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Show At Club Meeting U , ' liz! 1 r j I Mrs. Mont Sperry, president and hostess, took charge on Thursday evening. April IS, at the Ladies Literary League Show and Tell minding. Mrs. G. Eugene Wilkey read the prayer. A citation award was presented to the club for a belter community project. The business was discussed and quilts, aprons, tatting, arrangements pixies, flower made of bleach containers, rugs and paper flowers were some of the things shown. Members present were Stella Boswell, Mi'S. G. Eugene Wilkey, Mrs. Max Orme, Mrs. Reed Greenhalgh, Mrs. Connells McPherson, Miss Peart Nielson, Mrs. Raymond Pay, Mrs Isabell Sidwell, Mrs. Russell II Stuart, Miss Ireta Carter, Mrs. Mont and the hostess, Sperry. - , y i t . ttl 77?s s oie Ma acs vvce life size rnjUlitt 4., !ll . except at the gas pump. (As a matter of fact, a Tempest 4 with automatic transmission won its class in the recent Pontiac Tempest Mobil Economy Run.) Get one you should. SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER FOR USEO CARS. TOO. GREENWOOD SERVICE TPIM SOCIAL ITEMS Mrs. Dulcie Francom returned home Friday after spending the winter in Layton with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brotherson, and in Walla Walla Washington with Mr. and Mrs. Alan Francom. She was accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Tolley and family of Salt Lake City who remained for the week end. Week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmont Carter were her brother in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Day and son Michael and daughter Beth Ann of Salt Lake City. Mr. anrf Mrs. Merron Price were in Salt Lake City over the week end visiting with 22 their daughter Miss Marlene Sherms Price. Pexton Wholesale ....18 17 Pays Cafe Mr. and Mrs. Amos Rasmus- Anderson Sinclair ....16 sen visited in Fairview on SunJacks Appliance and day with his brother and sis- 15 Refrigeration ter in law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry 14 Texaco Rays Rasmussen. 14 Nephi Pack 12 Gold Meadow Mr. and Mrs. Carl Snow 12 visited on Easter Sunday in Famlee Bread 11 Dist Daves and Lehman at Nevada, Ely, Cave. They were guests of Mr. Greenwood Service ..11 6 and Mrs. Clark Snow and fam- Painter Motor High Team Series: ily. Pexton Wholesale Mr. and Mrs. Don Snow left High Team Game Famlee Bread Sunday for Boulder iCty, Nevada where he will continue High Individual series for the Walter G. Kempton Motes contractors of Jack-so- High Individual game Tennessee. Kempton Motes eWilic Dm The Gestapo was created in Germany, April 27, 1933. American and Red armies met in Germany, April 27, 1945. President James Monroe agreed to dismantling all forts between Canada and the United States, April 28, 1818. The Monroe Doctrine was declared, April 28, 1819. The U.S. draft bill passed, April 28, 1917, U.S. troops entered Munich, April 29, 1915 and, on the same day, Allied forces reached Milan. Washington was inaugurated as first president, New York, April 30, 1789. The Navy Department was formally created, April 20, 1798, The General Post Office of the U.S. was established, April 30, 1810. at 11 12 13 14 14 16 16 17 17 22 2885 1070 pyim VISCOSE RUGS 27x48 inches 2 for 5.00 DISH TOWELS - - - 6 for 1.44 LUSTRE CREAM SPRAY SET -- Special Value Large Hemmed ---8- FUN for Everyone! SURPRISES galore! FREE BUBBLE CONES 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday with Banana Splits Once again you can enjoy those delicious Dairy Queen Sundaes, Malts, --- Shakes, Banana Splits and other taste treats. Live it up . . . bring the family and join the fun! x Cf IKE TREAT WITH THE CURL CM TOPI" BATH AND DUSTING POWDER - FREE RECORDS THE HOME 8C COLGATE TOOTH PASTE - Reg 31c NOW 27c 47C GIRLS