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Show Nephi. Ju.t County, Utah EIjc (Tint CD -- Friuli 4H CAMP LEADERS NAMED Dual Grading of NEPHI AT RECENT TRAINING MEET Livestock Discussed Mr. and Mrs. Ravmond Ostler of aan, Idaho viMted l;2 Camp officers for the 4 H Club camp were elected at a club olfieeis training school held Wednesday evenThese officers will take ing. an active part in the planning of ail 1 1 Club act in ties for the coming year. The Mayor will become a memfier of the 1 Advisory Council and be active In the direction of events. The program for the officers training school was conducted by Othel Pay, a director of the leaders council, and was as follows: Group singing, led Cook and Linda by Sandra Powell; pledge of allegiance, 1 f Jan Belliston;' pledge Cherry Orme; opening prayer, Julee Nyman. Club camp officers were then elected as follows: Mayor, Nyra Stanley; vice major, Pam Cotton; chief 4-- 1 4-- 4-- of police, Glen Davis; campfire chairman, Mary Margaret Morgan; recreation chairman, Bonnie Jarrett; clean camp chairman, Marjory Jensen; camp editor, Pat Orme; handicraft chairman, Sheryl Lee Sudweeks; nature study chairman. Cherry Orme, and song leader, Lou Ann Jones. Following the election of the camp officers, separate training was given all club officers for their new assignment this year. Instructing the officers were: Presidents and vice Mis. Claude R. presidents, Lomax; secretaries and treasurers, Mrs. Elgin Gardner; reporter, Lynn Esplin; song and Linda recreational leaders, Powell and Sandra Cook; club leaders, Mrs. Velyn Stevens. The closing prayer was giv-e- n by Linda Powell. By Extension Agent According to County Agent Lynn Esplin, many cattlemen are wondering about the new method called dual livestock grading. In the new system, which begins on July 1, the grade names will remain the same and there will be a yield grade within each grade name. Dr. Morris H. T!or, Utah State University Extension Livestock marketing specialist, points out that this new yield grade provides the livestock and meat industry with a new measure of beef value. It will give an indication of how much of the carcass weight can be sold as trimmed retail cuts. These yield rates are based on four factors: 1. Thickness of fat over the rib eye 2. 3. pelvic FISHING SEASON OPENS JUNE 2 muscle Size of the rib-ey- e Amount of kidney and fat Carcass weight He says that packers, wholesalers and retailers can choose to use or not to use this dual grading system as part of their 4. specifications. It will be undertaken as a test demonstration. If it proves feasible and practical and it is accepted by the meat trade, then producers and feeders will have another tool to guide them in producing for BE READY the market. WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF ALL KINDS OF FISHING EQUIPMENT WE STILL HAVE THE BEST BUYS IN TOWN ON LAVN MOWERS AND GARDEN TOOLS First Grade Saddles Ropes - Spurs - Bridles - Blankets Garden Club Members Enjoy Meeting Ingram at Residence The regular meeting of the -- and all Riding Equipment AT REASONABLE PRICES a In months ahead, the Utah Extension Service in cooperation with various groups will be conducting demonstrations to help acquaint Utah cattlemen, market agencies, and packers with dual grading. ft PLUMBING AND BUILDERS' SUPPLY Nephi Garden Club was held on May 21 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Smith Ingram. The garden prayer was read by Mrs. Ingram and the minutes of the previous meeting were read by Lula Memmott. Topics on growing plants, fertilizers, and the culture of peonies was given by Mrs. Elizabeth Black, Mrs. Effie Scott, Mrs. Smith Ingram and Mrs. Burt Winn. The group enjoyed a discussion Refreshments on gardening. were served to 21 members. The attendance prize was won by Mrs. Blanche Cooper. LOCAL, Thursday, May 24, 1962 SOCIAL ITEMS Clocks Are Kathleen Allred of Fountain d Green two das of last over the week end with their week wiih her grandjvarenU, Mr. and Mrs. Hurt Mr. and Mrs. Don Gadd. parents, Morgan in Nephi and Mr. and Mrs. Don Gadd visited in Mrs. Ivan Howard in Mills. Fountain Given with her nv'h-e- r also the funerul attended They and sister, Mrs. Eugene Allservices for Mos. Charlotte A ied and Mrs. Mildred Mower 1 foward. