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Show Nephi, Juab County, Utah tr3 CHAPMAN FURNITURE LiiMES-tiMEv- Your Fingertips ent Juab High School at the Rotary Club Youth meet. Mr, Winter is president of the Juab School student body. Il.gh Saturday. The Youth Meet is an annual Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Chris- aflair sponsored by the Salt tensen and daughter, and Mr. Lake Rotary Club, and 80 ami Mrs. Lyman Christensen young men were in attendance. and son Terry were Sumlay Mr. and S. Wood dinner guests of Mr. and Mis. Cleo liogh in Centerfield. The were in Delta on Friday to atoccasion was the birthday an- tend the funeral- - services for Frank Wood, a sister in niversary of Mrs. Bryce Chris- Mrs. Wood. law Easter visitoi of Mrs. O. II Mr. and Mrs Pierce were John Sandor of Salt Lake City and Owen Pierce of Orem. . ALKERS ys Thunday, Aprfl 26, 1962 Levan Local, Social News ' Puts a World of Color at Cimcoctuo CIjc Mr. ami Mrs. Claude Martin of Las Vegas visited with his brother in law and sister, Mr. el. Mrs. and Mrs. Erin PouLen on SatVery reasonable Elden C. Sherwood, phone 623 urday. tensen. 1267. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Wankier and family and Mrs Joseph Max Winter was in Salt No charge for using our Blue Wankier visited In Provo on Ij-kCity last weektorepres. Lustre Cariiet Shampooer with purchase of Blue Lustre Shampoo. Chapman Furniture Co. Stauffer tables Exconvenient location to schools, would like to sell one modcellent condition churches anil business area I OWN MY HOME FOR SALE on Lees Carpet Selector 2 la-lu- x Elden C. modern throughout. Sherwood. the easy, exciting way to choose FOR SALE Pansies, VioDoronium, las, Delphinium, Perennial Asters, Creeping Phlox, Aubretia, Basket of Gold. Roses All No. 1 and Nurpatented. Roy V. OlsenSanta-quisery, 212 South Center, Phone your rk of Mr. Mrs. Rulon Wood and Mrs. and Levan, FrinPotihenof Mrs. Vona Jarrett of Nephi were in Fillmore on Thursday of last week to visit their sister and aunt, Mrs. Rheta Robinson, and to observe her birthday anniversary. Mrs. Ben Stephensen and son Stephen visited In Lynndyl with her sister, Mrs. Earl Greathouse on Sunday. PAINFUL AVOID SUN-nnt- 7e have a large of Sun Tan Lotions!!! Robert IIsII Pharmaev. 'SPRIHG7" APIKTMENT l OIt KENT n. 734-391- Mrs-Cla- Page S rooms, hente 1. Kay 1). Tolley, 07 Hint 6th North, 7 Phone 623-037- Orna-- , JUST ARRIVED mental Fancy Velvet Throw Beautiful stylos at p.llows Chapman Furniture Co., 61 South Main, Nephi. ! 7 ' f v fwi mmnmm . QUANTITIES LIMITED i 176 Acres SALE FOR dry land in north west fields -- See Alan Ostler, 6 phone i Nephi or 623-171- f 100 ACRES of meadow pasSouthwest of ture for rent V'-vAhu-- rariwnei Jap v I j at Call FR Levan Provo, evenings. FOR SALE L 1954 PROVEN 4 - W ''t See William Paxman at 144 South 4th East, Nephi, Utah I 4 Sale i Weve arranged scores of heavenly Lees carpets on the handy, easy to reach shelves of our Lees Carpet Selector. Quick as a wink youll find all the patterns and textures in your favorite color grouped together. Its so simple to compare styles, match fabric and paint samples you can work out your decorating scheme around your carpet choice' right in the store! Visit us now. See so much more. Save time and steps when you select your Lees i.88 Price A With STRANGE PET . . . Ernst FURNACE CLEANING by Ahrens of Duesseldorf, West Lester Hill & Sons of Gunni- Germany, peers closely at one son, Utah. Super suction fur- of the 20 large venomous tarannace cleaner for vents and runs tulas he breeds in his home. Will be In Nephi after June 1st. Phone Mrs. Blaine Bellis-to- n for appointments, i) CYCLE 19" ROTARY MOWER Ford Fairly new motor. Recoil Starter Eaty-Spi- n Th yri Nowtir blggDvl valu Im can you find such a wall built, dependable mower at this low-lo- w prico. Compare feature for feeturo: 4 cycle Briggs & Stratton ChoU-A-Mat2 H.P. engine. Remote choke 623-120- 5. WHEELBARROW 7- - Light In weight, yet very serviceable. Made of top quality materials with eitreme durability. All steel frame, plastic grip handles, modem leg brace end heavy duty puncture proof tires. 