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Show SIjc GimcO'icluo Nephi, Juab Counly, Utah Here's More About Baccalaureate tTILQ Continued from page Brough. Prayers will be given by President It. Roscoe Garrett and Bishop J. Clair ColLard. following the Immediately Baccalaureate Services will Le the annual Senior Reception to which the public is muted. In Ilave a Pretty nalrdo Softer, mor flowing lines ar, charge of the reception are Garrett, Lllen 1 arkin and predicted for hair fashion. Thera will be less of the bouffant look Mom Young. Class officers in which calls attention mor to It- charge of commencement act-- , ivities are Pamela Cotton, Jim self than the wearer. Ilair styles will ba more fem- Jensen, Sheryl Lee Sudweeks, inine, closer to the head, off ona Marjorie Memmott, Ann Bos- ear and onto the other, the siym ton, Arlene Ingram and Bruce 1 o ward. metrical look. i of will more rollers give Large The farewell Senior Asthe style you want than smaller sembly will be held on May ones as the emphasis Is on line 1G, and the publio la invited. rather than on curl. This type of This will follow the theme setting lends itself to large Now la the Hour. sweeping strokes of the comb or brush which gives the graceful The Federated Clubs of Ne-plines desired. will hold a tea for the Senior girls on May 20, and Helens Favorite: tiie Kiwanis Club of Nephi will Vienna Corn Pudding honor the Senior boys at a dinner on May 23. (Serves 4) eggs The final step will be taken 2 tablespoons flour V on May 25 at the graduation H teaspoon salt exercises to be held at the Juab High School auditorium. teaspoon pepper 4 Alter the exercises a dance cup milk 1 1 pound can cream-stylcorn will be held at the Juab High 1 can small veal sausage, School gymnasium in honor of the Senior class of 1962. The drained Beat eggs with flour, salt public also will be cordially invited to this activity. and pepper. Stir in milk and corn. Pour into buttered casserole. Bake in a moderate Here's More About . (330F.) oven for 20 minutes. Arrange sausage In a ring around the top. Bake 20 minP. utes longer and serve. Continued from page 1 A single soft wave at the top and that many activity gives interest to a hair style it favorable situations could be you need height and merely want corrected if all students could to wave the sides to give a soft be taught through class work cap effect. proper etiquette, behavior, H'ith less back combing and dress, etc., for various activitof the hair, the shape ies. Parent attendance, coteasing Cerand cut will be operation and help could bring tain effects like bangs and a full about improvement, it was top will require careful cutting felt. of the hair in layers. Retiring P. T. A. officers exHair with highlights Is Im- press their thanks for all who portant so color should be used assisted in any way, and to to bring these out. Try brushing, the school for their cooperation is sincerely extended. Officers too. extend a special thanks to . .5 ELECT an everlasting M. Clark Newell, principal, for flower arrangement for Mom supporting the P. T. A. in conducting an effort of this kind. Nephi Jewelry P. T. A. officers truly feel that Why buy a Carpet Shampooer? parents and teachers working Well loan you one FREE with reasonably together can imthe purchase of Blue Lustre prove conditions and solve the which concern the Carpet and Upholstery Clean-er- . problems 1 I i . "A ' S7qsC5 Qgq FOR SALE formal, sie 9 Wiafeu Call 623-054- outfielder. i e is?- -' LSe MOTHER'S DAY CARDS COXED CHOCOATES TIMEX WRIST WATCH GOTO COLOGNES MAX FACTOR COSMETICS LADIES WALLETS JEWELITE BRUSHES U. Chapman Furniture igffi Co. War was declared with Mexico, May 11, 1816. The American Federation of Labor was established, May 11, 18S6. Nation B. Stubblefield was granted a patent on radio broadcast, May 12, 1908. The longest radio program ever recorded was the coronation of King Ceorge, May 12, 1937. English settlers founded Jamestown, Va., May 13, 1607. Possession of the Vatican was granted Pope, by Law of Guarantees, May 13, 1871. Benjamin Franklin asked for education in agriculture In his posals for promoting useful knowledge among the British plantations q America, May 14, H43. , lr between Washington and New York City tarkd. Mar 15, 1918. landed the Norge in Alaska sfter flyin 0ver the Norlh Pole- 16. President Roosevelt asked Congress for 50,000 war planes, May 15, 1910, Iceland severed