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Show -- Zljt NepV, 3uaS Cocntty, Utah ephi U iC II UlrUkJy DIAMOND WATCH 59.95 DIAMOND DREAM 39.95 OTHER MODELS - - - from 24.75 23 Jewel 17 Jewel Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Gadd spent the week end in Logan with their daughter, Miss Anita Gadd. IMES-YNeW- UNIVERSAL HAIR DRYER 14.95 - - GIFTS n. 754-391- 3. FROM 1.00 AND UP NEPHI JEWELRY DR. LAFFERTY CHIROPRACTOR announces the opening of new remodeled clinic in methods New Payson. with painless techniques. We specialize in headaches, arthritis, heart conditions. Open Wednesday and Friday evenings, Phone THAT SAY. LAWN FURNITURE REDUCED GIFT BOXED PANTIES 1.98 AND SLIPS Mr of and Mrs. Jim Granger ot her y nests David Neilsen. weie Sunday mother, Mis and Mrs. John Reed of Hunter announce tin birth of a son on April 19 Grandparents are Mrs An ilia Newton ot Mona, and Mr. and Mi's. George Bray of Eureka. Givat grand mother is Mrs N.kLi Kay Newton of Mona. Mr, Newton Carl Newton of Salt Lake City and Paul Newton of Kearns spent Saturday and Training Meet Set Sunday with their mother, Mrs. All newly elected officers of Hay Newton. Clubs in Juab County will receive training for their new Mr. and Mrs. Evan Bryan officers and son Ronnie and Mrs. Kat. jobs at the annual training school next Wednes- ie Sheperd visited in Salt Lake day. May 16, according to Lynn City on Sunday with Mr. and Ksphn, Juab County Agent. Mrs. Basil Shepherd and Mr. The training sruxil will be and Mrs. Max Stanworth. held in the d Ward recreational hall beginning at Mrs Claude Tolley and Mrs. 7:30 p.m. All Club officLeora Belliston of Nophi visers are invited. Each of the various officers ited on Friday with Mrs. Katof the club will receive specific ie Sheperd. training from well qualified InMr. and Mrs Blaine Taylor structors. and f.imily of Provo visited at Highlight of the evening will the home of her brother in law be the election of club camp and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Alger ofiicers for the 1962 Club Sutherland on Sunday. camp. 4-- 4-- Five ?ona Local, Social News H First-Secon- The Mt. .Who Camp of the Daughters of the Utah Pion-ce- r met at the home of Mi's. Verde Kllertson on Monday night. May 7, at 7.30 pm. The meeting was conducted by Captain Ina Kay and prayer was given by Rose Neilsen. Minutes were read by Secretary Josephine Kay. Business was conducted by Captain Kay concerning the project ot the Pioneer Park. The lesson The St. Ixjuis Saints" was given by Erma Refreshments Keyte. were served to County Officers Zola Howard, Lula Mem-mot- t, Alhgee Anderson, and to Ina Kay. Agnes Myers. Josephine Kay, Madge Newton, Hose Neilsen, Ruby Summers, Syrelda Newton, Erma Keyte, Geneva Molyneux, Norma Kay, Betty Ellertson and the hostess. Verde Ellertson. 4-- NEED A WATCH BAND? CLOCK? WALLET? TRY NEPHI JEWELRY FIRST!! 4-- EVERY DAY IS Everywhere one looked, you could see lines of clothes, blowing all day with the gentle wind, fresh airy sheets to rest on at night, baskets of dampened clothes to be ironed Tuesday. Today: washday every hour, anytime at the laundromat. Slip dime in the slot, flip the lever, pick up your purse, shop for a return, transfer clothes to dryer; in another fold, wearable clothes. What a change! (Send contrlbtotUn U this to The Old Timer, Community Frees ftervi'"nt 39, Frankfort, Keninok y.) Af M j'l fpil DAY AT half-hou- mfi half-hou- clini WHOLE IGA TABLE RITE FRESH ALKERS 4-- D DIAMOND SETS CULTURED AND SIMULATED PEARLS - - Reasonably Priced! Overnight with Sal Soda. The boiler was placed on the coal stove, filled with water, for use Monday morning. Ma would rise early, place the soaked clothing in the boiler, chip in some homemade lye soap, swish the clothes around with a stick, filling the whole house with steam and the aroma of boiling clothes. The clothes later were placed in a hand washer and the color clothes rubbed. Mom would grumble to herself as she rubbed Tommies socks between her palms, That kid must have run through a pig pen without hit shoes. Lines were stretched, clothes pins and props ready to hang the first sheet before seven. Mom always wondered if she would be first in the neighborhood or had one of the neighbors "cheated" and washed a few on Sunday to have clothes on the line S Mrs. James Allred and child NOW! A new convenience ren of Fountain Green visited on Monday with her parents, for Central Utah residents Plumbing & Builders SupMr. and Mrs. Don Gadd. ply will