GIFT SET Woodbury SHAMPOO 2 bottles -- 1.18 value - - 88C Lightweight FLANNELS NOW 4 yards 1.00 SALE CONTINUES ON COTTON PRINTS Values fo 79c - - 3 yards 1.00 Men s JAN & GREY WORK SHIRTS 1.66 CANNON SHEETS -- 81 , C 1M1 Dairy habaoaJ IO8--N- 0.I , L - ... . I, seconds GERBERS BABY FOODS Strained 1 1 99c SWANSDOWN CARE 1 lb 29c TASTEVVELL MARGARINE KELLOGGS CORN FLAKES - CORN POPS -- ALL STARS - FROSTED FLAKES- - SUGAR MACKS - - 3 pkgs 79c MIX-3Pto8- 9e riG0 SHASTA CAN NED POP-1- 2 ENERGY liquid DETERGENT - - Urge 39$ PILLSBURY BISCUITS 10c HOMEMADE CHIU SAUCE -- 41.00 SPRY SHORTENING 3HHn81C Pespsodent TOOTH BRUSHES - Reg. 69c - 393 Pepsodenf TOOTH PASTE - Regular 69c 39c ---pack- age AH Franco-America- n JONES HEAVY RUBBER BACK FOR SKID RESISTANCE m A!c0T.g)N 623-052- O WAFFLE WEAVE DISH C LOTH S - Etra Heavy 6 for 88c SEASON! FOR BIG OPENING SATURDAY vn 2.79 25 LB BAGS NIBLETS WHOLE KERNEL CORN Regular fins 6 fr 1 .00 flavors JELL-3 packages 27 BISQUICK - - LARGE PACKAGE 41c 3 pkgs 89c PILLSBURY CAKE MIX SPAGHETTI -- 8 cans for 1.00 BABLOTS CLEANSER -L- arge can - -- 10c SHADES MORGAN Stye Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barkall of Meadow were Faster guests! EDITORIAL of Mr. and Mrs. Ian Johnson1 NATIONAL on Saturday. JTAll MibjOQ Mrs Irvin Jam tt sjxmt the If y yryy y 1 1 if' ! rTTT'l week end in Kearns visiting Juab at Nephi, County, Utah. ru.ji.noij eery inursciay with Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. second class office at as the Utah, EnfereJ at Nephi, poit Priee and Mr. and Mrs. Kenmail natter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. neth G. Kay. Subvention rates: One year $4.00: Six months $2.25. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wei is are payable in advance. Advertising rates Subscriptions and daughter Daynna of Sandy on request. the Faster week end with sjnt 5 Telephone Nephi, Utah Mr.and Mrs, Byron Johnson. Ofice: 9A South Main St SUGAR feiMfA SEAMLESS NYLONS -- Bo of 3 Pair 1.50 BY ofi - 213 First Quality igh Pile t 539 CHRISTENSEN'S 2 BEAUTIFUL Oamm 6 10 n, Nephi, Utah LEVAN RESULTS er 740 NORTH MAIN STREET family Two Pag B0VUI16 Meadow NEWS NOTES K Mr. and Mrs. Don Gadd visited in Fountain Green on Sunday with her parents, Mr. ami Mr. lingerie Allred, and Mower u.!h Mr. and Mrs. of Salma, Mr. and Mrs. Morns Allred and Mr. and Mrs. James Allied. Mrs. Carlyle Wall and her d mghter Dorine of Santaquin visited on Monday with her mother, Mrs. George Parkin. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Garbett the past week were Bill and Susan Bushman of Berkeley, California, and Mr. and Mrs. Rich Kempton Motes, bowling for Gold team had high game with 213 and high series with 539 in the last Wednesday evening bowling, in the Tri City League. Pexton Wholesale Co., team brought home the high team series with 2885 for the night's Famlee while score, best Bread had the high team game with 1070. Team Standings after last weeks play: Won Lost Team NEPHI t ard Garbett and Thatcher, Idaho, NEPHI ITEMS Mrs. Sperry Hostess ' Thursday, April 26, 1962 SJjc GimcO'iXVtUG Nephi, Juab County, Utah j LADIES NYLON HOSE 3 pair 1.49 CARNATION TUNA-Re- g tins -- 4 for 1.00 DelMonfe ASSORTED DRINKS 46 oz 3 for 89 Large 2V2 lb Assorted Kinds 79C JAM 4 pkgs 59c POWDERED SUGAR standby PINEAPPLE JUICE PINEAPPLE GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 4 cans 1.00 Regular pkgs 5 for 95c STRAWBERRIES T V DINNERS Several Kinds -- - each 6cans95c ORANGE JUICE --5- UTAH ASPARAGUS CABBAGE- - -- Choice -p- - erpound-19c Firm Heads FRESH GRAPEFRUIT 3c pound 9C DOZEN 25c GOLD COIN BACON -- Extra Good -- lb 53C GROUND 2 lbs 89c 79c ROUND STEAK perpound lb BAR S HAMS "Tbe Flavor We Like" 89c BEEF-SPECI- AL 1.61 C 143 WORTH MAIN -- NEPHI, UTAH phone 623-045- 2 v f |