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Show FERTILIZER BARNYARD anyone Interested In pick up loads, call 623-001- 3. Too many greases? USE OUR SPREADER FREE -- liariMte'C!! NEPHI LOCAL, RESOLUTION Assistance on Medicare Forms Offered by may The City by the City. furnish, install and maintain AMENDING THE 1967 suitable time switch or other Social Security Agent AMENDED RULES AND device for controlling the hours REGULATIONS OF NEPHI of service. The water heater Although medicare has been CITY CORPORATION UTIL- shall be the only means of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lov in effect for over a year and A AND ADDING ITIES supplying hot water require ell of Ephruim spent the week a there are indications SERVICE RESIDENTIAL half, ments. end with her parents, Mr. and SCHEDthat some people may not be Mrs. Ray Lunt. AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR RULES OF ULE filing claims for medical insur SCHEDULE No. SPACE HEATING RATES Sunday visitors at the home ance benefits because of lack of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Park Installed electric of knowledge of the method Permanently were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pet Be It hereby resolved by the heating equipment shall be the of filing. erson of Tooele. Nephi City Council in Regular only source of comfort heating. According to Kesler T. PowMrs. J. N. C. Pexton had as Meeting assembled that there All space heating equipment district manager at the ell, to the Is added over the and week end, be her guests and the install thereof shall hereby office, her son In law and daughter, Electrical Schedules of Nephi conform with the Citys re- Provo Social Security Incurred Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Bench City, a Residential Service All quirements, with the voltage some individuals had the $50 medical deductible early and daughter Marian, and sons Electric Schedule, No. therefor designated by the City last year but have not yet Is as follows: Mrs. Mr. which HeatMark and John; and for the service required. for 80 Dennis Bench and son David, shall be controlled by claimed reimbursement units ing cent of the reasonable NEPin CITYS per devices. and Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Bench, thermostatic approved ELECTRIC SERVICE charges for physicians services all of Salt Lake City. The maximum wattage of any and SCHEDULE NO. medical suplies in excess heating unit or the wattage of of the deductible. Also there RESENTIAL SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Tunany group of such units con are many who do not underbridge returned recently from trolled by a single thermostat, stand that medical expenses inweekB a three trip through all of which may be energized curred In the last calendar AVAILABILITY: At any quarCalifornia, Idaho and Oregon. expoint on the Citys Interconnect- at the same time, shall not ter of a year can In some cases They visited with Mr. and Mrs. ed 5 fackw. ceed are there where system count toward meeting the $50 Jack Wilson at LaFayette, Cal- ilities of adequate capacity. for the following ifornia, also with Mrs. Reid PERIOD: One year deductibleIndividuals CONTRACT who need McMullin Jr. at Rupert, Idaho APPLICATION : This schedyear. or longer and with Mr. and Mrs. Russell ule Is for alternating current help in filing a medical insurance claim or need more inforLane at Porterville, California. electric service supplied at ap- ELECTRIC SERVICE mation on medical benefits are proximately 120 or 240 volts REGULATIONS metMrs. Don Ingram accompanurged to get in touch with their through one kilowatt-hou- r n ied her daughter, Cindy Service under this Schedule social security office or a social er at a single point of delivery and daughter Gina for all residential purposes to will be in accordance with the security representative when he Lynn to Lawton, Oklahoma individual private dwellings and terms of the Electric Service visits the area. where Mrs. Stephensen joined individually metered apart- Agreement between the CusMr. Powell further stated her husband, Sp. 5 Jerry Step- ments when the customer reg- tomer and the City. that the filing of the first claim hensen who has just returned ularly uses electric energy for Ef1968. 