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Show , Nephi, Juab Oounty, Utah 84648 TWiy, Ray's Cafe Dining Room Scene 3 EerjoFdl FOR THE SEAT BELTS REMOVED FROM THE ABANDONED AIRPLANE WHICH CRASHED IN MONA POLE CANON ON MT. NEBO JAN. 8, 1972. These seat belts are needed urgently for evidence in legal action. CALL COLLECT 328-012- or 6 or write 520 Kearns ROY MOORE BL 487-239- 8 Building, Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 jm. Sjcrt Thun, uww Tmi! foushio ; BEESLEY MONUMENT 725 SOUTH STATE Local Representative: & VAULT CO. PHONE PROVO, UTAH GEORGE JOHNSON. Phone 374-058- 0 623-076- 8 House need a face lift Couple Honored Of Chalice Club's Annual Party Honoring Mothers Miss Ava Jackman became Levan the bride of Mr. Allen D. Johnson on Saturday, May 8. The double ring ceremony was performed by Bishop Hebcr C. Taylor at the Levan Ward Cultural Hall. That evening, parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackman, were host and hostess at a wedding reception in honor of the young couple. The annual Chalice Club Mother and Daughter party was held at Ray's Cafe Dining Room on May 11. Committee chairman Eloise Spencer extended a welcome and announced the Invocation program for the evening. and blessing on the food was given by Thelma Reed. Tribute to mothers was given by Betty Motes. For her wedding and reception the bride wore a floor-lengt- h gown with a chapel train, of embroidered organza and trimmed with Venlse lace. The gown had a high neck line with long fitted sleeves. Her shoulder length veil of bridal illusion fell from a tiara of flowers of tiny crystal drops. Her bouquet was a large orchid surrounded by troplcana rose buds. Matron of honor was the brides sister, Loralee Nulph. Bridesmaids were Mary Ann Parker, Shlrlee Harper and LuAnn Stephenson. Stacy Engle was the little flower girl. Their street length dresses were of peach crepe with belts and bows in back of apricot crepe. The dresses were styled with a high neck line and short puffed . sleeves. Their bouquets Four mothers who have been In attendance at all the parties held by the club, or missed one in the past 17 years, were honored with a corsage. They included: Lillian Linton, mother of Thelma Reed; Inez Rosenlof, mother of Beth Jar-ret- t; Hazel Roylance, mother of Aline Sperry, and Ada Kendall mother of Cor-rin- e Jenkins. David Spencer, accompanied by Mrs. Jean Wilkey, sang three selections. Karen Greenhalgh represented the daughters in giving tribute to mothers, and her mother, Marjorie Greenhalgh represented the mothers In giving tribute to the daughters. A humorous reading also was Time was given by Corinne Jenkins. spent in visiting and looking at pictures of past parties. Mrs. Spencer, chairman was assisted by Beth Jarrett and Myrtle Davis. Enjoying the evening were: Corrine and Sharie Jenkins, Ada Kendall, LuOna and Debra Prisbrey; Myrtle, Ilene and Madelene Davis; Thelma Reed, Carla Reed and Lillian Linton; Faye Greenhalgh and Donna Greenhalgh; Mildred Sherwood and Carla Sherwood; Ella Faye Beard and Judy Beard; Hazel E. Roylance, Alene and Janet Sperry; Marjorie Greenhalgh, Karen and Linda Greenhalgh; Luienna Ingram and Susan Sperry; Rula Gowers; Beth Jarrett, Inez Rosenlof, Delta Hedberg, Karen Jarrett and Bonnie White; Madge Otteson and Rita Lynn Kay; Melva Scott and Judy Jensen; Betty Motes and Anna Marie Motes; Eloise Spencer, Debra Spencer, Emma Spencer and Colleen Vickers. Page Vine at Levan were of troplcana roses surrounded by white carnations tipped with connecting streamers of gold and apricot. Mothers of the bride and groom wore of embroidered crepe. Their corsages were of yellow rose buds trimmed with gold ribbon. Seated at the guest book were Pamela Jackman and Mary Taylor. They wore corsages of baby orchids. Randy Hanks was best man for the Ushers were Brent Jackman, groom. Randy Stephenson, Wendall Wilde and Tom Lolland. Helping at the gift tables were Barbara Williams, Jaynctte Jones and Barbara Jackson. Gift bearers were Ricky Engle, Helen Wilkey and Susan Reese. Serving were Julie Hanks, Jill Engle, Susan Taylor, Jill Stephenson, Kristy Hansen and Jan Stewart Organ selections were played during the evening by Earl Warner. The couple are planning to make their home In NephL street length dresses & S Mr. and Mrs. Allen D. Johnson (Ava Jackman) Nephi Area News Mrs. George V. Jones spent Saturday In Bountiful with her son in law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jones.' While there she attended a dance review in which her granddaughter, Cheryl Jones, participated. On Sunday she attended Sunday school with Mr. and Mrs. Jones and then came to Salt Lake where she met her husband and son, GeorgeV. and Sherman Jones and they were guests at a family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clair