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Show Uniwrsa1 Wc rofllrdnff Coro. Ml IXorpont Avdnuo Utah Saltt Like cityy ?! Volume 53, Number JL rziz mtsa 21 c Rifes Set for 'rai MSsaTTPTft Levan Classes Graduation exorLevan cises for the Levan schixrl eighth and ninth grades will be he!J tonight, Thursday, at the Levan Hall. The program for the evening consists of the following: March of the graduates with f Fern Wankier as accompanist; invocation, John Williams; talk hv 8th grade "lOUKE I.WITEB is the general invitation of officials of the Nephi Works of II. K. Porvaledictorian, Carol Winter; song by 8th ter Co., Inc., as open bouse is held Saturday. Above, recent view of plant building. grade, "Whispering lIojcs; talk, 8th grade salutatorian, Earl Anderson; class history, Ann Brough; song by 8th grade Nqw is the Hour"; welcome address, 9th grade. President Fobby Shepherd; song by the giaduates, 9th grade, "Graduation Day; talk, valedictorian, Kathleen Wankier; talk. 9th erode salutatorian, Nancy musical number Mangelson; Diane Aagard, Nancy Mangel-son- , Mark Green. Jerry Mangelson, Jerry Stephenson: talks Residents of Central Utah 1 and 4 p.m. Saturday after- John Morgan, Jerry Stephenare cordially invited to attend noon. son; song by 9th grade gradat the Nephi Open House uates; class history, Terry Plant of H. K. Porter Co., Amiing the Company officStephenson; talking inventtory, during Saturday afternoon, it ials who will be on hand to Mark Green; class prophecy, has been announced by plant meet and greet visitors at Ronald Harper; duet, Diane the oen house will be Paul officials. Stephensen and Mark Green; Henke, Vice President In presentation of Diplomas, Clinn James H. Stephens, Manager charge of the Thermoid DivMorgan, board member; song, has issued a general invitation ision of Porter Co. Mar graduates: benediction, for all to join in plant tours, garet Anderson. Mr. Stephens, who recently in viewing films, and in genThe exercises will begin at James II. Stephens . . with succeeded Earl F. Dunn, retireral getting acquainted 7:30 p.m. at the Levan Ward Invites ail to Open House the plant - and with company ed, as Works Manager, stated chapel. between the hours of that there wil be ample parkofficials, Sth grade graduates: Donna ing for all who wish to attend. Aagard, Earl Anderson, MarVisitors should enter the main garet Anderson, Ann Brough, doors, and tours will begin David Paystrup, Manca Shepfrom there. Bevherd, Carolyn Stephensen, The plant was established here some 12 years ago by erly Williams, John Williams, Joyce Williams, Carol Winter, Thermoid Company, which latA meeting has been called Dane Stephensen; 9th grade: er was acquired by H. K. Porfor Friday at 2 p.m. at the Diane Aagard, Stanley Baumter Co., Inc. Main products gardner, Mark Green, Ronald Juab County Court Room manufactured here are Rotary to a of hear Dr. report Harper, Jerry Mangelson, Nan-c- v Hose; Wire braided hydraulic on the Graduation exercises for the hose! rayon braided hoser Mangelson, John Morgan, George Knowiton congrasshopper problem, and to Juab Stake Seminary were veyor belting; agricultural hose, Cody Moss, Sandra Rosquist, held on May 20. Dr. Alma P. hand built hose and miscellanfully discuss his recommendRobert Shepherd, Jerrv Kathleen Wankier and ations and plan action. All Burton, a native of Nephi, was eous molded goods. farmers are requested to atthe guest speaker. Terry Stephenson. tend. There were 45 graduates and the services were impressively It looks like the grasshop- conducted by Principal PearMarriage Licenses . . pers are here again. From all son S. Corbett, of the Seminin Juab ary. Marriage licenses issued by indications, farmers The theme was introduced the Juab County Clerks office County are going to have to move fast to control this insect by Carl Bailey, which was the week include during past before damage to prospective Seek Wisdom and Learning. the following: Talks were given by Patricia excellent crops occurs. May 21, 1962, to Richard W. Orme, Michael Paxman, Kathy son of Mr. and On Greenhalgh, Friday, Dr. George Newton, and Steven Ostler. Mrs. Roy W. Greenhalgh; and Knowiton, Extension Entomolwere offered by WesMiss Arlene Ingram, daughter ogist will be in Juab County Prayers ley Sherwood and Leon