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Show NpKl, Juab County, Utah elje DON'T BORROW Cimcfl-aVclu- fl Thursday, May Mrs. Christiansen Is Farm and Home 1 SUBSCRIBE Hostess at Recent ''I -'-- Beta Club Meeting Mrs. Raymond W. Christianat the regular cvvv.' co cc meeting of the Beta Literary iWWVs'ac.s Club held last Thursday evening. President Ida lirough was in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Othel Pay read club The drive in on to have all collect and conducted Melody nhitetop In the Nephl-Le-va- n Time, Mrs. Allen Relliston area sprayed. showed a number of slides All whitetop should he including several provided by other members of the club. In- sprujed now. .... The County Weed sprayer teresting pictures also were will be available Friday and shown. son was hostess sw-- SOMETHING EXTRA In the frantic rujh of business competition. It U often the little things" that count. A thoughtful act, a small gesture often makes the difference between getting or losing a sale. Something extra, too. Is available to folks who do business in their home town, with folks they usually Refreshments were served by the hostess. The following members were present: Mrs Arnold Brough. Mrs. Allen E. Relliston, Mrs. Miles Ander. son, Mrs. Ray Boswell, Mrs, Jack Brough, Mrs. Leo Chris tensen, Mrs. Raymond Chris tiansen, Mrs. Roy E. Gibson, Mrs. George D. Raymond Jr. Mrs. Sam Hayes, Mrs. Jack Ludlow, Mrs. Clark Morgan, Mrs. Mrs. Kenneth Nymnn, John Parkin, and Mrs. Othel Pay. know. It's a feeling of satisfaction that comes with the policy of doing business with a friend. Along with this, of course, is the knowledge that satisfaction is guaranteed" when one does business with folks who stake their reputation and their future on each and every sale. Organization Meeting Yoor otfit take! Trade at Home .L'eommanity progress 4-- H , 4 s Saturday to spray whltetop , j 4 - HEINZ RELISHES 4 1,00 PILLSBURY CAKE MIX 3pkgs 89e RITZ CRACKERS pound package 35$ SORGHUM 5 LB CAN 63s MANDARIN ORANGES - - 5 cans i.qq 1 ---- - ---- IN OUR MARKET FRYERS - -- A GRADE perpound 29$ 12 oz CUBED STEAKS - 4 for 59c cans CANNED MILK 3 for 47$ DOUBDOWN TOILET TISSUE 4rolls53e CHICKEN 'N1 DUMPLINGS 3 lb 2 oz99$ --T- FAMLEE all BUTTERMILK BREAD Regular 34c loaves 3 for 89c CLOVER CLUB BARBEQUE POTATO CHIPS -- 39c Ice Cream 24 Irrigation Company, Individual Farmers Improve Wafer Resources Facilities With Concrete Lined Ditches m - - COMPLETE BEEF Continued from page one of concrete and the estimated cost of the completed ditch is $33,600.00. The other project, ditch 3 and 4, is 5350 feet long and managed by William (Bill) Pay. This ditch, which is located north and west of Nephi, will be also used as a head ditch by many of the farmers along its length. This means that field outlets will be installed every 10 or 15 feet along' the way. The project will require 315 cubic yards of concrete and will cost about $8,850. Although the Levan and Mona Irrigation Companies started earlier, the first lining of any consequence was Installed by the Nephi Irrigation ComAt this time pany in 1959. three miles of the Companys North Ditch was lined with concrete. Since it was installed, this ditch has saved many dollars in cleaning and maintenance costs, and it is estimated that farmers on the lower end of the ditch have received at least a third more water than they would have done with the old ditch. Last year was a big year for ditch lining programs in the Juab Soil Conservation District. miles of Eighteen lining and almost 1500 water control structures were installed in the ditches in the county. Technical assistance for surveys, design, and layout was provided by the Soil Conservation Service and financial assistance was made available through the Agricultural Conservation program. Thad M. Nebeker, ASC office manager reports that his office paid out almost $81,000 to farmers and irrigation companies who placed about 6,000 cubic of ocn crete in lining andyards