remain OPEN UNTIL Mrs. Pearl Dahlen of Provo 8 P. M. EACH FRIDAY to was a week end visitor of her serve you better with house-ware- s, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brigham paint, garden equipment, Garrett. gift items fishing and hunting power mowers, electMrs. Brigham Garrett, Mrs. supplies rical appliances! VVe hope you and Mrs. will like this new service! Russell Jackson, Vaughn Molyneux of Mona spent Friday in Shit Lake FOR SALE Pansies, VioCity. Doronium, las, Delphinium, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Goble Perennial Creeping Asters, and family and Mr. and Mrs. Phlox, Aubretia, Basket of Clarence Ingram visited in Gold. Roses All No. 1 and Magna on Sunday with Mr. patented. Roy V. Olsen Nurand Mrs. Ray Goble. sery, 212 South Center, Santa-quiPhone Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ferry Ostler were his 1954 Ford 4 FOR SALE mother, Mrs. Serena Ostler and Miss Sharlotte Knapp of Mor- door. Fairly new motor. See oni; and Mrs. Max Blaine and William Paxman at 144 South daughter Sherrol of Spring 4th East, Nephi, Utah City. in white and colors from SI. 00 up CRYSTAL BEADS from 3.00 up of Mr. and Mis. Klij.ih Salisbury met Sum! iy, Maj 6th, at their home, on the occasion of Mr. Salishurj's Hot h birthday animeisaiy. llvsent br the occasion were Mr and Mi's Milton Boswell and family, Mr uml Mrs From Agnrs Micdel, Scottdale, Bri.ee Boswell and family of Guy. Mr. mid Mis Prnna.: 1 remember Monday Salt Boswell and family of Joseph Ma sort clothes would washday. and Mrs. Ann ille, Sunday evening, a pile of white, Springsand family of Provo; ami colored clothes and dirty work Wing Mr. and Mrs. Lhjah Salisbury. clothes. Tubs were taken down fiom the hooks on the back porch where they hung from one Mon4H Club Officers day to another. One tub filled with water to aoak the white clothes l.imtly vrn ET3 WEDDING BANDS WATCH BANDS Beautiful COSTUME JEWELRY - - GIFTS The i Pje Thursday, May 10, 1962 c Honored on Anniversary ,fems Mr. Ed Bean bated ill Vuiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs Itus.sell Jackson on Silt lutke City with her son Monday were his mother, Mrs. ami daughter m law, Mr. and Rhoda Jackson and her sister, Mrs. Ray Bean and daughter Iris on Tuesday of last week. Martha Lindsay of Delta. Mr. and Mrs. Holier Grant Mrs. I.ee Roswell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Byron ot Phoenix, Arizona were week Johnson spent Sunday In San- end guests of Mr. and Mrs dy visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James Bean. Roliert Wells. Mr. and Mrs. James Hicks Spanish Fork visited with Mr. and Mrs G. It. Judd were of in Salt Lake City on Monday Mr. ami Mrs A. J. Bowers on for the funeral sendees of A. Sunday. C. Baker, a missionary comMr. and Mrs. Frans S peters panion of Mr. Judd. and son Lynn of Salt Lake City stxnt Sunday with Mr, and Sunday visitors of Mrs. J. Mrs. Rulon II. Bracken. A. Kendall were Mrs. Vara Mr. and Mrs Melvin Stanley, Cheney and George Chaney of Laketown, and Clarice Ken- Mr. and Mrs. H. Ray Francom, dall of Salt Lake City. of Levan, and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Russell of Mills were in Mrs. Elaine Schmit of Salt Provo as dinner guests of Mr. Lake City visited with Mr. and and Mrs. Blaine Norton. They Mrs. Rue Golden on Thursday all attended Sacrament meetof last week. to witness ing the blessing and naming of the son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Rue Golden Mrs. Gary Norton of Provo. were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Vinton Steiner accomMr. and Mrs. Clara Johnson and family in Leamington. panied her brother, Dan Moore, of Salt Lake City to Parowan ElRoy J. Christensen of Salt to visit with their parents, Mr. Lake City was a Sunday over- and Mrs. LeRoy Moore. night guest of hi$ brother in Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sud-weelaw and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Rue Golden. On Monday they spent Sunday afternoon all attended the funeral ser- in Payson visiting with Mr. vices for Ernest Neilsen in and Mrs. Verl Sudweeks. Ephraim. He was an uncle of Mr. and Mrs Sherman Wall Mr. Christensen and Mrs. Golof Provo were recent guests den. of Mr. and Mrs. Richard SudMrs. Reva Ballow and two weeks. sons of Logan spent the week Mrs. James II. Ockey visited end with her parents, Mr. and in Ephraim on Friday with her Mrs. Roy Chase. son in law and daughter, Mr. Mrs. G. J. Greaves of Og. and Mrs. Allen Green and