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Van Aus-du- l Mrs Don Gadd was in Magna of Santaqmn visited with her sister, Mrs. lxis Nelson on Monday to attend the funeral services for Mrs, Sarah on Sunday. Bowen, a cousin. Mr. and Mrs Burt Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tol-ma- n visited in Springville with his of Dutch John visited on brother in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest While. They Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Alalso visited with Mr. and Mrs. vin M. Goble. Karl Meason and family on Mr. and Mi's. Van Wayman Sunday. Mrs. Meason is a niece of Salt Lake City, Mr. and of Mrs. Morgan. Mrs. Duane Hone and two Mrs. Wanda Burridge re- children of Orem visited at the turned home Saturday after a home ofon Mr. and Mrs. Allan Saturday and Suntwo months visit in California Tolley The occasion was the day. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin with Orme in Sacramento and Mr. birthday anniversary of their end Mrs. George P. Newald in sister, Miss Diane Tolley. San Rafael. She also visited Mother's Day guests of Mr. in Oakland and San Mateo with and Mrs. Claude Tolley were friends. She was accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Cazier home Sunday from Tooele by and family of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Max Strong. and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jarrett Tolley of Delta. visited in Santaquin on ThursMr. and Mrs. Clarence II. day. They also attended the Warner, Robert Warner and in Payson children Kimberlee and Danny Seminary graduation where their grand daughter, spent the recent Mothers Janet Openshaw was one of the week end in Vernal with Day Mr, graduates. and Mrs. Lee A. Wankier. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Jenkins Mrs. Glen C. Lewis of Provo and family of Hunter spent spent Saturday with her par the week end with Mrs. ents, Bishop and Mrs. Kenneth Jenkins. Nyman. I Mr. and Mrs. George V. Mr. and Mrs. Ostler Jones visited' in Logan Sat- and family visitedFerry in Moroni urday and Sunday with Dr. and with his mother, Mrs. Serena Mrs. Richard Jones. Ostler on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hansen Mr. and Mrs. David Seat of Redwood City, California of Tooele spent the week end announce the birth of a son on with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. May 11. Grandparents are Mr. Wallace Park. and Mrs George V. Jones of Miss Marlene Price of Salt Nephi and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lake City visited on Mothers Hansen of Ephraim. Day with her parents, Mr. and Rex Kay left Wednesday for Mrs. Merron Price. Okinawa where he will be Miss Carol Bolster, a B. Y. U. stationed with the airborne division. He has spent a month student, was a visitor at the in Nephi with his parents, Mr. home of Mrs. Olive Broadhead as a guest of Miss Mina Lou and Mrs. Newton Kay. Broadhead on Sunday. Mrs. Karen Mickel and family of Salt Lake City spent the week end with her parents, irl Graduates Are Mr. and Mrs. Newton Kay. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Steele and son of Orem spent Sun- Honored by Clubs day with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph From the JHS CLARION Lyman. Seniors Girt I 'rm the JUS CLARION The Senior Class of T2 has appreciated the education and learning Juab has offered to them. To express their thanks, they have purchased 12 clocks t be placed in individual class-- 1 rooms. They were presented to the school at a special assembly by Pam Senior Class Cotton, president. The girl graduates were hon ored Monday, May 21, at a banquet sponsored by the Fed' erated. Womens Clubs of NeMrs. Rosalie Belliston, phi. Council President, was chairman of the affair. Mrs. Evelyn Lomax gave a tribute to the girl graduates, and Kathryn Lomax, in turn, gave a tribute to the mothers. Nyra Stanley and Carolee Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Whit- Pay played a piano duet. lock of Mayfield visited with The accomplishments of each Mr. and Mrs. Ed. P. Cox on girl were reviewed and their future plans or hopes told. