Citizen Month. An open house will be held on May 24 at the Senior Citizens Center. Lunches will be sold to the public at noon, with proceeds to help finance the organization. Members are to buy their own lunches at "10c a dip. There will be salads, baked beans, sandwiches, coffee and punch. A musical program will be conducted during the dinner. W. W. Meet V Luxury mobile homes OFFERS: 1 LARGE SELECTION 3 big lots with a total of 50 homes ready for immediate delivery. 2 FAIR PRICES As low as $4895.00 3 FRIENDLY, knowledgeable salespeople to help you. 4 FASH. EASY FINANCING 5 LICENSED INSURANCE AGENT 6 BEST SERVICE STAFF IN UTAH LUXURY MOBILE OREM 750 No. 1200 W. 225-622800 North) SPRINGVILLE 1525 North Main campers, too) HEBER 1100 SouHi Main 654-238- 3. and campers ,foo) HOMES (Just off 1. (Travel-traile- H5 at and rs (Travel Trailers "LUXURY YOU CAN AFFORD SERVICE YOU iMARLETTE CAN DEPEND . I Veterans, Auxiliary at Jones Residence The monthly meeting of the Veterans of World War I and Auxiliary was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeV. Jones on May 5. Lester Briggs, Commander was in charge. President Leta Blackett of the Auxiliary gave an item on the new state officers as chosen at the convention In Salt Lake City. She also read an article on What Is Memorial Day. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Warner Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Foote, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Klrgan, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Olpin, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Briggs, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Blackett, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Despaln, Mr. and Mrs Frances Coulson, Ivan Tew, Wanda Burridge, Leona Howarth, Coquella McPherson, Blanche Cooper, Rue Golden, Perry Hall, LaVell Svedin, Tacy Bracken and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Bracken and George V. Jones. Mrs. Svedin served refreshments. Oc-ke- y, CARD OF THANKS It Is with great appreciation that we thank our many relatives and friends for their kindness and help; those who and following the death of our wife and ATLANTIC SUBSCRIBE . TODAY!) Mrs. Leila Wilkey returned to her home on Friday after spending a few days in Ogden with Mr. and Mrs. George Wilkey. On Wednesday evening she attended the golden wedding open house of her brother and sister in law, Mr. and Mrs. G. T, Hone at Ogden. She also spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Larsen and family at Provo. Mothers day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Mangelson were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L Reed and daughter Rebecca of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H. Ewell and daughter Tamara of Ogden; President and Mrs. Golden R. Mangelson and daughters Patty, Julie and Melanie, and Mr. and Mrs. Romalne Mangelson. Earl Anderson of Logan visited over the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Niels C. Anderson. Mrs. Onita Wade and children of Bountiful were weekend visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bendlxen. Other guests on Mothers day at the Bendixen home were Mrs. Ramona B. Hoyt and family and Ralph Wilson. FOR GRADUATIO- NDOUBLE KNIT SUITS rom 49.95 Saturday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bosh were her brother and sister in law, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Shepherd of Alpine. 25 OFF ON BOYS SUIT -R- eg. 21.95 -1- 6.30 Er-har- dt 3 PIECE SET Reg. 38.44 -- 1 each 8x10, 2x6, 2X3 ft. MEN S WORK GLOVES Leather palm - - - per pair 96 -- Box of 40 MODESS Reg. or super L Nephi Area News Briefs ITCa Out of town guests on Mothers day at O. Warner were Mrs. Beth Mitchell, Amy Lynn Mitchell, Verna Palmer and Duane Atwood, all of Salt Lake City. 19 North Main -- Phone the home of Mrs. Amy --7- dacron and cotton 2 for SPECIAL SPRING OFFER Straw Hats 1 This weekend II BEST VALUES E WE SERVICE B57B 7 623-11- 31 FAGHsXUrir (SAKE s V W MIX $( jn VALLEY 12 OZ. BAGM uI PER LB. PER LB. - - ONLY COTTAGE CHEESE cotton, h pr Reg. 4.33 pair 88c -- Nephi PLENTY OF EASY PARKING ID(otf BOYS LEE PREST Double Knee CINDERELLA HAIR SPRAY All 74Yard 50fr Fortrel, 50 2 for 33c Buy Now 1 7$ DISH CLOTHS waffle weave irregulars 623-163- FRIENDLIEST CLERKS IN SERVE YOU BEST FAST FRIENDLY WHY? BECAUSE STORE-MEET- THE BARS 1 LB PKG BROADCLOTH Wide range of colors - 45" wide SAPHIRE JEANS CONCENTRATE PHONE ASSORTED COTTONS Short lengths per yard 55 1.33 PRELL Reg. 27.95 COME VISIT OUR CLEAN, CARPETED NEW 30 8.77 35.44 -f- THE FRIENDLY STORE 56 EAST CENTER STREET PLAYCLOTHES POLYESTER DOUBLE FULL RACK OFF KNITS - Short pieces - 2 yds 500 LARGE ASSORTMENT 42x66 WESTERN STRAW HATS Boys' 2.95 Men's, from 3.95 mmo1Fu7 mctFir CHILDRENS ALL NYLON WESTERN WHITE SHIRTS Men's -5.95 Boys 3.95 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Paystrup had the following members of their family home for Mothers day: Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Squire and children of Sandy; Mr. and Mrs. James C. Paystrup and family of Springville; Paul Paystrup and his fiancee Miss Janice Dixon of Provo; Glen Paystrup of Provo; also a brother of Clarence Paystrup and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paystrup of Orem. TOWN-- BRAIDED RUGS Ffv Mr. and Mrs. W. Woodrow Beard had as their guests on Mothers day their son In law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Morris A. Hodson and children Jody Lynn and Michael of Midvale. L Cl 1 Pag Levan Area News Mr. and Mrs. James Bosh of Cedar City spent Mothers day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bosh. mother. We wish to thank the Bishopric and Relief Society of the Nephi Second Ward for theirkindness and help; those who brought food to our home and made other contributions. We are grateful for the beautiful flowers, cards and letters and for all who helped in any way; and for those who took part in the funeral services; and to Miles Anderson a special thanks for his conscientious services. Alma Haycock and family. Nephi Area News Briefs UPON" NASHUA MONTROSE KIRKWOOD DON'T BORROW Thursday, May 18, 1972 eI)c'0imcn-lTrni- fi g88 1 pound carton 39 No. 212 size can FOR 10 LB BAG or 3.00 pair MEAT PIES MENS LONG WORK SOX1 Section -- Reg. 69c 61Pr OFF Your BANKAMERICARD or department store MASTER CHARGE 8 oz package 303 can CREST TOOTHPASTE Extra large tube 66 ALWAYS... Frozen Banquet Double Luck ervie eamdl willy PLUS WE HAVE THE REAL SPECIALS gd mo w mRcsu'Di a fa s welcome J |