famden spent last week visiting ily. She also attended the aswith her brother in law and sembly of Snow College where sister, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Da- the new officers of the student body for the coming year vis. were installed. Steven Ockey Mr. and Mrs. James Golden w'as installed as student body of Provo visited at the home president. of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Brough Mr. and Mrs. Lyle If. Park on Sunday. and three children of Spanish Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Davis Fork visited on Sunday with visited recently in Logan with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. i their son and daughter in law, Park. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davis and family, and in Ogden with her sister, Mrs. G. J. Greaves. MAHOWE GIFTS Loca1, Social Cimcc-ATctu- CUT ....WOULD LIKE 25 head of cattle to graze for $4.50 per month. Contact S. L. Rowe, Mona, phone HOUSE and 4t6 acres at North 9th East, Nephi. (Hill property). Needs repairs but can be bought right. No down and financing for approved buyer. Contact Mr. Hartle at American Fork. Phone SK6 3519 or w TABLE RITE 1 SAUSAGE ROLLS - - - O 34 STAR T. V. FEATURES 4. 359-582- 5, 33C LB TRIPLE BREASTED 250 WANTED TO BUY Rabbits Guinea Pigeons or Pigs. CaU HU Salt Lake City. Write Redwood Game Farms, 2400 South Redwood Road, Salt Lake City, Utah. - 3 LEGGED or 623-165- 1. SK6-321- UP- IGACHUNK IGA g.00 10 tins 1 FOR SALE Good brick home Inside in good condition. Reasonable terms. Write: RoIIo Orme, 2121 Madison, Ogden, Utah. B LEMONADE waw lb for BAG ford .00 Frozen JELL-- 0 FLOUR TUNA Reg. Enriched lb 1 full NOW AVAILABLE roll carpeting. Candy Stripe pattern. Buy any length at only. $5.00 per yard Chapman Furniture Co., 61 South Main, phone 12-fo- ot 612-047- 18 H.P. Evin-rud- e FOR SALE Motor. Approximately 12 hours usage only For sale cheap. Clarence C. Cowan, Phone Were here to give you SERVICE and QUALITY PROD-UCT. . . and an added service in our store will be FRIONION PLANTS for sale DAY EVENING SHOPPING! Tomato plants by May 15th. Shop EVERY Friday evening Earl Neilsen, Phone Plumbing until 8 p.m. at & Builders Supply, 66 South FOR THAT SPECIAL Main, Nephi! MOTHER on Mothers Day FEMALE HELP WANTED select a special gift at Nephi Jewelry. Average $2.00 per hour in houseyour spare time. Supply an everlasting wives cosmetics, kitchen and home needs in the city of Ne- flower arrangement for Mom Nephi Jewelry phi. No cash or stock needed. Write RAWLEIGH Dept. UTE Denver, Colorado. TOASTER regular $15.95. Special price FURNACE CLEANING by for Mothers Day, $9.95 at Lester Hill & Sons of Gunni- Robert Hall Pharmacy. son, Utah. Super suction furnace cleaner for vents and runs FOR SALE A Lavender Will be in Nephi after June 7 size 9 Call 1st. Phone Mrs. Blaine Bellis- formal, ton for appointments, FOR SALE 1951 Chevrolet Pickup. In good condition. Good tires. Call 5 YOUR PURCHASE or see Merlin Gardner. MONEY BACK! S 623-117- 4. 623-117- 3. 4-- D POLE LAMPS ---9- .98 SEA NYMPH SWIM and 10.98 SUITS ---9- TABLE LAMPS - 3.98 to 5.98 A GOOD SELECTION OF HOUSE COATS AND NITE VEAR STRAW PURSES ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES AT REDUCED PRICES MEL MAC DISH SETS REDUCED .98 LEE RIDERS & WRANGLERS WESTERN JEANS BED SPREADS AND PILLOWS 623-054- LADIES GIFT BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS MANY OTHER ITEMS TO CHOOSE FROM FOR THAT SPECIAL PERSON - MOTHER!! 623-120- 5. 623-065- 1. M, tor, ment Furnace WI OUAIANTCI to $4500.00. odi wlinl pmc IGA ymm to p.m. Phone punm M, wtoKton or psto w4 m- ' Ned Johnson, Johnsons 'GA, 56 East Center St." Nephi. Utah I TOMATO SOUP FRESH RIPE I COCKTAIL STRAWBERRIES - Meadow Gold 2 y CUPS - Regular 27c pkg WHIPPING CREAM SHORTCAKE Prices Effective Thursday, Friday and Saturday! FREE GOLD STRIKE 5 STAMPS f 623-184- ss NEPHI Ce C. .s CUSTOM 3 VS) ff W pf. cartons 2 pkgs 75c 49c Quantifies Limited! at NYLONS tf.lTy.;TWrrn 623-077- P"forghJP8 GIVE MOM SHIRLEY GAY SEAMLESS ft HOUSE FOR RENT at 644 North 2nd East Available June 1st 5 rooms and bath 0 coal furnace. Call FISHING SEASON IS NEAR! For all vnur finhlng needs see KEN at" REVS HARDWARE 48 North Main, Nephi, Utah. 303 IGA SlfSK Con- tact Mrs. Clyde Kay after mW by mm. wM mtoirf FOR SALE Home In Le2 bedrooms, full basevan. pvreto m4 1 IGA IForsey's Variety Iwry TabMk gjvcansd 00 BfRUIT CAMPBELLS CUTTING east center street Phone WRAPPING 623-- 1 131 FREEZING 2 pair Req. 1.89 Value 73 |