structures. Of the toteil amount spent, $69,318.20 was made bring about full productivity. control In order to achieve better During the past 20 to 25 production the home grower years, the Bureau of Land must use farm practices Management has seeded near in addition good to approved chemwith in 145,000 Utah, mostly ly crested wheatgrass. It is es- ical control methods. Crop rotimated that 400,000 addition tation is one of the cheapest al acres could be seeded. Other and most effective methods of areas with poor soil base or reducing insect damage from For example, low annual precipitation will certain pests. should not follow porequire treatment which may potatoes not show any effect for a num tatoes, peppers, tomatoes, or ber of years. Additional acre- other plants of the nightshade nor should age can perhaps be seeded if family; on land potatoes be just plowed the area is first treated with planted some means of retaining run- up from pasture or weedy off water, such as countours, areas. Insect damage can be mindikes or terracing. As yet, only several easy about imized when a very small acreage, rules are followed. 1,500 acres, has been contour-furrowe1. Destroy or plow under in Utah. To reduce excessive runoff and retard crop residues immediately aferosion, about 133,000 lineal ter2. crop is harvested. Plant resistant varieties. feet of dikes have been built 3. Fertilize and irrigate in Utah. Broad estimates indicate that over 2 million lin- properly to stimulate plant eal feet of dikes and more than growth. 4. Keep weeds down. 100,000 acres of furrowing can 5. Plow in autumn. be done. Do not allow weeds to grow In some areas proper manin and about the garden. These treatwill be the only agement ment possible and can be are a source of various incects, mites and diseases. speeded up by building fencWhen using insecticides to es and developing additional livestock water. This would dis- control insects on fruits and tribute livestock over a broad- vegetables it is very import er area and permit a rest per- ant that you read and follow available through the Drought iod from grazing use each the manufacturers instructions Emergency This Program. precautions as printed on money will not year for the native vegetative and be available the label. container this year, and the cost share growth, thus allowing opporTo assist fruit and vege- received tunity for seed to establish table growers through the with insect their new plants and provide more AGP program has been regular reduccontrol two circulproblems, cover. ed $2.00 per yard of concrete, ars are at available the Juab the fiscal but the ditch lining program is current During service of- still year ending June 30, 1962, B. Countyin Extension going strong. the fice, basement of the L. M. in Utah is seeding an office post One is building. additional 25,000 acres; cona Carpet Shampooer? Why tour furrowing 1,100 acres; Extension Circular 299 "Offic- Well buy loan you one FREE with ial Fruit Pest Control Guide the building 248 additional zniles purchase of Blue Lustre of fence, and developing 88 for Utah 1962 and the other Carpet and Upholstery Cleanis Extension Circular 300, enadditional stockwatering titled "Controlling Vegetable er. Chapman Furniture Co. gal 79 MENTAL ILLNESS is a un(l anxiously waiting to st art on then fust project article. The mam article will be a skirt to be modeled at the Revue in connection withStyle the County Fair it) Am-us- t. 4-- GOWNS AND by Deena. Phil-Mair- Lorraine f. HANDBAGS AND GLOVES in whiles and pretty spring colors! V OFF - 3 fables lo select from - Some pretty white styles - - 2.00 and 3.00 SHOES SHEER SEAMLESS NYLONS First Qualify!! Box of 3 many, many pieces - -- 1.50 of BEAUTIFUL FABRICS 33c per yard and - DUSTERS - BLOUSES - PAJAMAS - CAPRIS - LEVI'S -SWIM SUITS JEWELRY AND MANY MORE ITEMS AT RIDE ON SAFE TIRES THIS SUMMER Size 6:70 x 16 . . . Nylon 8:25 x 20 and recappable tire! 199 Truck Tire 48.00 JENKINS SALES & 10-pl- y SERVICE 805 North