Winof Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. In- with County Agent Lynn ter. Who will be Queen of the to make a survey of the gram, all of Nephi. The officers: Carl Bailey, 1962 Ute Stampede? May 16, 1962, Rred Nielson grasshopper infestation. He will president; Sherwood Wesley .if Manti and Alta S. Nielson, then make his recommendation That question will be ansand Janet Brough, counselors, Manti. on how to proceed. and Linda Taylor, secretary, wered Monday, May 28 when were each presented with a the Queen Contest takes place FairTriple Combination of three of at the Juab County the standard works of the grounds, starting at 5 p.m., to be followed by the finals in Church. The graduates were then the contest at 8 p.m. the same presented to President R. Ros-- 1 evening. ladies of Juab CounYoung coe Garrett for graduation and received their diplomas from ty 17. years of age and over, unmarried, are eligible to comhim. pete for the honor. Judging will be on horsemanship, beauMrs. Boswell Is Hostess ty and personality. Public Invited To Porter Open House TO TIIE THEME "Opportunities Unlimited, these Seniors Mill be honored at exercises Friday evening'. Diplomas will be awarded following talks by members of graduating class. Graduation Exercises Friday Evening Graduation exercises for the Senior Class of 1962 will be held at the Juab High School on May 25. Many preparations have been made for this special event, under the direction and guidance of the class advisors, Dean Dalby and Mrs. Thela Wankier. under the subtopics: "Integ- They are under the direction of Beverlee rity by Miss Marion Gowers; Jay Worthington, "Humility by Miss Ann Bos- Blackett, Wesley Sherwood, e ton; "Education by Miss Shirley Brough, Earl Andrews Pay; Our Goal as Indiv- and Christine Winn. iduals by Max Winter; Our Goal as a Nation by Roland Baccalaureatte Nebeker; and "What of Our The Baccalaureate services Future by Myron Shepherd were held Sunday, May 13, The actual graduation exerScholarships will be award- under the direction of Miss cises will be held on the even- ed by Miss Marjorie Memmott. Carolyn Paystrup and Miss ing of May 25. The theme "Op- Miss Sheryl Lee Sudweeks Mary Collard. Dr. Dean C. has will present special awards. Christensen from the Brigham portunities Unlimited been chosen because of its ap- Prayers will be offered by Young University was the guest propriateness for this import- Bruce Howard and Miss Ar- speaker. ant occasion. Miss Pamela lene Ingram. Some special Immediately after this event Cotton, class president, will numbers also will be present- the Senior Tea was held undeliver the welcoming address. ed. der the direction of Miss Judy James Jensen will introduce Now is the Hour is the Garrett, Miss Ellen Parkin and the theme and then it will- be theme that has been chosen for Morris Young. The two events treated by other top students the floor show and the dance. were very successful. Car-ole- EARLY DEADLINE as Memorial Inasmuch Day falls on Wednesday, May 80th, The Times-New-s office as well as most other businesses will be closed on that day. In order that Times-New- s employees may be able to proerIy observe the holiday tills newspaper will be printed on Tuesday evening, and will be distributed in the mails on Thursday morning, as usual. All news and adiertising for the May 81 edition must be in our hands early as possible, but in no instance Intel than noon on Tuesday. Thanks for your cooperation. - Poppy Day Set Saturday Graduation Rites Summer Music In Nephi; Urges Program to Start The Summer Music Recreation program will begin Thursday, May 31 and will continue through July with same activity going into August in the schedule. Beginning pupils on woodwinds are scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday at 4:45 p.m. Any students interested in learning to play an instrument e S' V- AX 'r Attend Institute are invited to call Royden Hill. Advanced elementary band students will meet at 4:45 on Monday and Thursday; Jnnior High band students at 5:45 on Monday and Thursday; Senior High and Alumnus band at 7 p.m. on Monday and Thursday. Beginning twirlers will meet Wednesday at 5 p.m., and advanced twirling will meet on Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. Other activities will be announced