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Show CJjc CtmcO'ctufl Mr. ami Mrs. Elbert Steele Salt Lake City were dinner NEPHI NEWS BRIEFS law. Mr. guests of his sister Nephi, Juab County, Utah G. of in H. Steele on Warner. Mrs. Lucille Lunt sjient last and Mrs. Earl Saturday, In and with Mr. week Leaver of Ogden sjxnt Saturday and Sunday, and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mrs, Richard C. Lunt Visiting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Greenwood Kaj and sum Rex of Goshen Mother's of Mr, guests Mr. and Mrs. Mark EDITORIAL StMwTAWgfa j tailed on Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Warner. The occasion was the aiher wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Warner. v PublibheJ eve Entered at the post mall matter under the act of Congress of March 3. 18T. Si months $2.25. Subsciption rates: One year $4.00; rates in advance. Advertising are payable Subscr'ptons on request. 5 Nephi, Utah Telephone Ofice: 96 South Main St IayW. and Stephensen were Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Winter of Bountiful and Mr and Mrs. Alma Garrett and family of Springville. Jack S. Pace and daughter Sally and sn Kent of Pleasant Grove spent Mothers Day with his mother, Mrs. Alean S. Pace, Mi's. W. Mothers Day week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ivan Winn were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Winn and children of Magna, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Mikkelson and children of Salt I,ake City; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Carter and Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen-se- n children of Orem; and Mr. and and family of Orem and Mrs. Rex Cook and children of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stephen-se- n visited In Cedar City with Mrs. William Bailey visited Delta. in Ogden over the wreek end Mothers Day guests of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stepwith her sons in law and and Mrs. R. E. W inn were Mr. henson over the week end. daughters: Mr. and Mrs. Rob- and Mrs. Donald Ostler and ert R. Hull and Mr. and Mrs. family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Paul Harmes. She aecompan Kranoom and Mr. and Mrs and Mrs. Melvin Stanley were ied her son in law and daughtTom Coin and children all of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowles er, Mr. and Mrs Robert G Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. and family of Springville and atHansen of Caviar City who D. Guyman and family and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Norton and C. tended the State Pharmaecu- - Mr. and Mrs. Alma R. Winn of b; by of Provo. t irnl convention. Orem, and Mr. and Mrs. Clark Mr. and Mrs. John Tolley Morgan of Nephi. of Boise, Idaho visited on TuesMr. and Mrs. Denzil Arring- day. and Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Golden of Orem spent Wedton of Mesa, Arizona were week end guests of her grand- nesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stanley. mother, Mrs. Katie Worthington. 623-052- NEPHI LOCAL, SOCIAL ITEMS Mi's. J. W. Harmon visited in ITcston, Idaho over the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Jensen. Members of the Mt. Netm 1osse rode to the Elk Pasture on Sunday morn mf;. Their wives and families met them there A delicious meal for dinner. war, enjoyed by 60 were his mother. Mrs Lucille Greenwood of Richfield last week. Here on Sunday were1 her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker of Joseph, who were! here to also attend the Sem- inary Graduation exercises for) their son, Chesley Parker. Visitors for the week end were Mr. j and Mrs. Riley Turpin of Granger, brother In law and sister of Mrs. Greenwood. j WITH DELUXE ATOMIZER... ONLY $230 gift boxed ALKERS IMES-UNJE- WS LI Lester Broadhead and friend Don Tate of Dixie College Use one of our Carpet Sham-- 1 spent the week end with his CALL FOR BIDS mother and sister: Mrs. Olive The Juab County Livestock pooers FREE with Blue Lustre Broadhead and Miss Mina Lou Association will receive bids Carpet Shampoo. Chapman Broadhead. for the scattering of 7 tons of Furniture Co. salt on the Forest. Contact Mina Lou Broadhead was in Leo Bowies for further Provo on Saturday to attend FOR SALE OR RENT a bridal shower for a friend, Stucco House, five rooms, bath, Miss Dorothy Galler. utility porch. Cement base... FOR SALE Used refriger- ment Acre lot Located at n Mr. and Mrs. Harold Call Lynn 435 South 2nd East. Contact ator, $25.00 visited in Granger on Wright. Mrs. H. E. Black. Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Boswell; in Orem with Home at First ... BUILDING FOR SALE LOTS Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen-seFOR and In Provo with her sis- West and Fourth North. New SALE at First North and 8th addition and remodeling part- East J. F. Douglas, 9087 W. ter, Mrs. Dell Carter. ly completed and can be finish- $77 South, Magna, Utah. Ph. ed as wanted by buyer. See Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott, James P. McCune, Mrs. Sadlie Reid and Mrs. Jen- Attorney 0 Phone or Emerson nie Swasey were in Parowan Foote. FOR SALE on Wednesday of last week to Columbine, Giant pansies, Basket of Gold, attend the funeral services Delphinium, painted Daisies, for Mrs. Glen Holyoak. Beauty Counselor has ex- Stocks, Phlox, 9weet Williams, Mrs. Lela Ashton and Mrs. ceptional earning opportunity pinks, oarnations, Portulaca, open for ambitious woman Snap Dragons, Asters, Zinnias, Fay Thomas of Provo visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur over 20, permitting flexible Marigolds, Dahlias, Cockscomb, hours. No canvassing. Scott on Thursday. Top Salvia, Verbena, Tuberous Beearnings plus bonus. Give name gonias, Geraniums, Chrysann Mr. and Mrs. Richard and address and phone num- themum, several varieties of and daughter Cindy of ber. Write P. O. Box 115, Petunias, Alysum, Lobelias, Bountiful were dinner guests Perennial Asters, Doronicum, of Mr. and Mrs. Reese SherGladiola bulbs, Rose bushes, wood on Friday. They were peppers, cabbage, cauliflower, 20to Disney Land, Calif. WANTED TO BUY or .. Call Carl egg plant, tomato plants. Also! bicycle Mrs. J. A. Clayton and insecticides, fertilizers, peat Jarrett, moss at Olsens, 212 South daughter Carolyn of Bountiful Center St., Santaquin. Phone visited over the week end with FOR SALE her father, George A. Sperry, Chrome Kit thru 7 pd. who has recently returned to chen set (table and 4 chairs) his home here. Phone ....WOULD LIKE 25 head of' cattle to graze for $4.50 per, month. Contact S. L. Rowe, Mona, phone n, BY7-215- Paris Next to perfume, Parfum de Toilette is the truest form of fragrance. With this quality atomizer, it's wonderfully easy to apply. Spray, Just spray ... a delicate mist of fragrance surrounds you, stays with you. Even the price Is exciting. Buy one for yourself. . . buy extras for gifts. Plus tax These specials effective - - - All and Tuesday. f -- 11 PKGS1.00 Flavors RIPE OLIVES - For Fri., Sat., Mon. 9. 4 tans 89c CREAM CORN -- PEAS - BEANS Regular cans 8 for 1 Q0 Your picnic j ! F&P FRUIT COCKTAIL 303 size 5 for 95c F&P TOMATO JUICE 46 OZ cans 4 for 1.00 12 rolls 1.00 SOFLIN TISSUE SKYLAND APPLE SAUCE Beans 1. 00 Libbs VIENNA SAUSAGE - 4 cans 83c Ellis 6 cans 1.00 VIENNA SAUSAGES - pound 29c TASTEWELL OLEO GERBER'S BABY FOOD-- 11 cans 1.00 HI C ORANGE - GRAPE DRINK 3 for 83c Libby's PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUI- T 46 oz cans Bel-listo- en-rou- te 24-in- - - 4 for 1.00 SNACK LUNCH MEAT l2ozcan-39- c 2 pound box 43c SODA CRACKERS 623-142- 0. '&& fiG Not just three 754-391- 3. 6-- 623-165- 3. sizes . . . but three different kinds of cars . . . Chevrolet! 