1, Adopted April can be confusing and that the from Viet Nam. After a short all residential service require- fective April 1, 1968. social security people wish to visit In Oklamoma Mrs. Ingram ments, Including but not limitThe foregoing resolution was help in every way possible. returned to her home in Ne- ed to lighting, cooking, apmoved by Councilman A. Dean heatwater phi. A representative will be at pliance operation, seconded by Councilman con- Shaw, and air Juab County Courthouse on the laundry drying, ing, W. and Mrs. Rosa Gerhart had as her Williams, passed George May 9, from 10 a.m. until 2 dinner guests on Sunday, her ditioning, and the heating of upon roll call as follows: Counson and daughter in law, Mr. all dwelling space in the home. Mr. George W. Williams....yes p.m. to assist East Juab This Schedule is only availresidents. ty Mr. Dean Shaw and Mrs. Elmer Gerhart. Other yes installable when the Mr. J. Barres Jenkins .... yes guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ation conforms heating to the specificMr. Forrest G. Anderson yes Miller, parents of Mrs. Elmer ations for space heating below. Passed and approved and to Gerhart. When conditions are such be effective this 1st day of fephi News Briefs Mr. and Mrs. Henry Worth- that service is supplied through April, 1968 s Harlow W. Pexton ington had as their week end one meter to more than one Bishop and Mrs. Blaine Norvisitors, their son and daughter dwelling or apartment unit, the Mayor ton of Provo visited Saturday such for service will be Attest: in law, Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. charge with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. and family of computed by multiplying the s Evan A. Frampton Worthington Melvin number Stanley. of kwh in block each the of at and first Granger; City Recorder the week, their son and daught-l- n and the minimum charges by (SEAL) Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hill of Ely, law, Mr. and Mrs. Ned the maximum number of dwellNevada were week end visitors Worthington and daughter Di- ing or apartment units that Date of publication: April 25, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. may be served. ane of Las Vegas, Nevada. 1968. Othel Pay. Mrs. Hill is a sister Where a portion of a dwelling of Mr. Pay. used is regularly for business, Mrs. Geneva Worthington reor other gainful Mrs. Jack Wright visited on turned to her home Monday af- professional RESOLUTION No. 1968-- 2 purposes, the premies will be Friday with her sister, Mrs. T. ter spending six weeks In Cal- classified as nonresidential and RESOLUTION ON LICENSE H. Burton at the home of Dr. She visited for two the ifornia. schedule apand Mrs. Alma P. Burton in appropriate Gilweeks with Mrs. Maudell However, if the wiring WHEREAS, a licensing or- Orem. bert at San Diego, and for a plied. is so arranged that the service dinance of Nephi City was month with Mr. and Mrs. S. for residential Mr. and Mrs. Lester Briggs purposes can be adopted on or about the 19th Boswell Los at Angeles. metered Ralph Sched- day of February, 1968, to be had as thier guests on Sunday, this separately, Mr. and Mrs. Boswell (Lois) ule will be and Mrs. Randall Covingapplied to such ser- come effective on the 31st day Mr. are parents of a new son. ton of Provo. Mrs. Covington vice. This Schedule is not ap- of March, 1968 ; Is a niece of Mrs. Briggs. plicable to seasonal service. WHEREAS, the effect of the same has been considered in a MONTHLY BILL! Rate: City Council Meeting with per56.26 for the first 200 kwh sons affected thereby, and reconsidered by the City Council or less 1.40c per kwh for all ad- In special session; ditional kwh, except NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT 1.00c per kwh for final RESOLVED that the City block of 500 kwh. of Council City, Utah, Nephi Provided, however, that the as follows: 1.00c rate is not applicThat pursuant to Section 342 able to the first 200 kwh, Ordinances of which in all cases will be of the Revised as amended by that City, Nephi billed in accordance with passed the the rate set forth above. certain ordinance 19th day of February, 1968, and Minimum: to become effective March 31, $6.26 1968, said licensing ordinance further clarified as follows: be SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER HEATING SERVICE: LICENSES REQUIRED: Water heaters served hereLicenses required of general under shall be Insulated stor stores (sometimes called cotwo-unit age, single or type of operatives) in addition to or construction approved by the when operated in connection City, the heating units of which with another business; and the shall be and con- annual license therefor is Twenty-ftrolled by separate thermostats. ive ($25.00) Dollars. In a single-un- it heater, the unit This resolution shall take efshall be placed to heat the en- fect the same time of said litire tank. In a two-un- it heater, censing Ordinance and is subthe upper unit and thermostat ject to the provisions, requireshall be located so as to heat ments, and penalties thereof. not more than the upper one-thiThis Resolution shall take of the tank; the