personal union with Denmark, May 16, 1M1. The first U.S. adhesive postage stamp was Issued May 17, 1817. Ihe first Kentucky Derby took place Slay 17, 1875, y 623-077- 0 Have Your Car Inspected How Boyd Pari, Manager SUGGESTIONS: CARPET- - LIVING ROOM SETS - CHAIRS - FANCY THROW PILLOWS - LAMPS - VALL ORNAMENTS -HOOVER VACUUMS i BEAUTY IN A LANE & Center Nephi, Utah Bralu Service Qualified Mechandic on Duty - Overhaul Lubrication Washing Engine Tuneup CONOCO gasoline, oil, and other product 4 MOTHER 4 4 4 FREE SNOW CONES -- BALLOONS PROVEN 4 SUNBEAM 12.66 SALE BY PARENTS! SATURDAY! FOR THE KIDS WHEN ACCOMPANIED CYCLE 19- - With Easy-Spi- n SUNBEAM VALUE Recoil Starter 15.66 year's biggest valual Nowhere can you find such a well built, dependable mower at this prico. Compare feature for foatura: 4 cycle Briggs & Stratton 2 H.P. engine. Remote choke control. Speed and stop control located on chrome plated handle. Adjustable 7" wheals. low-lo- 4 4 Chole-A-Mat- FOR THAT SPECIAL on Mothers Day MOTHER select a special gift at Nephi EASY TERMS Jewelry. ....AUTOMATIC TOASTER CHECK THESE LAWN MOWER 20 TINE 20 INCH VALUES regular $15.95. Special price for Mothers Day, $9.95 st Robert Hall Pharmacy. , 4 4 'ROW 4 4 Tii Isa 623-117- 4. WORLD OUTDOORS 4 4 4 4 41 Sl 0.83 ITEMS 4 Ai 4 4 4 4 4 ROTARY MOWER 18 HP. Evin-rud- e FOR SALE Motor. Approximately 12 hours usage only For sale Clarence C. Cowan, cheap. Phone Main worthy of and Mrs. Munro Pexton. A BEAUTIFUL POTTED FLOWER SENT TO MOTHER WITH EVERY PURCHASE OVER 50.00 at PARK CONOCO 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Miss Judy Pexton of Salt Lake City spent the week end in Nephi with her parents, Mr. ee HOUSE FOR RENT at 641 Available North 2nd East June 1st. 5 rooms and bath Call coal furnace. 623-063- GIFTS students. NEPHI 7 1951 ChevFOR SAIJE rolet Pickup. In good condit5 ion. Good tires. Call or see Merlin Gardner. hi teammate play Dodger chess during lull In baseball activity In Vero Beach, Fla., training camp, Daryl Spencer, left. Is iniicldcr, and Lea Wall is TE . . . Two Lot Angeles CIIECKM Home In LeFOR SALE 2 bedrooms, full base-min- t. van. Furnace $ 1500.00. Contact Mrs. Clyde Kay after 5 pm. Phone Lavender A 623-184- 0. Pro-Jud- 1 5t Thursday, May 10, 1962 22" 22" 24" 21" Deluxe Rotary Mower Self Propelled Rotary 69.95 99.95 129.95 Rotary Rider Deluxe Reel Mower ECLIPSE PROVEN 4 4 4 4 4 4 Discounted! TILLER 95 shooting has been gain-mnew supporters each year as more and more shooters discover that it can be a fast and g furious sport. For many years, the average sportsman placed the crow m the same category as the English sparrow. Theyre everywhere. The crow hunting emhusiast knew bet'er. It is one thing to see a crow feeding alongside the highways and byways, within easy gun range, completely oblivions to passing cars it is quite another proposition to get a crow within range when one intends to shoot the bird. We do not infer that the crow is a nut anyone who has had experience v. ith the bird will tell you tl e black rascal has an uncanny ability to sense danger. mind-reade- LANE SWEETHEART CHESTS GRADUATION IS MAY 25 SELECT THE LIFETIME GIFT FOR YOUR DAUGHTER ...A LANE CEDAR CHEST. SEVERAL STYLES TO SELECT FROM. Crow hunting is a challenge hecauce the birds are wary. Feeding crows always have the protection of a lookout. Perched high in a tree, the lookout signals whenever danger appears on any front. In addition to the danger cry, crows can also signal the fact that its dinnertime . . . and the feeding call may be heard over great distances. Stalking crows would be fruitless effort. Hunters instead rely on camouflage and call the birds within gun range. Camouflage clothing of the type worn-b- y jungle fighters is a popular Item with crow hunters. Some of them go so far as to blacken their faces with soot or witl, various-colored paints to prevent the rays of the sun from refecting off their countenance. Crow hunting has become popular because it offers great wing In shooting in the most parts of the country, th crow U legal the year round. LAWN HOSE GARDEN RAKE 75 ft 'j 2.88 4 4 4 4 4 4 SPEADER Proven Reg. $7.75 5.00 Regular LAWN CART Proven Reg. 59.95 7.77 ONLY 1-- 1.99 $3.33 SILEX SHOVEL 7.77 88 A BARROW 7 Proven Reg. $9.95 77 PLUMBING AND BUILDERS SUPPLY 4 OPEN TIL 8 FRIDAY EVENINGS BUY ON 66 South Main EASY TERMS Nephi, Utah ! f DE LUXE 3.99 & 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 |