Anderson and children. ' ing the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Lee ' C. Burton and family of Salt Lake City; Dr. and Mrs. Richard Jones and daughters of Logan; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A. Jones and family of Bountiful; and Mr. and MFrs. Clair Anderson and children. Mrs. Jones also received telephone calls from Mrs. Melba Bowen of Portland, Oregon; Mrs. Barbara Hansen of Los Angeles and Mrs. Lenore Richardson of Arcadia, California. Levan Area News ? May Iff. Visitors on Mothers day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Christensen were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mower and daughter Wendy; Mr. and Mrs. Von Christensen and son Steffan of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs Homer Christensen ad sons Scott and Tracy of Mona; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Christensen and daughter Lori of Nephi. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newton and family of Salt Lake City called at the Christensen home during the day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seat and children Christine and Steven of Tooele were visitors on Monday of this week at the home of Mrs. Leila Wilkey mother of Mrs. Seat. HALE AND HEARTY CHEESE SOUP Yield: , 8 cups 2 cups diced cooked potatoes 1 package (10ot) bon 1 can (1 lb.) salmon drained Heavy saucepan, 2 tablespoons butter celery 2 tablespoons 3 cups milk M cup chopped flour . goCgarjthraddadChaddarchaase pan ever low heat Stir In flw until ier. milk. Heat t biling, stir 1 In . Heat to serving ted. weed, If desired. 329 calories per 1 cup serving. A1RYICOMMISSIO A jV Mr .and Mrs. Vaughn Mathews and n sons of Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Paul and two daughters of Levan spent Mothers day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vem Mathews. Man-gelso- Pratt & Lambert House Paints do the job... fast 200 OFF gallon CELLUTONE SATIN Saturday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clark S. Wood were Mrs. Hazel Harmon and Mrs. Delma Bennett of Holden. we have the right paint for the right job jcomplele selection p' quick-dr- y latex p'oll base, alkyd base whites, pastels, deep shades - Also at $2.00 off per gallon during this special spring event PLUMBING AND BUILDERS' SUPPLY 66 South Main - Phone 6231199 - Nephi, Utah 4-- D Shop Misses Carol and Janet Anderson on Mothers day with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark S. Wood. the Mrs. Grace P. Christensen returned to her home recently after spending 12 days in Salt Lake City with members of her family, including Mr. and Mrs. Leon Tobler, Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Peery. Ads for ir Savings! Monday visitors at the home of Miss Vinnie Christensen and Angus Christensen were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Erickson of Salt Lake City. Mothers day guests at the home of and Mrs. LeGrande Mangelson were -their sons and daughters in law, Dr. and..,, Mrs. Ned Mangelson and family of City, and Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Mangelson and two sons of . Lava Hot Springs, Idaho. Mr. Salt--.-Lak- Put Yourself In Their Plm Use the Classified Ads CHOOSE YOUR CAREER JJhe Army has it! The Army offers training in yo'3'jhoice of hundreds of courses. These cover practically every phase of every job. They are designed to equip you for added responsibilities in the Army to move you ahead in your military career. Even if you decide to return to civilian life after completing your military obligation, the training you get in the Army will give you an edge in getting the kind of job you want All Army training falls into three broad categories: Service Schools . . . Career Fields . . and the Combat Arms Program. You simply :lect the one that interests you most, and if yr is guaranteed ilify, that particular program - :rs 0o r i Buy, -- Sell, Rent!; V m A INSURANCE Ford Team . '"list. FIRE , ' AUTO . ; HOMEOWNERS FARMOWNERS BONDS 374 -- 7295 Central Utah Insurance Agency all-ne- ay See your Intermountain Ford Team: the Wagon Specialists 0 LARRY PETERSON Agent - Broker t. n4" m 33 SOUTH MAIN NEPHI, UTAH 623-025- wagon sale: How's that for price? Built to give It has a natural hardwood body, service. and fun good youngsters great rubber tires, detachable stake frame, mag wheels, easy-tusteering. All for just a penny when you buy one of Fords best Country Squire. Or w selling wagons. Like luxurious, quiet-ridin- g with disc brakes, standard! front comes Torino that doorgate, small a Now, New Pinto Wagon. wagon that beats most of the imports In cargo space, engine power, lower price . ftag. And front disc brakes, standard! 11 semi-pneuma- k - W. SPENCER I 131 South Main, Nephi y $ 3f i' l it h ) u |