at a later date. If there are any questions concerning participation in any of the different groups, contact Mr. Hill. Mona Social News Mayor Purchase Mayor L. Dwane Tidwell has proclaimed Saturday, May 26, as Poppy Day in Nephi, and urges all to wear a memorial Poppy in memory of the War dead and in support of the Veterans who are confined to the Veterans Hospitals from effects of the World Wars. On Saturday, May 26, all of us will be asked to wear the memorial red poppy on our coats or dresses. The day will be Poppy Day, when 'once a year, we of America pay tribute to those who gave their lives in Americas service during the World Wars. And as we receive our poppy from a representative of the American Legion Auxiliary, we will be aiding the wars living victims by the contribution we make for the flower. Wearing a poppy tells the world that we remember and are greateful to those who made it possible for us to live in America under freedom, in America where family life is sacred and where we can share duties and privileges of helping to maintain the blessings we hold dear. Mr. and Mrs. Neldon Hanson were in Ephraim Sunday afternoon to attend the graduation exercises of the LDS Institute of Religion of Snow College. Miss Alice Ann Hanson was one of the graduates. Also graduating from the Institute was Miss Shirley Rae daughter of Mr. Shepherd, and Mrs. Delwin Shepherd of Levan. MEETING ON Graduates 45 Step-hense- n. Queen of Ute Stampede to Be Selected Es-pli- n, At Booklore Club Stephen Ostler Heads 1962-6Officer Slate; 3 Miss Carolyn Oliver who is employed in Salt Lake City was a week end guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Oliver. Mona Recently elected Members of the Booklore Club met at the home of Mrs. Milton Boswell on Thursday, May 17. This was the concluding meeting of the 1961-6- 2 club year. Mrs. James Smith, chairman for the evening, led in an interesting discussion on "Color Combination and Extravaganza. A film depicting many important and descriptive color combinations was given to better illustrate the importance of color selection. This was followed by a discussion by the group, each member being conscious of the color best suited for her own individuality. Chosen as officers for next year are Mrs.' James W. Smith president; Mrs. Milton Boswell, vice president and Mrs. Loren Christensen, secretary-treasure- r. of- ficers of the Mona Lions Club are M. Clark Newell, president; Homer Christensen, first vice president; Bill Sperry, second vice president; Verlael Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Jones Keyte, tail twister; Paul Nieland son Kevin returned home sen, secretary and treasurer; Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jones and Earl Fawkes, Lion tamer. Mr. Newell is principal of have been teaching in Arizona the Juab High School at Nethe past winter. Mr. and Mrs. Reeve Fowden phi. and three children of From the JHS CLARION After a very intensive campaign, in which most of the students of Juab took part, the annual elections were held. Ctephen Ostler, son of Mr. and on Sunday with his Mrs. LeRoy Ostler of Nephi was elected Student Body mother, Mrs. Cora Fowden. President Carl Bailey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bailey of Nephd was elected vice presMiss Sanoma Irons, a student ident. at the BYU spent Sunday with Good luck to Stephen and her grand parents, Mr. and this sum- Mrs. A. G. Irons. After visiting Carl in California mer. They are to represent at LaGrande, Oregon with Dr. Juab at a convention of student and Mrs. H. C. Smurthwaite body officers from all over and family, she will join her America. parents. Chaplain and Mrs T. officers are H. Irons in Germany. She plans Other 1962-6- 3 Linda Lee Taylor, daughter of to return to the B. Y. U. Mr. and Mrs. Heber C. Taylor of Levan, secretary; Margie Lester Eroadhead and friend Jensen, daughter of Udell R Jensen of Nephi, girls sports Don Tate of Dixie College manager; and Harlo Newton, spent the week end with his son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald mother and sister: Mrs. Olive Newton of Mona, boys sports F.roadhead and Miss Mina Lou Orem-visite- manager. Broadhead. Dates Set for Opening Of Kindergarten at Levan, Mona Schools C. Superintendent Clyde Child of Juab School