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Reeve G. Richardson and Mr. and Mrs. J. Earl Reid are enjoying a trip to Las Vegas. There they will be met by Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Glazier and Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Paxman who also are making the trip by another route. They will all return together by way of Glen Canyon Dam. SEVERAL SELECTED FOR KEY POSITIONS OF NEXT YEAR S& L'"KN, c .SSvS'J ' Boyd Park, A. Z. CONOCO gasoline, i ;i "V y 4 BETTER BUY DEALER NOW OUR THANKS Cool Off Time . . . Get an Electric Air Conditioner UTAH POWER & UOHT CO Confer Nephi, Utah oil, and other products r ' V i.,-- J ! to the hundreds of kids and their parents for their patience and cooperation during Captain K. Cs visit last urday. We hope they enjoyed his visit as much as we did. Sat- CENTER LOlHdliP END TABLERITE QUALITY Pot'lt Chops LEAN prac LB TENDER S ASSORTED LUNCH MEATS m LTA ,b w COUNTRY STYLE SPARE RIBS lb FRANKS? lb W 4 STAR T.V. SHOPPER STOPPERS IGA APPLE SAUCE n, 6SB FOODS FROZEN 10 ago STRAWBERRIES oz pkg 5 for 1.00 FRUIT CalFame Assorted DRINKS 5 flavors - Each - ... the same year that ill NEW "WHITE SHAFTER POTATOES 5lbs5) RED RIPE ib TOMATOES IN UTAH, George Ogilvie followed the Bingham brothers Stanford and Thomas - into the Oquirrh Mountains and staked out the first mining claim in what since has become the workf s largest open-pi- t copper, mine: Bingham. Then, as now, beer was the traditional beverage of moderation . . . light, sparkling refreshment that adds a touch of Western hospitality to any occasion. Westerners have always enjoyed the good fellowship that goes with every glass. Quantities Limited! Prices Effective Thursday, Friday and Saturday! FREE GOLD STRIKE J TODAY, in its centennial year, the United States Brewers Association still works constantly to assurs maintenance of high standards of quality and propriety wherever beer and ale are served. Its & r .A. Vacation at home in cool comfort . . . and pay for your electric air conditioner with the trip youd take to cool off 1 Youll take the simmer out of all of summer air . . . electrically. with pure, An electric air conditioner also filters out dust and soot . . . and even pollen. This summer . . . cool off better electrically! FRO M YOUR FIRST!! i r I, r;r 1 -- s 1862 TRY NEPHI JEWELRY I The oldest Incorporated trade association in the country, the United States Brewers Association, was organized in THERES NO PLACE LIKE HOME . . . Main Manager or also were chosen recently. Rose Keyte was named head heerlader after tryouts May 8. Gayle Wilkey, LaRue Stephen-seand Shauna Shepherd are Cheerleaders Varsity along with Rose. Judy Jackson, Connie Kendall, Cleda Blackett and Pat Morris are the Junior Varsity Cheerleaders. The Drum Major for next year is Michael Paxman. Rita Lynn Otteson is Drum It happened 100 YEARS CLOCK? t p From the JHS CLARION new Clarion editors, Nebonian editor, and Student Body reporter have been chosen by the Student Council. The Clarion would like to take this opportunity to announce the people who will be serving you next year an these positions. Janet Brough and Kathy Newton have been chosen for the office of Clarion editors. The Nebonian editor is Patricia Orme. Kathy Kendall will serve an the office of reporter. Cheerleaders and band maj 'it' "'ff-- fr WALLET? I. I fc' WATCH BAND? CONOCO PARK Five Brake Service Qualified Mechandlc on Duty Lubrication Overhauls Washing Engine Tuneup Bobbins, 1001 South Main, at Pay son. Phone 405-230- NEED A Have Your Car Inspected Now at WANTED Boys and gtrM for picking cherries when readv For particulars contact ITEMS Mr. anil Mrs Fail Jarrett wete in Salt City on Thursday and visited with Mr. v and Mrs. Glen Jarrett and Mrs (ide Jarrett. They also visit-i- t ed in Bountiful with Mr. andp Mis Ray Johnson. vi.-ite- Je-ner- The NEPHI Page S ivrrff U, ..W Yfl STAMPS at WIN AN IGA ?GO BOY CART ICOME IN FOR I I DETAILS Get Extra Entry ? Forms with Purchase 56 EAST CENTER STREET NEPHI CUTTING Phone 623-113- WRAPPING 1 FREEZING of i Sbonus entry ITEMS ZZZZZZZZZZZZ2 |