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Show LOCAL, SOCIAL ITEMS NEPHI r.urret fk Thursday, April 26, 1962 Eljc Simcjj'iVclUG Ikpiil, wjs to Ni'phi for the by Rodrwy fli.i'P son of Mr anil Mrs hMn Cb.iso Tin y of 1 lemlri son, NY' .i i guests at the Chase home. Hospital Patient List LEVAN LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS NEPHI and Mrs. Harry Olsen enu In St George visiting at SOCIAL ITEMS andMr.family the the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Xan of Ogden Mrs Dan Johnson entertainvisited at the home of Mr and ed on Monday in honor of her Recently admitted patients Mis Hoy Chase oer the week son Alex on his 10th birthday at the Juab County Hospital at Mrs. Rova Ballow and anniversary. The hostess serv- Nophi. according to the list reMr. and Mrs. Roy W. Greenend sons Claik, Jimmy and him ed refreshments to the honor- leased VVednesd ly by Hospital halgh entertained on Monday of I)gin also wine Sunday ed guest and 18 friends authorities, i rid udi the evening in honor of their daughter in law, Mrs. Gary Greenhalgh, on her birthday Mra. Starr Coibett, NYphi anniversary. Other guests inof son Gury Christensen, cluded Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mr. and Mrs. Wesley ChrisHeelia and daughter June, and tensen, NYphi. Mrs. Mary Nelson of Santa-quiGary Christensen, sort of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Norman and Mrs. Wesley Christensen, Greenhalgh and three children, Nephi Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur GreenJames E. Bleak, Fountain Gary Greenhalgh and halgh, Green. two children, Miss Arlene InBrenda Sue Dalton, daughter and Richard and Dale of Mr. and Mrs. Anil Dalton, gram, Greenhalgh. Lynn Green. Fountain Mrs. W'oodrow Beard, Levan Mr. and Mrs. Lavar Motley Connie Lee Memmott, the and son David of Draggerton daughter of Mr. and Mi-s- Weir visited on Friday with his brother in law and sister, Mr. Memmoft, NYphi Blaine Greenhalgh, son of and Mrs. Stellman. Greenhalgh. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Clark Greenof Goshen visited with his halgh, Nephi Tom Memmott, NYphi brother, Burt Morgan, at the Juab County hospital on SunJames L. Chase, Nephi Alan Price, son of Mr. and day evening. Mr. and Mrs Ernest White of Springville; Mrs. Grant Price, Nephi. Darr Hughes, Mt. Mr. and Mrs. Randall White Mrs of Orem visited at the Morgan Pleasant. Shad Goble, son of Mr. and home on Sunday. Mrs. Rex Goble, Nephi Miss Nancy Nyman and Miss William Bradfield, LeamingSharon Delaney of the Brigton. ham Young University were Burt Morgan, Nephi Steven Painter, son of Mr week end guests of Miss Nyand Bishop and Mrs. Fred Painter,' Nephi mans parents, Mrs. Kenneth Nyman. Mrs. Rey Dekker, Nephi Alan Prrsbrey, son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Prisbrey, Ne- Provo and Mrs. Don Ockey of and Mrs. Floyd Ockey phi. were in Lyman, Wyoming over Wilford Belliston, Nephi the week end to visit with Ramona Lisa Hoyt, daugter Mr. and Mrs. John Ockey and of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hoyt, family. Levan. Leroy Jackman, Levan Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott Annie Hill, Nephi and Mrs. Sadie Reid visited in Mrs. Alton Bills, Nephi Manti recently with Mrs. Etta Sure, an electric water heater can be installed Cecil Stephensen, Levan Bown. anywhere. Mrs. Lamont McPherson, Mrs. S. F. Memmott visited is there of hot water any time Sure, plenty week in Woodscross with lat with a quick recovery electric water heater. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence MemMrs. McPherson Hosts mott and family, and In Salt Sure, a flamcless electric water heater last f Lake City with Mr. and Mrs. Duane longer and costs less now than ever before. Memmott. Mrs. S. F. Nautilus Club Meet Memmott was accompanied flameless electric But, most important, a was home by Mrs. Laurence MemMont McPherson Mrs. mott and water heater is perfectly SAFE. No need to hostess for the Nautilus Liter- mained forfamily, and they rethe week end. about little hands. There toddlers worry tiny ary Club on Thursday even19th. Forrest Mrs Mr. are no hot surfaces on an electric water heater. and Mrs. Perry Hall ing, April Anderson, club president, took and family and Mr. and Mrs. Its as safe and silent as electric light. charge of the meeting and led Welcome Chapman of Fountain in the pledge. Mrs. Cleston Green spent Easter Sunday In And, with an electric water heater, you get Park read club collect Lark visiting wrth Mrs. Hannah a special low rate on electricity I Mrs. Anderson introduced C. Mathis at the home of Mr. who and Mrs. Vtrgil Rostron. Mrs. Mrs. Earl Spendlove, showed a very timely and in- Mathis Is the grandmother of Mrs. Hall, teresting film on cancer. Mrs. Lee Boswell distributed Mr and Mrs. Bruce Thompthe material to club members for the Cancer Crusade, after son of Spanish Fork were Sunk day dinner guests of her parwhich everyone enjoyed a ents, Mr. and Mrs. George D. supper. Members present were Mrs. Haymond Jr, Grant Kay, Mrs. Lee Boswell, of Mr. Easter dinner Mrs. Richard Whittington, Mrs. and Mrs. Leo guests were Ingram InMrs. Ted Kenneth Jones, TOTAL Mr. and Mrs. George V. Ord gram, Mrs. Cleston Park, Mrs. and Dr. John Ord of Provo. BETTER BUY S) ELECTRIC Kelvin Clayton, Mrs. Arthur FROM YOUR G. Ostler, Mrs. Forrest AnderDr. John Ord of Provo was HOME son, Mrs. Evan Blackett, guests a Saturday overnight guest of DEALER NOW. Mrs. Robert Wells and Mrs. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Earl Spendlove, and the host- V. Ord. UTAH POWER & LIGHT ess Mrs. McPherson. n, . 3 . A FLAMELESS EOTIm) uu Liull pot-luc- sjxnt H.ifen, brother in law and sister of Mrs 1 l.i per. Mr. and Mi's. Earl Francom and f.imJy and two boy friends of Springy ille visited on Fri-di- y with Mr. and Mis H. Ray Francom. week end with her parents, Mr and Mrs J E. Hansen. Carl and Richard Da I by of Salt Lake City sjent the week end with their mother, Mrs Audrie Dalby. n F. T. A. line ting will be held Friday night, April 37 at llm Levan athmd at 8 p.m. The children will present the program. Everyone la encouraged to attend. Mr. and Mrs Scott Ivie and daughters of IYlta spent Easter Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Aagard. Visiting at the home of Mr anud Mi-s- . James E. Bendixcn oil Easter Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bendixen and family of Payson, and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Limihardt and family of Salt Lake City. Ix-va- Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Wan-kic- r and family of Manti visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mi's Arvd Wankier. Miss Nora Wankier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Lee Wankier of Vernal spent last week with l her grandparents, Mr. and Wankier, while her mother was in Cal. forma. Mrs-Arvi- Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Mathews and family of Kearns are sprnding a few days this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Mangelson. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jarrett Mr. and Mrs. James Shep- and daughter Stacey and Miss herd and family of Provo vis- Ranae Malmgren of Salt Lake ited with her parents. Mr. and City were Easter week end guests of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Bosh on Sunday. Mrs. E. C. Malmgren. Mr. and Mrs. Evan L. Howell and family of Kearns were week-en- d visitors of her parNEED A WATCH BAND? ents. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. WALLET? CLOCK? Carter. MAKES INTERIOR DECORATINO Doing your homo ever is not but fun, with UN1CO Faint. Ac-ce- nt Read these features and youll know why. OICORATOR COLOR O ORIIS NEPHI JEWELRY . FIRST!! IN AN HOUR WITHOUT LAP OR BRUSH MARKS nitiltfiwr in iiwilMiirhmnil hi l BONUS OFFER An Our pharmacist plastic pail for just contin- ually keeps up with the latest developments in the field of medicine. all-purpo- se 25e , with the purchase of a gallon of paint HTEflLIQUHTAIN FARMERS PHONE 623-156- 8 48 South Main Street 285 West Center Street Nephi, Utah Phone 1 Nephi, Utah 623-031- IS AVAILABLE AT FAVORABLE BANK RATES T liiiiifilu AT FIRST SECURITY BANK Depend on it to give gou an honest dags work for a long, long COME IN! time and not cost much to mn or keep up. Its a Chevrolet. Trucks arent all alike. This Chevrolet has doublewall roof, doors and side panels. It has suspension that helps it last longer by reducing road shock. It wood body floor. It has as tough a has a non-ski- d frame tailgate as youll find. It has an made of steel. Most important, it has a name everybody respects because they know it stands for quality. When you all-weld- ed high-quali- Every few minutes tome man or woman loan at First Security Bank gets a low-co- st FIRST for: SECURITY BANK Ftl f,t I fx Secunly lank of Ucvr.ly Sank of Itiofc, N A. lank hr Slot lor fodorgi Dfouf InmrofK Co Saw, Horn Repair, and Remodeling Buying Horn Appliance, and Furniihing, Buying New or Uted Car, Buying and Building Home, Form or Ranch Operating Money . . . and many other purpoie, N.A. Ser ty make up your mind to buy, get this one. We know youll be happy with it. HAVE YOU LOOKED INTO CAMPER BODIES? This is a fine way to enjoy the outdoors comfortably and at low cost. Many Chevrolet dealers are showing camper units now. Drop by and investigate this great way to make a truck do double duty. A strong Chevrolet is your best bet for work or play. See your Chevrolet dealer for trucks that keep working and working and working and working I Medical Eipente, Education Paying Bill,. Tone,. Inturonce Contolidatmg Debt, Refinancing Other Loon, - you name it I GREENWOOD SERVICE kfce, K this month only. See your Branch Manager, Ross Garrett We are as interested as your doctor is in so next time he keeping you in good health prescribes, bring his order to us. iiflii if ihiiiiii J) TO EVERY PRESCRIPTION WE ADD . . . MONEY FOR YOUR NEEDS f EAST only economical, TRY Mr. and Mrs. Ross Harper and family of Levan, and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Neilsen of Mint! spent the Easter week- - CO. . . . Paga Four 740 Hcrlh Main Street Hephi, Utah Phone 623-185- 1 |