lower unit and thermostat shall be located effect March 31, 1968. so as to heat the entire tank. Passed by the City Council The rating of any single heating of Nephi City, Juab County, unit shall not exceed 4500 Utah. Approved by the Mayor watts. Thermostats shall be on March 25, 1968. s Harlow W. Pexton permanently connected so that both heating units cannot operMayor ate at the same time except ATTEST: s Evan A. Framton where the total installed heater capacity does not exceed Nephi City Recorder -Jh s 4500 watts. Service will be (SEAL) supplied for a period of not less than seventeen hours per Date of publication: April 25, VitI day, such hours to be selected 1968. SOCIAL ITEMS 2-- A JENKINS g Ip SALES & SERVICE RPM Multi-Motiv- Grease e In 2-- a handy cartridge pun kit greases everything. 05 West Center - Nephi 2-- A ALL-ELECTR- USE THE THTS TO CALL YOUR STANDARD MAN IN NEPHI Leo Christensen BUY -- SELL -- RENT OIL 623-064- Stan., ... what a PHARMACIST means to A BUSINESSMAN HE KEEPS YOU THE JOB! Hard - working men in the business world can't take time off to nurse an upset ttomach . . or a dozen other ailments that can be attributed to today's pressures. The businessman depends upon his doctor and his pharmacist to provide the prope medication to keep him on the job at all time.! TRUTH Mrs. Katie Sheperd returned home recently after a three weeks visit with members of her family. She visited In Salt Lake City with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cowan, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Shepherd and daughter Robin, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cowan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cowan and family. She also visited in Pocatello, Idaho with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Shepherd. 0EE32 B0V3 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oldham of Kearns spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Asa H. Sperry. LOREN GARRETT "I'm one of NAYLOR CO's DODGE AUTO Want more mileage? THETNTS! USE BOYS" DRIVE OUR WAY I MAKE Chevron Gasolines keep engine parts clean. Boost fuel mileage. il Vista-Lin- Camper.-Ie- an er Cars! For the best deal you have ever had, call me today at Used OIL CALL YOUR STANDARD MAN IN NEPHI Leo Christensen Standard Oil 623-064- -- 6 Nephi Company of California 623-054- IN HULK OR BAG JENKINS SALES & SERVICE 105 West Center See the U. - Ph. 623-135- 8 - Nephi S. Steel Advertisement Below These USS Fertilizer dealer: rd its! i wW h: i . .f a vjp:. a o dlvertismg yam es nna make oonciiie csgsazaTGia Me, (jfepDD are better informed today about the newest and most convenient ways to live through advertising. And advertising helps you make a better choice. Advertising is news about whats new, where it is, and when is the best time to buy. American business is constantly searching for new ways to make better products for you, and for less. And you hear about its success through advertising. Today, the truth is you enjoy modern life more with the help of advertising. We donni nnromj& -- So is: Agronomic advice Personal attention Tops in service Aid in achieving higher profits Visit your USS Fertilizer dealer today. You may want to pick up matches, note- books, pencils, important information. But of far greater value will be the soil fertilizer facts you can obtain facts that will help you get more profit per acre. Both the farmer items and the farming facts are free. Theyll both be useful. But nothing can beat the accomplishment of boosting yields, of benefiting from your efforts and investments. The rewards are rewards through combining good management with sound soil fertility. See your USS Fertilizer dealer today he carries USS Fertilizer made by United States Steel. And have a notebook-- on the house. there-substa- ntial UsS) Fertilizers 285 W. Center - Nephi - M. D. Roper, Mgr. 7 (UsS) Fertilizers at your rjs??r PAY I FREE f.: .. Mrs. Lee Carter of Sacramento, California was a recent Mr. and Mrs. Gedge Oliver week end visitor at the home had as their week end visitor, of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Carher niece, Kathleen Allred of ter. Fountain Green. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Broadhead, Mrs. Craig Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Kay and Mortensen and son Quinn, and family of Salt Lake City spent Susan Broadhead were guests the week end at the home of of Mr. and Mrs. Niles BroadMr. and Mrs. Claude Kay. head at Tooele. . kb - Page Four Nephi News Briefs Mona News Step-hense- ON r- -- 20 acres land FOR SALE with 10 shares water. Will finance. Call Morris Lunt at 1 Thursday, April 25, 1968 GTiittoo foetus Nephi, Juab County, Utah 84648 |