Main -- Nephi Ph. 623-135- 8 appear. FOR SALE formal, size 9 - - A Lavender 7 Call 623-054- LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED We have a complete stock of lawn mower parts and tires. BICYCLES REPAIRED! We also have a complete stock of bicycle tires and parts including 2 and 3 speed gear parts, and parts for the new automatic trans- PROCESSING OF - FORK Plan your insect control program now. Be on the alert and treat insects when they first FISHING SEASON IS NEAR! For all your fishing needs see KEN at KENS HARDWARE 48 North Main, Nephi, Utah. HOPELESS! AND LAMB Today thousand of mentally sick people are recovering Now we can face with courage and hope the task of saving not thousands, but hundreds of thousands; not just somr of the victims of mental illness but alt. Support your menial health association and its program of medical research . ervt at the t the si RtNCINC Rfil C,A pi f mission SMALL ENGINE SERVICE We are the factory auth- orized service outlet for Briggs and Stratton, Clinton and Lawn Boy engines. For pickup and delivery, call 4-Hardware in Nephi or Vems Store in Levan. D fa Gunnison, Utah ViAV "Telephone, Mom! Want to take it out there in the kitchen?!1 SAMS SHOP Q uni! DRESSES plus tax You get a combination of beauty and in one slim, shoulder-hig- h when package you treat yourself to & kitchen wall phone. Dont take our word for it; ask a friend whos got one. Then call us or ask one of our servicemen for quick ingfafTafumq, convenience as fust year IS NO LONGER PILLSBURY PANCAKE MIX -- 4 lb 49 PRESERVES - - 3 lb 8 oz jars. Each U9 No Deposit! CANNED POP 5 cans 47 623-03- 50 j BLM Improves Soil, !r,'!,su,vr Insects. HARGIS- -2 lbs. 25$ PUDS 101b, (cello) 29$ PHONE .LINGERIE st is achieved. for ., v- BEAUTIFUL DOWN STREAM view of the new concrete lined ditch fields poured early this week In the north-we- mil-io- n Assorted kinds - i', Club Held V;iSr KiiiiOii' i'L. Hb- Marilyn Otteson a GIFT SUGESTIONS for MOTHER'S DAY rom CHRISTENSEN'S itM 'a. . pI on private land. This spraying will be done at cost If requested by the land owner. Anyone with whltetop which they would like sprayed are encouraged to contact the County Agenta office by Friday morning. For those who prefer to do their own spraying, four pounds of active amltrol per The acre is recommended. weed should be sprayed from the bud to early bloom stage. long-ter- L pres-T-'us,i- Conserving and rehabiliating the soil, water and forage resources on the national land Circulars Available Officers of the Sue Keen reserve in Utah is a major Land of task of Bureau the recCooks were chosen at a On Insect Control President is Management. ent meeting. 24 million acres, Of the plus Glenda Sparks; vice president, The time of year Is apthan one third (9.6 Margaret Howard; secretary, more acres) con- proaching when home fruit in are poor Kathryn Corbett; reporter, dition. Furthermore, because and vegetable growers all over Colleen Llewellyn; treasurer, conditions during Juab County will be battling AUyson Brough; recreation and of drought five years and other insects. High quality fruit and the past Collard. Marsha leader, song factors, the trend in condition vegetable crop production is without is declining on over 6 million virtually impossible acres. Bringing these areas insect control. To improve the back to full productivity is benefits of control, treatments V often a process. On must be well timed, dosage areas with poor vegetative cov- - must be accurate, and applie er, but a residual of reasonably ation must be right. The cost good soil, seeding with suitably of insecticide and labor is reladapted species may quickly atively cheap when effective Of Four president; I, ,hl at..ni,,'t,ntI n's WHITE TOP SPRAYING SET Page Three Four Slifchelles Club Is Organized " Mrs. Madge Otlcson stst Mrs, Johns a r of this sewing group. Ol fivers wane elected and plans made for the summer activities Jan-ic- ? W 11 key was chosen n Johnson, NEWS ' w ? 1962 10, |