District announced that Wednesday Kindergarten classes in Levan and Mona will he held during the summer. The Levan Kindergarten will begin on Monday, June 11 with Miss Anita Gadd as teacher. Miss Gadd is to be graduated soon from Utah State University at The Mona Kindergarten will open Monday, May 28 at the Mona School with Mrs Elena Stanley as the teacher. Ladies Literary Club Members Conclude Year' Final Meeting Mrs. Elena H. Stanley participated in the Original Night Presentation of the Clef and Pen Literary Guild of Southern Utah at their meeing held at the Spanish Fork Memorial Hall on May 16. Each member gave a poem, story, article or song. A highlight of the evening was a review of her prize winning novel my Mrs. Winona Thomas. At the conclusion of M. Clark Newell Named the meeting the group visited the annual Art Exhibit spon- Mona Lions Club Head sored by the Flonette Art club. Stephen Ostler . . will be President daring next year. Juab Seminary HOPPERS FRI. Refreshments were served the hostess. by Mothers Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Winn were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ostler and Mr. and Mrs. Paul family, Wilbur O. Greenhalgh Paul Worthington Carol Nyman Lewis Francom and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coin and children ail of Sait Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Several East Juab Residents to Receive Degrees at Univrsity Rites C. B. Guyman and family and Several East Juab County ton also will be graduated Miss Marlene Sorbe, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Alma R. Winn of Mr. and Mrs. Clark students are this week, and from the Utah State University of Mr. and Mrs. Wililam Sorbe, Orem, and of Morgan Nephi. soon. from exercises all at with degrees of Associate next, receiving degrees Snow College at Ephraim in Science. Snow College will the various Universities and and Mrs. Roy W. Greenhalgh; lists the following graduates graduate 86 in the May 31 Junior Colleges of the state. and Miss Colleen Westring, In exercises held last Sun- from East Juab County: WillIn exercises to be held at daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theo day at the LDS Institute at iam D. Goble, son of Mr. and the Utah State University at Mrs. Alvin M. Goble, Associate the Brigham Young Univer- - West ring. Mrs. Carol Nyman daughter of Bishop and Logan, Miss Anita Gadd. the in Arts; Joseph G Christensen, sity Friday. B. S. degrees will Nyman will redaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. he conferred on Vaughn J. Mrs. Kenneth Technical Gadd; and Paul Worthington, Christensen: Alice Ann Han- - Paxman, son of Mrs. Clarence ceive a two-yea- r Neil W. Certificate. son of Bishop and Mrs. Ray W. son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paxman of Nephi; A photograph of Neil W. son of Mr. and received Neldon A. Hanson; each Worthington Shirley Greenhalgh. their certificate of graduation. P.ae Shepherd, daughter of Mr. Mrs Joseph R. Greenhalgh; Greenhalgh was not available Miss Gadd and Mr. Worthing and Mrs. Delwin Shepherd and Wilbur Greenhalgh, son of Mr. To publication. I Year's Program The Ladies Literary Club ended the years course of study with a pot luck supper at the home of Mrs. W. W. Stephenson, club president, on Monday evening, May 14. Several business matters were taken up including the U. F. W. C. convention. Mrs. W. W. Stephenson and Mrs John E. Robertson were appointed as delegates to the convention. The next event of the club wLT, be the annual partners party to be held in June. Levan Local and Social News Items Mr. and Mrs. Ferren Tanner and baby of Salt Lake City visited on Sunday with his brother in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stephensen. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Peterson and family of Midvale spent Mothers Duy with Mrs. Edna Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dalby and family visited in Salt Lake City with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M Stephensen ovpr the week end. Nephi News Briefs Mrs. Clarence Bow les en- - tertained on Saturday at the City Park in honor of her daughter Cheryl on her second The birthday anniversary. honored guest and 15 ht Tie fnends were served refreshments by the hosess. |