623-165- 1. HOUSE and 414 acies at North 9th East, Nephi. (Hill property). Needs repairs but can be bought right. No 250 down and financing for approved buyer. Contact Mr. Hartle at American Fork. Phone SK6 3519 or SK6-321WANTED TO BUY Rabbits Guinea Pigeons or Pigs. Call HU Salt Lake City. Write Redwood Game Farms, 2400 South Redwood Road, Salt Lake City, Utah. 359-582- 5, ANNOUNCING the opening of a Chlropratlc office In Nephi at the Forrest Hotel building Every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 6 new p.m. Try the painless methods of a Palmer Specific adjustment. We specialize In Headaches, arthritis and heart condition. For appointment can 71 North 623-4)51- 1 Main. Small modern FOR SALE home with two city lots at See Von Bllertson or Mona call 3tipd 623-007- 0. NOW! Chevrolet Impala Sport Sedan (foreground) Chets 11 Nova Station Wagon ii in it .ilJki., i.iu w uncivil Corvair Morna ... i. Sedan ( background) Take your pick of 34 models during CHEVYS GOLDEN SALES JUBILEE here! Youve got three decidedly different No kinds of cars to choose from each with its own size and Chevrolets specialty is luxury-j- ust aizzle. The about everything youd expect from an expensive car, except the expense. Q If youre thinking a bit thriftier, theres the Chevy II with practicality to do you proud. look-alik- es Jet-smoo- th Lota of Kvelinees, too, for such a low, low price. Got a sporty gleam In your eye? Step right up to our Corvair for scamper and steering thats doggone near effortless. Conclusion: See your Chevrolet dealer now for the most versatile choice going and a beauty of a buy on your favorite. rear-engi- ne Beautiful Buying Days are here at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer's GREEfJVOOD SERVICE 740 NORTH MAIN STREET Hephi, Utah Plumbing & Builders Supply will remain OPEN UNTIL 8 P. SL EACH FRIDAY to serve yon better with house-ware- s, paint, garden equipment, gift items, fishing and hunting supplies, power mowers, electrical appliances! We hope you will like this new service! -D FEMALE HELP WANTED Average $2.00 per hour in your spare time. Supply house- a m MIRACLE WHIP QUART JAR -- 57c 4 fr 1.00 Mar size cans TUNA POST CEREALS - Post Toasties - Alphabets -Oat Flakes - Sugar Crisp - - Your Choice 4 frl .00 GIANT TIDE -- 78c GIANT TIDE -- 78e 95C SHAVERS GRAPEFRUIT HI -- LAND ICE CREAM - - Vi gallon 73c ---S- cans ' i nnnr ORANGE JUICE Regular 6 oz cans 6 for 89c Snow Crop PEAS - CORN or GREEN BEANS - 5 pkgs 1.00 - - Several kinds Each 49? TV DINNERS Assorted FRUIT DRINKS 10 cans 1.00 per pound He BANANAS- - - Choice, Ripe Firm Slicers! Each 5c CUCUMBERS 5TRAWBERRIES--percu- p 1 9g YyWyyifm. j A new convenience for Central Utah residents lilUiutilLlI Pgs 89c MIX-- 3 V 623-036- L'Aimant.EmeraudeLOrigan Orton. SWANSDOWN CAKE j Two Pag Miss Patricia Kae Sperry of Salt Lake City spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hazel Bosh, Mrs K. J. Sperry. Mr. and Mi's. John Orton of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon C. Davis and three children of Salt Lake Salt Lake City were week end Mr. guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. City sjent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Vest . of Salt Lake City were week end guests and Mr. and Mrs Vernon Bosh and family of Spring City visited on Sunday anlMond.iy at the home of and Mrs. A. J. Bowers. JELL-- 0 1962 SOCIAL ITEMS Juab High School of 1962. i Step-hense- PARFUM DE TOILETTE NEPHI LOCAL. and best wishes to ihe Graduates of Thurs., Mr. and Mrs. Maylon Bowers of Nephi have received word that their son. Kenneth M. Bowers, has been awarded a guidance counseling scholar--1 ship at the University of Nevada. Mr. Bowers received his B. S. degree from Utah State Uni- versity In 1955 and last sum- mer completed requirements for a Master's degree In the, field of school administration, Mrs. C. W. Morgan on Sunday and also on Mother's Day. OT , HEARTIEST CONGRATLATIONS Mrs. Samuel Sperry and children Janet and Richard spent Thursday In Springville with her mother, Mrs. George Roylance. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Ostler (Edith Morgan) of Salt Lake City visited with her mother, Thursday, May 24, LB 39c PURITAN PICNICS-Tenderize- d per pound 49c BAR S FRANKS All Meat FRESH FRYERS Whole. 29c lb Cut up 33c lb PREMIUM HAMS Canned! 5 lb size 3.98 BAR S HAMS -S- PECIAL lb 89c - - wives cosmetics, kitchen and home needs in Die city of Nephi. No cash or stock needed. Write RAWLEIGH Dept UTE Denver, Colorado. FURNACE CLEANING by St Sons of Gunnison. Utah. Super suction furnace cleaner for vents and runs Will be in Nephi after June 1st Phone Mrs. Blaine Bellis-to- n Lester Hill for eppoirttnents, 623-120- phone 623-045- 2 4 |