3 cu. foot capacity. wheels. $4300 00. Con- pm. Phone 5 623-184- 0. REG. $9.95 NOW for gradWatches! Transistor Radios! Hair Dryers at Nephi LAY-AWA- Y uation. Perfectly balanced for easy pushing and handling, theta Jewelry. FOR SALE Evergreen trees. You dig them. $1.50 ea East 5th Phone North. 2tip carpet this easy, modern way. at Whiting Bros Service StatFarrell Warner. long, dependable sorvica. New finish asImproved baked-o- n sures long service without rust or corrosion. Nylon bearing wheals w I h CTOOO punctura proof fires. foot capacity. fill word squares. THo Wttors la tha hoavy squares form on Anogrom, tha sotvhoa of which tha TV TEEZER Rarsanality of tha Woth. 80 acres Levan Ridge land. Call or write Mrs. Bevan Nielsen, Leamington, Utah. 523-047- 1 3j 14 Tooth UTILITY SHOVEL LEAF RAKE BOW RAKE Reg. $3.33 tion with rolled shoul-- d e r s. Heat treated high carbon steel b fa d e. Clear finish ash handle. 66c Sore $1.34 Sava 34 20 broad spring steal teeth anchored in a sturdy frame. Squar construe-tioadg Clear finish ash handle. Forged steel head finished in aluminum. Slightly curved teeth 21-'' long. 4yj foot ash handle. Crystal.'te b'ue ftVALUABLEXOUPON n. tubular ferrule. "WyA y.xs Hollow back construc- Reg. $1. SPECIAL $.99 BONUS . . . 25 EXTRA FEET ngj 3249 Sava 71a k vaNVdZ (VNva "138 IT I :SH3M5N $.88 IDg. cu. in FOR SALE Phone Long-Handl- carts are sturdily built for DQtmmRf Used G. E. FOR SALE full size Electric Range In very good condition. See ion ttf ' 77 SUPER SPECIAL control. Speed and stop control located on chrome plated handle. Adjustable Home in LeFOR SALE 2 bedrooms, full basevan. ment. Furnace tact Mrs. Clyde Kay after 4- - W&JjSgSAIBB J4-ln- GARDEN PRUNING SHEARS HOSE WITH COUPON V"- - 4 V-- -- XJ; jj - W Plastic ch 75 ft. for the prico of 50 If. s Reg. $4.95 JL V TRIPLE CHROME PLATED $2-8- 8 SPRING SPECIAL ,rj 75 foot length of diameter, 100 vinyl green garden hose. Quality brass couplings. 8 year guarantee. Reg. 98a HAND GARDEN TOOLS for lj - 66 A Three Pronged Hoe B Cultivator C Dandelion Digger D Transplanter E Trowel H. Imported Italian shears that art full polishad drop forged steal, heat treated and femperod. 9 inch voluta spring. $1.65 All of these tools era useful around your garden. Made of duty prime steal, triple plated and mirror polished ' Black wood handles. Unconditionally guaranteed. Vtrl fikccei Ob Big 24 Inch Folding ELECTRIC v. .t T r. v' barbeque . v x i, PAINT SPRAYER grills ,.-- - Foatoty NEPHI WORKS $1-9- $12-6- 0 I with hood, motor and op ifrartoaa Wg rfp od lfcdy ewd fold SPRING I SPECIAL THERMOID DIVISION, H. K. PORTER COMPANY, INC. fripod lor da eoavan-- ft $12.95 a QS SPECIAL Foolproof, clog pr00f 88 , , , A V. b crnk kwo-m- a itoraga. odjaft balgVf of chroma P M wh h. Sfroag wlm grid, bowl Hoavy duly p AaaricM .Wir. p ColorM Bokn. pMvmJ nod hood. DID YOU KNOW K that here at Nephi, Thermoid makes industrial rubber, for their high quality, top perproducts known world-wid- e formance and freedom from defects? Gold Stripe Rotary W r tlEVl! VSCORATtVS Drilling Hose, for example, is outstanding as the most efficient, most economical oil drilling hose available from any manufacturer. Thanks to the skilled Nephi people, we can BOLDED Hawf RmL VACUCEL PLA1ITERS rot and tamlshpree leakproof eed light m a foothor. Coidra pom fot uehmthl,Molded Wtedov Baa Mode of warn ctular ao oudod utyreuo mlroclo pfast;e. Choice of two WWto Bheh or R.dwood 4ooku Ha fund-LoLow Prico m guarantee this for fop performance with full confidence that our manufacturing processes are sufficiently accurate so that no imperfections are present. ke. 4-- D THERMOID DIVISION H. K. PORTER COMPANY, INC . Utt Pd REGULARLY I O- - C i f rm PLUMBING AND BUILDERS' SUPPLY HEFIII, UTAH t m s C--TV 98c WMevBaa E5 SOUTH MAID r 59C O i i i Q C i Vj PHOHE i i i i ij i c-- 623-II- E3 1 & C O' N. |